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When is this prepper/zombie/EOTW TREND going to RE-make it's way out of shooting sports???


Full Member
Jan 8, 2006
Portland, OR
I'm getting REAL tired of this zombie and prepper shit. It has brought more UNWANTED idiots into the shooting and firearms world for some of the most ridiculous attention and unwanted characters that seem to make face for the rest of us who have responsibly and more traditionally enjoyed firearms for many years. I remember around 2003/04 when the zombie thing was kinda popular, but it didn't include making the firearms industry a prime member of the trend to even include manufacturers creating "zombie loads" and other crap. I think doing that crap just feeds the trolls that shouldn't truly be around firearms in general, and that a lot of the true and more traditional firearms enthusiasts would rather not have occupying the local ranges and mountains to shoot. Maybe I'm just TOO traditional, but as of lately, a lot of the "firearms enthusiasts" I see are too much of the Call of Duty Zombie mode crowd gone real life. Even on this forum after being away deployed and busy for a couple years I was shocked to see how many members had joined here that fall into that category all too well. They seem to better disguise themselves here though as they get called out quicker than most other places.

I will be happy when these idiots run out of money and move on to something else...
Of course we all know that the evening news will focus on the one idiot in the crowd of thousands, and everybody has their 10%, but if it's a way to help expand the positive (key word here) image of shooting sports, I'm all for it.

The best thing to do for our long term benefit is to teach those new to firearms the correct way to safely enjoy them.
People who hate anything zombie related need to get laid and lighten up and buy a sense of humor. Your government preps on your behalf but when your neighbor does it, he's crazy. Interesting. Newsflash, TV isn't real. It's manufactured entertainment/distraction.
People who hate anything zombie related need to get laid and lighten up and buy a sense of humor. Your government preps on your behalf but when your neighbor does it, he's crazy. Interesting. Newsflash, TV isn't real. It's manufactured entertainment/distraction.

Thanks for the life advice and spout about TV?... Anyway, I do have a sense of humor, I've lightened up enough to this shit, and most of these people in question have never BEEN laid... I've been adequately "prepped" for years with my normal amount of shooting and lifestyle needs without needing a ridiculous trend to make me in debt buying everything I can. I'm talking about this new "prepper" crowd that has been created. If you don't see it then I don't know what else to tell you.
The zombie crap is a great marketing strategy that has gotten out of control. Even though its a pain in the ass at the range sometimes, at least they are not sitting on their ass playing video games all day.
There is a difference between making sure you have decent supplies for any type of emergency, and full bore retard prepper. You know the type, and It IS a trend... That's what I'm talking about. I could easily be considered a "prepper" by many who don't care about anything, but I've always had a responsible amount of supplies in everything for whatever kind of emergency including natural disasters.

Same with shooting supplies. I just stocked up over the years in things I used a lot. Some people have more shit collected than I do in just a few months, just from watching that stupid ass "Doomsday preppers" show on NatGeo...
I think the (Bigger Picture) of prepping is a good thing. The zombie thing is just targeting a specific crowd. SO WHAT if that's what brings new people to the range? Are they forcing you (The OP) to shoot at THIER zombie targets with THEIR green AR loaded with zombie max bullets? Im sure the same thing could be said for everyone that has a 10,000$ rifle and shoots paper at 100yds. (Or any range for that matter) Its different strokes for different folks. Im happy to see people becoming aware of world events and are realizing that one day they may not be able to shop at the local supermarket. These people are actually learning something like living off the land. Of course the TV networks will focus on the 1% that are pretty far out there. But for teenagers and adults to be able to name a rifle just by looking at it from video games is FAR BETTER than being able to recite the life story of some celebrity on MTV.
I will be happy when these idiots run out of money and move on to something else...

Good luck with that, I hope you realize some of us grew up with those 'original prepper dudes' up in Utah and we learned from folks that been doing it long before TV went color.

We threw bags of wheat over our shoulders as children and packed them into the basement and threw golf ball sized chunks of dry ice into galvanized trash cans and watch my granddad hammer the lids on that he had made airtight.

If I have my math right that was in 1973.

Nixon was president and gold was about 37 bucks an ounce. 22 shells were a under penny. My Browning lever 22 cost my dad 89 bucks at the western auto.

So now I'm some sort of dumbass when I rathole a bunch of stuff now knowing it cost me more tomorrow? When I know for a mathematical certainty my wages cannot go up?

I have a memory that won't let me forget 49 cent gas when I filled my first tank in my old ratshit GMC pickup, seems like had I have ratholed a few more of the silver dimes I used to find as a kid I'd be sitting pretty good right now.

