Movie Theater Watchmen

Re: Watchmen

I own the series.
If it follows the comic books it should be really good as Watchmen was a Hugo winner.
Re: Watchmen

I'm with Alan Moore on this I'm afraid, which doesn't mean I wont necessarily see, but I'm not expecting much. The trailer made it look like they've been slavishly true to the comic book, perhaps to a fault.


Additionally, I hear they changed they ending, which doesn't make me happy at all.
Re: Watchmen

Read the graphic novel for the first time on the plane ride to Lackland for Basic Training, and have probably re-read it about 100 times in those 19 years since. I can't wait to see it. I just hope it stays true...

Re: Watchmen

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cryptopunk</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm with Alan Moore on this I'm afraid, which doesn't mean I wont necessarily see, but I'm not expecting much. The trailer made it look like they've been slavishly true to the comic book, perhaps to a fault.


Additionally, I hear they changed they ending, which doesn't make me happy at all. </div></div>

They changed the ending but they didn't change what the ending means, if that makes any sense. See below spoiler warning so I don't ruin it for others.


From what I've read they changed from a giant squid to something else. All that matters is that something threatens all of humanity. What exactly it is is irrelevant.
Re: Watchmen

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Benjamin_Breeg</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cryptopunk</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm with Alan Moore on this I'm afraid, which doesn't mean I wont necessarily see, but I'm not expecting much. The trailer made it look like they've been slavishly true to the comic book, perhaps to a fault.


Additionally, I hear they changed they ending, which doesn't make me happy at all. </div></div>

They changed the ending but they didn't change what the ending means, if that makes any sense. See below spoiler warning so I don't ruin it for others.


From what I've read they changed from a giant squid to something else. All that matters is that something threatens all of humanity. What exactly it is is irrelevant. </div></div>

To a nuclear explosion.
Re: Watchmen

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: NotAGuru</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Benjamin_Breeg</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cryptopunk</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm with Alan Moore on this I'm afraid, which doesn't mean I wont necessarily see, but I'm not expecting much. The trailer made it look like they've been slavishly true to the comic book, perhaps to a fault.


Additionally, I hear they changed they ending, which doesn't make me happy at all. </div></div>

They changed the ending but they didn't change what the ending means, if that makes any sense. See below spoiler warning so I don't ruin it for others.


From what I've read they changed from a giant squid to something else. All that matters is that something threatens all of humanity. What exactly it is is irrelevant. </div></div>

To a nuclear explosion. </div></div>

A nuclear explosion wouldn't make sense as the US would expect Russia and that would lead the US much closer to war, which was what they were trying to prevent.
Re: Watchmen

Ah, I didn't know what they changed it to. Yeah, doesn't sound like that would make much sense. I assumed they just changed it to a different threat to all mankind.

I will still see it, I think they storyboarded right off of some of the panels from the book.
Re: Watchmen

I give it a 6 of 10. It was annoying to hear the numerous kids and teenagers snickering in the theater each time the Blue dude with his Blue Unit was on screen.

The tall chick with the bangs and long hair. If that was Winney from The Wonder Years all growed up, Kevin Arnold wouldn't have gone gay. Or am I thinking of the kid from Who's The Boss?
Re: Watchmen

I just got back from seeing it. I thought it was good. Not "The Dark Knight" good. But definitely worth the price of admission good. I'm not too sure why they had Dr Manhattan walking around with his johnson hanging out. Malin Akerman was very easy on the eyes. She may even crack my top 5 hotties...

Overall, if you like the comic book stuff, go see it. It's dark, so I wouldn't recommend taking the kids.


Re: Watchmen

Wife and I saw it last night at the Imax. I thought it was great, she thought it was good. It was dark and gritty just like I expected it to be. The guy who played Rohrshach did an excellent job with the character and had the best line in the movie:

"You people don't understand - I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with ME!"

Don't take your kids, unless they're in their 20's........
Re: Watchmen

Rorschach is played by Jackie Earle Haley.
Jackie Earle Haley's character in The Bad News Bears was Kelly Leak.

The woman who played the role of Laurie Jupiter ("The tall chick with the bangs and long hair") is Malin Akerman. The girl who played Winnie Cooper is Danica McKellar.
If you want to enjoy Malin even more, check out The Heartbreak Kid (2007 release). She spends half the movie naked getting railed by Ben Stiller.

