When you take a anti-gun liberal to the range... short video included


Shadow Trooper
Full Member
  • Jan 10, 2011
    Cajun Country
    So I'll start by saying I'm not the best instructor, and there are lots of flaws in this short clip. Since one of my co-workers and I are
    furloughed, I talked her into going to the range with me to give us something to do, and she had actually expressed some curiosity
    about shooting when she found out her mom and grandmother both used to shoot. I was pretty sure we were going to drive
    out there and she was going to choose not to shoot, but hey, I was going to get some trigger time and it was company for the
    2 hour drive to the range. I sighted in the 6mm and the 300nm and then turned to her expecting the "no, that's ok I'll just watch
    answer". Surprisingly she said she would just try once..... a little coaching, and a little relaxing and she shot a 3 shot 1" group
    at 100yds, with 2 going through the same hole with the 6mm... I was then stunned when she asked to shoot the 300 Norma Mag.
    I told her it wouldn't be much more recoil than the 6mm and slightly louder... so she laid done and center punched the bullseye.
    We then switched to the 6" diamond at 300 yards and she hit it 9/10 with 5 shots from each gun. For the entire drive home she
    beamed at how much fun it was and she hopes she can go back and do it again, and told everyone at our sports bar about what
    a great time and showing off some of her pics and videos. I wish I would have captured her excitement after she stood up, but
    it just goes to show you.... It's worth a little effort to work with anyone who shows even the tiniest interest in our sport and get
    them out there behind the trigger. She's already wanting to get in some dry firing and learning the ballistics software...
    Enjoy the clip.
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    Good for you and your Liberal, Atombomb!

    I had a similar experience with a friend-of-a-friend. With a little coaching this ultra-liberal young woman was shooting steel like a pro at 950 yards, suppressed. I was happy she connected with her first shot too. She showed her friends and co-workers the photos I took of her and they were in disbelief that she participated in such an activity... I was happy to provide someone the opportunity to experience firearms for themselves and form their own opinions.
    At our Shooting Facility inside Ground Zero (Southern Commiefornia)...

    Countless number of anti-gunners/on the fence types who have never shot before are so excited to find out how it is nothing like what all their echo chambers have conveyed to them. Especially the moms.
    "So much fun, I always had a totally different image of what everyone here was going to be like."
    No, we're not a bunch of gun waving, Knuckle dragging, mouth breathers.
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    At our Shooting Facility inside Ground Zero (Southern Commiefornia)...

    Countless number of anti-gunners/on the fence types who have never shot before are so excited to find out how it is nothing like what all their echo chambers have conveyed to them. Especially the moms.
    "So much fun, I always had a totally different image of what everyone here was going to be like."
    No, we're not a bunch of gun waving, Knuckle dragging, mouth breathers.

    Yeah... she was commenting on how polite and safety conscious everyone was, and big props to Brian at Peacemaker for treating her so well.
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    My Wife and I head a small concealed carry group here locally - basically a support group for concealed carry people and we share guns and shoot together and help each other get licensed, trained, and outfitted. Virtually all of the members are Liberals and Democrats.

    I think it's a myth that we need to shun and ostracize Libs and call them names and blow them off. If we are gonna keep our guns we'll need to enlist them and partner with them. Shooting and guns is fucking fun no matter who you are. Take a Lib to the range...it's a win/win.

    Now let's make a promise to take a kid shooting. Yes indeed a Kid, the future of the 2nd amendment in our lifetime.
    Just as this lady found out how the lies & BS that the antiguners spew, are false & shooting guns can be a ton of fun.
    We need to stop preaching to the Choir, & get about the business of changing our peoples hearts & minds.

    It's up to us fellow shooters, & we can make a big difference against the Godless Socialist who are determined to
    destroy America. I made this promise many years ago & try to take a Kid Shooting, Hunting & Fishing when
    ever I can. My reward is seeing their happy faces when they get their first Rabbit, Bass or a Bullseye.

    Try it you may just find that it is more rewarding than most anything you can do.
    Good luck & God Bless America.
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    Way to go! Another convert! One at a time. If we all do it, we can keep turning the tide in our favor.

    I have not had a single newbie NOT like... nay... LOVE their first trip to the range. 100% satisfaction rate.

    I went ahead and got my NRA Pistol Instructor cert just to have the credential. I'd like to get some more certs. Again... just for my own enlightenment and be better "qualified."
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    No one is a Lib or a Conservative or a Democrat or a Republican when we are at the range. Shooting is fun....self defense is a universal right. Everybody I have seen loves to shoot.

    It's all the semantics and politics and shit that makes it ugly. Depending on who you believe up to 40% of Liberals and Democrats own guns and shoot. It is an extremely small minority of Dems (like less than 11%) who have terminal issues with gun ownership and wanting bans and all that shit. Mostly because they weren't raised right or have never been to a range for fun.

