Vudoo V-22 feeding issues

I stumbled upon this thread, my v22 is in a KRG Bravo and I have the same issue. In an NRL22 match yesterday I had 2 failures to feed and I was trying to avoid any pressure on the mag from the bag. I have had up to 4-6 of these failures in a match. That I have to consciously do this in a match is a PIA.

Please shoot me an email at [email protected], I'd like to understand what's happening here.

Thanks for the input and clarification @MPA. I agree completely that MPA - indeed, any builder of AICS-type chassis - has a challenge in building to accept all AICS pattern magazines. The adjustable mag catch and mag blocks - as far as I know, and certainly in my case - resolve issues arising from the occasional situation where Vudoo mags don't fit snugly.

I just didn't want to post anything in an online forum about the adjustable catch because I got mine before it was a standard piece of the MPA chassis. I didn't want people calling you - or @RAVAGE88 - and demanding one when the issue might have been something else. Now that you've made the catch a standard part, I'll happily pass this info on when indicated.
Thanks Downhill. A appreciate the consideration.