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What makes a good "defensive" levergun?


Major Hide Member
Full Member
May 3, 2020
I've seen several threads (on several forums) about leverguns here of late, all centered around modernizing them for "defensive" or "tactical" use.

I love lever guns.
Like all red blooded American boys, I grew up watching westerns. I wanted to be the "good guy" who would grow up to go get the "bad guy".
Still a levergun has no role in tactical use. Just my honest opinion. I've been to war. Sorry, (not sorry) I want my AR.

Now defensive use... that's a different story altogether. Now were talking the old "good guy V bad guy" type deal.
If the role of the weapon is to protect yourself and you family from criminals in a home defense role... now we're talking about an application where the old cowboy gun can still work.

So... let's talk about what MAKES a good "defensive" levergun.
Opinions, and insights welcome... just don't be an ass about it.

IMHO first consideration is caliber.

The two that shine above all others today are the .357 & .44 Magnums. These are in potent handgun calibers. They really smoke out of a carbine barrel, gaining quite a bit of velocity. Sure, a hunting round like 30-30 or 45/70, are more powerful, but being so also means they're designed for game. Sometimes LARGE game. Real good chance (damn near sure thing) they'll zip right through your average bad guy at defensive ranges.
That's what were talking about here for a "defensive" weapon.... Shooting at bad guys. (in other words, people) If you have to protect yourself from a criminal... it's not all that likely to happen on an empty mountain somewhere. It will be at home. (where ever that may be)
As said, the .357 & .44 Magnums are both potent handgun calibers, and they both gain velocity when fired through a carbine length barrel. The bullets, designed for handguns, (not talking hard cast hunting loads) will expand violently, dumping ALL their increased energy INTO the target. This rapid expansion most often also limits penetration to around 14 to 16 inches or so making the chances of shooting through so many walls less. That expansion, however, creates devastating wound channels. And yeah, you can still hunt deer sized game with them. (Though I wouldn't try it at 3oo yds)

Another consideration is ammo capacity. (you can never have too much right?) First thing... a levergun isn't even in the same ballpark as an AR. You don't get 30 rounds per mag, with very quick mag changes. Not only that, but the longer, more hunting oriented rounds like 30-30 & 45/70 vastly limit your already small magazine capacity. Capacity that is not only already limited, but that requires a lot more training to get fast with on reloading... than does an AR. Again, the magnum handgun rounds for the win.


Ok, here again, us being levergun fans (or people living is less free states) are starting off behind the curve right outta the gate. Being a very old design, typical levergun iron sights leave a lot to be desired. If you don't want to add an optic, at least consider upgrading to a set of quality peep sights from one of the aftermarket companies now making products for our rifles.

Red dots. Being the author of this particular thread, and a combat veteran who somehow (by the grace of God) survived multiple combat tours (the last one getting pretty sporty at times) I'm just gonna come out and say it...

OK, sure, if your rifle is for multiple use, a LPVO may be a better choice. You can see the target better at range, and still have 1x (plus an illuminated reticule in most cases) for close in defensive duty. Thing is, a LPVO is still a "scope". That means it will still have "scope shadow" if you mount the gun wrong because your live is on the line, and you might just be freaking out a bit and rushing things. Or maybe you're hiding behind cover firing from some awkward shooting position, and can't get your head just right behind the scope. The eyebox on a scope will NEVER be as forgiving as that of a red dot. The newer ones are good, and theire getting better all the time, but there is still NOTHING... that is faster at target acquisition, than a red dot.
If it's a "defensive" rifle... get a red dot for it.

Weapon mounted light.

Lots of pros & cons people talk (argue) about when it comes to having a weapon mounted light on a handgun... but for a rifle...
Just put a light on it.
Takes both hands to shoot most rifles, (that is how they're designed after all) and it takes the both to run a levergun action, unless you dismount the gun between shots. Hand held lights just aren't gonna work here. Oh, and yes... you do need a light. Bad guys tend to like night time, or dark places. Besides, the planet is spinning so it's dark half the time anyhow.

On gun ammo.

Magazine capacity is ,as we've said, limited. Even with the shorted handgun rounds, you may be starting out with 9 or 10 rounds loaded... Now, for most defensive shootings, that's plenty.
Plenty unless there's multiple attackers perhaps...
Plenty unless & until you start missing the bad guys...
Good chance you will too. Especially when you're scared, mad, or both, and maybe you just got woke up at 3am to boot.
I've got multiple war deployments behind me, and can attest to the fact that I missed... a lot more than I hit.
Have a way to store some extra rounds on the gun be it an old school leather ammo cuff, one of the new styles (and ugly as sin) buttstocks, or what I did, just put the velcro ammo cards on them like you see on shotguns. These can be ordered in pistol calibers as well. 1o in the gun, 10 more on the stock makes for 20 rounds available just grab and go. If I have time to grab an extra ammo card, that's 10 more I can slap on when these are gone.

