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Suppressors What's your EDC knife?

Re: What's your EDC knife?

"Inexpensive" Gerber AR 3.0. I got it for my birthday last year. It's easy to sharpen when I need to, though I haven't had to yet. Primary uses are cutting rope and string, slicing wire coating, and opening envelopes. For what I need, it gets the job done well.


Re: What's your EDC knife?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hawk45</div><div class="ubbcode-body">


Ahhh I love that Sage 2. I really need to try and get my hands on one of those one of these days.
Re: What's your EDC knife?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mr06</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TheSmokeRolls</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mr06</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well so far I'm the only one to mention cold steel. Guess I'm the odd man out again. lol </div></div>
Just my opinion. I have found the Cold steel knives very hard to sharpen and they don't get as sharp as I think a knife should be. I think they are sweet looking knives but I have an issue with their lack of cutting power. I use many techniques when sharpening a knife and many knives have many different characteristics..... I had a Hunter version and it was a nice looking knife and I thought it was going to be a sweetheart of a hunting knife................. I tried everything to get it sharp............but to no avail........ I gave it to my first cousins kid...........
SmokeRolls </div></div>

I wonder If you got a bad blade. I have never had any problems. I use a whet stone (fine) and all my cold steel is razor sharp. GI tanto, recon 1, bowie spike, ti lite and a finn wolf. all incredibly sharp. There is 1 benchmade that I liked but there is no way in hell I can afford it. (I think it was a 760)

Oh and I have a remington tactical knife (forget the model but its discontinued.) I have a Randall knife too. But IMO its to pretty to use. </div></div>
That may have been the situation. I have been sharpening knives since about 1978 (as a hobby and just cause I like my knives,axes,chain saws,chisels as sharp as they should be). I just could not get over the labor I put into that knife to try and get it sharp. I even recut the edge and changed the angle to see if that would correct my no avail.
I was disapointed. I thought to myself, there was no way that a knife that handsom would barely cut better than a Pakastani folder. It was so hard of a blade that I couldn't do anything with it this side of taking the temper out of it and I wasn't willing to go that far. Probably should have.
Re: What's your EDC knife?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sobrbiker883</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I will have a Benchmade Auto Stryker one of these days, are they still crediting Alan?

My knife gets used way more often than the 1911, I was being facetious.....

I was given the Griptilian as a present (gave the wife a list with a replacement Stryker on it and she was sold the Griptilian). At first I didn't think I was going to like the Axis lock, but I really like it now.

I do understand quality, I just haven't had the funds to try a real top end knife, its one of those purchases that I feel I can could get a quality tool for the job and still have money left over for other things if I don't go overboard.

On a side note, I once got a Spyderco (nid nineties) and I shoed it to me wife. She asked what good the serrations were for, to which I explained the ease of cutting seat belts in an emergency. She didn't buy it as I am a civilian type guy.....I shit you not, in less than one week I had to use it to get a gal that was out of her Grand Cherokee that rolled 1.5 times right behind me into the parking lot of the car wash I was using.</div></div>
I think you proved your point. Nicely done.
Re: What's your EDC knife?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mr06</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well so far I'm the only one to mention cold steel. Guess I'm the odd man out again. lol </div></div>

Wouldn't own a cold steel blade unless it was 10 years old or older - not since their customer service went to hell and their worksmanship went with it...

Leatherman Wave for me...
Re: What's your EDC knife?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArcticLight</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mr06</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well so far I'm the only one to mention cold steel. Guess I'm the odd man out again. lol </div></div>

Wouldn't own a cold steel blade unless it was 10 years old or older - not since their customer service went to hell and their worksmanship went with it...

Leatherman Wave for me... </div></div>

You have really been on the customer service band wagon here lately. First Fulton Armory now Cold Steel. I have a sheath problem with one of their knives and they swapped me a new kydex sheath for the cloth damaged one. I give them a thumbs up for their CS..... so far.
Re: What's your EDC knife?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KYshooter338$</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
You have really been on the customer service band wagon here lately. First Fulton Armory now Cold Steel. I have a sheath problem with one of their knives and they swapped me a new kydex sheath for the cloth damaged one. I give them a thumbs up for their CS..... so far. </div></div>

Well if a company does you wrong - you let people know.

Now fulton did a FRIEND wrong, but to me they were decent and I said that, and their parts are top notch so that's not really a negative thing it's just what happened.

But Cold Steel - Yeah...

I like Gerber, their customer service was top notch.

That's a customer service rant, on the plus side...

Another PLUS side is Blade-Tech - AWESOME customer service. They sent me a new holster hands down, no questions asked.
I think they make knife Sheaths as well..

So it goes both ways.
Re: What's your EDC knife?

SOG Trident Tanto is what I have been carrying lately. Nice big blade, not too heavy, holds an edge well... though sometimes customers take a step back when I pull it out to cut something... Guess they don't notice my EDC gun.
Re: What's your EDC knife?

carried a benchmade 722 for a long time-- too big, tanto style blade not the best for my needs. Started carrying a limited edition 960 with a s30v blade-- little too dainty. Now with mini-griptilian, just right. Recently got the doug ritter version with the cpm-m4 blade that is DLC coated, perfect.
Re: What's your EDC knife?

