Night Vision Voodo S vs Iray RH25

I have both. The Iray does a really good job up to 3x or so before it pixelates. I like a lot about it, it also does a good job as a hand held with good detection.

The Voodoo punches above it's lens capability. I have zero worry about grabbing it. My zero stays the same with or without it, run time is real good, simple menu (Iray not as simple), and detection is better than all the other thermals I've ever used. Anything alive stands out noticibly better than my Nox35 dedicated and the Iray, and even my Accolades. Way more expensive, yes, but also supports 6x easily, and you can make a good shot at 8x if needed.

My furthest shot this year so far was a coyote at 300yds, and 2nd furthest was a coyote head shot at 250yds. At night, I feel that I can get coyotes who are willing to come into a set, ought to be shot 100-200yds if I can read the set right (wind, moon, etc.)

Either will do all you need to 200yds easily
I have both. The Iray does a really good job up to 3x or so before it pixelates. I like a lot about it, it also does a good job as a hand held with good detection.

The Voodoo punches above it's lens capability. I have zero worry about grabbing it. My zero stays the same with or without it, run time is real good, simple menu (Iray not as simple), and detection is better than all the other thermals I've ever used. Anything alive stands out noticibly better than my Nox35 dedicated and the Iray, and even my Accolades. Way more expensive, yes, but also supports 6x easily, and you can make a good shot at 8x if needed.

My furthest shot this year so far was a coyote at 300yds, and 2nd furthest was a coyote head shot at 250yds. At night, I feel that I can get coyotes who are willing to come into a set, ought to be shot 100-200yds if I can read the set right (wind, moon, etc.)

Either will do all you need to 200yds easily
Thank you. I think you are making me spend more money
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It's more money, but I don't regret it at all. I bought the battery extender for mine so I run 1 16650 battery and I get a good 5-7 hours on one alone. The Iray uses 1 18650 but it doesn't last as long by a short bit, but that could be inconsistentcies with batteries, but that was during the same temps same nights.