What do you hate most about shooting?

Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

know it all's. I don't know it all and I don't pretend to know it all. I hate it when people talk out of there a$$ to try and appear intelligent. for any of those guys that may be reading this.

If you don't know ask and learn people respect the willingness to learn.f you do that than some day when you speak you will actually know what your talking about.

That and the cost of ammo. I understand the gear but the ammo WOW!
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

Making up more ammo. I used to do it to save money, but these days, even that's no longer true. Seriously, a few more component price jumps and I'm done with guns; moving to full time model aircraft.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...and earned a dishonorable, then it will somehow threaten his manhood as a whole and make me think less of him as a human being.</div></div>

I would.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: layinclose2hell</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Dipshit and dangerous parents teaching their kids to be dangerous dipshits.

And the continual rise of ammunition prices. </div></div>

... like the know-nothing, hands-off 'rents who take their 10 year old kids to the range, rent an AR, hand it to them once on the line, and then stupidly proceed to let them turn the ceiling over their lane into snow, right before they shoot the overhead cable through. And then the kid goes, "Gee, it's nothing COD 4, Dad!"
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

The large number of "almost pro" shooters that shoot 1/4 MOA-all the time, at any range up to (and many times greater than) 1000 yards! If this isn't bad enough-the excuses as to why they don't have a slew of national records and/or are a dominate force at CMP every year is interesting. Many a benchrest comp has been won with groups over 1/4MOA, yet hundreds of guys with Tac or Hunting rifles are able to shoot better than that, all the time-they don't go "whip butt" at the bench rest comps, to allow the lesser shooters a chance(I guess).
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

*Prices of Ammo
*Range guys that obviously know everything

Luckily I have found a private range that I can shoot from 50 to 800 yards. Tough to beat the peace and quit and actually enjoy the time behind the trigger.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

1) Idiots flashing me with a muzzle 20 times in a 19 second conversation

2) I'm a serious buyer trying to make a purchase but can't because the gun shop is filled with morons wanting to touch ever $2500 rifle and know damn well all they really (but can't express they want this because they are stupid) want is a cheap ass chinese made rifle

3) People/Friends wasting hours of my time asking for my opinion for a first time rifle ( "Dude, buy a .223 or .308") and go out and buy the complete opposite of what I said ("I just bought a 7 pound .338 Win Mag rifle!!!")

4) Idiots touching off muzzle braked weapons 3 feet from my head without warning others to seat their hearing protection correctly first

5) People picking crushing my brass instead of stepping around/over it

6) Telling someone to keep their finger off the trigger, they nod, and continue on as if they didn't hear me

7) Driving an hour to go shooting with friends and they are ready to go after 30 min of shooting

8) Much much more but I think I'll stop here.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

Being invited out to shoot with friends and when I show up...they get pissy because I didn't bring the 50:( They think the ammo is free or something.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

I have only found two things that i dislike about shooting...

1. A parent getting mad at me when I walk over to them and politely ask that they not allow their child to point a gun at me while they are loaded. Telling them that the firearm should be pointed downrange only usually earns me a "STFU look" and them telling me to mind my own business. My apologies sir, but when the muzzle of a gun is pointed in my direction, it does suddenly become my business.

2. The range officers that have to open the range for you, because you are the only person to show up that week to shoot, and then proceed to sit directly behind you with a bad attitude waiting for you to finish shooting so they can go back to chatting with their buddies in the shack. My apologies again sir, but if I am that much of an inconvenience, feel free to refund my dues or maybe you could just give me the range key and when I am done i will drop it off at the shack.

I don't run into many "know it alls" around here, but there sure are a lot of people with bad attitudes. I thought shooting was supposed to be a fun and relaxing sport?

Something I love about shooting however...

1. Going to the range with my father to shoot a new rifle he finished building and seeing a guy two tables down shooting a highly custom mauser. After looking at my father and trying to figure out what model mauser it was, the guy calls over and asks if I wanted to shoot it. What do you think I said? SURE!!!
Thats my favorite thing about shooting; other shooters that are willing to share their time, knowledge, and most importantly ammunition to allow you to have a great experience.

