What brand do most 93R17s like to shoot?


Full Member
Nov 3, 2012
I've got a new 93R17 on the way and I need ammo advise before making a big purchase. I know every gun is a little different, but each brand seems to like the a particular flavor. I searched youtube and the only useful video I found had a 93 liking the 17 grain CCI hollow points the best with the Hornady 17 grain V-max a very close second. Winchester and Federal 17 grain offerings didn't do nearly as well. I can't find any 17HMR locally so I haven't had a chance to shoot it yet. I've got some of the CCI 17 grain HPs coming but that was hard to find in stock, so when I do find some in stock I'd like to grab a bunch, but don't want to get the wrong stuff.