WC 844/846 rifle powder review's/testing results


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  • Mar 13, 2013
    Southeastern, Pennsylvania
    Anyone test this WC 844 or WC 846 powder from American Reloading. Supposedly military powder and the WC 844 is H335 used by mil for 223 and WC 846 is BL C2 used by .mil for 7.62

    Anyone buy any of this and test?? I'm about to test the WC 844 (H335) in my Dillon for 223 55 FMJ and 62gr 855 loads for my AR's in large quantities. At $245 for 16lb, makes 1000rd of 223 on my Dillon less than $150

    I have gone through about 10lbs of WC844 from pull down 1990s military ammo. I ended up at about the same loads I had for H335. It looks just like h335, it meters very well in a powder thrower.

    Do silty powders like h335 ever cause the thrower on the dillon to bind up? I had that problem with h110 in a different sliding powder thrower. I dont think H335 or wc844 are as fine as h110.
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    Anyone test this WC 844 or WC 846 powder from American Reloading. Supposedly military powder and the WC 844 is H335 used by mil for 223 and WC 846 is BL C2 used by .mil for 7.62

    Anyone buy any of this and test?? I'm about to test the WC 844 (H335) in my Dillon for 223 55 FMJ and 62gr 855 loads for my AR's in large quantities. At $245 for 16lb, makes 1000rd of 223 on my Dillon less than $150

    Going through an 8 pounder right now. 26.3 grains in mixed brass gives me 2950 with a 55 grain projectile out of a mid-gassed 16" ar. SD was 29 and ES was 120 or something.... 28 rounds measured. I'm loading on my Dillon 550 with failsafe powder drop. Charge is 26.3 +/- 0.2g.
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    I was at 26.5 with 55s. I backed down to 25.5 because I have a bunch of CCI400s I want to get through. I noticed some were almost pierced on some longer strings when picking up brass, at the 26.5 load. CCI400s are pretty notorious for that with high pressure loads in an AR.
    I was at 26.5 with 55s. I backed down to 25.5 because I have a bunch of CCI400s I want to get through. I noticed some were almost pierced on some longer strings when picking up brass, at the 26.5 load. CCI400s are pretty notorious for that with high pressure loads in an AR.
    Roger. Good to know. I'm using Federal 205's right now but have a bunch of CCI400's to get to next.
    I have no experience with wc844, but I do with wc846. It was a fast lot from many years ago (10yr maybe?), probably from Bartlett or Pat's Reloading. I was blowing primers from BLC-2 starting loads with 55gr projectiles. Beyond that it was good powder for blasting varmints, but it left fouling in the bore that required a level of effort to remove that was memorable. The fouling would affect accuracy badly about every 250 rounds in .223 Rem when sub-MOA was a requirement for longer ranges. Solvents didn't help, only bronze brushes and elbow grease.

    Again this was many years ago. I don't know what vintage/formulation the wc846 being peddled today is; could be fine.

    One last thing, wc846 made huge fireballs out the muzzle, if anyone cares about that.

    I'd like to hear how wc844 pans out though. I'm in the market to cover the next couple administrations.

    *Edit* Found some of my old load data:

    22" Bolt action
    .223 remington
    1:9 twist
    50gr V-max
    2.300" OAL
    26.7gr WC846
    Wolf 223 primer
    3577fps average (flat primers)
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    I've shot 20+ pounds of it over the years. It's close to H335 but they aren't the same. Lot to lot it can be different because it is commercial powder. Every individual container should be checked for velocity/pressure changes. For the money I think Shooters World Tactical Rifle is a better value.
    I’ve used a bunch in various applications where accuracy isn’t the primary concern. Just plinking stuff, it meters well and seems to be fairly consistent if you’re not pushing to max loads. I use It like H335 but not to top end of velocity. Meters in Dillon and Lee powder measures extremely well.
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    24.3 of their WC-846 with CCI mil primers gave 2880fps out of an 18 inch barrel. (Edited to add: using mil- surp 62 gn steel core)

    American does auctions on Gunbroker, and you can get it a bit cheaper that way, but the bid lots are for 16 lbs, and they do not combine shipping. All that they are selling this week is WC-842. But that should be fine for 55gn.
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    24.3 of their WC-846 with CCI mil primers gave 2880fps out of an 18 inch barrel.

