What was the point again?

I think you should try to become the first guy to hit at a mile with a 12 gauge foster slug from a smooth bore H&R single shot with a 33 knot crosswind. I don’t have the skill set required, I’d find that impressive.
I think you have been mislead by your instructor. You haven't mastered anything. All you did was what the instructor told you to do. I bet he told you what the shooting solution was, and watched over your shoulder the whole time. I have done the same thing with all of my kids, that doesn't mean if the shit hits the fan they could grab a rifle from my safe and start smoke checking assholes at 1K yards.

BTW: A half mile is only 880 yards, it sounds cooler to say half mile though.

For a long time he gave me dope and spotted adjustments. After buying the Terrapin X I told him I don't want any dope and now I'm calling my own windage and elevation. As far as 880 yards, I shot 1000 yards on day one and I've never failed to hit 1000 yards on any range day this year.
HOLY HELL That’s one a them elf eared faggots I been hearing about!
Sequel is up

For a long time he gave me dope and spotted adjustments. After buying the Terrapin X I told him I don't want any dope and now I'm calling my own windage and elevation. As far as 880 yards, I shot 1000 yards on day one and I've never failed to hit 1000 yards on any range day this year.

Dig man dig!!
My instructor would have no problem backing everything I've said. Boy, you guys really can't shoot, can you? What I've done is nothing for mid range shooting.

Yes. Please have your instructor visit us here in this thread. Also, could you please give us his name as has been asked numerous times.
Also, if you are disguising yourself under an assumed handle; awesome dude! Frank...is that you?
For a long time he gave me dope and spotted adjustments. After buying the Terrapin X I told him I don't want any dope and now I'm calling my own windage and elevation. As far as 880 yards, I shot 1000 yards on day one and I've never failed to hit 1000 yards on any range day this year.

build a rifle up or buy a good one.
mount and zero your own scope
develop a load
then do all the shooting.
hit all the time.

then do it under pressure.

then you can say you have mastered it.

I banged 3/6 at 800 with an 18” .308 the other day with a SWAG to velocity (forgot the battery for the Magneto) and a guess on atmospherics.
new rig. First time past 100 yds.

i was with @Lapuapalooza, so I think some of his skills rubbed off.
Does your instructor/spotter lay on top of you when you are prone? Seemed weird, maybe thats what helped.... 😁
At the beginning of 2020 I started shooting for the first time in my life. I hired a USMC trained instructor to tell me what's what. I can now shoot off a tripod and hit a .75 ipsc torso at 1200 yards. I own everything under a half mile on first shot as long as its not running. I can shoot off bipod and tripod out to 1200 yards and standing freeform with a Ching sling out to 300 yards and sometimes 400. I can hit accurately out to 100 yards with a 12 gauge shooting slugs, though my first love is 00 buckshot Federal. I can pop off rounds from pistols but I think they're a joke unless someone's right in your face.
So what should I do now? Where do I go from here? I need a vision, I don't know what the point is anymore.
Let me guess, you are a preacher of faith also.
Truth is, you lower IQ men destroyed the world 100 years ago when you gave women the right to vote. You men on here, you men precisely, are why Portland and Seattle and Chicago are collapsing and you gutless wonders, you fucktards, destroyed the world. Good for you, goddamnit, good for fucking you. Absolutely clueless proletariat, oblivious to what you've done.
Please be real

please be real

please be real

Oh, he's real alright. I'm pretty sure I end up talking to this exact guy at every fucking Christmas party I'm dragged to. One year he name is Brad. The next, it's Preston or Graham. It's the same grating, attention whore, know-it-all, humblebrag bullshit dressed in a different sweater vest.

Hey, OP! You know all that shit people said to you here and in your "massive disconnect" thread? Pretty much anyone who is around you for more than 10 minutes thinks it but doesn't say it. Just so you know.
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I'd just downgrade cartridge, maybe 69 smk it a bit to keep it interesting . Or if you want to play with the big boys, use the old tang sight 45 cals at 1k. Should keep things interesting.
Truth is, you lower IQ men destroyed the world 100 years ago when you gave women the right to vote. You men on here, you men precisely, are why Portland and Seattle and Chicago are collapsing and you gutless wonders, you fucktards, destroyed the world. Good for you, goddamnit, good for fucking you. Absolutely clueless proletariat, oblivious to what you've done.

Cornpop??? Is that you??

I heard you were one bad dude!
I think I need to throw my 2 cents in here. Am I a super bad ass shooter that never misses? Hell no. I’m a neophyte precision shooter at best. I’ve researched and read for years before I had the confidence to actually attempt long range shots. Were the shots successful? Yes. Look at my back posts, which I’m sure some of you will, because I haven’t posted here very much. I’m not saying the OP is wrong. I’m saying he is misguided. He’s put up on a pedestal by his coach. In my opinion that is very detrimental to his learning. The OP thinks he’s an expert in all things long range and he doesn’t even know he’s only dipped his pinky toe into the pool.

OP-Shrink your targets to 1 moa at all distances. It’s humbling, for me at least. I have a 50% hit rate on 8” steel at 1005 yards in 0-5 mph wind. I’m not bragging I’m stating a fact. I’m very certain that most that are trying to give you advise can do much better than me. Your arrogance makes you look like an ass. Your lack of knowledge in the craft leads to your arrogance. My suggestion to you is to read as much as you can on this forum and concentrate on the fundamentals of marksmanship and practice on increasingly challenging targets. We are all here to help each other. Some needs more than they know. Some are too full of themselves to accept good, quality help. In my opinion, sir, you are both.