Re: What pack is everybody running?
Another vote for mystery ranch 3 day. I believe on this mission I had spotter, tripod, 2 m4 mag's, m320, 12 hedp, 3 liter's of water, lrf, food, frag, smoke, 2 tourniquets on the out side one on the inside, 2 pressure dressing's, iv bag, iv stick kit, quick clot, note book, extra batteries, mbitr batteries, gerber, camera, nalgene bottle,psq-20's in soft case, and probably some other stuff I cant think off. Used and abused this bag still holding up great.

Another vote for mystery ranch 3 day. I believe on this mission I had spotter, tripod, 2 m4 mag's, m320, 12 hedp, 3 liter's of water, lrf, food, frag, smoke, 2 tourniquets on the out side one on the inside, 2 pressure dressing's, iv bag, iv stick kit, quick clot, note book, extra batteries, mbitr batteries, gerber, camera, nalgene bottle,psq-20's in soft case, and probably some other stuff I cant think off. Used and abused this bag still holding up great.