Maggie’s What you selling...

mom x 3

Full Member
Aug 21, 2007
SW Virginia
<span style="font-weight: bold">Two businessmen in Virginia were sitting down for a break in their soon-to-be new store. As yet, the store wasn't ready, with only a few shelves set up.

One said to the other, <span style="font-style: italic">"I bet any minute now some senior is going to walk by, put his face to the window, and ask what we're selling."</span>

No sooner were the words out of his mouth when, sure enough, a curious senior walked to the window, had a peek, and in a soft voice asked <span style="font-style: italic">"What are you sellin' here?"</span>

One of the men replied sarcastically, <span style="font-style: italic">"We're selling ass-holes."</span>

Without skipping a beat, the old timer said, <span style="font-style: italic">"You're doing well. Only two left."</span>

Seniors... don't mess with them! </span>
Re: What you selling...


I wanna be that quick when I am a senior...
Re: What you selling...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Switchblade45</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just read that in an e-mail from my step dad!

Nice Rifle

Thanks, I am building one (slowly
), and will mimic this to a large degree...