They say that a person's taste buds do not fully develop until they reach puberty. Well I am really really old, but my fiancee keeps telling me that I am in my second childhood, so, that must be the reason I really hate craft beers, preferring an Ultra, while light it still has flavor to it. I mean when I first tasted Coors, it tasted horrible and I was told I had to acquire a taste for it. Well if one has to acquire a taste for anything, it can't be good in the first place and actually if desperate enough one could acquire a taste for just about anything.
I also prefer Canadian Club over any other kind of whiskey, probably because it tastes sweet. Must be the immature taste buds.
I also like Kahlua! Riesling wine (sweet again) and Paul Newman's Own (just about anything, food or drink). One vintner I have found that has some good wines is St. Michelle Chateau in WA, but thankfully available here in Nevada.
Currently having a screwdriver using Lake Tahoe Vodka. Just trying it out.