Maggie’s What's Your View II

I figured Geno. Just thought I would bust your chops.

I will admit to owning a keltec once. Was young and had no idea it was such a piece. Had a Sig and a 1912 and wanted something smaller......
It actually ran fine through 7-800 rds before I wised up and bought a better pistol and sold it.
@Geno C.
I'm running a 350 pointed Sierra at 2950, 130 grains retumbo in Bartram brass, with 215 match.
Friend loaded some with cci and had hangfires.
What are you going to run in yours ?
Mine is a Snipetac, not sure if yours is or not. The plan is 377 cutting edge or 350 badlands. Bertram brass for now, should be in the neighborhood of 140gr of RL33, fggm 215m. I have a friend that had hangfires with Remington large primers too.
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Mine is a Snipetac, not sure if yours is or not. The plan is 377 cutting edge or 350 badlands. Bertram brass for now, should be in the neighborhood of 140gr of RL33, fggm 215m. I have a friend that had hangfires with Remington large primers too.

Mines a cheytac David Viers, Mr. Snipetac, rebuilt for me. David was one absolutely sterling fine gentleman.
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Im just full of silliness today.

Making dinner, completing Homework and finishing up Valentines with a 6 year old makes me need to be a bit less serious......

Cant wait to hear about that thing shooting. Cant imagine 140ish grains of powder. Wow!
About an hour ago...

Got to my home range today. Got the Snipetac sighted in; 10moa high at 100 yards leaves me with 126moa up adjustments left on the scope before I have to use hold overs. Should get me around 2880 yards with today’s DA.

Forming went well. Cases look good and the weather is perfect! Once all the cases are formed I’ll have to sight in again but for now I’m ready to roll
Some of us old people got thin blood and are used to cold at low 50's, just sayin...?

Are you going to anneal the fired brass ?
I lost several Bartram on 3rd firing in the CT, so, as much forming as it moved, might consider annealing. That stopped my case loss and dropped my es and sd.

Looking forward to your first mile group!
Ok. My spine doc called about my mylegram. I think I told y'all what that was like last week.
Anyhow, no encroachment on spinal cord, no leaks in the pipe. They don't see any nerves rubbing or pinching. They do see that the fusion is moving, it is not fused. There is a screw broke.
My options are injections, and/or surgery.
I had no delusions that any news I got would be anything but bad.

I explained to him I knew how injection regimens end. I explained my experience with my knees since my early 30s, I now need surgery on my knees worse than ever.
He agreed with my assessment, said surgery is a forgone conclusion, just a matter of how long I want to put it off. He said risk of infection goes up when revisiting a site. I had not heard of that, but there it is.

They keep telling me no new knees because risk of infection is greater in fat people. They told me those knees ain't designed for heavy people, and they don't like to do knee surgery on people as young as me.

I hate doctors.
A good one is hard to find. I do believe my spine doc is a good one.

Gonna use the coming days to find a new knee doc.
Ok. My spine doc called about my mylegram. I think I told y'all what that was like last week.
Anyhow, no encroachment on spinal cord, no leaks in the pipe. They don't see any nerves rubbing or pinching. They do see that the fusion is moving, it is not fused. There is a screw broke.
My options are injections, and/or surgery.
I had no delusions that any news I got would be anything but bad.

I explained to him I knew how injection regimens end. I explained my experience with my knees since my early 30s, I now need surgery on my knees worse than ever.
He agreed with my assessment, said surgery is a forgone conclusion, just a matter of how long I want to put it off. He said risk of infection goes up when revisiting a site. I had not heard of that, but there it is.

They keep telling me no new knees because risk of infection is greater in fat people. They told me those knees ain't designed for heavy people, and they don't like to do knee surgery on people as young as me.

I hate doctors.
A good one is hard to find. I do believe my spine doc is a good one.

Gonna use the coming days to find a new knee doc.

Fantastic news that there are no spinal chord issues to compound the fusion issues.? I know that doesn’t fix the current issue but man that’s good news. Know exactly what you mean on the when thing as I am putting one off because I started with a new company. Cost of being happier where i work. You will get through this, just hang in there amigo
Unless you happen to be trying a new powder (RL26) that turns out to be ‘the powder’ for your new rifle and only bought a pound of it. Then what was readily on the shelf disappears and becomes unobtanium???? The 6.5-284 loves that shit in two bullet weights?
Still never run out of that. Or 4350 to varget or anything. I tend to stack it deep. Same with bullets. 140 Berger’s? Always had mine. When I was young I learned how shitty it is to run out of stuff. I don’t let that happen now that I’m an adult
Ok. My spine doc called about my mylegram. I think I told y'all what that was like last week.
Anyhow, no encroachment on spinal cord, no leaks in the pipe. They don't see any nerves rubbing or pinching. They do see that the fusion is moving, it is not fused. There is a screw broke.
My options are injections, and/or surgery.
I had no delusions that any news I got would be anything but bad.

I explained to him I knew how injection regimens end. I explained my experience with my knees since my early 30s, I now need surgery on my knees worse than ever.
He agreed with my assessment, said surgery is a forgone conclusion, just a matter of how long I want to put it off. He said risk of infection goes up when revisiting a site. I had not heard of that, but there it is.

They keep telling me no new knees because risk of infection is greater in fat people. They told me those knees ain't designed for heavy people, and they don't like to do knee surgery on people as young as me.

I hate doctors.
A good one is hard to find. I do believe my spine doc is a good one.

Gonna use the coming days to find a new knee doc.

Sent P.M..
Still never run out of that. Or 4350 to varget or anything. I tend to stack it deep. Same with bullets. 140 Berger’s? Always had mine. When I was young I learned how shitty it is to run out of stuff. I don’t let that happen now that I’m an adult

Cool, I’ll pm you with my address and what do you want for it???