Yes, DFOOSKING’s observations are a perfect example of why these aren’t widespread in use and in availability. The only weapon mounted LRF ever marketed to civilians (as a stand alone LRF) was marketed to a small niche within the precision (day) shooting community. Most people have no idea why they might want one of these or how they might employ it.
Marketing is often the determining factor in product success more even than the product, and in this case, the product was discontinued before the manufacture realized who their real audience should have been.
At least 7 companies have already produced weapon mounted LRF: WILCOX, SWR (not even an optics company), Pulsar, Bushnell, L3, Vortex, and a European thermal company, so it’s quite doable and based on most of their pricing the economics aren’t hard.
Several of those are very high quality, a few are light weight, and a few are much cheaper than $5000, so to expect a reasonable intersection of those attributes in the very near future is well within reason.
In the mean time I’m stuck adding one RAPTAR per group buy