This barrel is a replacement for a replacement. The first one had drastically undersized muzzle threads. The second one had drastically undersized tennon threads. All showed this same rough threading. The first one had the same bad crown as this one. The second had no crown. I guess when you crown like this. Leave it alone. Lol.
I tried to lap the tendon threads some to remove some of the roughness. Then I ran a patch down, and had to bump the cleaning rod with my palm to get the patch through the crown. The rough threads are crappy, the crown is worse, I wonder what the chamber job and rifling job on the blank looks like for that matter.
I notice no one else sends me barrels with threads that look like this. It's only my assumption that there is a reason.
I tried to lap the tendon threads some to remove some of the roughness. Then I ran a patch down, and had to bump the cleaning rod with my palm to get the patch through the crown. The rough threads are crappy, the crown is worse, I wonder what the chamber job and rifling job on the blank looks like for that matter.
I notice no one else sends me barrels with threads that look like this. It's only my assumption that there is a reason.