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Who’s the SH Air Gunners???

Last box of 10.5 CP's I got were awful in my Marauder. Even after doing some sorting they still shot like crap. Was a shame since previous boxes of 7.9 CP's shot great in my HW77. I've switched to JSB for all my ag's.

I’ve found the JSB and H&N pellets to be extremely accurate.
Also what is the opinions on slugs vs pellets?

I just saw this thread a few days ago and have been busy but here's my .02 on slugs vs pellets.

Inside 50Y a "good" pellet, from a good batch, out of a good gun, will often have smaller vertical but blow in the wind more. The higher the BC of the pellet or slug the less they will blow but slugs are most often a higher BC than pellets.

At 100Y you'll start to see a bigger difference in wind drift of the higher BC slugs compared to any pellet.

Past 100Y pellets will begin to falter rapidly because of the shape. Low BC and High drag.

No contest past 100Y, slugs will outdo pellets """if""" the slug is precise in your gun to begin with which usually means the twist rate and other factors are correct for slugs.

Also the airgun community has not figured out why commercial slugs can give big flyers. The good ones are swaged and are very consistent but still send a flyer off a great group. This happens more often than with say good rimfires using good ammo.

Finding a slug to work in your gun "can be challenging" but sometimes not. And sometimes tuning your airgun to the slug is required.
It's kinda like finding a type and lot number of 22rf ammo for your 22rf.
My two Thomas single shot pcp rifles.

This one is his HPX model, I named it SURELY. I have one barrel for custom swaged 42 gr 22 cal lead slugs going 780 fps and another barrel for heavy 22 cal 25.4 gr pellets going 965 fps/52 fpe. Those are 100Y groups with the pellet barrel. It's really hard shooting good groups at 100Y with pellets!!! It's way, way, way easier to shoot good groups at 100Y with a good 22rf vs a good air rifle.

This one is designed for Field Target air rifle comps, I named it Purple Reign. It's 19.5 fpe in 17 cal. It can also be converted to a 12fpe pistol for the same sport in PFT division.
It's won or tied the only 3 FT matches its been in. Except my daughter was the one that won the last match using it to shoot a perfect score. The brat beat me, lol!!!
Break barrels are all I shoot, love the simplicity of them. HW97 .177, HW95 .25 and not pictured is my R7 .177. All three have been tuned. The HW97 is stupid accurate.
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i just sent off an email to athlon asking if there scopes are springer compatible. hows yours going?

im soon to take delivery of a new and tuned hw97 but am scratching my head what to put on it in mil/mil ffp, yeah im nuts and want to keep all the scopes the same and dont want to put on those cheap air rifle scopes.

apparently zerotech are rated for springers from what the zerotech here has told me but the length of the one i want is making me hesitant with putting down the cash just in case the length of the scope covers the breech and makes it difficult to load pellets.
My two Thomas single shot pcp rifles.

This one is his HPX model, I named it SURELY. I have one barrel for custom swaged 42 gr 22 cal lead slugs going 780 fps and another barrel for heavy 22 cal 25.4 gr pellets going 965 fps/52 fpe. Those are 100Y groups with the pellet barrel. It's really hard shooting good groups at 100Y with pellets!!! It's way, way, way easier to shoot good groups at 100Y with a good 22rf vs a good air rifle.
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This one is designed for Field Target air rifle comps, I named it Purple Reign. It's 19.5 fpe in 17 cal. It can also be converted to a 12fpe pistol for the same sport in PFT division.
It's won or tied the only 3 FT matches its been in. Except my daughter was the one that won the last match using it to shoot a perfect score. The brat beat me, lol!!!
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Just thought I would post a pic of Purple Reign converted over to a pistol for Pistol Field Target competition.
This included abiding by the rules for the PFT division;

No more than a 12x scope is allowed so I put my Athlon Helos G2 2-12x42 DMR scope on. I also dug up a large side wheel I found in my airgun extras drawer to attach to the side focus of the scope. A large wheel helps with determining the distance by using the clearest focus at each distance and marking that distance on tape stuck to the face of the wheel.

