Re: Who has had enough of this Zombie Crap?
A funny:
To set this up, I just had a zombie seminar, about how to pack and use common items for emergencies but anyway, I have a zombie hunter patch and every once in awhile I wear the patch on my cool guy hat. Sometimes I wear a tattered and faded BDU shirt, they are comfy. My eldest son and I wanted to get some fried chicken so we stopped for a late lunch. At the counter was, I have to be stereotypical now, teenager, tall and thin, pimple pot marked face, took our order. He said, I like your hat. I had no idea what he was referring to but my son who is very witty, said yea, he did a zombie clinic today. The kids eyes popped out, said where and asked some questions. He got real excited. My son, this is Doc Savage a real life zombie sleuth. The kid was pinging now off the walls. My son said, last month the Doc was down is Belize where they had a chemical plant spill. Reports of a virus and zombie like encounters. Got real bad but its taken care of now. I was about to laugh but realized the kid was serious. My son stood there for a few minutes talking as I waited for our chicken.
I see the kid in the back pointing at us. Boy, what did you say to him?
I was finished and went up to get a refill. In the back was a few more, OK I have to stereotype here, young thin pimple faced kids and one elder young man. They were talking the merits and killing effects of 556 and 223 Vs various others. The first kids says, when you go after zombies, what do you like to kill and separate the head. OK, I can be witty at times, with a straight face, a snarg and walked off. My son saw him pull out his cell phone, I can only imagine that he was googling snarg.
On a serious note, the word is marketable and being this is a capitalist economy, run with it. This country needs retail sales to go up. This will hire more people, they can buy food, gas and keep the roof over their family, and pay taxes, the company pays more taxes, invests more, grows more, hires more. I for one cannot understand why anyone would discourage something like this that benefits our economy. Who cares if there are citizens running around with green painted zombie stickered guns, binos, scopes, ammo, etc, I see this as a good thing. I am not a snob for others fun time and marketing plans.