Suppressors Socom 762-RC review.

Here is the picture you wanted. The top is a MK18 MOD0 upper with a 10.3 inch barrel and the SOCOM762RC. The bottom is a 10.3 inch LWRC upper with the SOCOM556RC on it.


Are you able to share any info around your new handguards that you guys had out at SHOT and when they'll be available to the civilian market? Any update would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the pictures chucky, that's exactly what I was looking for. Does the socom 762 feel muzzle heavy or unwieldy attached to the MK18 or is it not really all that noticeable? It doesn't look too bad.
I wonder if the SOCOM762 Mini would be better suited for subsonic cartridges. Thoughts?

I wish the guys at Surefire *cough cough* could drop a little knowledge on this but, as you can see, we have yet to hear a peep.

So the design between the 762RC and the mini are supposedly very similar...If not, the same...HOWEVER, the mini has a "blast shield" among a few other changes so, this is completely theoretical.

Just over 6 inches in overall length, the SOCOM762-MINI is 2.2 inches shorter and 2.5 ounces lighter than the SOCOM762-RC. It includes advanced internal venting to reduce back pressure, reducing the suppressed cyclic rate and gas blowback on the operator. The new design also includes an integrated blast shield in the back section that increases durability. The patent-pending front-plate design, along with proprietary improvement in gas-flow dynamics, nearly eliminates first-round flash, a true technological breakthrough in this area. It also attenuates noise and dust signatures to an unprecedented degree.

My experience with the RC + 308 subs is that they are suppressed by about 50%...No first round flash...No pop...But, honestly, the performance is a little lackluster - We're theorizing this is because the 762RC is best with HP. On low 308's with Trail boss I'm experiencing a "lull" in performance where as with high pressure Blackout I'm experiencing the exact opposite...

Now let's assume the mini is the same design and throw out the blast shield...And let's theorize that the reason the suppressor isn't suppressing as well is that there's not enough pressure to distribute the gasses throughout the entire length can.

Per that theory, which is what I'm finding to be the case with the 762RC, the mini would do better because your gas is being dispersed per the ENTIRE suppressor.

Perhaps the new design incorporated that theory? I'd assume it would, since after 5/6 weeks with my Surefire, that's kind of staring you right in the face but, we know what they say about assumptions.

With that "blast shied" and let's say a new design, that incorporates better flow, I could see the mini being fantastic on Subs.

I've been "toying" with the idea of getting one, actually...At this point I think I've done a good job proving to myself that the 5.56 would be of no real world benefit to me so, we'll see how that goes come Christmas time!


So, I'd really love some more stats if any of you guys want to buy ammo and report - I don't actually mean random ammo I mean new loads, try them out with the can, report...It would be great, we can get a compilation going that would really help a lot of people...Ourselves, included.

I'd really like to get a chart going, like a google doc or an excel doc and let you guys toss in your own loads + how the can performed.

I'll get on that after my ammo dump this weekend.

If you're reloading, chances are you already have a chrono. We don't need +/-5...+/- 50 IMO is fine per these tests since we're playing with pressure more than we are with perfection and just toss back info on how the load did.

Per my efforts:

I ordered a shit-ton of ammo last week - M118's, XM80's, ton of 855's, also reloaded some 223 Varget Amax...Reloaded some M118LR which is surprisingly just IMR 4064 / match / match, on some federal primers...Then reloaded some 300wm with 4831/H1000...And ontop of all that, while watching TV last night got about 250rds of blackout banged out.

The only reason I'm buying military ammo is because 90% of the time it's commonly available powder on new brass...And it's very easily manufactured by any reloader...

I'll get one up on the OP after I have some info.
Are you able to share any info around your new handguards that you guys had out at SHOT and when they'll be available to the civilian market? Any update would be greatly appreciated!