2. My second favorite thing about shooting is going out with the GF and shooting for a few hours. Seeing her level of excitement match my own when she shoots well is very rewarding.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tazman</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Being invited out to shoot with friends and when I show up...they get pissy because I didn't bring the 50:( They think the ammo is free or something. </div></div>

You should start charging them for time on the big gun. A friend of mine has a barrett m82. I am allowed to shoot it as much as I want as long as I cover some of the cost of shooting. (If I shoot a lot, I buy him some linked rounds)

A lot of times I will just supply my own ammo for it, beats the heck out of having to buy the whole firearm lol.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 427Cobra</div><div class="ubbcode-body">People getting offended when I'm eating Cheetos and beating off at the sametime</div></div>

....what you too ?
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: want2Baccurate</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tazman</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Being invited out to shoot with friends and when I show up...they get pissy because I didn't bring the 50:( They think the ammo is free or something. </div></div>

You should start charging them for time on the big gun. A friend of mine has a barrett m82. I am allowed to shoot it as much as I want as long as I cover some of the cost of shooting. (If I shoot a lot, I buy him some linked rounds)

A lot of times I will just supply my own ammo for it, beats the heck out of having to buy the whole firearm lol. </div></div>

I would actually have no issue with that but when they find out the Hornady 750AMAX is about 6.50 a shot, they just ask if they can shoot one or two on my dime. I have no issues with anyone shooting the TAC50 if they would just understand the cost of it and contribute a little when it comes time. I have a 338AX and they do the same thing. I would love to shoot with some of the guys on here and have some fun but most people think this stuff is free!! I'm over my rant now!lol
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BLAKSUNZ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">1) Idiots flashing me with a muzzle 20 times in a 19 second conversation

2) I'm a serious buyer trying to make a purchase but can't because the gun shop is filled with morons wanting to touch ever $2500 rifle and know damn well all they really (but can't express they want this because they are stupid) want is a cheap ass chinese made rifle

3) People/Friends wasting hours of my time asking for my opinion for a first time rifle ( "Dude, buy a .223 or .308") and go out and buy the complete opposite of what I said ("I just bought a 7 pound .338 Win Mag rifle!!!")

4) Idiots touching off muzzle braked weapons 3 feet from my head without warning others to seat their hearing protection correctly first

5) People picking crushing my brass instead of stepping around/over it

6) Telling someone to keep their finger off the trigger, they nod, and continue on as if they didn't hear me

7) Driving an hour to go shooting with friends and they are ready to go after 30 min of shooting

8) Much much more but I think I'll stop here. </div></div>Number 7 Been there done that many times . I didnt haul all my shit out to stay 30 min and run home. 4-6 hrs is better or just stay home.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: duke54</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BLAKSUNZ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">1) Idiots flashing me with a muzzle 20 times in a 19 second conversation

2) I'm a serious buyer trying to make a purchase but can't because the gun shop is filled with morons wanting to touch ever $2500 rifle and know damn well all they really (but can't express they want this because they are stupid) want is a cheap ass chinese made rifle

3) People/Friends wasting hours of my time asking for my opinion for a first time rifle ( "Dude, buy a .223 or .308") and go out and buy the complete opposite of what I said ("I just bought a 7 pound .338 Win Mag rifle!!!")

4) Idiots touching off muzzle braked weapons 3 feet from my head without warning others to seat their hearing protection correctly first

5) People picking crushing my brass instead of stepping around/over it

6) Telling someone to keep their finger off the trigger, they nod, and continue on as if they didn't hear me

7) Driving an hour to go shooting with friends and they are ready to go after 30 min of shooting

8) Much much more but I think I'll stop here. </div></div>Number 7 Been there done that many times . I didnt haul all my shit out to stay 30 min and run home. 4-6 hrs is better or just stay home. </div></div>

Amen to that. This is unfortunately why I prefer to go shooting alone.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

I'll second "mall ninjas" and also add "fudds."

The thing I hate most about shooting are other shooters, especially those with poor (or no) gun handling skills.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

I hate it most when my gun goes off while taking it out of my brand new Blackhawk CQC Serpa holster. Especially when the bullet hits my foot. But now I've remedied that problem, though, with an armor plated right boot that also incorporates an armor plated butt and thigh guard.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

1) Range idiots
2) People at the range who actually know what they are doing, have better rifles and gear than I do and out shoot me every time.
3) Having a really good day shooting, but being cut short because you didn't bring enough ammo.
4) My wife out shooting me.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

Like most the range idiots are my only real hate. Sad thing is that public ranges don't have the market cornered on the unsafe dunbasses.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mead</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Title says it all...we all know what we like...but what sucks? </div></div>

cleaning and buying ammo. at times finding a place
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

no public ranges around here. got no friends, so nobody wants to go home.do whatever i want, whenever i want. still i got a bitch. DRIVING. drive 5 miles up a logging road to set my target. then drive 1.5 miles to my stand. then pack up and drive back to my target to see if i hit anything. repeat
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

I'll post another one that my buddy just called me about...