And you're thinking of the kid from Who's the Boss that is gay. Danny Pintauro. Didn't stop him from smoking the flesh cigar growing up with Alyssa Milano, though. LOL! Kevin Arnold from The Wonder Years was played by Fred Savage, who is straight.

Gotta love the crap my brain is filled with...

Idiots in the theatre that can't keep their mouths shut are the reason I don't go to the movies.
I go HERE instead.


Re: Watchmen

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ROGUE7A</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Dude,
That movie blew more than Lisa Lampanelli at the million man march!

I swear all the frigging flicks are all "inner Stuggle" </div></div>

Re: Watchmen

The movie has some great action scenes ala 300 (same director) but was a little weird and confused.

Malin Akerman (Silk Spectre II) is a Swedish Model with a new hairdo.


Can’t go wrong with Swedish Models.

But DEFINITELY too much blue dong.
Re: Watchmen

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Erud</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ROGUE7A</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Dude,
That movie blew more than Lisa Lampanelli at the million man march!

I swear all the frigging flicks are all "inner Stuggle" </div></div>

What? </div></div>

Do I really have to explain that joke? The movie sucked.My wife and I could only tolerate 2 hours. TONS of blue dong not NEARLY enough T&A to off set it. Even the chicks costume only "looked" like a slut get up. If I have to see blue mans dick every 5 min I want some G string girl on girl action too. And why is everyone in these "Super Hero" movies always struggling with their identity, purpose and self worth? I'll wait until it comes out on cabel so I can take a week to watch it.
Re: Watchmen

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Erud</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It wasn't the joke that I didn't get, it was your 2nd line..... </div></div>

Are you serious? You didn't get the 2nd line? Dude!

Superman Returns - Inner struggle with being superman
Spiderman - Inner struggle with being Spiderman
Batman - Inner struggle with being Batman
Watchmen - Inner struggle with being a superhero/crimefighter (except for Rorschach)

So far the ONLY superhero/crime fighter who has no issues with WHO they are and all it entails is Ironman (and probably Wolverine, we'll see how that one goes)
Re: Watchmen

I'm pretty sure Wolverine has an inner struggle, i.e. keeping his Adamantium schlong from deploying each and every time Jean Gray comes near.

And Gambit was permanently banned from the professional poker tour, after blowing up too many tables and other players. Sure, lots of the poker tour players are insufferable jackasses and dweebs, but when Gambit tossed an explosive card at Jennifer Tilly and Shannon Elizabeth, he was out the door for good.

As to my earlier comments about The Wonder Years, I was kidding. I knowed that wasn't Winny, etc. But speaking of wonder, what ever happened to that blond hottie on the show who upstaged Winny in at least one episode? (And no, Paul Pfeiffer is NOT Marilyn Manson...)
Re: Watchmen

All these experts and I'm the first guy to recognize Mad Max from the film?

Saw it tonight, and it's the best fucking movie I've seen in years!
Possibly the best comic book movie ever.

For those of you who are expecting to go see traditional super heroes fighting traditional bad guys, this movie isn't about that.
It's definitely NOT for the little kids, but there were plenty in the theater tonight. They spent a good deal of time with their parents' hands over their eyes.

I've never read the novel, but the story is easy enough to get into.

What great irony in the end.
We save ourselves from destroying ourselves by uniting against destruction from a third party.
Since religion is taboo here, we can only go so far with that discussion, but WOW!
Re: Watchmen


I watched this last night with my mates. I thought the movie had an overall good story and I absolutlely loved Rorschach! He was bad ass in the jail & when he repeatedly jammed that clever in the kidnappers head!! I was chearing him on in the cinema.

After I thought about the ending for a while I started to think the whole idea of the U.S. & Russia being buddy buddy was a little far fetched because if Dr Manhattan was thought to be responsible for the destruction everywhere, then (even though he supposedly dupped them both) wouldnt the russians be pissed off that the U.S. was originally harbouring & helping/funding Dr Manhattans works? (Im not an expert on the Watchmen comics, nor US & Russian relations its just my two cents)

Lastly Im all for equal rights for men & women, BUT if I had to sit through watching Dr Manhattans hairless blue dick swinging away every second scene, couldnt they have a little equilibrium by having Laurie Jupiter walk around with her shaved kitty kat out for evryone else to see!!!!! I mean this is a sad trend Im seeing in a lot of movies when the male anatomy is more accepted in movies then seeing the female pink. Or maybe Im just watching the wrong movies

Re: Watchmen

I saw this and I thought it was great. I didn't know much about the Watchmen until I heard about this and was able to get a hold of the novel. However, the movie had so much detail in little areas that I thought was great. It was long, which I like. Rorschach was great and his mask was even better.

