What Brake are People using on the long range toys!..Luv to see them!

I just use my Thunderbeast 30P-1 on my precision guns not a muzzle break but it reduces recoil quite nicely. I do run a JP Enterprises Miculek brake on my AR-15 and love it.

I've got my rifle setup so that I can swap out quickly (just thread one off and the other on) between the Holland Radial baffle brake and the Thunderbeast 30P-1 and the Holland Brake makes follow up shots and spotting your own impacts MUCH easier than the suppressor!

I should note that the "radial" brake that Holland makes doesn't mean it has holes all the way around. It means that the ports are rounded and radially point back toward you. If you were to pin a string at the action and draw a line on the top of the brake using the string as a compass that would about follow the shape of the baffles internally.

I finally ended up going with a Bennie Cooley Large Profile on my old MATen 18.5" and it worked just as good as the JP Recoil Eliminator
I just wish I didnt trade it off :-(


And an APA Fat Bastard on my Badger m2008 .308. 26" (sorry no good pic of the stick with the fb on it)
Ive tried a few and the FB was head and shoulders above the rest.
Its like shooting a 223 theres barely any recoil.
But thats just recently been replaced with a suppressor