They want more than control, they want misery. I'm not talking about an economic depression or mere tax slavery, but a true misery without hope or the smallest amount of joy. The misery and dependence upon them produces compliance due to it being the only option available to stay alive. Don't doubt this for a second. They are removing resources in order to sparingly hand them out to those who are compliant and hopeless. The rest will be dead, at least that seems to be their plan. These guys are just getting off on one thing - extreme control and seem to enjoy the suffering they are bringing about, to the point it is a highly charged sexual fantasy and fetish.
No food, no God, no job, no choice of how to live your own life, equality of outcome, euthanasia when you are judged to be a non-contributor. What did I miss?
There is a demonic evil that is spreading its wings, it is not stopping. It has gained the halls of power in many countries and it seems that nothing is in opposition to it. They are not opposed to the world fighting because of the terror they are bringing about - it just reduces the population further and makes the surviving populace even more destitute and ultimately more compliant while these "leaders" retreat back and let others die in their place. We are indeed in for hard times.