Gonna fill 'em full of ... graphite?
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UYLCG0TeGe8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Me? I've got a plethora of choices, but I don't do the "carry of the day" thing. It's "carry of the month," in my case, unless some sort of special event dictates otherwise. It's bad enough undoing everything and transferring it to another pair of pants. It's even worse to make the safe pilgrimage, divest myself, take something else back up, and resituate prudent ballistic caution. Sometimes, when I'm going in possible harm's way and haven't much of a choice, I'll New York reload from a spare.
For the terribly curious, l'arme à feu du jour happens to be a recent-vintage H&K product in 9x19.