No more than 12 fpe of energy so I took the 20 fpe jet out and put the 12 fpe jet in so instead of 820 fps for 13.4gr pellets/20 fpe in rifle form, its 720 fps for 10.3 gr pellets in pistol form.

Can't have more than a 15" barrel which it already had anyway so I didn't need to change that.

Can't be more than 25" so all I had to do was remove the butt stock assembly with 4 screws and the barrel shroud as well.

I spent a few afternoons getting my dope down and calibrating the wheel for distance.

How'd that go...Results... I won PFT Hunter division in our AZ state match on Friday with 37/40.

Ha, I had some odd inspiration as I thought about names for the PFT version as I lay in bed that night processing the day - Let's see there's Purp which is close to purple and then it hit me, hey call it Perp which is short for perpetrator. So it became "The Perp" LOL??? which is close to PRP or Purple Reign Pistol.

Then I put it back to the rifle version and won Unlimited division with Purple Reign by Sunday afternoon. Though I don't consider it much since there were only two of us in this non AAFTA recognized division and I really let myself down as well the rifle because I didn't shoot as good as I do normally.
Aig guns are starting to get some traction at our local club. The original site has had urban sprawl kill the out door range (actually two clubs, one is still good for trap and sporting clays as long as you use #7 or #8 shot. Still makes you a little uneasy as you can see houses in the distance) and they are starting up some air gun things on the old rifle range. Talk is of having field target but no one wants to put the work in. Perhaps after I retire, can't do it now.
Aig guns are starting to get some traction at our local club. The original site has had urban sprawl kill the out door range (actually two clubs, one is still good for trap and sporting clays as long as you use #7 or #8 shot. Still makes you a little uneasy as you can see houses in the distance) and they are starting up some air gun things on the old rifle range. Talk is of having field target but no one wants to put the work in. Perhaps after I retire, can't do it now.

I'm sure there are many shooters that would appreciate a nice thing like you propose!
I forgot to mention that some of us were camping for the weekend and yesterday morning some friends and I hung out part of the day to try some long range airgun.

I set a man silhouette at 210Y facing south into a gravel mound in the gravel pit. That target has 2" flappers, one in the middle and one that flaps to either side of the head. The target itself is probably 10" tall and 6" wide(edit; after measuring it its 14" tall and 7" wide).
It was great because we could see where every shot landed whether a hit on the white painted steel or a miss right behind it only a foot back.
By the 4th shot I had hit the center flapper with SLUGSURELY which is the Thomas HPX described in one of my previous posts. I hit the flappers quite a bit and as much as 3 times in a row. This was done with the rifle resting off shooting sticks and with me sitting on a 3 gallon bucket. A guy I know tried my rifle for the first time. He was astounded that he could easily hit the steel.

My other friends had showed up in the mean time.
One had a 25 caliber Daystate Redwolf shooting 25gr pellets. Amazingly he could still hit the steel sometimes, well more often than I thought possible??!! These only have a .040 G1 BC.
Another guy had a Daystate Safari in 17 cal but he was shooting 20.5 gr slugs at 975 fps. Other than making it a little more difficult to see hits with that particularly small projectile he did almost as well as I did. He mentioned that he thought his barrel was leading up which was a problem he had had before with this slug which caused some issues hitting stuff.

Altogether we shot hundreds of rounds at cans and shotgun shells from 125Y to 163Y. It'd take a few tries but we could hit them all.

Airguns can be a ton of fun!!!!!
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It really is nice, you can sit back with friends, no ears BS and just ding steel.

On my property I can go to roughly 400 yards till I hit my back fence row from my garage. In the heat of the summer I will open the garage sit under the AC vent and just plink away.

Great fun for this old man. I generally stop at 100 yards this is where my fallen down windmill is. I really need to fix that thing one day, another project for retirement.
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Damn right they can be fun! Been lucky enough to be working at a shop that carries the entire fx line and accessories. So my wife has been worried about me not taking home a paycheck. Lol

The Daydtate RefWolf is an awesome rifle and I really love it, have a few others that just sit in the safe now. So maybe looking at selling them to fund other rifles.

