I'm currently scanning with a thermal ld19a with my right eye and have a pvs 14 strapped on my head to view through my left eye. I currently have a pulsar core rxq30 thermal scope on my rifle. I'd like to mount a IR laser on the side or top of the rifle and have the option to shoot with my head up through the pvs 14. There are a million different opinions on IR lasers is my problem. The Steiner OTAL-C is probably near the top of my budget @$400. Just wondering if anyone has experience with any other cheaper IR lasers like the Element PEQ15 LA5-C UHP (ebay for $68), or Holosun LS117IR ($250), NcStar green & IR ($90), the Lasermax Unimax IR ($160) or G&P red / IR beam ($1 ebay). I know this is a big question, but my main use will be for calling / hunting coyotes at night in southeastern Ohio, most of my shots are under 150 yards and pretty quick. For my main purpose, if you feel that any of these cheaper lasers would work for my setup, please let me know. If anyone has any other suggestions on their setups I'd like to hear also. Thanks