Having the range officer at a public range (not the range owner) refuse to allow you inside to shoot your pistol until you show him your permit to carry a handgun. My buddy called me and told me he couldn't go shooting today because the dumb dumb on the other side of the fence wanted to see his permit to carry a pistol. In Indiana there is no law requiring you to show this to anyone other than law enforcement, and even then its more of a courtesy really.

This is the same range I posted above about, so I believe my friends and I will find someplace else...
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sending downrange</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Having to drive all the way to a range. Its not very far, but i wish i could shoot off of my porch. </div></div>

I second that, such a pain loading everything up, driving, unloading, setting up, loading everything up again. Grrrr.

I'll also add that semi's are a pain to clean. I wish gas piston setups were more prevalent.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

1) Not having infinite ammo and time
2) public ranges and the stupid people next to me that decide to do mag dumps on sks and ak's and then go down and make a huge deal about how well the gun shoots when they weren't even hitting the target.
3) the f-ing people that talk my ear off when I'm shooting or load testing.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

People (civilians) who show up in full tac gear just to lay prone and shoot, I mean knee pads, elbow pads, helmet, oakley gloves, pistol on, tac vest, combat boots, the whole shebang! Seriously dude?
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Gildoom</div><div class="ubbcode-body">People I don't know at the range. </div></div>

This and cost of ammo.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

I am a lazy bastard, so my biggest complaint about shooting is the packing up of the guns, ammo and accessories, driving there and setting it all up. Then, I have to repeat the process when I leave. That, to me, is the biggest gripe I have about shooting.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: springer01</div><div class="ubbcode-body">West Texas HEAT!!!! </div></div>

North Texas heat.

Seriously, how the hell can I enjoy shooting when it's 105*? When the sweat runs onto the inside of my glasses and it's like shooting through a waterfall my accuracy suffers a little.

Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JelloStorm</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Brass rats. I fucking hate brass rats. </div></div>

Try having a membership at a private range outside of cell phone range and having non-member "brass rats" (I call them vultures) trying to grab your brass. You can't even easily call to have them escorted off the range.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

The fact that I have a 400yd range out my back door and have only had time to shoot a rifle on it three times all year...just replaced the target backers that fell apart last winter.

The mortgage is worth it to avoid public ranges. I don't have stories to match half of you guys, but it was still annoying.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

1. Trying to finding a good shooting range not too far away.
2. Trying to finding a good shooting range that does not have silly rules (i.e. no "speed" shooting meaning you can't do double taps).
3. Getting to a good shooting range too late to complete the course of fire you had planned for the day
4. People who pose a danger at the range (to themselves and others) who are not properly supervised and should not be handling a firearm, let alone shooting one
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

When I pull up to the local club range and the shooter gets an attitude -- "You need to put on hearing protection NOW!" Of course, I ask him to say it again, since I couldn't hear it the first time through my orange foamies that I already had in.

He goes back to shooting while I get set up, then I wait for him to find a pause in shooting the 7mm he brought and was shooting at 50 yards, apparrently to sight it in. After 10 rounds in a paper plate sized "group" he went to "check how it was shooting" and had the good grace to "let" me go hang the target. So I made my way down to the 100 yard berm and hung my target, graciously of course.

I don't but barely make it back to the firing line via the access road and Mr. Accuracy is back to blasting the target again. I leave him to his devices, and try to get some good range time in. I'm shooting my 308 acceptably good for me, even with the braked 7mm going off next to me.

I only shoot about five rounds, and I'm ready to go.

Mr. Accuracy Through Volume puts another box of what I can only assume is Really Expensive Ammo on a 50 yard target, then figures it's time to go to another weapon. By this time, I've already packed up my gear and I've been waiting on him (again) to go pull down my target. I make my way down and pull my target and stand and make my way back, where he wants (demands) to see how I'm shooting.

At this point, I can only assume that he thinks he must be shooting better than me, since he is obviously older than I, and logically, far more experienced in the ways of marksmanship.

I left my target on the bench next to his, and left the range. It was the quietest that range had been since I showed that day.

So basically, I don't care for people who think they can talk their way into being a good shot.
Re: What do you hate most about shooting?

Ain't nothin I hate about shooting, from packing to go to cleaning em all up and putting them away for the next time. Of course I do take slight exception to the way the high focusing and 100 rounds of practice make me dog ass tired on the ride home after a few hours of it. It's like a 'tired' wall hitting me straight in the mental face