    You can't imagine the number of Liberal Democrat Women my Wife and I have nurtured to get their CCL and shoot seriously and often. Dozens of them seeking self defense tools and skills. There are more Americans who want to keep the 2A than trash it...find them and embrace them. Nurture them. Shoot with them.

    And then tell the Politicians, Rinos and Dinos alike to suck it. *SuPeR!* Kudos to the OP for making this happen. It's The Way to keep our guns and make new friends and shooting partners. Well done!

    I love threads like this. I have brought several newbies out and like you guys, they are always happy. Which makes me happy.

    I like to start indoors with a 22lr revolver and move through the calibers until they get to 45ACP, assuming they are comfortable. Next trip is off to the rifle range where I like to again start with 22lr, then move up to ARs and some ninja shit if they're up to it. I almost always try to end with a 22lr or at least an AR. Starting and finishing with little to no recoil starts and ends the day on a high note, which helps foster their desire to come back out. If I dont have distance, I like putting a new shooter on the 22 silhouette range. You have to be an asshole to not like knocking down chickens and rams.
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    God bless you all for doing that. I cannot stand taking new people to the range and I have a really hard time dealing with shooters I don't know.

    I don't know why I am that way, but I cannot change it.
    I love threads like this. I have brought several newbies out and like you guys, they are always happy. Which makes me happy.

    I like to start indoors with a 22lr revolver and move through the calibers until they get to 45ACP, assuming they are comfortable. Next trip is off to the rifle range where I like to again start with 22lr, then move up to ARs and some ninja shit if they're up to it. I almost always try to end with a 22lr or at least an AR. Starting and finishing with little to no recoil starts and ends the day on a high note, which helps foster their desire to come back out. If I dont have distance, I like putting a new shooter on the 22 silhouette range. You have to be an asshole to not like knocking down chickens and rams.

    Yep... I have several .22LRs that work great for teaching newbies the basics. One of them is an M&P 15-22, which I personally love. But, it's also great for newbies. It's the "AR-15" experience with .22LR, which has a much quieter report and a non-existent recoil. Sure... .223 has very little recoil, but it's pretty loud. So, I start them with .22LR. And, then if they're comfortable and ready... we'll move to the .223 rifle. For that, I break out the SCAR-16, which everyone loves. The younger folks recognize it from their video games. :)
    God bless you all for doing that. I cannot stand taking new people to the range and I have a really hard time dealing with shooters I don't know.

    I don't know why I am that way, but I cannot change it.

    Don't feel bad.... it's a huge responsibility and you can do just as much bad as you can good.... but if you're at the range and you see someone working with a newbie, be supportive and courteous. If you have that hand cannon or muzzle braked rifle, maybe give that person some space, or shoot that gun after they are done.
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    God bless you all for doing that. I cannot stand taking new people to the range and I have a really hard time dealing with shooters I don't know.

    I don't know why I am that way, but I cannot change it.

    Well... it's always people I DO know... friends / acquaintances. No strangers. But, yeah... I enjoy sharing my passion for firearms and shooting. And, it spreads to them. Their smiles are the big reward.
    God bless you all for doing that. I cannot stand taking new people to the range and I have a really hard time dealing with shooters I don't know.

    I don't know why I am that way, but I cannot change it.

    I don't mind helping people at all, newbies or experienced. My crowd of friends and acquaintances run the full gamut.

    What I absolutely cannot stand is helping, training or otherwise associating with the "tacticool hipster" crowd. I'm sure you seen or talked to the guys. You can usually find them at your local public ranges without too much trouble.

    We ran a rifle 101 class a few years ago and pretty much 50 percent of the students wanted to skip the 1st day classroom and go straight to the range. Everyone just wanted to, and I quote "teach me how to hit a K". Like 1000 yards was some magical number that needed to jumped straight into. They just wanted to skip all of the basics. I don't think they retained anything useful, but not because of us.

    Way too many selfies on range day. Should have banned mobile phones for those basics classes. Hey, it's their money though.
    What I absolutely cannot stand is helping, training or otherwise associating with the "tacticool hipster" crowd. I'm sure you seen or talked to the guys. You can usually find them at your local public ranges without too much trouble.

    We ran a rifle 101 class a few years ago and pretty much 50 percent of the students wanted to skip the 1st day classroom and go straight to the range. Everyone just wanted to, and I quote "teach me how to hit a K". Like 1000 yards was some magical number that needed to jumped straight into. They just wanted to skip all of the basics. I don't think they retained anything useful, but not because of us.

    Way too many selfies on range day. Should have banned mobile phones for those basics classes. Hey, it's their money though.
    I know exactly what you're talking about. I would have hard a hard time not grabbing a few phones, tossing them in the dirt and putting a 38 cal hole in each of them
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    I take a lot of newbs out, somedays I can handle it, others are tougher. It is way easier if a few fundamentals are taught, esp follow through, the ones that keep their face on the cheekpiece and try spot their shot seem to be halfway home.