I'll keep buying hard goods, and you keep waiting for me to run out of money, and we'll see how that works out for both of us.

For me it's not as much prepping as holding on to my wealth, in a way that cannot be inflated/taxed/stolen from me without someone actually coming to my house and taking it from me.

The zombie thing is marketing, same shit that has most people buying the newest smartphone/I-whateverthefuck with a credit card, or thinking that money in the stock market is the only safe way to retire with any money.

Seems to have worked for hornady, I haven't seen any of the green tip Vmax's in stock for quite a while. Nor do I think the guys at GS/JPM/Citi or BofA are having any financial problems like common manufacturing/construction/transportation or supply businesses in this country.

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Thanks for the life advice and spout about TV?... Anyway, I do have a sense of humor, I've lightened up enough to this shit, and most of these people in question have never BEEN laid... I've been adequately "prepped" for years with my normal amount of shooting and lifestyle needs without needing a ridiculous trend to make me in debt buying everything I can. I'm talking about this new "prepper" crowd that has been created. If you don't see it then I don't know what else to tell you.
So it's Ok for you "old" preppers to hoard things but not the "new" preppers? Give me a break. What makes you such an authority? As far as bringing in new shooters, I think it's fantastic! The more people that get involved in the shooting sports, the better. It gives us that much greater of a collective voice when fighting for our Second Amendment rights.
So it's Ok for you "old" preppers to hoard things but not the "new" preppers? Give me a break. What makes you such an authority? As far as bringing in new shooters, I think it's fantastic! The more people that get involved in the shooting sports, the better. It gives us that much greater of a collective voice when fighting for our Second Amendment rights.

Haha, calm down... I'm 26 years old. Hardly an "old" prepper, and I've never "hoarded" anything as I've said, only acquired stuff in very small amounts throughout the last few years of stuff I've used frequently. You are taking it out of context and making it personal to anyone that collects supplies. I have no problem with stocking up on things and fully support that RESPONSIBLE behavior.

I DO HAVE A PROBLEM with this TREND (lookup trend) of prepper shit. If you are a "new" prepper, cool. But all of these new preppers SHOULD realize that the new trend that everyone wants part in is what is making it so damn hard on everyone in the first place to be part of it...

I never said I had a problem with bringing in new shooters. I DO have a problem with the way they are being brought in which in turn creates a bad atmosphere surrounding certain aspects of the sport. I hope a lot of the "zombie" crowd DO have responsible shooter's around them, because based on what I've seen I would love for some of these people to just go through a simple firearms course and learn a thing or two past what they have on Call of Duty. The thing I DO have a problem with is someone being led into purchasing a gun based on marketing when they have no idea what responsible gun ownership is. THAT hurts us, regardless if it's another gun owner. We all know how much one bad example can hurt us, so the statement of the more the better IS NOT always correct if it's created by poor circumstances.

I love that so many people are now finding out that the world they live in cannot be lived in through ignorant bliss and have decided that maybe our history and the history of the world should be respected a bit more. That is absolutely fantastic and is a great wake up call for a lot of people in our country. And now, we seem to have quite a few more patriots slowly being created out of it.

I hope that clears up that I don't want everything just for myself and thinking you don't have a right to buy bottled water and bullets...
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I try to hoard as much as I can, every chance I get, and don't give a fuck if others like it or not. Not a prep-per at all, more of a realist because I've seen the "Kindness" of mankind on 4 different continents in my lifetime. Anyone that waits until the last minute to provide for their family, but always has the time and money for the play toys, deserves what they get when shit happens.
Give me a break. I dunno about you but I loved me some Cowboys and Injuns when I was a kid. Sure I guess technically you could consider it unsafe gun handling that may contribute to carelessness with the real thing and portraying gun owners in a bad/racist light but holy shit gimme a break. You sound like the idiots at the schools expelling kids for making soldier cupcakes and chewing pastries into the shape of a gun. What Preppers are giving you the heeby jeebies and painting you in such a bad light? The ones YOU watch on TELEVISION? Calm down.
That dooms day prepper show is GHEY. IMHO. But it gets people thinking, and buying shit they will eventually cull out and I can buy cheap at yard sales. As far as zombies go, I'll have to admit I engage in zombie apocolypse fantasies. Usually big titted red heads and Latin women. Suppressed head shots with subsonic 300 Blackouts, 1000 meter head shots with 50's etc. etc. going to the BMW dealership and taking that red M3 for a spin.