We unfortunately do not have a release date for the hand guards yet but I will post something when we are closer.
We are designing a 7.62 suppressor specifically designed around the .300 blackout which was originally designed to be run suppressed. I have both a 7.62 mini and a 7.62RC but I never shoot subs out of my guns because I have no reason. If you are planning on running almost exclusively subs and want the best performance for that I would wait for our .300 blackout suppressor. When we initially designed the 7.62 Mini we designed it more for 7.62X39 or guys that are running only .308's and are more worried about a smaller light suppressor than the RC and are not really planning on running it on a .300 win mag.
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We are designing a 7.62 suppressor specifically designed around the .300 blackout which was originally designed to be run suppressed. I have both a 7.62 mini and a 7.62RC but I never shoot subs out of my guns because I have no reason. If you are planning on running almost exclusively subs and want the best performance for that I would wait for our .300 blackout suppressor. When we initially designed the 7.62 Mini we designed it more for 7.62X39 or guys that are running only .308's and are more worried about a smaller light suppressor than the RC and are not really planning on running it on a .300 win mag.

Thanks Chuck!...

So what I'm finding more and more is that the RC is really geared towards the high pressure spectrum. -- For example, the question I posed [MENTION=98601]HansohnBrothers[/MENTION] earlier.

I'm finding that low pressure works "okay" but, HP is really where the 762RC shines...Which is actually the downfall of most of the other suppressors I've used, they're made for LP or mid-range instead of HP...

Is that a fair statement, that the 762RC is geared towards HP rounds?
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I wish the guys at Surefire *cough cough* could drop a little knowledge on this but, as you can see, we have yet to hear a peep.

So the design between the 762RC and the mini are supposedly very similar...If not, the same...HOWEVER, the mini has a "blast shield" among a few other changes so, this is completely theoretical.

Just over 6 inches in overall length, the SOCOM762-MINI is 2.2 inches shorter and 2.5 ounces lighter than the SOCOM762-RC. It includes advanced internal venting to reduce back pressure, reducing the suppressed cyclic rate and gas blowback on the operator. The new design also includes an integrated blast shield in the back section that increases durability. The patent-pending front-plate design, along with proprietary improvement in gas-flow dynamics, nearly eliminates first-round flash, a true technological breakthrough in this area. It also attenuates noise and dust signatures to an unprecedented degree.

My experience with the RC + 308 subs is that they are suppressed by about 50%...No first round flash...No pop...But, honestly, the performance is a little lackluster - We're theorizing this is because the 762RC is best with HP. On low 308's with Trail boss I'm experiencing a "lull" in performance where as with high pressure Blackout I'm experiencing the exact opposite...

Now let's assume the mini is the same design and throw out the blast shield...And let's theorize that the reason the suppressor isn't suppressing as well is that there's not enough pressure to distribute the gasses throughout the entire length can.

Per that theory, which is what I'm finding to be the case with the 762RC, the mini would do better because your gas is being dispersed per the ENTIRE suppressor.

Perhaps the new design incorporated that theory? I'd assume it would, since after 5/6 weeks with my Surefire, that's kind of staring you right in the face but, we know what they say about assumptions.

With that "blast shied" and let's say a new design, that incorporates better flow, I could see the mini being fantastic on Subs.

I've been "toying" with the idea of getting one, actually...At this point I think I've done a good job proving to myself that the 5.56 would be of no real world benefit to me so, we'll see how that goes come Christmas time!


So, I'd really love some more stats if any of you guys want to buy ammo and report - I don't actually mean random ammo I mean new loads, try them out with the can, report...It would be great, we can get a compilation going that would really help a lot of people...Ourselves, included.

I'd really like to get a chart going, like a google doc or an excel doc and let you guys toss in your own loads + how the can performed.

I'll get on that after my ammo dump this weekend.

If you're reloading, chances are you already have a chrono. We don't need +/-5...+/- 50 IMO is fine per these tests since we're playing with pressure more than we are with perfection and just toss back info on how the load did.

Per my efforts:

I ordered a shit-ton of ammo last week - M118's, XM80's, ton of 855's, also reloaded some 223 Varget Amax...Reloaded some M118LR which is surprisingly just IMR 4064 / match / match, on some federal primers...Then reloaded some 300wm with 4831/H1000...And ontop of all that, while watching TV last night got about 250rds of blackout banged out.

