Maggie’s What are you drinking right now!?

1st drink Ive had in a while. Wife was back in the hospital for the 2nd time in 3 weeks, this time admitted for 5 days for the same post partum infection... We had our baby girl 12/27, came home on 12/29.. She started having 102.7 fevers and shaking 6 days later and I rushed her to the ER where she was immediately admitted for an infection. She was there for 3 days on IV antibiotics to lower white blood cell count and fever. Discharged and sent him after 3 days with oral antibiotics for another week. 12 days later, rushed her back to the ER for same symptoms. This time she was put on some super serious IV antibiotics and admitted for 5 days. Met with infectious disease DR who thinks the cause now was a botched epidural but dont know cause 100%. I picked her up Friday from the hospital and we have now been home for 36hr resting.

Ive been home taking care of our newborn and 2 teenagers by myself and sleep has been.....yea whats sleep?. Its been a rough past 3-4 weeks. Just hoping everything is good now and we are on the road to recovery and things are getting back to normal because we need it.

I did win 3 bottles in our super awesome (shitty) PA allocated online drop this past week while wife was in the hospital so I guess someone was looking out for me. haha. Michters Toasted, Stagg Jr B17 and Old Fitz 11yr will be here Monday.


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1st drink Ive had in a while. Wife was back in the hospital for the 2nd time in 3 weeks, this time admitted for 5 days for the same post partum infection... We had our baby girl 12/27, came home on 12/29.. She started having 102.7 fevers and shaking 6 days later and I rushed her to the ER where she was immediately admitted for an infection. She was there for 3 days on IV antibiotics to lower white blood cell count and fever. Discharged and sent him after 3 days with oral antibiotics for another week. 12 days later, rushed her back to the ER for same symptoms. This time she was put on some super serious IV antibiotics and admitted for 5 days. Met with infectious disease DR who thinks the cause now was a botched epidural but dont know cause 100%. I picked her up Friday from the hospital and we have now been home for 36hr resting.

Ive been home taking care of our newborn and 2 teenagers by myself and sleep has been.....yea whats sleep?. Its been a rough past 3-4 weeks. Just hoping everything is good now and we are on the road to recovery and things are getting back to normal because we need it.

I did win 3 bottles in our super awesome (shitty) PA allocated online drop this past week while wife was in the hospital so I guess someone was looking out for me. haha. Michters Toasted, Stagg Jr B17 and Old Fitz 11yr will be here Monday.


Hope she gets well soon. When our first daughter was born, she tried to enter the world 2 months early, got medevac'd from Korea to Okinawa...they "delayed" the birth for two weeks, thought everything was fine other than jaundice from Cowkid1 being a 6-week pre-me. A couple weeks after we got home, my wife got another medevac, but that time in a helicopter from Osan AB to Yongsan 121...she had a uterus infection because the placenta didn't all come out...ended up just short of her getting a hysterectomy. Cowkid2 showed up 4 1/2 years later, too stubborn to enter the world like a normal kid, wife had to get a c-section. No more kids after that. Ha!

As for the topic of the thread: Ice water, just like every other morning that turns into day...then Miller High Life this afternoon/evening.
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Hope she gets well soon. When our first daughter was born, she tried to enter the world 2 months early, got medevac'd from Korea to Okinawa...they "delayed" the birth for two weeks, thought everything was fine other than jaundice from Cowkid1 being a 6-week pre-me. A couple weeks after we got home, my wife got another medevac, but that time in a helicopter from Osan AB to Yongsan 121...she had a uterus infection because the placenta didn't all come out...ended up just short of her getting a hysterectomy. Cowkid2 showed up 4 1/2 years later, too stubborn to enter the world like a normal kid, wife had to get a c-section. No more kids after that. Ha!

As for the topic of the thread: Ice water, just like every other morning that turns into day...then Miller High Life this afternoon/evening.

She was treated 1st ER visit and hospital admission for Endometritis (uterus infection)....2nd ER visit, they thought exactly that, placenta left inside but that was proven false after imaging....then once infectious disease specialist DR was told epidural details and issues during labor took 3x with more issues/details I won't go into...thats when pointed in the botched epidural direction. Just all scary shit
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She was treated 1st ER visit and hospital admission for Endometritis (uterus infection)....2nd ER visit, they thought exactly that, placenta left inside but that was proven false after imaging....then once infectious disease specialist DR was told epidural details and issues during labor took 3x with more issues/details I won't go into...thats when pointed in the botched epidural direction. Just all scary shit
Well, I'm think of y'all. Hope she's healthy soon. 🙏
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1st drink Ive had in a while. Wife was back in the hospital for the 2nd time in 3 weeks, this time admitted for 5 days for the same post partum infection... We had our baby girl 12/27, came home on 12/29.. She started having 102.7 fevers and shaking 6 days later and I rushed her to the ER where she was immediately admitted for an infection. She was there for 3 days on IV antibiotics to lower white blood cell count and fever. Discharged and sent him after 3 days with oral antibiotics for another week. 12 days later, rushed her back to the ER for same symptoms. This time she was put on some super serious IV antibiotics and admitted for 5 days. Met with infectious disease DR who thinks the cause now was a botched epidural but dont know cause 100%. I picked her up Friday from the hospital and we have now been home for 36hr resting.

