Maggie’s What's Your View II

Remnants ?............Shit. I'm in Marathon right now and it was raining harder than I have ever seen. Causes me to freely admit that us Warshtonians don't know shit about heavy rain. Power is out and I'm running off of residual charges on my iphone, jetpack and laptop. I'm willing to bet the line crews know their shit, have been pre-staged and will get us back up in no time.

If not, it's gonna be a half can of Pringles and copious amounts of Tito's for dinner..... ;)
Line crews in this neck of the woods got it down good. Only thing holding them back is the wind more than likely. I think here in NC, the wind has to be under 35-40mph to start working lines.
Line crews in this neck of the woods got it down good. Only thing holding them back is the wind more than likely. I think here in NC, the wind has to be under 35-40mph to start working lines.
Yep, it's now a quiet pause. Those Line Guys better be getting paid a fuck ton of money. Looks like they'll go 60-70 feet in the air, in 35-45 mph winds and driving/ridiculous rain to restore what 100kV lines ?

Ho Lee Shit......Be careful boys, my internet service is not worth any of your lives. Not one.
Took the old girl for a spin (figuratively) this afternoon. 70 degrees and only 13 mph winds. Tonight’s question is, post landing, what’s wrong with the aircraft in question? The pilots side door and window open don’t count. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves.
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Why’s the rear engine cowl latch open?

edit: looks like a couple folks beat me to it!
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Brisk morning
I have a few large maple trees in the yard and in the fall there's 3 rounds of leaf cleanup. I got home this afternoon and the woman had already raked several large piles. I got the chipper/mulcher out and started to feed it. This little feller was laying on the edge of the pile. Almost didn't see him.

Sometimes a corn snake will fool you. I put him out in the field to hunt down some mice.
Little venting.
Tuesday my son 4 got sent home from school. His mom took him to the doctor that day. She text me says he has croup and will be out 3-5 days. Says nothing about COVID-19.
I have him Wednesday and Thursday he’s with my parents that just got over COVID when I’m at work. Friday I’m at work and get a text that my son is positive for covid. I get sent home till I get a negative test I’ll be paid. My wife gets sent home for 14 days not paid. I talk with my parents since he’s with them at that time.
We decided it’s best for them to keep him. So my weekend with my son I don’t get to see him at all.
If I have a positive test my wife has to miss 28days of work no pay.
So everyone is pissed at my ex. For being stupid. My son’s class at school is on 14 day shut down.
Friday when I got home it was shower and deer stand to try to calm down. Saturday was way to windy to hunt. Today I go get tested. Monday I’m hunting.
Most importantly my boy you can’t even tell he’s sick just a cough in the morning and evening.
House is getting appraised Tuesday he just asked that we have masks on and stay outside as he looks it over. Hopefully it’s hits 165k or more. They won’t count the 80 ac. It sits on I think that’s BS. So I’m stressed.
You boys keep posting the good pictures
@Geno C. your boys ready for deer season?
@1J04 come get the 4 squirrels by my stand oh and the opossum
That’s a tough stoke of crap. The Rona shit needs to end for everyone’s sake. We need to like we’ve had a virus before and get on with life.
Cash is ready. Been doing most practice with the 22 but have got plenty of rounds through the 300blk as well.

Buzz doesn’t really have the hunting bug. He’s getting to the age where chasing a different kind of tail is on his mind.
@Bryan W M , Sounds like you are getting it from all sides; the Covid 19 bs is completely out of control. My son had to finally close hid brew pub because of it. I'll be praying for you and your family.

I don't understand the appraisel not considering the 80 ac that goes with your house; in many places, that might be worth more than the house. Maybe it will be added seperately? Is it seperate on your property tax statement? I'd look for another appraiser.
No kidding. I'd buy the 80 acres just to hunt on.
@Bryan W M , Sounds like you are getting it from all sides; the Covid 19 bs is completely out of control. My son had to finally close hid brew pub because of it. I'll be praying for you and your family.

I don't understand the appraisel not considering the 80 ac that goes with your house; in many places, that might be worth more than the house. Maybe it will be added seperately? Is it seperate on your property tax statement? I'd look for another appraiser.
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It’s separate house is on one ac. The rest is ag. Land on taxes.
Since the house is now hopefully worth enough to refinance I’ll be going from 4.25 arm loan to 2.875 fixed. Really nervous.
I bought the land for 124k on a 20 year at 4.65 then the divorce I had to refinance to pay her the 10k they said I owed her. I had paid cash for the basement of the house and had planned to add the upstairs. So when I got divorced I added the upstairs and took out a bigger loan. If I sold house and land right now I’d walk away with 180-200k cash. But no banks or credit union will loan on that value it’s completely stupid.
Hope that makes since.
@Geno C. tell that boy that tail is dangerous

A VERY rare view for me. Not just a new rifle, or a new scope, but a complete new “system.” I picked up one of the last new AXMCs left for sale. It is in my favorite cartridge (338NM) but is useless to me at 20”. I already have a 27” Sage Green 338NM barrel on order to replace the one on my other AXMC when it goes, so I picked up a black 27” 338LM barrel for this one, and while I was at it, a 26” 6.5CM barrel, .308 bolt body and mag, SB PMII 5-25, and Spuhr, along with a TBAC 338BA brake.