The ability to shoot just about anywhere is great! And when you shoot with the .22lr guys and hit the same targets it is even more fun.
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No love for the Evol? I have two, this one and a 30. Not a huge shot capacity, but very trim and crazy accurate.

These are well built and rugged, especially for an airgun. I know Tom personally and he is a nice person. I've shot a few of his prototypes and personal airguns.

I had the EVOL full size in 30 cal for a while that was 80 fpe. While a guy a know had one in Texas that was a very precise rifle, the one I had wasn't as precise as I expected from it. I didn't like the extra effort it took to cock it was the other thing.

Your 22 cal is the one I'd want if I got another and since its 30-ish fpe the cocking effort is normal. A friend has that same caliber and length, it's sweet.
I am testing an evol 30 right now. They are a hell of a gun, and durable as hell. Enjoy that rifle much more than my Refwolf
Ha, I replaced mine with a Redwolf and I like it much better. Though the EVOL gets the nod in durability for sure. I love the silky smooth and nearly effortless cocking. I'd prefer not to have an electronic gun but it is what it is.
Lol...yeah the butter smooth handle and mouse click trigger is nice. Have taken the rifle to the woods hunting more than a few times. Do wish the wolf had a stock with a rail, instead of drilling or using a bottle clamp
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Break barrels are all I shoot, love the simplicity of them. HW97 .177, HW95 .25 and not pictured is my R7 .177. All three have been tuned. The HW97 is stupid accurate.
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I am toying with getting a HW97K in .22. I recently got a HW30 Synthetic in . 177 and between the fit/finish, accuracy and the Rekord trigger, I am going to be a life long customer.
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I have been super impressed with mine. It’s a Veteran Taipan Tactical. It’s crazy accurate out to 100 yards. I bought it to shoot in my yard which I only have 6 acres at my house. I my KYL paper and steel targets no problem. I went with a Nightforce 8-32 with the MiL-XT to mirror the ATACR 7-35 on my rimfire. They are super cheap to shoot once you get them together. Well worth the investment
I shoot the FX Impact M3 in .22 & .25 700mm w/ slug liners and tensioned barrels. I am only shooting the PCP for Local NRL22 matches and getting the RimX out for NRL-X Matches.

*** Caliber ***
The .22 & .25 with Varmint Knocker slugs are phenomenal for whatever you are looking to do. I shoot both calibers out to 350 yards and they hold their own if I am doing my part.
* .22 in a 32.8g HP Slug I'm pushing a 1035 average. 16 ES. 6 SD.
* .25 in a 34g HP Slug I'm pushing 1055 average. 12 ES. 4 SD.
**** Dealers ****
Utah Aur Guns is a HUGE company that is there to support and help the end user as much as possible. They are just the biggest name. SPAW( Southern Precision Air Weapons ) is the second largest name. Either one of these companies can pre tune and set the rifle of your choosing up for you.

***** Brand ****

FX is probably the busiest name in the business right now due to a lot of reasons. The Impact M3 and Dreamline will do what you are looking to do. It comes down to the tuning process and how much you want to do and feel like doing. Then you have the RAW brand with a few different options in their lineup as well.

I would look at magazine capacity as most shooting stages are 10 + rounds, so that puts the Ed Guns Leshy with an 8 round magazine OUT of that game.

Look at the ability to add ARCA Rails and such as well. Krayford & Lypt, Saber Tactical & Air Marksman does that well for the FX lineup of rifles. I am not sure on the other brands.

When you get into the PCP world you can tie up a lot of money real quick. I have more in it than my RimX. I also have 3 SCBA Tanks for air.

FX Impact M3 .22 700mm Sniper
* Heavy Slug Liner
* Barrel tension system
* Hugget Mini Magna Air Moderator
* Tungston Hammer Weight
* Heavy Spring kit
* Huma Air 2nd stage reg
* Huma Air Gen2 Slug Port
* Huma Air Slug Probe
* Fully polished internals
* Krayford & Lypt ARCA Rail and Butt Stock w. bag rider
* Element Optics Titan 5-25/56 34mm tube Mil Reticle
* ARC M-Brace 20moa 1.26 mount

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I am wanting to get the impact and set it up for Nrl but I would be the only one at my local match with. Lol. What cal you think is best for it? I want a slug liner and a long barrel. How much more does the wind affect compared to 22lr? Can you consistently hit at longer ranges -150-250? How often you have to top off gun in a match with 10 stages? I was leaning for 22cal with 40grain patriots.