    Kids are a challenge, especially brothers 2-3yrs apart. Competition between the 2 is a way of life, and the youngest needs to do what the older one is doing. Without ground rules like he is 2 yrs ahead of you, never have I been able to stick with The Plan, I end getting played, lol
    One kid and me= sucesss
    2 kids and me= a long day
    No one is a Lib or a Conservative or a Democrat or a Republican when we are at the range. Shooting is fun....self defense is a universal right. Everybody I have seen loves to shoot.

    It's all the semantics and politics and shit that makes it ugly. Depending on who you believe up to 40% of Liberals and Democrats own guns and shoot. It is an extremely small minority of Dems (like less than 11%) who have terminal issues with gun ownership and wanting bans and all that shit. Mostly because they weren't raised right or have never been to a range for fun.

    You can't imagine the number of Liberal Democrat Women my Wife and I have nurtured to get their CCL and shoot seriously and often. Dozens of them seeking self defense tools and skills. There are more Americans who want to keep the 2A than trash it...find them and embrace them. Nurture them. Shoot with them.

    And then tell the Politicians, Rinos and Dinos alike to suck it. *SuPeR!* Kudos to the OP for making this happen. It's The Way to keep our guns and make new friends and shooting partners. Well done!


    My aunt and uncle are liberals that own guns. That want your AR15s and AK47s taken away still.
    My aunt and uncle are liberals that own guns. That want your AR15s and AK47s taken away still.


    I bet one of them wasn't a liberal before they got married. One probably brainwashed the other into a happy, safe-place full of rainbows and unicorns.

    Just don't subscribe to their little fascist regime and all will be well... not that there was any concern with that happening to you of course ;)
    the funny part of it is how much better women/girls are as first time shooters then guys are.
    i think they actually listen because they are afraid of whats going to happen, while guys think they can just handle it.
    but of everyone i have taken, the females always out shoot the men.
    once they understand the rifle will not blow them off the table and make their ears bleed, they all do pretty well.
    • Like
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    the funny part of it is how much better women/girls are as first time shooters then guys are.
    i think they actually listen because they are afraid of whats going to happen, while guys think they can just handle it.
    but of everyone i have taken, the females always out shoot the men.
    once they understand the rifle will not blow them off the table and make their ears bleed, they all do pretty well.

    My Wife agreed to Shoot a High Power Match in order to qualify to get me another DMC M1 Garand she shot a Mini 30 in
    a 800 point Match. That M1 cost $96.00 but not when you add the rest of the story.

    Fast forward the story: She took her NM M1A, Leather shooting jacket, Stool, Spotting Scope etc. & shot with me for 23 years all
    over the South East. Her first 1000 yard match the 1st sighter shot with LC White Box was a Dead center X. The entire
    AMTU Team rushed over to the big team scope to check it out. That night at the Pizza joint her money was no good, as
    the AMTU bought us Pizza & Beer :D. The Gunny kept telling her about 1 Shot 1 kill was what mattered most LOL.

    She was raised on a Farm in Western NY and when we first met our first date was a Deer hunting trip. Many of us are not so lucky but just imagine having your Wife or girlfriend shooting & hunting with you. How true it is that you never know just who
    or when you will find your next shooting buddy, so ask others if they would like to go shooting with you. Their answer may
    just surprise you.
    My Wife agreed to Shoot a High Power Match in order to qualify to get me another DMC M1 Garand she shot a Mini 30 in
    a 800 point Match. That M1 cost $96.00 but not when you add the rest of the story.

    Fast forward the story: She took her NM M1A, Leather shooting jacket, Stool, Spotting Scope etc. & shot with me for 23 years all
    over the South East. Her first 1000 yard match the 1st sighter shot with LC White Box was a Dead center X. The entire
    AMTU Team rushed over to the big team scope to check it out. That night at the Pizza joint her money was no good, as
    the AMTU bought us Pizza & Beer :D. The Gunny kept telling her about 1 Shot 1 kill was what mattered most LOL.

    She was raised on a Farm in Western NY and when we first met our first date was a Deer hunting trip. Many of us are not so lucky but just imagine having your Wife or girlfriend shooting & hunting with you. How true it is that you never know just who
    or when you will find your next shooting buddy, so ask others if they would like to go shooting with you. Their answer may
    just surprise you.

    Cool story bro

    And I mean it (y)
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    I bet one of them wasn't a liberal before they got married. One probably brainwashed the other into a happy, safe-place full of rainbows and unicorns.

    Just don't subscribe to their little fascist regime and all will be well... not that there was any concern with that happening to you of course ;)

    I feel confident they have both always been retarded.
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    Women are far more teachable. That is true.

    Most men think they are born experts at shooting, driving, and fucking. Most of them are wrong about the first two, and probably #3 as well.
    That is not only a fact it’s proven scientifically. I’d much rather teach a class of females than a class of alpha fuck heads any day of the week. Yes I am an alpha fuck head but I know what I’m doing or else I wouldn’t be teaching ????
    There is one in every group of kids. Since I can't figure out who it is amongst my brothers and sister......It must be me. :ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO:
