Please add your name to our pre-written letter urging your representative to VOTE NO on H.R.8 and H.R. 1446. NOTE: You will be able to read the letter before signing it.

Congress needs to hear from you immediately. |
Pelosi’s House will take up TWO gun control bills as early as next week: |
H.R. 8: Requiring background checks for EVERY “transfer” (NOT just sale) of a firearm, thereby criminalizing private transfers of firearms that take place even inside your own home with limited “exceptions” |
H.R. 1446: VERY LENGTHY delays for the sale of a firearm |
Waiting until next week to fight back will be too late. We need to bombard every single representative right now with letters telling them to STRIKE DOWN these radical gun grabs. |
Waiting until next week to fight back will be too late. We need to bombard every single representative right now with letters telling them to STRIKE DOWN these radical gun grabs. |
If enforced to the letter, H.R. 8 could put millions of gun owners in prison by outlawing the transfer of any firearm without a proper Brady Check. |
The bill claims to offer some so-called “exceptions,” but these will be practically useless to gun owners. |
For example, if you hand (or “transfer”) a firearm to a friend because you hear a noise in your house in the middle of the night -- and it turns out to be a false alarm -- you’re a criminal. |
Under H.R. 8, since every gun transfer will go through a dealer, every gun owner will have a 4473, setting the stage for a national gun registry. |
At a time when Americans are getting “cancelled” for their political beliefs, the last thing we need is a highly politicized bureaucracy with the power to establish a federal registry and run background checks to determine who has a right to own a firearm. |
Since Biden and Kamala also promised an “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazine ban, as well as seeking to hold gun manufacturers liable for violence committed with firearms, the need to defend the Second Amendment has never been this dire. |
We cannot wait until these bills hit the House floor to ramp up our efforts to strike them down. |
We need to start turning up the heat on our representatives to ensure they vote to protect our God-given -- not government-given -- right to keep and bear arms. |
In Liberty, |
Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners of America
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