For info
A few pics from Rink.
Super nice guy. Neat process. A set of fitted grips for my EVO cost the same as a factory set, well minus the plane ticket of course.
Also having a set made for my Model 41.


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A few pics from Rink.
Super nice guy. Neat process. A set of fitted grips for my EVO cost the same as a factory set, well minus the plane ticket of course.
Also having a set made for my Model 41.

I like the stock for the HW44. I started off with a Vortex sight. These are soup cans shot at 50 yards.

HW44 Soup Cans 50 Yards.jpg

Then I switched to a Holosun sight. Targets shot at 25 yards.

HW44 With Holosun Sight.jpg
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I am wanting to get the impact and set it up for Nrl but I would be the only one at my local match with. Lol. What cal you think is best for it? I want a slug liner and a long barrel. How much more does the wind affect compared to 22lr? Can you consistently hit at longer ranges -150-250? How often you have to top off gun in a match with 10 stages? I was leaning for 22cal with 40grain patriots.

For info
If you can make it as stiff as you can I would do that. I would suggest the STX slug liner, a carbon sleeve, and then a high quality carbon tension kit. You will more than likely need a heavy tungsten hammer and some tweaking to the regulators to push the slugs fast enough. But you should be able to keep up with the 22lr guys just fine. Depending on how fast and the air you are using, you may have to fill time or two while out shooting. Just add it to your cart of goodies that you use on the range and you will be fine.
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I bought a March Genesis 4-40x52 and put it on my BB gun, JK, but I did put it on SLUGSURELY the Thomas HPX that shoots 42gr slugs.

Yesterday I was having fun hitting a 6" tall and 1 foot wide rock at 391Y with it using 31.2 mils dialed on.

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On Wednedsay I visited Mike N the guy that owns Thomas Rifles. I think he is now on his 3rd iteration of the HPX platform of his pcp rifle. Mine is the 1st Gen BTW.

His new BR rifle is totally amazing! He can literally shoot sub 1" groups at 200Y. Here's a link to some of his groups.

My pcp rifle named SURELY isn't quite that good but not bad either. Here's some 5 shot groups I shot at 200Y. I couldn't make out the bullet holes all the time so I kept shooting until I thought I had a handle on where to aim to shoot a group. As a result there wasn't much room on the white card stock to shoot a group or for that matter an exact place to aim. Eh it is what it is, very unofficial, but here they are, lol.

Have read through your Surely thread on the airgun forum a few times. And what you have accomplished with that rifle is nothing short of amazing!
Thanks man!
It's been a fun journey and I've learned a lot.

I found out SURELY needs pillar bedding "REALLY" bad.
Actually Mike's aluminum BR stock is a must for the BR game if I were to get serious.

I shot my first 250 on a N50 card when I was at Mike's place.
That frigging rifle of Mike's is insane how well it shoots, especially if I can get a 250 with it! 7-11mph from 8-9 o'clock too.
I'll post a pic of it hopefully tomorrow.

Edit, kinda late posting this pic. Mike N pluged the one on #11 and it touched the black line but barely. That's his signature too.

Now look at Mike's "practice"card, its a different game than N50 from months back, its the one that's upside down, he took a 2nd shot just because of that flyer out of spite, lol. That's the difference between a master like him and someone like me. He knows how much and which way to aim either up or down or for windage needed. Yes the wind affects the vertical too.
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What would you guys recommend for a scba (firefighting) tank to pcp air gun

I looked at a bunch on Amazon. All seem to be in the same price range around $40-$100.

