I hate to feel like I should defend the government (makes me feel a little weird), It could be a relatively simple explanation such as:
People are not being allowed to visit folks in the hospital for fear of spreading the virus, therefore empty parking lots and waiting rooms.
Couple that with the fact that most ERs are typically flooded with someone throwing up or with a weird stomach pain or in need of stitches from a bicycling accident, or “just woke up and didn’t feel right”. Since the majority of people are staying home and can’t get into accidents and have been placed in a position of debilitating fear by the government, most folks are probably thinking that theit vomiting will go away, the weird pain in their stomach might just actually be gas, that they can probably just put some butterfly bandaids on the scratch and it will heal on its own, etc. The normal ER visitors are probably thinking that “toughing it out” in lieu of “chancing it” at the ER is a safer course of action......hence the low traffic at most hospitals.
Just throwing out a different option than a government/media conspiracy. That would be a HUGE cover up from both liberals and conservatives alike if what those videos are posting is true.
There is also a certain percentage of people who frequent energency rooms just because they are craving social contact and they will use the excuse of any small discomfort or even downright malingering in order to just spend some time in the hustle and bustle. Every city ER has it's population of "frequent flyers". These people are definitely not showing up to the ER in the current days. And the most commonly heard sentence on the streets right now is "AW HELL NAW I AIN'T GOING TO THE ER... AIN'T WANT TO CATCH SOME SHIT THERE"... On top of all of this, most hospitals have canceled elective surgeries and non life-saving procedures and even laid off many workers like outpatient receptionists.