Here's my pick. (that I pray I never have to use)
A Chiappa 1892 takedown in .44 Magnum. (I also have a Rossi 92 in .357 Mag, but I like this one better.
First, it's a .44 Mag.
Secondly, it's a takedown, so it can go in a bag with me, hidden away from prying eyes to a hotel room when traveling.

2 on log.JPG

I mean it... Let's discuss.
I'm no certified expert. (though the wife may think I'm "certifiable" at times)
I don't work for Hornady or Chiappa.
Just throwing my thoughts and what I've learned out there.

Oh, and I meant to say discuss or GTFO... LOL.
If you don't feel a levergun makes a good defensive weapon... this is not the thread for you.
(that's what I meant by "don't be an ass about it" back at the top)
I hate it when people shit on a thread.
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No shhit throwing but I go with your earier statement "Give me an AR." I feel like every red blooded American should have at least 2 AR, one to shoot and one for back up. And a 1911.

All that said my first rifle was a Marlin .22 lever action. Definitely tactical if you were a squirrel.

There's nothing wrong w a lever gun but you clowns are taking the lever gun into the fucking idiot zone.
This topic is over the top Chris Costa ghey.
I agree that a lever gun isn't "tactical".
These people buying those ugly stocks and forends... they are like dumbasses with 24s and angry grills on their Jeeps.

That's why I asked for a discussion about possible "defensive" use.
Here they can work very well.

Then again, I also asked for fucksticks not to shit on the thread if they had nothing to add... but hey, it's the internet.
Fucksticks abound... lol.
Oh, and I meant to say discuss or GTFO... LOL.
If you don't feel a levergun makes a good defensive weapon... this is not the thread for you.
(that's what I meant by "don't be an ass about it" back at the top)
I hate it when people shit on a thread.

An AR-15..........

Stop the BS with lever guns/shotgun for SD.


You type pretty well... for someone who can't read.

In fact, read the entire post.

No wait... Just argue online.
It will make you feel all powerful and so brilliant.
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I agree that a lever gun isn't "tactical".
These people buying those ugly stocks and forends... they are like dumbasses with 24s and angry grills on their Jeeps.

That's why I asked for a discussion about possible "defensive" use.
Here they can work very well.

Then again, I also asked for fucksticks not to shit on the thread if they had nothing to add... but hey, it's the internet.
Fucksticks abound... lol.
Shut up fag.
Go stick your faggot lever gun up your ass.
You talk too much, go choke yourself
Oh, and I meant to say discuss or GTFO... LOL.
If you don't feel a levergun makes a good defensive weapon... this is not the thread for you.
Is it really a discussion if you only allow one opinion/belief? I’m pretty sure one sided debates/discussions are kin to communism. “Your allowed to have your say, as long as it fits the narrative!”
Any firearm for SD is good in train hand’s doesn’t matter what you wheel. Regarding lever guns ahh attractive if kept classy. Non of that space cowboy shit. Chiappa have really good points it’s compact, can be takedown in small backpacks, legal in all 50 states. Enough power to protect and/or bring meal to the table. I’ll choose 357 over 44 for faster fallow up shots. 44 negative side by generating 30-30 recoil impulse.

Ps… I still have a hope to lay my hands on Winchester 1892 takedown trapper.
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Is it really a discussion if you only allow one opinion/belief? I’m pretty sure one sided debates/discussions are kin to communism. “Your allowed to have your say, as long as it fits the narrative!”

Well, Look at the thread. The question posed was "What makes a good defensive levergun?"
If your answer is "Fuck you, it doesn't." ... Then yeah, you may feel like I'm being a bit one sided.

If you're one of those people who just like to start shit because you're online... and don't have the possibility of being slapped across the face... like I'd do to oneshot86 in a flat second if he talked to me like that in person (which of course he wouldn't dare) ... well, that's the internet for ya.

I can't MAKE you GTFO... I can only ask.

Just trying to see if it's humanly possible to have a talk about something.
Well, Look at the thread. The question posed was "What makes a good defensive levergun?"
If your answer is "Fuck you, it doesn't." ... Then yeah, you may feel like I'm being a bit one sided.

