I'd say if you have a large retail outdoor store near you like a Cabelas, REI, or such then go and try on every single boot they have and walk around while wearing the same weight socks you are going to in the field. Just like several folks have chimed in above; mass produced boots....even the good european built ones all have inherent characteristics that set them apart from other models and brands. Buy the best boot that you can afford that fits your foot. I've bought lots of expensive boots online that turned out did not match my foot; I've also got especially narrow feet and I've battled high quality boots that developed hot spots around my heel cause of the way I'm built...not from the craftsmanship or materials of the boot. Take all of the brand names mentioned about with a grain of salt until you find one that truly fits your feet...then buy two pairs even if they cost $400. Cause there is a good chance the manufacturer will eventually change them.