Basically same pics for different brand names. Which tells you there made by the same company. Some have 5 star reviews but most have poor reviews. Even though the appear exactly the same

Anyone know of a reliable fill valve? 4500 bottle

This is what I’m looking for. But reliable
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What would you guys recommend for a scba (firefighting) tank to pcp air gun

I looked at a bunch on Amazon. All seem to be in the same price range around $40-$100.

Basically same pics for different brand names. Which tells you there made by the same company. Some have 5 star reviews but most have poor reviews. Even though the appear exactly the same

Anyone know of a reliable fill valve? 4500 bottle

This is what I’m looking for. But reliable
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air tanks plus website. A little pricey but everything works and fits without drama. No chinesium crap. Their adapters are what I use to service my FX Dreamline.

I visited Mike N of Thomas Air Rifle fame and while I was there he put my regulator up to 2500 psi, put in a heavier hammer, and stronger hammer spring. Initially that brought my velocity up to 875 fps using the 42gr slugs whereas before it was going 750 or so fps. It shot better at 840 fps so we left it there.

So I stretched the distance out more. Here's my post from AGN.

That nearly life size Buffalo belongs to a family we know that is into black powder long range rifles, like Sharps and other falling block action guns of that era. They'd set this target out at 1000Y to shoot at it. As far as I know they haven't shot at it in 15 years.

Last time this target was used myself and some friends had the Buff set at 1800 yards. We were hitting it with my modern long range rifle and laying on top of the roof of John's shop. Talk about being hard to see any hits, or hear any hits, just an occasional miss in the dirt way out there. It wasn't until we went to see what happened that we saw we had peppered the Buff all over the place. I think I hit it with the cold bore shot but we'll never know for sure.

That Buff is heavy, around 150 lbs, and 2 pieces bolted together. It's 1/4" mild steel so we can't shoot at it with anything that'll poke holes in it because a high powered rifle would do that at 422Y. Not too time consuming erecting it so that gave us time to shoot at it yesterday.

It was fairly windy, I guess around 4-8 mph from right to left and pretty much full value.
Reflecting back a few weeks ago I found it much easier to see where we missed in the cinders when I was shooting at the rocks at 391Y way up on the hill because those rocks are in a bare spot making it easy to see where the dust is kicked up by the projectile.
In contrast because its grassy around the Buff it took a while to make out where the misses would land in the dirt, we finally saw some dust from a miss a foot off the nose. Wow, 5-6 feet of drift so I dialed 4 mils of right windage, but once I had that figured out we heard our first ding! I now was getting some hits on the steel. Though as you can see on the lower left side of the Buff that's where they were landing with an occasional puff of dust below the Buff that we saw. At this point we only assumed I was hitting low because the hits were so hard to see.


I put .8 mil more elevation into the scope and I was hitting more consistently. We couldn't see the hits in the black at first but I was watching when I saw a hit in the white, then another. You can see where most of them landed just left and high of the white. Then when the wind died down some hits off to the right.

This is John shooting SURELY. Look at the angle of the scope compared to the angle of the barrel. The March Genesis 4-40x52 has external elevation and windage adjustment kind of like the old Unertl scopes which tilts the scope body.

It wasn't until we drove the sidebyside down to the Buff before we saw exactly where we were hitting as well as some of the marks in the dirt.

Fun first try though!

Afterwards Randy and John shot their 22rf's and hit the Buff. Randy hit the white on the 2nd shot! Next week I'll try my 22rf.
I shoot the FX Impact M3 in .22 & .25 700mm w/ slug liners and tensioned barrels. I am only shooting the PCP for Local NRL22 matches and getting the RimX out for NRL-X Matches.

*** Caliber ***
The .22 & .25 with Varmint Knocker slugs are phenomenal for whatever you are looking to do. I shoot both calibers out to 350 yards and they hold their own if I am doing my part.
* .22 in a 32.8g HP Slug I'm pushing a 1035 average. 16 ES. 6 SD.
* .25 in a 34g HP Slug I'm pushing 1055 average. 12 ES. 4 SD.
**** Dealers ****
Utah Aur Guns is a HUGE company that is there to support and help the end user as much as possible. They are just the biggest name. SPAW( Southern Precision Air Weapons ) is the second largest name. Either one of these companies can pre tune and set the rifle of your choosing up for you.