If you're one of those people who just like to start shit because you're online... and don't have the possibility of being slapped across the face... like I'd do to oneshot86 in a flat second if he talked to me like that in person (which of course he wouldn't dare) ... well, that's the internet for ya.

I can't MAKE you GTFO... I can only ask.

Just trying to see if it's humanly possible to have a talk about something.
It’s not a discussion if it’s just fanboys saying “oh yeah” like the kool aid man.

A discussion looks at both sides and tries to hash out a logical and common sense answer.

If you preface your thread with “only chime in if you think it would make a good choice, then you fail from the get go.”

If you wanna slap me across the face for bringing this to daylight and are local to the Sampson, Harnett, Cumberland, Johnston County areas of North Kackalaki let me know.
Any firearm for SD is good in train hand’s doesn’t matter what you wheel. Regarding lever guns ahh attractive if kept classy. Non of that space cowboy shit. Chiappa have really good points it’s compact, can be takedown in small backpacks, legal in all 50 states. Enough power to protect and/or bring meal to the table. I’ll choose 357 over 44 for faster fallow up shots. 44 negative side by generating 30-30 recoil impulse.

Ps… I still have a hope to lay my hands on Winchester 1892 takedown trapper.
I've had a 30-30 before (Marlin 336) and this .44 doesn't recoil anything like it. With it's heavy octagon barrel, it shoots as easy as my Rossi 92 in .357 mag.

One plus is I have a matching pair pf S&W 686 pistols that could go with the Rossi, but alas... not a takedown. Good enough for home, but I have the AR SBR for that. This is a travel gun for places that don't like ARs, and so I don't have to get a permission slip.
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It’s not a discussion if it’s just fanboys saying “oh yeah” like the kool aid man.

A discussion looks at both sides and tries to hash out a logical and common sense answer.

If you preface your thread with “only chime in if you think it would make a good choice, then you fail from the get go.”

If you wanna slap me across the face for bringing this to daylight and are local to the Sampson, Harnett, Cumberland, Johnston County areas of North Kackalaki let me know.

You're missing the point.

The original question... I didn't ask "Does a levergun work well for the defensive role?" I asked "What makes a good defensive levergun?"

That would be like somebody asking "What makes a good bolt action sniper rifle?" then having some joker say "WWI called and wants it's rifle back. Get a modern semi-auto AR10 platform."

The question is the question.
Answer it... or not.
Don't try to change the damn subject.

Also... I never said I wanted to slap you across the face.
I said I would slap oneshot86 though... but still... only if he were to talk shit like that to my face.
Sadly, on the internet... everybody and their brother is brave.
"What makes a good defensive levergun?"

Your missing your own point. If the above quote is your question, what is the flip side. It takes two points if view to have a discussion. I have attached some crayon pictures for you to drool over. Apparently you are the kind of guy who needs these to learn.
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Lever gun pros:
  • The best rifle format for a scabbard on a horse. Nothing else packs as well. I am not talking about a few hours on horseback but horse packing for days.
Lever gun with tube mag cons:
  • Limited capacity
  • Special bullets needed to prevent ammo detonation in mag
  • Limited ballistics and terminal performance
Lever gun with rotary mag, e.g. Savage 99 cons:
  • Limited capacity
Lever gun with rotary mag, e.g. Savage 99 pros:
  • Ballistically on par with "adult" rifles
  • No limitations on bullet shape
  • Still great in horse scabbard
  • Carries wonderfully in one hand due to being balanced on the smooth receiver bottom.
  • Some versions break down like the Chiappa.
So, Savage 99 it was for two weeks in the Bob. If 6 rounds of .308 Win performance don't do the job, you're fucked anyway.

By putting tacticool shit on a pistol caliber lever gun you negate the only advantage of a lever gun -sleekness- while maintaining all disadvantages. Your gun is now bulky, clumsy, weak, and of limited capacity.

If you travel all over the country and are worried about state bans on semi auto rifles then get a Troy PAR 15.
My PAR15 is wickedly accurate and currently serves, together with a pump shotty, as a permanent fixture in my RV. Even the Snow Mexicans don't have a problem with that. My herd of ARs stays safely in free states while I am on the road and sometimes behind enemy lines.

If anyone with a tacticool lever gun lives near Western NC and wants to do a friendly comparison on the range, I would be interested to see how the tactical lever gun holds up against my S&W 629, 44mag, 6.5" with a red dot. We will do a course that requires fast follow-up shots at close and medium ranges, long range shots a la Keith Elmer, and of course reloads. (BTW: The 629 is the first gun I bought in this country over 32 years ago and the last gun I'll ever surrender voluntarily. Shoots a ragged hole at 25 yards even with full house loads. It is easier to maintain an undisturbed sight alignment with the 629 in DA than getting a clean striker release with most plastic frame pistols. SA is better than a high end 1911.)
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You're missing the point.