Ive been home taking care of our newborn and 2 teenagers by myself and sleep has been.....yea whats sleep?. Its been a rough past 3-4 weeks. Just hoping everything is good now and we are on the road to recovery and things are getting back to normal because we need it.

I did win 3 bottles in our super awesome (shitty) PA allocated online drop this past week while wife was in the hospital so I guess someone was looking out for me. haha. Michters Toasted, Stagg Jr B17 and Old Fitz 11yr will be here Monday.


Aging this 10 year old Glenmorangie in a barrel seasoned with a sweet red wine for a few weeks. Not quite there but getting close. To you and your family. Hope your Wife is doing better. Cheers.
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Any suggestions on a good bottle of scotch whiskey around $100? Good buddy of mine is having a son in a couple weeks, so I want a bottle ready to have a drink and cigar with him when the little guy makes his appearance. Macallan 12yr double cast was great (had a bottle with him after the academy) but a little too pricey around here at about $150. Any suggestions
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Any suggestions on a good bottle of scotch whiskey around $100? Good buddy of mine is having a son in a couple weeks, so I want a bottle ready to have a drink and cigar with him when the little guy makes his appearance. McClellan 12yr double cast was great (had a bottle with him after the academy) but a little too pricey around here at about $150. Any suggestions
Something from Aberlour or Balvenie can be had in that price range and is non-peated if you liked the Macallan.

Glenfarclas is another you'd like.
Almost finished with what is probably the best Old Fashioned I’ve ever made… Only changed one ingredient from my normal “boxcar” variant of this drink: The cherries.

Was talking to a fellow brown liquor aficionado at a neighborhood wine tasting/gathering last weekend and we got to arguing the merits of different versions of this classic…and he told me “you have to get real candied black cherries instead of regular maraschino, trust me.”

So I sprung for the real-deal $20 jar of Italian Amaretto cherries:


And holy crap. What a difference!

Literally no other change, but the flavor just pops now…and I actually used almost no “syrup” from the jar; just what was on the cherries (double, so I used two) as I dropped them in the glass. Completely worth the 4x cost of regular cherries. Honestly can hardly believe such a small change made such a huge difference in this drink.


I typically ‘cheat’ and use a bourbon instead of rye when I make an Old fashioned for myself, and I‘ve come to prefer a sweet liquor instead of simple syrup (that has to be fresh-made btw), lately have been using praline liquor for that bit of smokiness on top of the sweet. I also tend to use orange bitters instead of an orange peel…so much easier, LOL.

My recipe:
2 parts good aged rye (or bourbon if you want it sweeter)
1 part praline liquor
a few dashes orange bitters to taste
2-3 dashes regular Angostura bitters
1 cherry … and now highly recommend getting real-deal Candied or amaretto black cherries vs maraschino


I typically serve it over a large ice ball from a mold I keep in the freezer, and add a very small splash of water on top to get everything mixing, but just used regular cube ice this time so no need for the splash of water.

I am admittedly not a Bourbon drinker, but I generally when I go out to a bar thats what I order because Rum at bars is usually fucking trash.

I had an old fashion Friday night that was pretty good so I went out today and spent a lot of money getting setup... Not only did I have to buy all the ingredients I also stepped up my glass game and I got some of the fancy sphere ice molds...

Now theres some Rum in that there picture thats obviously NOT going in an Old Fashion, but it snuck into this picture.

I got the idea for the Grand Marnier from this website and their "spin #2"

So I went:
4oz of buffalo trace
1/2oz grandma
1/2oz praline liqueur
1 black cherry plus a tsp of syrup
~4 dashes of orange bitters
~4 dashes of regular bitters

So a bit from that recipe and a bit from yours...

My wife added 1/2oz of the simple syrup to sweeten it up... I put a small amount in(maybe 1/4oz), but later regretted it.

Holy shit it was good... I need to drink a few more traditional old fashion's to get the flavor and see how I want to tweak it, but these were pretty good. A LITTLE to sweet for me so next time I wont be putting any of the simple syrup into mine. The Praline liquor definitely added a unique flavor bump.
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@rjacobs Will try the 1/2 Grand Marnier, 1/2 praline liquor this weekend as well. Thanks for the tip!

And yeah, the praline liquor replaces simple syrup in my version. I’ll bet it was very sweet! Hey, at least you got dessert covered!