The only reason I'm buying military ammo is because 90% of the time it's commonly available powder on new brass...And it's very easily manufactured by any reloader...

I'll get one up on the OP after I have some info.

I bought a Saker 762 & and TBAC 30CB9 for this exact reason.

My SOCOM762-RC sounds awful shooting 300 blackout subs (2 identical handi rifles compared to the AAC Cyclone).

However, once we start shooting supersonic 308 (LMT LM8MWS rifles), they sound practically the same.

I personally didn't want to wait for Surefire's 300 blk can to come out (41p ruling possibly pending), but it sounds like the answer if you want to keep the mounts the same.

Op, thanks for time writing the review, I have found similar results with my SOCOM762-RC, and am hoping to compare all my 30 cal cans next summer once more stamps come back.
We have always built our center fire cans based off military input and their criteria of the weapon and ammo. All of the build up/testing proto types is based off a priority list that was given to us and designing a suppressor that has a good balance of all the traits that make a great suppressor. Having said that the ammo that is used could be called high power loads. ie Mk262, M118LR, Mk316 , Mk318 and such.
We have always built our center fire cans based off military input and their criteria of the weapon and ammo. All of the build up/testing proto types is based off a priority list that was given to us and designing a suppressor that has a good balance of all the traits that make a great suppressor. Having said that the ammo that is used could be called high power loads. ie Mk262, M118LR, Mk316 , Mk318 and such.

Thank you, sir.

I'm not too keen on calling it high pressure but, the hotter the rounds get, the better the Socom does...

To be 100% honest, most of the reviews I'm seeing, those guys are using overstock/surplus ammo...Low pressure, target "garbage" ammo and basing their entire experience off of that...In my opinion, that's not doing the can any justice what-so-ever.

Thus far, it's excelling at everything mil-spec I put through it...Especially the Mk316 Mod 0's -- In fact, I'd almost be comfortable enough shooting it without ears...Mk262, I'm working my way to reloading that pretty soon.

I do think SOMEWHERE, on the site, you guys would be doing yourselves a favor mentioning that this can is geared towards military ammo. For me this line kind of gets that message through - Designed for all 7.62 rifles specifically including those chambered for high-pressure magnum cartridges - but MOST people I've run into that have this suppressor haven't put 2 and 2 together so, they think it's very "meh" when if they just shifted to different ammo (Same price almost, ironically) it would've been like "awesome"...

In fact, I ran into a guy at the range Saturday morning with the same can, using shit ammo, bitched about it in line before he knew I had one...I offered him 5 rds of Mk316's - Came back 2 minutes later saying how amazing the can did, how great the Mk316's did and asked where he could get more...

Going to make that Excel doc sometime this week and get it out there...
Hey ya masked :D, excellent review. Video or more pics?

I'm a retard and completely forgot to take pics last weekend...Was having some issues with my 300blk and just completely forgot about it.

I'm headed back over there next weekend...I'll snag some pics of the 300WM and the SASS.

I'm finding that there is VERY LITTLE POI shift when using mil-spec loads but, once you drop down to civilian stuff, it's -1, -0.5
Does anyone here have any first hand experience with the socom 7.62 mini, specifically in an SBR 5.56 as well as a 20" .308 bolt gun?

I have shot my 762mini and 556sb on LWRC 10.5 ICA5 and they sound the same to me. You still need hearing protection, but they both make shooting the 10.5 with a MB pleasant.


Mini is on the REPER in this pic.

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I come with pictures!!!

Yesterday was a nice day so, decided to bring out the big boy...

This is my Mk13 Mod 6 "clone"...Again, I shoot MK 248 Mod 1's with H1000 and 208/220/240's...It's extremely pleasant to shoot, maybe I'm just used to the magnum?

The suppressor cover is a Tab - Extremely happy with it.



I'm not sure I have much to add to this discussion. But... I went with the socom 762 primarily because I liked the QD mount, and Surefire's reputation (though I'm not saying others' reps aren't also fine). Also, my LGS stocks SF and its a store I like to support.

