PRS Talk What happend to Outback PRC?


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May 7, 2014
North Texas
Shot my first PRS match at Outback in Cresson, TX last year. Been offline a while taking care of some personal/work stuff and log back into the interwebs to see they no longer exist and there's no PRS match there this fall. Anyone know what happened? Also, where the heck can I go shoot in North Texas now? cheers
I don't know what happened with Outback but if you want to shoot a club match the north TXPRC chapter shoots at Jacobs Plain in Greenville now. The central matches are in Navasota at Triple C. Triple C in Cresson is starting a new match series put on by Tx multigun I think. The match round count calls for 100 rifle and 50 pistol.
There's a place called Triple C in Cresson that I assume used to be Outback. It has a 2,000 yard range. They list on their calendar "long range match," but I don't know if that is PRS. I work 5 minutes from there, but didn't know it existed until a month ago. I am still getting set up for PRS, but once I get my rifle and scope I may go there to work out my dope.
I’ll second the lone star match bdubb spoke about. Great place to shoot-same md from the outback matches so the style is the same. You won’t be disappointed.
Just shot at Triple C Sunday, first match ever so I have nothing to compare it too but North Texas Multigun put it on. It was a fun match but the wind was tough. They have a Facebook page where they announce their matches, usually one every month.
I go out there for the long range matches that are like a PRS match. I want to go to some of the PRS club matches at Jacobs plain and ETTS, but due to time constraints I barely have enough time to make it to the ones at triple c. The monthly matches at triple C are easy going and fun. I bet they would host a big PRS or NRL match if wanted.
Yeah I bet the wind was a butt kicker this weekend! We were shooting some rimfire at the house this weekend, teaching the kids