More on "The hatchet killing"
apparently some time after the war the skulls of two of the British dead were allowed to be dug up and became study material for a crackpot phrenologist
Scalps: Charged Revolutionary Rumor | JHU Press
The following is an excerpt from chapter eight of Gregory Dowd's latest book, Groundless: Rumors, Legends, and Hoaxes on the Early American Frontier. Check back with us every Thursday in the month of November for more Groundless excerpts highlighting word-of-mouth tales from Early America.
apparently some time after the war the skulls of two of the British dead were allowed to be dug up and became study material for a crackpot phrenologist
How Profit and Prejudice Built a Family's Human Skull Collection
Fowler & Wells created a "Phrenological Cabinet" on the racist belief that skulls held secrets about human nature.