I have it mounted on a 20" LMT with a heavier buffer weight. Recoil is reduced, but I also find different--like the impulse is changed--and I find this makes everything more manageable. Sound reduction is... fine. I don't have a lot to compare it to and don't shoot with others who own suppressors. I have found very little-to-no POI shift, which I like. I shoot 175 SMK, primarily FGMM and handloads.

I also have a 556 version, and had a hard time telling a different between the sound reduction when I swapped the 556 and 762 on my 11.5" SBR. I will admit to always wearing ear pro, so my test may be flawed, as well as subjective.

I have a video comparing the sound suppressed and unsuppressed, which I will try to post...

Thank you, sir.

I'm not too keen on calling it high pressure but, the hotter the rounds get, the better the Socom does...

To be 100% honest, most of the reviews I'm seeing, those guys are using overstock/surplus ammo...Low pressure, target "garbage" ammo and basing their entire experience off of that...In my opinion, that's not doing the can any justice what-so-ever.

Thus far, it's excelling at everything mil-spec I put through it...Especially the Mk316 Mod 0's -- In fact, I'd almost be comfortable enough shooting it without ears...Mk262, I'm working my way to reloading that pretty soon....

I am a little confused given the theory of the "higher the pressure the round the better the performance". If you are using mil-spec 7.62 ammo then you are using rounds that are lower pressure than commercial 308 ammo. 308 is higher pressure than 7.62, at least that is how I have always understood it. It is the opposite of the 5.56 (mil-spec) vs. .223 (commercial).

So based on this theory you should have better performance from the Socom using commerical 308 ammo not mil-spec.
I am a little confused given the theory of the "higher the pressure the round the better the performance". If you are using mil-spec 7.62 ammo then you are using rounds that are lower pressure than commercial 308 ammo. 308 is higher pressure than 7.62, at least that is how I have always understood it. It is the opposite of the 5.56 (mil-spec) vs. .223 (commercial).

So based on this theory you should have better performance from the Socom using commerical 308 ammo not mil-spec.

M118's are significantly higher pressure than most retail available 308...The M80 is slightly less...

Mil-Spec M118 is definitely higher pressure than 308 Hornady 168's...Ultimately, you're looking at 61000 vs 62000 psi per SAAMI...In real life, I'd say the M118's are definitely a little hotter than most of the PVI or other ammo you'd find.

I don't really use commercially available 308 because simply put, in my experience, the majority of what's available are hunting rounds and if you're not getting hunting rounds, quality kind of tapers off.

You also have to remember that the SOCOM was developed for the Specops community -- Their primary 7.62 are Mk316's which is 41.75gr of 4064 - Which is more pressure than the vast majority of retail loads.

Per 556 - Mk 262's are MUCH higher than the 223 counterparts...Most mil-spec is.

Per 300wm - HUGE DIFFERENCE between off the shelf 300WM and MK248's...

Speaking per physics -- AFAIK, the higher pressure the ammo, the more gas dispersion throughout the can...Lower pressure = Less dispersion. So, the lower pressure you go, the less gass gets dispersed, the louder etc the shot gets...

That's just my theory but, that's kind of physics 101...
Thanks for a very thorough review I found informative, entertaining (as with many internet posts, the followups and comments are often the most interesting), and reassuring as I have a 7.62 Socom-RC in ATF pending land since May 5th. I'd gotten a SF 5.56 Socom-RC a week earlier and was so impressed I spent this year's lunch money to get the larger-caliber can.

This will replace an AAC 7.62SDN6 can (a POS which turns my DPMS REPR into a long-range shotgun and will go onto a carbine for CQB where 1 or 2 MOA at 100 yds is combat-close enough).

This will be the 15th (? I have to check) can I've owned (sold some older ones, a SIONICS for a MAC 10 among them) and probably not the last. But the next will likely be another Surefire. I'm sold on the quality and function.

Pricey? Buy once cry once. It's worth every penny.