If this isn’t the proper place to put this someone help me out please.
When I first got my electronic caller I straight slayed the crap out of em, usually more come in than I could possibly shoot. Slowly my success has died down to where it’s about a 5-10% chance of seeing anything on a set. I wonder if I just killed all the dumb ones and made a super coyote?
I know certain times of the year are hard but the only thing I can think of is Ive either educated them or Ive killed enough of them so the rabbit population has exploded (it has gotten ridiculous.) and they’re just not in the mood since food is so available. Any advice would be welcomed.
When I first got my electronic caller I straight slayed the crap out of em, usually more come in than I could possibly shoot. Slowly my success has died down to where it’s about a 5-10% chance of seeing anything on a set. I wonder if I just killed all the dumb ones and made a super coyote?
I know certain times of the year are hard but the only thing I can think of is Ive either educated them or Ive killed enough of them so the rabbit population has exploded (it has gotten ridiculous.) and they’re just not in the mood since food is so available. Any advice would be welcomed.