It's just fantasy. But some day who knows?
And then the OP will be the first to come here bitching about (Preppers) and (Zombie Fanatics) hoarding all the ammo and he doesn't have any to shoot paper at the local INDOOR range. Sounds like hes getting a taste of (Piss Poor Planning) HAHA
You missed the part where I said I had plenty of stuff dude..

Where am I condoning not letting kids play cowboys and Indians? That's why I joined the marine corps...

You two can't read worth a shit..
Anyway, it's gotten off topic, but what I'd like to see out of all this is more positive influence on the hoards of people that are becoming new gun owners, whether it be new preppers entering the lifestyle and becoming interested, or the zombie crowd... whatever... I don't see why that would hit a nerve with any of us on here, but that's what needs to happen to prevent stupid shit from happening with the hundreds of thousands of new guns flying off the shelf to people that might not have before even considered buying one. I completely agree with point early in the thread that the best way to do this is to pass on knowledge and continue teaching the new gun owners and generations.

That's what I'm trying to get out of this despite all the bitching back and forth between some. I would LIKE to see the extreme side of things disappear from the shooting world, but I realize it probably won't, and the companies will continue to market things that are "trends" that pop up.
Well the walking dead season opener was the highest rated tv show ! Bigger than who killed JR referring to Dallas TV show from the 80's real big back then and back then there was a run on cowboy hats , boots and guns too . Preppers LAMO talk about John Birch , Y2K . 2012 just to name a few At the end of the day My son is a Marine 4 Tours over there and still plays call of duty and burns up my ammo shooting zombies and ive burned up tens of thousands of rounds shooting grass hoppers and rocks just for fun ,
"Cant We All Just Get Along " quote from rodney king before he became a zombe dont you hate it when you fee you have to qualify your quotes LAMO again .Its just popular culture I suppose
Perhaps Zombie is just an analogy and good one at that....

So before you come spewing hate for people who hoard things why don't you ask yourself perhaps they've disconnected from TV and got a reality check and are (as is usual in such a case) going to extremes to "catch up" (since in their mind they're late to the party).

Your initial post if full of arrogance (UNWANTED -> wtf are you to be the judge or norm of what is or is not wanted and if not wanted by your standards wtf does that mean for the rest of the people) and prejudice (prepper shit as is denominator as in wackos as in cookoos etc..) and while being young is an excuse you should do better than that.

As far as zombie marketing goes i guess it shows the true nature of some people as obviously saying you will go out and shoot people and have fun blowing their heads off is not taken kindly or worse you get a visit from authorities but if you say zombies instead its all good fun and good business. When a father or a son posts a picture of holding AR he gets in trouble but when Hollywierd makes ton of movies about blowing shit up and general mayhem or worse well that's entertainment value and artistic freedom. Hypocrisy rules our society so better get used to it and grow a thicker skin or you'll get some serious disease for getting all worked up for nothing.
The surest way to miss a sale is to ignore a market. People who sell things have to sell what people will buy. If one guy buys something and the guy down the counter belittles that buyer, who do you think the seller should be listening to?

Business is business is business. Period.
Perhaps Zombie is just an analogy and good one at that....

So before you come spewing hate for people who hoard things why don't you ask yourself perhaps they've disconnected from TV and got a reality check and are (as is usual in such a case) going to extremes to "catch up" (since in their mind they're late to the party).

Your initial post if full of arrogance (UNWANTED -> wtf are you to be the judge or norm of what is or is not wanted and if not wanted by your standards wtf does that mean for the rest of the people) and prejudice (prepper shit as is denominator as in wackos as in cookoos etc..) and while being young is an excuse you should do better than that.

As far as zombie marketing goes i guess it shows the true nature of some people as obviously saying you will go out and shoot people and have fun blowing their heads off is not taken kindly or worse you get a visit from authorities but if you say zombies instead its all good fun and good business. When a father or a son posts a picture of holding AR he gets in trouble but when Hollywierd makes ton of movies about blowing shit up and general mayhem or worse well that's entertainment value and artistic freedom. Hypocrisy rules our society so better get used to it and grow a thicker skin or you'll get some serious disease for getting all worked up for nothing.

Arrogance? No, maybe frustration. You've got to know that I KNOW it's not REALLY going away... I use these two groups because these are the two which are the most jumped on bandwagon by people and who I've personally seen the biggest jump in new people buying firearms. Sorry I upset people here with such thick skin by generally inferring to a few different groups... I'm a realist mainly and seem to be the only one here NOT getting upset in my prior posts despite the "thick skin" comments. I've grown my share of thick skin. What IS frustrating and what ACTUALLY upsets me is driving up to my local shooting spots which I used to think were fairly hidden, seeing ammo boxes, brass, and trash littered everywhere with zombie targets still nailed to trees. Or driving past a cutout gravel pit seeing people with brand new AR's who obviously don't know shit about firearms in general unloading an entire mag into solid rock from 50 yards out. And I need to calm down? If this wouldn't frustrate you, then maybe YOU need to get a "reality check".