Carried this Voyager for about 10 years:

Then started carrying the Recon. Abused the heck out this knife:

Then switched to the SOG Flash II. Didn't like it at first because it feels pretty light, but it's great because I barely notice it:

I just picked up this Hatamoto but I don't think I'll carry it:

Size comparison:

Re: What's your EDC knife?

I don't really have just one EDC. These are my regulars. I've always got one of them on me at all times:


On left: -Benchmade Fixed blade Griptillian
Top to bottom:
-Zero Tolerance ZT0200 (my newest addition)
-Lone wolf First production Vallotton auto (D.A.)
-Benchmade Barrage
-Benchmade 5000 Auto
-Benchmade 913 Nitrous Stryker
-Benchmade 730 Ares

If I had to pick one of these to carry every day for the rest of my life, it would be the Benchmade 5000 auto. (with the Zero Tolerance as a close second.)
Re: What's your EDC knife?

AZ15 - I carried a Voyager just like that for a couple of years until the stupid plastic belt clip broke off the back. Why put a plastic belt clip on a knife of that size. That thing is lost in a toolbox somewhere. Wont go back to Cold Steel.
Re: What's your EDC knife?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rookie</div><div class="ubbcode-body">AZ15 - I carried a Voyager just like that for a couple of years until the stupid plastic belt clip broke off the back. Why put a plastic belt clip on a knife of that size. That thing is lost in a toolbox somewhere. Wont go back to Cold Steel. </div></div>

I'm sure it will break eventually, but for a knife I paid $40 for 15 years ago I certainly have gotten my money's worth.
Re: What's your EDC knife?

My EDC blade varies. It could be one of the following on any given day (and usually 2 of them)

-Spyderco Tenacious (inexpensive and nicely made for an import, not heartbreaking if I lose it, and usually carry them in pairs)
-Benchmade AFCK (had this knife for years and Benchmade recently went through it and replaced the bent titanium liner---NO CHARGE)
-Benchmade 710 McHenry Williams (this is one of my faves)

I'd just like to say, Benchmade's Customer Service rocks. I fully expected to be billed for the bent liner in the AFCK.

And always in my wallet is a Victorinox Swiss Card.

Really wish I could legally carry my Benchmade AFO
Re: What's your EDC knife?

Cold Steel American Lawman.... carried it for around two years now. ive used it as a hammer a prying tool. and many other tough jobs..... blade has no play and functions like the day i got it. i recommend it to anyone looking for an EDC folder. i like the SNAP! sound it makes when that berly ass locking mechanism clicks in. also the pocket clip can be switched to either side aswell as the thumb stud. if you ever see me anywhere you can look at my pocket and see the scratched to hell black clip. it goes where ever i do...


its not pretty, no fancy crap...just works...
Re: What's your EDC knife?

I just got a ZT350ST for Christmas and have been carrying it in place of my Strider and really like the knife. Good size and weight and fast opening. Very sharp from the factory as well. Not a bad package for under $125.

No pics of mine but here's the knife
Re: What's your EDC knife?

I have been using a AlMar miniSEAR, love it and abuse the hell out of it. Since I work on a fishing trawler my environment is pretty harsh to say the least. I have been looking at some of the emerson's lately though. Probably going to grab one before too much longer.
Re: What's your EDC knife?

I was given a knife as a present by a PD armorer a few years ago. It is a great knife, and I can keep it sharp enough to shave with. It is a funny looking knife, I guess Boker makes it under license from Kalishnakov.

Re: What's your EDC knife?

Who makes the belt knife?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RollingThunder51</div><div class="ubbcode-body">..

For more than 30 years, in lots of places. Only thing worth going in my pocket for is a multi tool.

Re: What's your EDC knife?

I carry a CRKT M21 now. I use to carry two of the Recon 1s, there a tough ass knife. I don't like there new handle otherwise I would have gotten a new Cold Steel when I broke mine.
Re: What's your EDC knife?

Gerber AR 3.50 (I think, got it at Wal Mart when they discontinued them), all day, every day, 365 days a year, plethora of Gerber or Buck sheath knives during hunting season, keep a Nimravus in the truck, and a Nim Cub in the pickup.
Re: What's your EDC knife?

Been toting a Kershaw Whirlwind for the last few months and so far im very impressed with it , holds a edge realy well , not real heavy , the clip allows it to sit low in my pocket. I've cleaned 3 deer with it and only needed to barely touch up the edge between animals.
For $50 range its hard to beat
Re: What's your EDC knife?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mackdrvr</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Cold Steel Pro Lite. Been abusing it for the last 5 years. Only cost me $50.00, and it is still going strong. </div></div>
I carry this also off duty
At work I have a Spyderco Police.
Re: What's your EDC knife?

Emerson karambit folder. Despite the crazy looks I get when I pull it out, I find the curved blade and fine point excellent for any manner of utility tasks. Plus, it has a legitimate self defense capability if I'm Not armed.
Re: What's your EDC knife?

I carry a ZDP-189 Spyderco Delica 4. I used to have that big killer Spyderco that was silly to carry around, but I left it in a golf bag that I threw way!!!

That lil ziptie works just like the "wave" knifes, but I've already taken it off. I just use this for Err Day stuff.


Re: What's your EDC knife?

Switched to a Spyderco Military about 6 months ago.. now it is my all time favorite knife. Does everything I want in a great lightweight package. And for it's size it disappears in the pocket.