My wife liked the extra 1/2oz of simple syrup. I didnt. Yea to sweet for me. MAYBE if I was using a Rye instead of Bourbon I would be ok with that extra sweetness... and I'm a rum drinker so I like the sweeter drinks. But it was to sweet for me. Couldnt REALLY taste the bourbon and I wanted to at least taste it a little.
My wife liked the extra 1/2oz of simple syrup. I didnt. Yea to sweet for me. MAYBE if I was using a Rye instead of Bourbon I would be ok with that extra sweetness... and I'm a rum drinker so I like the sweeter drinks. But it was to sweet for me. Couldnt REALLY taste the bourbon and I wanted to at least taste it a little.
Ok, took off a bit early from work to get some sleep before getting up early mañana (well later today I suppose) to knock out some projects up on the property before heading in tomorrow night. Decided to have a night cap and tried the praline / grand marnier combo:


I have to say, it’s only ‘OK’ for me. I thought it’d have a bit more ‘punch’ from the orange liqueur in the Grand Marnier, but it seems a little bland to me. Could just be that I’m beat (and God help me, only half way through my work week!), but it’s only good…not great, at least for me. Still damn fine, but think the other recipe suits my palate a bit better.

EDiT: I’m 2/3 through it and it’a a lot better…a lot! I added the cherries first for some reason tonight, and don’t think it mixed properly. I think I was literally just tasting straight bourbon on those first couple sips. Not a bad thing mind you, but would explain the reaction.

Or maybe I’m just a lightweight tonight from lack of sleep and already drunk! LOL

For a twist, try using a really nice anejo (or better) tequila in place of the bourbon…actually a very, very nice drink. I call that an ‘Old Tejas’ when I serve ‘em up around here.

Then again, don’t go off my tastes lately…. A work buddy gave me one of those little sampler bottles of ‘Skrewball’ peanut butter whiskey the other day and begged me to try it. So I followed his advice and threw it in the freezer for a bit then cracked it open.

Was surprised that I didn’t hate it. Won’t go so far as to say I liked it, but it wasn’t bad.

Here’s where it went sideways though. I was out grabbing another bottle of bourbon for the weekend (the horse soldier you see in the background), and saw that Skrewball stuff in a bin next to where I was standing in line, so I grabbed another sampler bottle to try an experiment for a dessert drink.

Made an ‘Old Fashioned’ using my standard 2:1 ratio whiskey to liqueur, but with the Skrewball and Godiva chocolate liqueur. Used chocolate bitters instead of orange, and bypassed the cherries altogether:


and, well... I liked it! 🥵

God help me… I think I’m turning into a …. a ... a millennial! 😫

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Something from Aberlour or Balvenie can be had in that price range and is non-peated if you liked the Macallan.

Glenfarclas is another you'd like.
Hope it's good. A little below my budget which was nice, so I can spend a few extra bucks on cigars. Now we need that baby to get here so I can pour our glasses20220208_161614_HDR.jpg

So my neighbor, his father in law ONLY drinks Old Fashioned's so of course when my neighbor goes over there, thats what they drink...a lot... LOL... My neighbor guesses he has drank like 2000 old fashioned's at his father in laws house.

So last night I text him the recipe and he kinda goes "eh, I dont know"...

Today he came over to "inspect" my kitchen sink replacement and just happened to also have time for a drink... so I made him the recipe...

He was like "holy fuck...thats a...holy fuck...thats a damn good...thats a GREAT...old fashioned"....

Then his wife got home from work and was like "where you at" so she came over to also "inspect" the sink(but really she was inspecting it cause shes a home designer who designed our home) and she tried the drink and was like "WOW...thats a GREAT old fashioned, my dad might have some competition"....

I think we have stumbled onto something.

I may be 2 old fashioned's in a goood place... LOL
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You poured that into a plastic cup just to get a rise out of someone, right? Job accomplished! :eek:

Heck, if that's all you've got at the moment, guess you gotta do whatcha gotta do. To the whisky now. I've tried the Springbank 10, 12 cask strength, 15 and 18 and find the 10yo is my favorite. It just seems to work a bit better than the others especially when you consider the price to performance ratio. But the 18 isn't bad at all.
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Tonight’s selection:


New kid on the block for me is the New Riff. We were out at Thirsty Thursday with some of my wife’s co-workers yesterday afternoon/last night, and we killed off the last of the 1792 I had on hand, so one of the guys started breaking out bottle after bottle of that New Riff for mixin’.

I thought it was pretty tasty, so he gave me a bottle and told me he could get as much of it as he wants from his son, up in Chicago of all places. Only $30/bottle too.

Cracked it open tonight and had a few sips before starting on mixed drinks…it’s a lot sharper than I recall from last night. Will have to look, but suspect it has a very high rye content. It’s good, but I think it just needs a bit more time in the barrel to be really good. Kind of like a bottle of wine that just needs to breathe a bit before it tastes great.

Great in an Old Fashioned as-is though!

You poured that into a plastic cup just to get a rise out of someone, right? Job accomplished! :eek:

Heck, if that's all you've got at the moment, guess you gotta do whatcha gotta do. To the whisky now. I've tried the Springbank 10, 12 cask strength, 15 and 18 and find the 10yo is my favorite. It just seems to work a bit better than the others especially when you consider the price to performance ratio. But the 18 isn't bad at all.
Fucking weird. Mayflower DC. 2 bedroom suite $800/ nt. You think there’d been glass in the room 🤷‍♂️
Anyway, drinks the same I guess.
$200 cash at the Middle Eastern package store. Seemed like decent deal. Never had it. I’m apparently sitting on a gold mine if I ever sell all the Macallan Ed 1-6 I have 😳
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