***** Brand ****

FX is probably the busiest name in the business right now due to a lot of reasons. The Impact M3 and Dreamline will do what you are looking to do. It comes down to the tuning process and how much you want to do and feel like doing. Then you have the RAW brand with a few different options in their lineup as well.

I would look at magazine capacity as most shooting stages are 10 + rounds, so that puts the Ed Guns Leshy with an 8 round magazine OUT of that game.

Look at the ability to add ARCA Rails and such as well. Krayford & Lypt, Saber Tactical & Air Marksman does that well for the FX lineup of rifles. I am not sure on the other brands.

When you get into the PCP world you can tie up a lot of money real quick. I have more in it than my RimX. I also have 3 SCBA Tanks for air.

FX Impact M3 .22 700mm Sniper
* Heavy Slug Liner
* Barrel tension system
* Hugget Mini Magna Air Moderator
* Tungston Hammer Weight
* Heavy Spring kit
* Huma Air 2nd stage reg
* Huma Air Gen2 Slug Port
* Huma Air Slug Probe
* Fully polished internals
* Krayford & Lypt ARCA Rail and Butt Stock w. bag rider
* Element Optics Titan 5-25/56 34mm tube Mil Reticle
* ARC M-Brace 20moa 1.26 mount

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That is bad ass!!
I've lately been seriously looking at air rifles. I have gravitated toward the PCP but am still undecided which direction to go.
I'll likely shoot more grasshoppers off the fence than anything but also want to able to kill varmints or hunt squirrels.
Are your numbers correct...the 25 shoots a little faster even with heavier slugs?
How much does that set up weigh? Balanced? Able to shoot off hand easily?
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Is this normal to have a decent amount of damaged skirting on jsb pellets? By decent amount I mean 20/100 seem out of round
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I shoot those same pellets. I get them from Pyramid Air. They pack them up really well. So far they've all looked pretty good.

On the other hand, I get a lot more leading in my barrels than what I'd like.

So, I have another tin used for lubricating the pellets with a few drops of Ballistol. Problem solved.
That’s what I’m figuring to. I tried some jsb for my .22 marauder. The gun actually prefers crossman pellets. The jsb had a few more damaged skirting in those than the crossman in that case as well. Just wondering what is normal.

Since then bought a .25 armada for my thermal. So trying some jsb for that

I ordered this tin off Amazon….I know 😞

Just ordered the same from air guns of Utah and I’ll send these back. Some won’t even insert in a mag

My .22 crossman pellets have about a dozen in the tin that are questionable. The skirting seems softer on the jsb. Maybe not though. Assuming they’ll seal a bit when fired but these seem a bit excessive
Yup I see that. There was foam in the tin. Just wanted to make sure it wasn’t normal before I reorder some

I get a lot of JSB and H&N pellets in .22 and .25 caliber. So far, there have been no problems.

Have you tried Pyramid Air? If you buy 3 tins, you get the 4th one free.
I get a lot of JSB and H&N pellets in .22 and .25 caliber. So far, there have been no problems.

Have you tried Pyramid Air? If you buy 3 tins, you get the 4th one free.
I see air guns of Utah has the same for 4 or something. I was questioning wether this damage was normal. But just jumped on utahs site and bought a new tin. When I see they work good I’ll order a bunch for either one
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Even with undamaged runs you will have bent skirts. I honestly have seen no accuracy difference. I assume that the blast of air straightens them out when you fire.

Have to get pictures of the two Fx rifles in playing with now. Have a 30 cal m3 sniper pushing 980 fps and a crown over 1050 fps. Both shooting great little groups.

Not what I was looking for but the link above seems to be similar to what I was searching for.
No experience at all with the above linked company.
Dan Nygord of the 70's and 80's had a pellet uniformer. Long unavailable and of questionable use by his own testing. But it would probably straighten out damaged skirts.
Some of what I've read said it was used to remove oxididation due to the alloy at the time. Once the alloy changed it was no longer useful.

At our club if a pellet is dropped it is thrown away.