The original question... I didn't ask "Does a levergun work well for the defensive role?" I asked "What makes a good defensive levergun?"

That would be like somebody asking "What makes a good bolt action sniper rifle?" then having some joker say "WWI called and wants it's rifle back. Get a modern semi-auto AR10 platform."

The question is the question.
Answer it... or not.
Don't try to change the damn subject.

Also... I never said I wanted to slap you across the face.
I said I would slap oneshot86 though... but still... only if he were to talk shit like that to my face.
Sadly, on the internet... everybody and their brother is brave.
I highly doubt you would slap me and if you did you probably wouldn't have any teeth left afterwards.
So, if you're every in Tampa, give me a ringy ding dingy and I can stuff your lever gun up your ass.
You can have whatever you want in your home. Why cripple yourself with antique technology when your life and the lives of your family are on the line?

Lever guns were employed in the Civil War as a new superweapon, but they quickly found out they were too fragile for warfare, and after that they were never employed in any numbers.

Now there are just so many people in America that it's inevitable some will go

What makes a good SD lever gun? The Nut running it, can you quickly reload and do you have enough rounds easily accessible to do so.

I was just thinking about the major lever gun drawbacks, limited ammo capacity and slow reloads, when it occurred to me that your could easily beat a tactical lever gun with a shotty flinging sabot slugs out of a rifled barrel. Back when 3 gun was popular, even amateurs could feed their shotty much faster than one could possibly finagle pistol cartridges into the side gate of a lever gun. The rifled barrel I got for my Mossy shoots no worse than what I have seen from modern lever guns and one hit is all you need with a 300gr slug leaving the barrel at ~2000fps. The tacticool lever gun looks more and more like a solution chasing an already solved problem.

So here is another offer. Run your tacticool lever gun against my rifled Mossy on a 'tactical' silhouette course. Any takers in NC?
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I highly doubt you would slap me and if you did you probably wouldn't have any teeth left afterwards.
So, if you're every in Tampa, give me a ringy ding dingy and I can stuff your lever gun up your ass.

Afterwards? What afterwards? Think I'm hanging around for the cops after what I'd do to you?
I'm gonna GTFOD and let some bystander call you an ambulance.

First you have a strange fascination with sucking Chris Costa's dick... and now you want to stuff things up other guys asses?
Hey, I'm not judging dude, or ma'am.... or them... whatever you call yourself.
You do you.

not entertained.jpg

See? I can play that game too...

So, I guess we're not gonna talk about leverguns in an adult fashion after all are we?
This shithole of a forum is just gonna descend into yet another internet brawl of keyboard commandos?
I guess I could do that too, but I'll just leave my own thread, and let you kiddies have at it.
I'm done here. My kids are grown. Got no patience for it.
Not gonna delete the thread either.
It's my gift to you. Play to your little hearts content.
Just gonna leave it up till some mod locks it.

We go home.jpg
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Afterwards? What afterwards? Think I'm hanging around for the cops after what I'd do to you?
I'm gonna GTFOD and let some bystander call you an ambulance.

First you have a strange fascination with sucking Chris Costa's dick... and now you want to stuff things up other guys asses?
Hey, I'm not judging dude, or ma'am.... or them... whatever you call yourself.
You do you.

View attachment 8210426

See? I can play that game too...

So, I guess we're not gonna talk about leverguns in an adult fashion after all are we?
This shithole of a forum is just gonna descend into yet another internet brawl of keyboard commandos?
I guess I could do that too, but I'll just leave my own thread, and let you kiddies have at it.
I'm done here. My kids are grown. Got no patience for it.

View attachment 8210435
Why is everyone so quick to anger lately? The man had a thought and then posted his question. It is nothing to get heated over.
We are going to be facing enough tribulation soon enough that we don't need to all be enemies here.

A lever gun can definitely be used for self defense. There are better options however.

Ammunition, training and application is what make any firearm "tactical".
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Fun tip about .44mags
Take 30-40 Krag cases, cut em down, trim the case head,load em as shotshells.
I do this on occasion for my super blackhawk.
It can be a shotshell with some serious punch in comparison to those weeny CCI things.
Can't tell me a lever gun with 10-12 rounds of shot won't clear a room lickety split.
Don't go all gay and shit on that last line, unless all you think about is gay shit and want random things shoved up yer ass.
I agree that lever guns can be used effectively in home defense. So can an AR with a 30 rd mag.