    American does auctions on Gunbroker, and you can get it a bit cheaper that way, but the bid lots are for 16 lbs, and they do not combine shipping. All that they are selling this week is WC-842. But that should be fine for 55gn.
    A word of caution...WC842 is not like 44 or 46. Not equal to h335. Its hotter.. and designed to be used on the M855a1 ammo.... and it was from a reject lot which is why it's up for sale. If you get that powder, you bess be starting at like 20gr and work your way up. Some idiots on ARFcom used that powder with H335 data and were allegedly blowing primers with 55gr bullets at the starting charge weight with H335.
    Well most of the weekend was 98F 100% humidity so I decided to run off the last 15-16lbs or so of WC846 I got years ago to refill my AR plinking ammo cans...

    I have 32lb of WC844 up next (H335) for M855 loading

    1x mixed brass processed 5000+ at a time on the Dillon with RT1500 trimmer SS tumbled and put in bins ready to load during covid.

    CCI 41 and Hornady 55 FMJ-BT
    26gr 2991 and stupid accurate out of my 16" Wilson Combat

    Good enough for me for bulk plinking.. gotta love the case and bullet feeder when running qty quick. I have 2 and I'm about to add a 3rd.. 750 with case feeder and Mr.Bulletfeeder so I can leave 1 setup for 5.56, 1 for 9mm and the other for case prep or the various 45 and 10mm runs

    late to the party,
    however I have just a bit of 844 left, and used it for short range Service Rifle years ago,
    26 grs of 844 pusing a 69 SMK (molyed) thru an old SGW button rifled heavy barrel and it was 3\4 minute or less if I had my sht together,

    metered easy ( thru a Foster unit and a Redding unit)

    and at the time it was cheap,

    my new WOA upper with Wilson 1:7 Wylde did not like the few loads I tried with it last week,
    I just got back from doing a pressure test with a brand new jug of WC844 I just opened last night. This is in stock at American right now for around $175 per 8lb jug shipped to your door. Thats hazmat and shipping included.

    Loaded up 5rd each 23gr-26.5gr in 0.5gr increments. New factory primed LC brass and pulled SS109/M855 62gr bullets. Loaded them to 2.26" COAL.

    16" Wilson Combat 1:8 barrel
    Red Dot

    25.5gr is the ticket from an accuracy standpoint and I couldnt even see my aim points. Used a red dot @ 50yd aiming at 1/2" orange stickers that the red dot covered x3.. I was holding as close as possible. 25.5gr 3 shots clover leaf and 2 shots right outside it. Very impressed. Ill do a finer load workup around 25.5gr next with my 1-10 Athlon Cronus BTR.

    PMX X-Tac M855 - 2906

    23.0 - 2645
    23.5 - 2677
    24.0 - 2678
    24.5 - 2765
    25.0 - 2870
    25.5 - 2911
    26.0 - 3029
    26.5 - 3052
    But wc844 is supposed to be like h335. I am getting so cornfused. 🤣🤣🤣

    HAHAHHAHAH. Yeaaa.. you and me both... This is why I go test EVERY new 8lb jug.

    I just got back from the range. Tested 5rd each of 25.1 - 26.1 in 0.2gr increments.. 25.3 and 25.5 had the best accuracy. Again, 3 shot tiny clover leaf and 2 shots outside it which were always the 1st and last round out of the mag. 25.5 had a SD of 29 and 26.1 had an SD of 19... All the other charges were 50 to 100 SD...

    Im going to do a slight seating depth test with both 25.5 and 26.1 since my last 2 tests are at like 2.263... Book calls for 2.26 but I measured a few different factory M855 rounds I have and they were in the 2.245-2.25 range. Gonna load up seating depth tests going away from the lands down to 2.245 for both 25.5 and 26.1.... Whatever shoots the best out of these tests will be my final load and seating depth for this 8LB just and Ill adjust the Dillon and run off the entire jug.

    25.1 - 2754 SD 55
    25.3 - 2818 SD 100
    25.5 - 2819 SD 29
    25.7 - 2885 SD 98
    25.9 - 2928 SD 50
    26.1 - 2889 SD 19
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    I keep buying 32lb at a time! Just bought 32lb more and I have 32lb left on the shelf
    If I recall correctly, I bought 32 pounds and then 16 more. I know there's a bunch of powder in my powder container, gotta be at least 12 pounds left.

    As long as you use magnum primers, you'll acquire gray hair before you lose interest. I know I have. I don't even want to tell you what the ladies I was banging looked like when I started working on my first jug of WC-844.
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    Well I did a seating depth test and sure enough 2.245" Shot the best which is same length as my factory PMC X-Tac M855 and same velocity. So I adjusted my Dillon and here is a final confirmation group with thrown charge run on the 650. Plenty good for me to run off 16lb and fill some ammo cans. 2 outside the 3 Shot group are always the 1st and last rounds in the mag

    26.1gr WC844
    New LLC factory primed pulled brass
    Pulled SS109
    2.245" COAL
    2901 SD 14

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