It's always been a problem with trash and stuff in general, along with the other basic carelessness and such, but it's mainly gotten worse within the last 3 months and I've ditched several spots to go to the range once in a while. AND THAT'S NOT MUCH BETTER.

Now, without taking offense, misconstruing this to think I just hate everyone, or trying to interject your life lessons and evaluations of my demeanor onto me... What I'm trying to say is that we have A TON of new inexperienced shooters that are buying guns left and right because of various marketing ideas and general trends floating around. Some on here are saying the more the merrier... Sure, in general, I'd agree as I love taking new gun owners and people new to firearms out shooting. But this mass flood of gun owners is bringing out even the most surprising of people to join the bandwagon...

It seems the amount of education by the experienced, and general good practices and knowledge that should go to every single person is completely overwhelmed by the flux of people actually fully engaging themselves in our sport. This is a problem. Period.

Sorry for coming off arrogant, thick-skin deficient, delusional, an asshole, or whatever other way you want to explain my behavior as.

You guys need some thicker skin or something...
Honestly, the only thing that worries me about the prepper, zombie apocalypse types are that in the event of a real, extended, disaster type situation these people will roughly fall into two categories.

1. The people who have what they need and want to be left alone
2. The ones who bought an AR and 5K rounds of M855 but no dry goods, water, seeds for the garden, fuel, or any number of other things which are actually useful. In effect these people are really only prepared for taking by force. They are the ones who worry me.

But outside of this unlikely scenario, they are harmless victims of P.T. Barnum-inspired marketing.
I guess I'm a bit with JB5812 on this, but for a simple reason: what worries me about the zombie apocalypse/SHTF enthusiasts is all the basic firearm safety I so consistently see them not observing. I don't want to be at the range at the same time they are principally because I don't want to have to dodge their errant bullets.


Honestly, the only thing that worries me about the prepper, zombie apocalypse types are that in the event of a real, extended, disaster type situation these people will roughly fall into two categories.

1. The people who have what they need and want to be left alone
2. The ones who bought an AR and 5K rounds of M855 but no dry goods, water, seeds for the garden, fuel, or any number of other things which are actually useful. In effect these people are really only prepared for taking by force. They are the ones who worry me.

But outside of this unlikely scenario, they are harmless victims of P.T. Barnum-inspired marketing.

The second one worries me the most... I've had a couple of people that I thought I could trust come out and state how they had enough ammo to take what they needed from those that have what they want.

Thank God for OPSEC.
I hear a lot of whining here about the problem and no one offering a solution. Instead of walking away and getting assed up about those people who are lacking in proper firearms skills (and this isn't just preppers mind you) why don't you offer to help these people and share some of the information you have about firearms safety with them? If you aren't going to help these people to become safer firearms owners when you see them, you are also part of the problem.
I guess I'm a bit with JB5812 on this, but for a simple reason: what worries me about the zombie apocalypse/SHTF enthusiasts is all the basic firearm safety I so consistently see them not observing. I don't want to be at the range at the same time they are principally because I don't want to have to dodge their errant bullets.



I concur. Its certainly a pain in the ass when you're on the 100 meter range shooting a 22 and having some guy sally up to the bench next to you and whip out a single shot bolt action 50BMG AR upper with a muzzle brake angled just right to hit you in the face with blast energy.... glad I had good earpro for that occasion. in the same breath though, I like helping those folks out in unscrewing themselves (the guy looked at me like I was smoking crack when I advised him to go to a 600+ meter range and said "a 50 will shoot out that far!?").

I'll gladly spend half my range day teaching them shooting fundamentals and firearms safety, but the second that the conspiracy theories start coming out, I politely excuse myself. The zombie thing is a pretty funny joke, and I'm glad that Hornady and others that make zombie ammo got in on the humor, but the people who are DEAD SERIOUS (no pun intended) about zombie hordes or some other brand of nutzoid... yeah.. no.

Some of these folks are confused, and think that being part of the firearms community means that you have to mix your politics and such with the hobby. Through patience and guidance, this can be alleviated.
Many good points.

I like the subtle comment by Sharac: "Perhaps Zombie is just an analogy and good one at that..."
I think when many people say "zombie" they're thinking about an EMP, or complete lack of oil, and 8,000,000 residents of New York City suddenly realizing they can't grow their own food and if there aren't diesel trucks to bring it in they're not eating. Does anyone really think they're just going to sit in their flats and quietly starve to death?

