What did you do in the reloading room today?

On a mission to prep a herd of .223 brass. ( 10K+)

Imagine 2 old guys recovering from surgery. My loading/shooting buddy had surgery on both knees. I had surgery on my neck having 4 bulged disc fused with new titanium hardware.

It's almost funny and yet therapy. I cant lift anything over 10 pounds but work well from the waist up. I can run a Dillon press but cant resize on a single stage or turret.

Have two tumblers running to clean brass. Buddy resizes brass, i trim them on the Giraud and prep the primer pockets.

Once all the prep work is done the outlook is good. I am going to reach into the corner and pull out some components that have been aging like a fine bourbon. 69 gr HP for less than .19, 55 grain SP less than .12, 55 FMJ less than .10.

Slow and steady progress is good. The joy of reloading-priceless!
I opened the shed door turned on the lights watched 2 western turned off the lights looked at the items on the shelves and walked back to the house after locking the shed back up so nothing I was lazy .
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Testing out the new .223 Forster sizing die loading 299ish rounds of 69gr Sierras over N540

Found out that the die is dead on even with the built-in 'float' of the M Press. Stopped measuring after I got it set right, but still checked every 10 rounds or so. The Forster universal seating die was the same way too.

I pick up enough range brass to reload for a while but that means I'm constantly prepping once-fired brass. ...and that's a PITA

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Skimmed .002 out of the pockets on a box of Alpha 6GT.

Well, it started with loading 200 38 Special and 100 357 Magnum Cowboy Action loads for tomorrow’s match. Then I moved to the living room couch to sort brass from prior matches. I let it slide for a while and needed to do it.
Will had a Savage action, an XLR Chassis and fairly nice barrel, so we put it together with a Vortex scope. The idea was to find a fairly light rifle for my Brenda. The rifle was chambered in .223. Though in earlier days, we two .223 handguns, a custom Savage Striker and an exquisite Kimber (of Oregon) Predator. (also have an AR but mostly shoot factory in it). So, I had all the equipment necessary to load .223 but have not done so in probably 10 years.

So, this week, got out the dies, cleaned and got to it.

Got out fifty cases that had been cleaned and ready to size and load. Sized them and of the 50, 9 split the necks. So, put them aside and grabbed fifty new cases. (We had several hundred on hand, using them not only for .223, but also to make 7TCU, .300 Whisper, and even .221 Fireball, so having .223 cases brand new and in the bag is like having jugs of water stashed back when a hurricane threatens0.

Got those loaded thought it was not particularly easy. Had real issues getting the seating die set. Crushed two cases adn then spent way too much time setting overall length. Miss using the Matchmaster seating dies. Finally got em done. Tonight, I went on and reloaded the older cases. Of 41 good enough to use, sure enough, had two more culls show up. Gonna anneal them, if I use them again.

Anyway, though a crack handgun shot, (she’s International Class, IHMSA Small Bore) she showed her skill with this new little rifle. Second sight-in group shown below. (that is a one inch center circle). Next, got a zero at 300 yards, the furthest Top Shot has. After that she was ringing steel near and far, big and small.

Its a lefty rifle, but for her purposes, its working out fine.

Spent yesterday evening finishing up a primer test loading for 77gr Berger OTMs in Lapua cases with 24.6gr of N140. Loaded 5 rounds each with BR4, 450, 7-1/2, 205mar, cci 41 and the Winchester 41s. I’ll shoot them this weekend and see how each performs.

Tonight I primed 50 6 ARC cases with 205mars and 50 Lapua 6.5x47 cases with BR4s.

Tomorrow night the 6 ARC loads will be 107 SMKs with 27.5 thru 29 grains of Lever. The 6.5x47 will all be 130VLDs with 37.1gr of Varget.

Haven’t been to the range in almost 10 days. I’m starting to twitch…..:ROFLMAO:
I've been shooting 9mm more than I have before. One of my goals for 2023 is to run 6 pistol matches this year.
2 nights ago I'm sitting at the Lee 4 hole turret press, everything is going smooth. I'm on #97 of my 100. I feel something scurry across my foot and I can specifically feel the tail whack on me... Damn mouse ran across my foot. Theres a trap set in the reloading room now.
It took 2 days to get to this point of processing 228 pieces of 300 BO Brass.

This is the first time I have ever reloaded 300 BO. My son has an AAC 200 BO Upper and he wants me to develop some Cyote Hunting Loads and some accurate subsonic loads.

Sorry for the crowded work area. I need more room.

Loading RMR 75 hp in my last 2k stash of Wolf gold factory primed brass with
Ramshot Tac. Sad day because poor man’s match ammo is going to require a lot more work after this. Great ammo at less than .25 a round is a thing of the past.
Opened the door, took one look and became depressed and walked away.
Allmost did the same but have an adjustable check rest (KMW) install to finish and too much mess around it.
Been digging out all of my components for 68spc since im considering consolidating calibers and components and made a mess even bigger.
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Got a bullet order in yesterday and picked up the Swede from my dad. Couldn’t find the 6.5x55 dies in his set, they should be in my cabinet. No joy at home either. Now I need to get a new set. At least Sportsman’s has them in stock locally. Will be developing a lead free hunting load for it along with some other oddball cartridges.
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nothing.. im still stuck out at sea, floating around on this stupid destroyer for the US Navy.. haha

cant wait to get home, and get my reloading room set back up, and get the (2) Ammobot 1050s rolling again. I need more 9mm and processed 223 brass. Time to get to work soon
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Over the weekend, I spent quite a bit of time processing 1000 rds of 308 brass
resized to chamber -.002
primer pockets uniformed
trimmed, de-burred and chamfered
Expander mandrel

loaded 200 rounds

Then cleaned up an enormous mess.
finished cleaning brass for this weeks range day also got it primed and I am powdering it now ( in between typing and the western I am watching ) thinking it should be enough to last me this trip and maybe some of next weeks , but when I look at it again I think I need more prepped and ready ammo .yea for being prepared .