I loved his line: I'm not locked in here with you. You are all locked in here with me!

Great action sequences, good emotion, and the comedian = awesome.


That poster is going in my gun room!
Re: Watchmen


For those who didn't read the novel, the ending is more ambiguous, leaving the reader the task of deciding just who was right/wrong, good guy/bad guy. I have my opinion. It'd be interesting to hear everyone else's, at least those who read the novel.
Re: Watchmen

Well, I guess for Silk Spectre I, NO really meant yes

They could have showed a lot more more of her and her daughter and a lot less of Senior Blue Dong and the movie would have been a lot more enjoyable. Wouldn't sit through nearly 3 hours of theat crap again though.
Re: Watchmen

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slug</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well, I guess for Silk Spectre I, NO really meant yes

They could have showed a lot more more of her and her daughter and a lot less of <span style="font-weight: bold">Senior Blue Dong</span> and the movie would have been a lot more enjoyable. Wouldn't sit through nearly 3 hours of theat crap again though.</div></div>

My girl is laughing her ass off saying you guys are wimpy complaining about the screen time given to his wang. She said she's been seeing tits and ass for years and it's about time they (women) got to see something more than a peep, not to mention she said it was boring so the constant dick at least made it interesting for her to sit through.
Re: Watchmen

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slug</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well, I guess for Silk Spectre I, NO really meant yes

They could have showed a lot more more of her and her daughter and a lot less of <span style="font-weight: bold">Senior Blue Dong</span> and the movie would have been a lot more enjoyable. Wouldn't sit through nearly 3 hours of theat crap again though.</div></div>

My girl is laughing her ass off saying you guys are wimpy complaining about the screen time given to his wang. She said she's been seeing tits and ass for years and it's about time they (women) got to see something more than a peep, not to mention she said it was boring so the constant dick at least made it interesting for her to sit through.

LL, Tell her to watch "Forgetting Sarah Marshall." I kept hoping for naked girls, but they kept showing that one guy's junk. Pissed me off.


Re: Watchmen

Tales of the Black Freighter was done as animated movie, will be released on DVD. I've also heard rumor of a directors cut of Watchmen being released into theaters late in the summer, not sure what all might be added.
Re: Watchmen

I heard that the "director's cut" will likely be greater than 3 1/2 hrs in length. Doubt many theaters would carry a movie that long, and I really doubt many people would sit through it, so I bet it's DVD/Blu-ray for that cut.


Re: Watchmen

Saw it last night from 10:30 to 1:30am. It was long, but I can understand why people didnt like it. I enjoyed it over all. If you have any ADD or need a shoot em up fast paced movie. This is NOT for you.
Re: Watchmen

Just to let you all know, the wife, son and I went to see this movie last night. FUCK ME!!! 3 fuckin hours to wait for the STHTF!!! I did not read the reviews on SH because I wanted to be surprised. I was, I wasted $22 on this piece of shit. I could have been at home surfin SH.
Re: Watchmen

i thought that overall it was good. it awas a bit long though. also, i would not recomend taking little kids to it due to the nudity in it. Like i said though over all it was pretty good and the fight scenes were really kick ass.
Re: Watchmen

Just watched the directors cut. It made the movie a little more interesting. At 2 hours 59 minutes and 30 seconds even at home surpised I didn't nee a pee break! If you can sit still that long it is an improvment of the theatrical release.
Re: Watchmen

I would have to say this was worth the money for me! I thought the movie did well with the novel and did not get to far off from the original story, except maybe the end a little but I understand why they did it. Great Movie, Great Novel!
Re: Watchmen

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SAMURAIWARRIOR23</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I started watching it last night made it thru maybe 15 mins and turned it off.what a waste of money</div></div>

Unfortunately I think it's a case of where you have to know a thing or two about the graphic novel for this movie work. It's very well done in that respect but as a standalone film I think it'll lose most people.