1. A cartridge that didn't go off after you hit it a couple times with the striker is totally safe to pull down.
2. The Kinetic bullet puller is not going to "touch one off". However, a collet puller is a superior tool.
3. If you have a dud (or duds), you need to find out why so you can correct the problem, which is almost certainly, YOUR fault.
4. The primer in an uncharged cartridge *CAN* pop the bullet out of the case and into the throat. It's happened to me (once). This is serious fucking business, here. When it happened to me I was shooting casually at the range with my partner. I closed the bolt to put one into battery and all I heard was a click. No indication whatsoever the primer touched off (I was wearing earplugs). I extracted/ejected a spent case and thought to myself "Oh, I must have simply not ejected my last case", so I attempted to chamber another round, which fucking luckily wouldn't chamber due to the bullet stuck in the throat of my rifle. I shudder thinking back to this because of how much worse that could have turned out, if the bullet had gone ~3/8" forward into the barrel.