Walmart is the new Dick's.
Walmart needs to be educated about how Dick's deliberate and blatant disrespect toward the American gun owner has affected their bottom line, store closures, etc.
As Walmart attempts to take on Amazon and other Internet marketers, they need to understand that when they deliberately choose to step outside the marketing process and leverage their market share in order to enforce politically driven social justice measures, they are selectively turning their back on large segments of their potential customers. They need only to review Dick's experiences in order to see how negatively that and and will impact their bottom line.
Corporations are not the only entities who back their consciences with concrete action. Their customers do likewise, and as a group, gun owners doubly so. If Walmart banks on gun owner apathy, they back the wrong horse.
I can tell them, categorically, that I'd rather deal with Amazon than Walmart for my Internet purchases. UPS and I are on a first name basis.
Now; Walmart's name will never enter into that conversation.
Corporate investors are not imposing their values upon corporate officers, and therefore, the officers have converted the corporate entities they control into their own personal virtue signalling powerhouses.
They need their collective hands slapped. This economy has provided a historical increase in individual wealth. Individuals can now afford to have some voice in the matter of corporate virtue signalling.
Walmart operates in a sea of competitors. Empower them.
Fight back against socialism and social justice tyranny. Became socially responsible capitalists. Let the boardrooms understand that they don't have all of the control, and that their actions can result in their competitors gaining new investors, as well as better committed customers.
There will always be other sources for the many, many things that Walmart markets. Give them your business; and if appropriate, invest in them, too. Let Walmart know that when they tell us what we may or may not buy, we can tell them to sell us what we want or they'll sell us nothing at all.
Don't just follow the money, manipulate it too.