Sidearms & Scatterguns Weatherby® Introduces New Side by Side Shotgun


HMFIC of this Shit
Staff member
  • Apr 12, 2001
    Base of the Rockies
    Weatherby® Introduces New Side by Side Shotgun.

    Sheridan, WY – Aug 2nd. Weatherby will introduce the newest member of the Orion ® shotgun family, the Orion SxS (Side-by-Side). The Orion SxS is the perfect companion for your next bird hunt or clay shoot. The straight English stock, splinter forend, and double triggers bring a classic but functional look to the Orion family. A swamp rib with a brass bead ensures a clear sight picture for quick and accurate wing shooting. The Orion SxS comes equipped with 5 extended chokes (SK, IC, Mod, IM, Full) and the barrel was designed to handle modern steel shot loads. Made for conscious bird hunters, the side by side features extractors to make sure empty shells end up in your pocket and not on the landscape. Starting at just 6.7lbs, this is a shotgun you can carry all day long and is available in 12 and 20 ga. Check your local Weatherby dealer in the month August for availability.


    Mechanical Double Trigger

    Reliable mechanical double trigger. The front trigger fires the right barrel, and the rear trigger fires the left barrel.

    Ambidextrous Tang Safety

    The tang safety is ergonomically placed for quick transitions from the safe position to the fire position.

    Swamp Rib

    A classic swamp rib is used to aid the shooter in keeping their face on the stock and encourages the shooter to focus on the target.

    Straight English Stock with Splinter Forend

    A classic straight English stock with a slim splinter forend allows for natural pointing and an easy transition between the two triggers.

    Extended Chokes Tubes

    Comes with 5 extended choke tubes (SK, IC, Mod, IM, Full) and utilizes the Yildiz choke system.

    Long Tang Trigger Guard:

    The long tang trigger guard adds strength and additional stability to the wrist of the stock.

    Learn More at
    Conscious = Woke?

    Conscientious maybe?

    Live vs simulcast…
    Gotta wonder if the "conscious" hunter has to look the part as well...

    I took a spin through the Holland & Holland website a few years ago... They even sold their own line of "gentleman's sporting attire."

    An ocean of wool and tweed for the discriminating gentleman. You could dress like Sean Connery's character in The Untouchables.

    The only thing missing was a Peterson of Dublin tobacco pipe worth more than my house.

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    Was looking at CZ Sharptails, but haven’t dove/rabbit hunted enough or shot enough clays in the last decade to mentally justify the purchase.
    Is the Orion a Turkish made gun? Not knocking it, just seems like the price point for a Turkish gun.
    I sort of unofficially decided the next year I dove hunt more than twice I’m gonna buy another shotgun.
    I’ll have to take a look at that one.
    I “think” Weatherby rifles are made in Japan. These could be Turkish, but I also think that the Japanese look more favorably on shotguns than they do rifles…
    Was looking at CZ Sharptails, but haven’t dove/rabbit hunted enough or shot enough clays in the last decade to mentally justify the purchase.
    Is the Orion a Turkish made gun? Not knocking it, just seems like the price point for a Turkish gun.
    I sort of unofficially decided the next year I dove hunt more than twice I’m gonna buy another shotgun.
    I’ll have to take a look at that one.
    I haven’t seen the Sharptail, but have a Golden Pheasant in 20. Excellent fit and finish, solid lock up with the Greener cross bolt and a dream to shoot. Well worth the price and it has become my go to upland Gun. That is a hard choice between my Beretta BL2, but the CZ gets the nod for having screw in chokes.
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    The Orion SxS is likely Turkish made by Yildiz considering the choke tube. Yildiz Pro O/U gets decent reviews but there are mixed reviews on their HPS O/U line where some have barrel regulation issues.

    This SxS could be decent.
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    I “think” Weatherby rifles are made in Japan. These could be Turkish, but I also think that the Japanese look more favorably on shotguns than they do rifles…
    They used to be made by SKB in Japan (I own a 20ga O/U from them) before SKB got out of directly making firearms. Now it appears that they license out to places in Turkey.