For the longest time I thought "preppers" were a bunch of paranoid whack jobs. Now, with a child, and paying closer attention to the world, I would rather be safe than sorry. In recent years we've seen countries where a million people were chopped to death with machetes. That some crazy zombie shit right there.

And it can't happen here? Remember Detroit a few decades ago? Or, more recently, Los Angeles after a single man got a whoopin after charging police? I would never give better than 50/50 odds on pandefuckingmonium not happening after a major crises in this country. It strikes me as more of the Balkans these days than Norman Rockwell's America.

I've never shot at zombie targets, nor have I ever bought zombie ammo, or any other crazy zombie paraphernalia. But I'm not knocking it: It let's me know when SHTF that the guy with the lime-green AR probably falls into Oughtsix's category 2.

And if these people are making the wrong calculation in driving up prices now by overbuying, just sit back and buy nothing. Then, when nothing happens, buy it all up at a big discount when prices fall back down. If you feel they're right then the fault is yours for not buying some when market conditions were better for the price you wanted to pay. If, however, you already really have everything you need, what the hell is it to you then?
Haha I like the way this thread turned out.

On a serious note, papa three six, you're right to a degree.. but realistically, I'm not going to approach half of the people I see randomly doing unsafe things with guns to start educating them on what theyre doing wrong... I see a lot of them dismissing it. But I see what you're saying. I do choose to educate a lot of people around me and take them to shoot at my ammo expense. So I'm not just the problem in general as you suggest. But yeah, until we can all do something about it then I suppose it makes us guilty of being part of the problem according to that logic.
Ban All Guns oh wait I didn't realize what forum I was on Guns are Cool LMAO Don't judge a book by its cover it serves neither the book nor yourself . I believe if you take the time to ask Do those piercings affect your site picture or are those tattoos real . You may find you have more in common than you think Remember Dont allow your prejudice to affect your better judgement .
Well, anything that gets lazy kids, teens, and adults off their asses playing video games and actually out and enjoying shooting real guns responsibly, then I'm all for it. I must admit I do get mild entertainment still out of the whole zombie and SHTF fad.
I have to say that I am with the OP (JB5812) on this one. I have been shooting since I was old enough to explain each rule of gun safety to my dad and grandfather. I have always been a big fan of shooting at targets that are not just circles and 1" squares, but targets like animal targets with vitals outlined or even golfballs and baseballs. But I think that he entire Zombie target with a Zombie EOTech and Zombie ammo thing is a little too far out there for me. I will in no way bash anyone's views or beliefs, but I just cannot see eye-to-eye with people on this one. Maybe it comes from the jobs that some of us have/had mixed with our life experiences. I am a LEO in a "top 10" city and I deal with shit heads on a daily basis. I am also an Infantryman that has had to deal with even more shit heads over seas. I guess that what I am getting at is that when you have a job that focuses on killing someone before they kill you or your brother next to you; believing in the entire zombie thing just sounds like immature bullshit. I guess the definition of "adult" might have changed some in the last 20 years or so.

I think that everyone should be prepared for whatever worst case senario that they feel could happen, but I think that we all are smart enough to know what "too far" is. When major TV networks start to do shows about things like doomsday preppers and zombie hunters, and they focus on the weapons and ammo that they have stored, it gives the entire gun culture a black eye. I wish that some people would realize this and would think about the greater harm they cause when they go on shows like that. Again, I am not trying to talk down to anyone or say that the zombie culture is stupid. I just can't find any common ground with them other than the love of firearms.

There is a time for everything and right now our culture (the shooting culture) needs to look as professional as possible. We do not need to give the anti-gun crowd ammo by looking like we are a bunch of immature kids running around with guns ready to attack everything. I enjoy joking and playing around a little at work and having fun, but if I know that my boss is looking for any reason at all to fire me, I'm going to be on my best behavior until things calm down again. There is just a time for everything and we need to look as professional as possible for a little while until the country's ADHD kicks in and things are back to normal.
I view the various passing fads as a sort of barometer indicating the collective confidence in life in general. Like the old military adage that morale is lowest when the complaints are fewest, I worry only when the weirdos disappear from sight along with the roaches. That super still, eerie silence is what raises my hackles.

Right now, I'm kicked back and taking in the show.

Beer..., check. Kindle..., check.

Currently in vacation on Tybee Island, GA; family and the ocean both visible in the same vista. Internet access is practically nonextistent.

Life is good, burp!