Also, my Mossberg 590A1 SPX with slugs will make holes that do not stop bleeding. Using 2.75 in, I can load one in the chamber and load 8 more in the tube. And you can shoot slugs at most gun ranges.

Then, there is my M&P 9 mm with the 17 rd double-stack. That is never more than an arm's reach from me if not actually on me.

A few knives here and there. And a great distraction trick, too. I can fart bad enough to make a buzzard puke. While someone is hacking up a lung with blinded eyes as bad as mustard gas, I can 1 point goal conversion his throat between the uprights.
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”What makes a lever gun a good defensive lever gun”; it’s close proximity to me when needing a defensive firearm. I wouldn’t at all, in a home defensive situation, feel disadvantaged with 10 rounds of 44 magnum in a short lever gun. After all, most defensive gunfights are won and lost in less than 10 rounds. The gun needs to be reliable, have a smooth action, and adequate sights. I agree, it’s not a great tactical weapon, but they fly under the radar of the haters as far as a defensive weapon goes. I like scout sights and red dots, especially considering their effective range. Even Turnbull has gotten into the action with a red dot mount.

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The lever action carbine does nothing better than the AR15, except exist in locales where modern sporting rifles are forbidden. For those that don’t live in one of those areas, this is little more than a thought exercise- though one of little value as the better option exists. However…

Indulging the thought exercise; what makes a lever action carbine a good defensive carbine? Well, the short answer is “the same things that make any carbine a good defensive carbine.” This is not “what makes a lever action superior to X?” Nor is it “why choose a lever action over y?” The question is “So, you got a lever action, huh? Whatcha gonna do with it?” For my money, if I’m limited to a lever gun for defense, I want a picatinny top rail so I can mount a red dot. I want a way to mount a light. I want a threaded barrel because shooting indoors sucks without a suppressor. And, I want it SBR’d so I can still have a handy package with the can hanging off the end. As to caliber, I think 357mag should handle any home threat well enough, and I can shoot 38spl at the range for fun.

Is this better than an AR15? I don’t think so. Better than a revolver? Yeah. Semi auto pistol? Maybe. Easier to shoot, harder to load. Shotgun? Again maybe. Less powerful, but also lower recoil and smaller package. Harder to load, but potentially higher tube capacity.
Fun tip about .44mags
Take 30-40 Krag cases, cut em down, trim the case head,load em as shotshells.
I do this on occasion for my super blackhawk.
It can be a shotshell with some serious punch in comparison to those weeny CCI things.
Can't tell me a lever gun with 10-12 rounds of shot won't clear a room lickety split.
Don't go all gay and shit on that last line, unless all you think about is gay shit and want random things shoved up yer ass.
Can you post a pic of one of these shotshells next to a regular .44mag? I don't get how the Krag case would offer benefits over the .44mag case unless you trim the Krag to COAL. But then, you would have to neck it.
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I do like the idea of one of these for a truck gun while wheeling and camping. That's why I want one. It just makes sense. Sliding it into a pack would be easy.

I'm thinking keep it simple, a red dot is a no brainer. The skeleton but stock is kinda retarded to me but the tactical rail is another no brainer because it makes mounting a light easy. I just need to decide on a caliber. .44 is kind of appealing but .357 is already a caliber I run so keeping ammo that can run in multiple guns is practical. Then again...I kinda want to go big boy and do 45-70...fucking tough to decide.

Anyway, I've got a practical use for one and the limited stuff I want to do to it makes sense. To me it's like a restomod car project. You're just upgrading it. Well except the ones with the skeleton buttstock...that's kinda dumb and ugly.
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Yep, could have been a productive topic, but as usual, it was driven into a moronic, angry, spiteful, disgusting, sewer pissing contest.
Title was "defensive" lever gun...not offense weapon, as in combat. So a lever gun will do fine for that application, and has been chosen often for the task. Caliber used, would depend what application, and location, Alaska? bears ? rural? Or city? I actually used a 30-30 16" Winchester 94 in gold mining & claims security work, for that purpose, in mostly very rural areas, with no backup. Was never undergunned for defensive purposes, and it will shoot right through a car door. Within 3 weeks the sheriff was murdered and a deputy crippled for life from a shotgun blast, & barely survived. Winter was coming, snow machine time, and I needed to get out of Dodge, wiith my trusty Win 30-30, and I declined the deputy job, the murderd sheriff tried to hire me for.
A defensive gun, is the one you're carrying, a 22 rifle, 30-30 levergun, and a 12 gauge shotgun have worked for me...to end bad behavior.
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