    Here’s a quote I found at Project Upland:

    Manufacturing History of the Orion Shotgun​

    Several different Weatherby guns have worn the Orion brand over the years. The first Orion was built to Weatherby’s specifications by SKB in Japan from 1982 till 2007. Fausti briefly built the Orion in Italy from 2007 till 2011. In 2016, ATA in Turkey began building the current Orion for Weatherby.​
    I cannot vouch for or otherwise critique “Project Upland”. Could be a good site, could be a bad site.
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    I've got a newer Turkish Orion o/u.

    So far it's been flawless and I've posted my best sporting clays scores with it.

    Only a few thousand shots in so far, but it's still tight. Should last me a few years for as cheap as it was.

    That said, I've never understood how the sxs shotguns kick so much harder than the o/u. Haven't shot one yet that was pleasant. They just look nice.
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    I've got a newer Turkish Orion o/u.

    So far it's been flawless and I've posted my best sporting clays scores with it.

    Only a few thousand shots in so far, but it's still tight. Should last me a few years for as cheap as it was.

    That said, I've never understood how the sxs shotguns kick so much harder than the o/u. Haven't shot one yet that was pleasant. They just look nice.
    What is the weight? I was surprised at how heavy my sons sporting clays gun is.
    7.3lbs for 12ga
    6.7lbs for 20ga

    I’m no shotgun expert but that seems lightish, like a gun you’d want to hunt with vs. a competition gun.

    7.3lbs for 12ga
    6.7lbs for 20ga

    I’m no shotgun expert but that seems lightish, like a gun you’d want to hunt with vs. a competition gun.

    My son’s sporting clays gun o/u is 8.5 lbs.
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    Yildiz SxS was really popular about 10-15 yrs ago, seem to have disappeared to an extent, still dealers around, but, they don't get talked about like they used to, could be they are higher priced than a CZ or Huglu these days. Don't remember hearing any beefs about them.
    The Turkish shotguns kind of surprised me. Still have a cz/huglu o/u 12 that’s seen 4000+ rounds, about half of those, full house duck loads. No problems for me. A guy I shot leagues with had a stoeger that went down every other week with broken firing pins.
    The thing that strikes me is the 1K list price. That seems awful inexpensive for a sidexside shotgun. I normally expect in these days to pay closer to 5K for a nice side by side. of course, both of our side by sides were made and purchased in the 1970's. Still tight and good shooting but we don't do a lot of shotgunning.
    The thing that strikes me is the 1K list price. That seems awful inexpensive for a sidexside shotgun. I normally expect in these days to pay closer to 5K for a nice side by side. of course, both of our side by sides were made and purchased in the 1970's. Still tight and good shooting but we don't do a lot of shotgunning.
    It is somewwhat inexpensive, but CZ and Huglu and Yildiz were around 800- 1k Cdn for many years, CZ/Huglu are only in the 11-1500.00 range now, depending on wood, discount that 25% or so in the US. Dickinson, in the US, is not an expensive SxS either, Turksh built, and fairly popular. Get people who say their junk, only the 3 B's are any good, but, won't usually give any details of what happened to theirs, if they actually ever owned one, 3 B's break too. Webley seems to think that they will build good enough to their spec, that they can sell them in the same price zone as FAIR and Fabarm, some other lower end Italian stuff, ballpark 3-4k Cdn. And some folk say they basically took over the " working man's" portion that the Spanish used to fill, like AYA, Eibar and etc. The Turks made the effort to build plants and use new equipt, and keep upgrading it, built towns around the industry like Italy and Germany and Belgium and Austria did. They are built to price points like anything else, they will also build some high end stuff if people want it, but, never really hear anything about it. There is a Huglu thread on an o/u that is up to 20k shots now, on shotgunworld, never bothered reading most of the other Turkish ones there.
    The only knock that I have ever read on the Yildiz shotguns is that the trunnions will wear, and the gun will get sloppy to close, and the trunnions will need to be replaced. Of course, that is a "feature" of the trunnion design- they are replaceable- that is not appreciated by the average American buyer. By the time you have "worn one out" you'll likely be a high C or B class shooter, and ready to step into a higher grade of shotgun.