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Maggie’s What's Your View II


Lost Squirrel
Full Member
  • Aug 7, 2011
    PNW WA
    Let's get this going Guy's. Gotta lot of stuff to put up. Busy wet day.

    My view today is basically snow, tundra and more snow. But my view next weekend will be more fun! Headed to Cheboygan, Michigan to pick up the remnants of a Civil War Cannon that I just bought, as a pile of debris, in a barn. Wood is mostly rotted, but the patterns are there. And the hardware is there down to the last bolt. Rusted, but it's there. Been looking for one of these barn finds for years!

    Road trip Friday/Sat/Sun!!!

    I'll post my view across Canada to get to Sault St. Marie (which I've always wanted to see) and down the U.P. and to pick up the cannon and then home. I have been needing some windshield therapy! I can't wait!



    Still don't know how to create a Tagline, so this will have to do....
    My view today is basically snow, tundra and more snow. But my view next weekend will be more fun! Headed to Cheboygan, Michigan to pick up the remnants of a Civil War Cannon that I just bought, as a pile of debris, in a barn. Wood is mostly rotted, but the patterns are there. And the hardware is there down to the last bolt. Rusted, but it's there. Been looking for one of these barn finds for years!

    Road trip Friday/Sat/Sun!!!

    I'll post my view across Canada to get to Sault St. Marie (which I've always wanted to see) and down the U.P. and to pick up the cannon and then home. I have been needing some windshield therapy! I can't wait!



    Still don't know how to create a Tagline, so this will have to do....

    Can't wait to see the Epic Views of this journey. Post up when; ya can. This is gonna be good.
    Would love to see the face customs makes when you tell them your cargo!

    Already thought of that... coming home through I75 and Cleveland... It's a 5 hours longer trip, but I don't think Canadian Customs has any sense of humor when it comes to artillery!



    My view today is basically snow, tundra and more snow. But my view next weekend will be more fun! Headed to Cheboygan, Michigan to pick up the remnants of a Civil War Cannon that I just bought, as a pile of debris, in a barn. Wood is mostly rotted, but the patterns are there. And the hardware is there down to the last bolt. Rusted, but it's there. Been looking for one of these barn finds for years!

    Road trip Friday/Sat/Sun!!!

    I'll post my view across Canada to get to Sault St. Marie (which I've always wanted to see) and down the U.P. and to pick up the cannon and then home. I have been needing some windshield therapy! I can't wait!



    Still don't know how to create a Tagline, so this will have to do....

    Hmmm...this sounds really interesting! Sounds worthy of its own thread, for sure.
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    Water has gone down. Life has returned to normal. Elk are back out in the fields that were flooded last few days. Getting their Nom on.


    Had a Cow and a few Calfs try to play chipmunk crossing the road on the way in. No !!! Stay right there.

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    During the Flood Thursday this herd just down the road from my place decided to bug out. I don't do the Faceplant thing, but it's the only link I can find to the vid.


    tnichols, I'm using Imgur to post my pics. Seems to be no issue with their site while posting up. I'd get an account there so you can get your cooking pick up. That's a great pic.

    This morning coming in. Crisp 28 out, but absolutely gorgeous.


    Water is finally off my road. But not by much.






    Coming into town I see some mental giant didn't believe the roads were a sheet of ice. Launched himself into the Cattails ON A STRAIGHT STRETCH !!!!! Imagine?


    And entering the BIG TOWN. :cool:



    That's all I got for ya right now. Hope ya enjoy'm.

    IMG_3596.JPG Ok, per 1J04's request, here is yesterday's view. I'm running the smoker late afternoon and the wife is teasing me about my uniform. Apparently she feels most world class chefs don't cook in overalls replete with a basting brush, meat thermometer, and a can of snoose. There was also concern that an adult beverage was not included in the photo. Trust me, there were a few, I mean several,...well, a lot.
    Leaving the Homestead I had to stop and take this one this morning. Sent it to the Mrs with a mushy Valentines Day note. Chivalry is not dead. :cool:

    Nope, just put 2 on it. I had put 4 on the 655 yd target 30 degrees to the left of it and was out.

    AIAE Mk III 20" 308
    NF ATACR 5-25
    175 SMK over 43.2 gr of RE15
    Lapua brass
    Trues out at 2584 fps

    Pretty basic rig and load.
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    Thanks. Usually with my shitty wind calling skills, my targets look like they've been raked by a Thompson at 15 yards. I can hold the waterline, but seeing/feeling a 1-2 mph change at that range, uh no.
    1J04, Where do you live? you have some beautiful country side in all of your pictures.

    this is the view from this past weekend. i doubt yall want to see my office i am at today.



    Thank you for your appreciation of the shots. I'm a few miles east of the mouth of the Columbia River on the Washington side. Grew up on the Olympic Peninsula (Clallam Bay) and this area is just as beautiful as there in it's own way.
    That's a great pit, good looking Dog, and I take my Steak Medium Rare. ;) Thanks for sharing a piece of Texas with us. Don't be shy posting some pics up. We'll appreciate your view possibly more than you know. What we sometimes take for granted I'm certain others don't. Fun to see other members areas of operation. :p
    Have a great day folks. We're getting ready to flood one more time more than likely this afternoon. Oh well.
    Vegas trip reposted!



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    I thought I'd take a quit cat nap, but Noooooo! The crows had to start making a bunch of noise and my finger got all itchy.
    I had probable caws.

    There was a fourth, but I didn't get all of him and he went hobbling off through the woods. Owls gotta eat too.



    Nice Tucker! I do that at home in the spring when we are invaded by Starlings. Multiple hides setup about the house with scoped 22's. A lot of fun!
    IMG_3609.JPG So I'm in recurrent training for 4 days. Usually in class I set up my training iPad and personal iPad. Fire up my personal device so I can sneak a peak at the Hide every now and then, and this is my view. No bueno!
    Greetings from Michigan's UP.... I'm in St. Ignited or St. Iguana or something like that. But have a hell of a view out of my hotel window. Lake Huron is 50 feet from the back door!


    The drive out through Sudbury, On. and Sault St. Marie was what I'd call MMFT... Miles and miles of f%$#@ing tundra. Damn what do people do up here for a living? Never mind. Don't answer that.

    But the drive across the Locks at Sault St. Marie was spectacular. I've wanted to see that since I read Paddle To The Sea (my favorite book as a very, very young boy).... and it was very cool to get there at sunset.

    Heading up the bridge. Took forever to cross because I was behind some Ontario turd burglar in a VW Golf taking selfies of himself all the way across. At 15 MPH. Oh well, made it easier for me to take pictures of the landscape. Guilty officer...


    Back to the USA! I think that one on the left means that there is a Tim Hortons ahead. Not sure. There is always one of those flags over a Donut shop. Must be an International Symbol or something (Sorry, Sean.... I can't help myself).


    The locks at Sault St. Marie. Must be really cool when the big lakers are going through.... I sense a motorcycle trip here in my future.

    Tomorrow, the unearthing of cannon bits begins!



    I don't have a tag line yet, eh???
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    On the way home. Had to capture this amazing evening. This is how it played out from 2 different angle's.



