What exactly is Trump on trial for?


Hopper King
Full Member
Aug 27, 2006
Serious question - but this is the Bear Pit so you do you, I won't be offended

I've been trying to follow along the trial in NY where Trump is alleged to have paid some dollars to a couple of ladies to not speak about any encounters with DJT but still haven't figured out how any of this could be illegal, as in criminal. But I know there's shit on the books that make stuff illegal that you would never think would be so could one of you SH Legal Scholars shine some light ?

If you could help me out, I'd sleep better.
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Serious question - but this is the Bear Pit so you do you, I won't be offended

I've been trying to follow along the trial in NY where Trump is alleged to have paid some dollars to a couple of ladies to not speak about any encounters with DJT but still haven't figured out how any of this could be illegal, as in criminal. But I know there's shit on the books that make stuff illegal that you would never think would be so could one of you SH Legal Scholars shine some light ?

If you could help me out, I'd sleep better.
They are trying to link it to campaign financing, making it a federal campaign finance law crime (you know, like HRC did, but got away with other a 113K fine). By doing these gag orders, and knowing he is not one to shut up when he feels he is right, they also are trying to hold him in contempt of court charges, which would be a federal crime too.
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What I do not understand is why his lawyers are not filing a ton of appellate claims already. They should be arguing against the gag order, they should be arguing "selective prosecution", they should be arguing Judicial Bias. All these can be appealed up the food chain. Letting this continue is stupid, according to my sister (criminal lawyer)
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The "Trial" has to go thru it's course before the Appeals can be heard by an Appellate court. If the Appellate court even hears the case, "I Think??".
not completely sure if that's correct, but if i am wrong someone here will flame me for it and correct my mistakes.
But a have stayed in a Holiday Inn Express lately, so maybe the answer this correct before the effects have had a chance to wear off.

The Trump lawyers have filed all sorts of motions, but the "Judge" isn't having any of it.

the biggest thing to remember is that the "Trial" is taking place in New York City, New York, the Democrats backyard and play ground for the last 40 years.
What I do not understand is why his lawyers are not filing a ton of appellate claims already. They would be arguing against the gag ordee, they should be arguing "selective prosecutionc, they should be arguing Judicial Bias. All these can be appealed up the food chain. Letting this continue is stupid, according to my sister (criminal lawyer)
Probly because all of this is PR fucking platinum. The more, and longer they hammer away at trying to put him in jail, the more fuel he has to use against the dems this fall. Then i'd think he could hammer away at election interfearance claims.

I'm no lawyer though, just stating thoughts. I can't read about it, or spend too much time thinking about it, because the anger sharks start swimming, and the thoughts are enough to get me in legal trouble now that the .gov is trying to use my bluetooth headset to read my mind.

Trump is on trial for exposing the man behind the curtain. Dems love saying they're the party of the minority and the downtrodden. They've run every inner city slum, which are disproportionately populated by minorities, yet haven't fixed a single one after trillions of dollars spent and decades of uninterrupted control.
In two years Trump achieved the highest minority employment rate for minorities since they started keeping records. He had the highest consumer confidence ever. He cut taxes and regulations so that businesses who had closed up and moved overseas began repatriating.

If you've ever heard the old saying Republicans are for the rich and democrats for the poor, and you think about that for more than thirty seconds, you'll realize the hidden implication of that statement.

If dems are for the poor, they have a vested interest in maintaining or even expanding the poverty class or they lose their constituency.
It's the only thing they successfully do.

If you understand that part of recent history, you'd likely have a better understanding of the nuances of your question OP. Not calling you out by any means- I just know that this present donkey show isn't without centuries of precedents but figured this is a good place to start that you may find interesting.

Best of luck to you.

The actual charge that they are going for is the same charge that the judge and DA should be hit with...... Election Tampering. They are trying to say that him paying stormy off in 2016 effected the election results. This is the same logic for why the judge and DA should be arrested for the same. Their acts could directly effect the election in the same way as the "hush" money.

Fucking clown shoes........
They are also charging him with massive counts on each indictment as a warning to others. Who may think of running for office and not perpetuating the corruption money train in DC!
He fucked up their plan to start the Ukraine money laundering scam and the continuation of destabilizing countries for profit!
Probly because all of this is PR fucking platinum. The more, and longer they hammer away at trying to put him in jail, the more fuel he has to use against the dems this fall. Then i'd think he could hammer away at election interfearance claims.

I'm no lawyer though, just stating thoughts. I can't read about it, or spend too much time thinking about it, because the anger sharks start swimming, and the thoughts are enough to get me in legal trouble now that the .gov is trying to use my bluetooth headset to read my mind.

It'd likely excuse when we have some 3am vote jumps again. Oh, people just didn't want to vote for him because he was on trial.

Meanwhile he gets 90 million votes this time and Biden wins some key states to beat him with 88-91 million votes.
Since they can't get him on business records, they are trying to say that his attorney at the time, Cohen, paying off Stormy for services rendered was election interference. And that he had Cohen pay companies like the National Enquirer to buy stories against Trump from other "news" orgs and then spike them, as in terminal hold and doing that, they say, is also election interference.

As opposed to ballot harvesting, voting machines with a master 'key." People in the middle of the night shoving sacks and sacks of ballots into ballot collection boxes. See "2000 Mules" by Dinesh D'Souza.
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The charges really don’t matter, this is the equivalent of going on trial in a small town where the jury is made up of the cousins and uncles of the person you supposedly committed the crime against. They could have charged him with starting the Chicago fire and I fear the verdict would be the same. The height of stupidity was yesterday when they allowed a woman to testify in detail on having sex in a trial over a campaign finance violation.
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Since they can't get him on business records, they are trying to say that his attorney at the time, Cohen, paying off Stormy for services rendered was election interference. And that he had Coehn pay companies like the National Enquirer to buy stories against Tump from other "news" orgs and then spike them, as in terminal hold and doing that, they say, is also election interference.

So none of this happens if he lost to Hillary ? What a crock of shit. Is this the country we have become? One small tick above Russia or any of the South American countries where your opponent has to leave the country if they lose?
Mar-a-Lago case is falling apart because the feds lied and fukd up evidence and the White House coordinated it and Jack Smith wasn’t appointed by Congress.

Fanni is probably going to be given the heave ho in Georgia because once again Whit House coordination and money under the table along with more lies and being a booty call.

Stormy will probably fall apart further for changing stories and relying on a convicted felon of perjury for an expert witness.

Then we have the NY case with borrowing a shit ton of money and paying it back early because the banks said Trumps property was worth what he said it was but the judge thinks it’s only worth the value of an empty lot and put Trump’s businesses into receivership day 1 because he could.

Then there’s the scary ugly bitch that got a $485million settlement for being “raped” just like Garth was raped in the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. It’s indelible in the hipperpotamuscamper.