you are going to have to take one of those little umbrellas from a fancy cocktail, shove it up your pee hole, open it, and drag all the gunk out.Ya,
It's worse than Covid too because you don't know what the symptoms will be ...
I was having a bad day, banged a hooker bareback and definitely caught something,
I am hoping it will be a shot and my pipes cleaned vs something long-term.
The less said about it, the better, from every standpoint, so please don't say dumb stuff, they will only complain (already got the report for an "insult", they don't get SH is Rated R so we have to operate as if this is a G Rated Website until this wave passes.
They are welcome to shoot the Cup, we will cover their match fees as promised.
Nothing else was, this is still technically a competition, I would recommend practicing or at least finding people who have shot these types of matches before to spin you up
sorry frank.