Why History Class Matters... and why Social Media is evil


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member
A years-old casualty from Social Media and exacerbated by whining snowflakes... an entire unit of Marine Scout Snipers... in one of the first incidents of SJW's ruining lives over a blog. Yup, old news, but the lesson is real.


But still relevant today.

The lesson is that social media is NOT your friend. Zuckerberg has created a platform that wastes billions of productive people-hours... and has (and is and will) ruin countless lives. The damage that these sites are doing is tangible. And we have not even gotten into how many people are getting imprisoned or 'disappeared' in foreign lands because Social Media is giving the thought police a window into who to arrest, imprison or liquidate. Don't think it's not happening.

Everything these days (and even a decade old) is still up for grabs. It's digital Tattoo's... it never goes away.

Cheers, Sirhr

P.S. I understand that they wanted a cool, goth-looking Runic Scout Sniper logo... It probably looked like something from the Dokken albums or Death Metal bands they grew up with. But can anyone really think that some hardcore Tier One Marines did not have enough military history knowledge (in a group that big) to know that what they were doing might have some consequences? Perhaps not. The current millenial generation thinks WW2 was fought against the Russians and with the Germans as our allies... Really.
Forget it its bullshit...as in confederate flag... Waffen SS units fought hard and good and THAT has to be respected regardless of their intentions or objectives ( don’t missunderstand i if i were commanding at that time Soviet
forces would eradicate every last trace of Germans just the way they wanted to do with my people). But one xan
show respect even to a mortal enemy because as future after 45 has shown is that sometimes one can have more respect for those he kills than for those he “protects” as absurd as it may be.
Yeates has a great poem about that i think its calles Aviators death or something along those lines....
I agree it's BS.... but the facts are that people are having their lives destroyed in the name of... people who don't matter, far away, with feigned outrage... for stupid stuff.

And it's being aided and abetted by social media.

Once upon a time, getting published was hard. Things got vetted. Now, with the press of a keyboard button, any impulse goes around the world.

Tweets, FB, Instagram, Blogs... All can come back to haunt.


Forget it its bullshit...as in confederate flag... Waffen SS units fought hard and good and THAT has to be respected regardless of their intentions or objectives ( don’t missunderstand i if i were commanding at that time Soviet
forces would eradicate every last trace of Germans just the way they wanted to do with my people). But one xan
show respect even to a mortal enemy because as future after 45 has shown is that sometimes one can have more respect for those he kills than for those he “protects” as absurd as it may be.
Yeates has a great poem about that i think its calles Aviators death or something along those lines....
Raping and murdering women and children is not to be respected no matter how hard one fought while doing it.
I get the SS, Scout Sniper, connection, although I think it's overt use knowing its history is not the smartest promotion. Waffen SS and Deaths Head SS were fully indoctrinated in Nazi ideology.

Social justice warriors have given mere words power way beyond their ability.

Comedians pretty much destroyed the power of words awhile ago but now those words are destroying the comedians.

I understand MARSOC wanted to use the legacy Raiders patch for the basis of their unit recognition but an over PC command, probably with this incident in mind, went for a crazy looking eagle with a knife. The Raider patch is seen in photos but a motivating skull looking scuba bubble badge was too scary.

In WWII Disney artists had a whole department dedicated to making unit insignia and they came out with great art. Can't imagine what they would make today.
Zuckerberg has created a platform that wastes billions of productive people-hours... .
He did not create anything.
S/M is a product of .gov to allow people to rat their selfs out. What better way to gather Intel while charging an enticing the dime droppers to do it? All in the name of look at me I am keeping up with the Jones's. The American dream used against the dreamers, a very smart plan if you ask me. Just like the extra charges on your phone bills, your paying them to spy on you.
Yep, I have an old SWFA sticker with the bird and SS on my gun truck. Some young fuck with disdain asked about it. I said, "what fucking sticker?" in tone. He pointed at it and said something about the SS. I said, "Oh, that sticker. It stands for SWFA line of "Super Sniper" rifle scopes so give them a call.

You would think, like you said, that surely one of those Marines or anybody associated with getting that flag made would have made the connection but I'm not surprised. The punishment didn't fit the crime and even it was in the fine print of the ROE it was their commander that didn't have a problem with it as well. The SS was from a different time and place.

But back to your real topic. I find the gay rainbow flag offensive. A social justice argument can be made that it is stolen from the black Gen. Eisenhower HQ shoulder patch and subsequent blue patch for 3rd Army. The black being the dark night over Europe and the blue signifying the light of day and victory over Nazi Germany. The rainbow colors being the allies. Those patches need to be shoved in people's faces along with a history lesson. Especially, Europe.
We made these shirts for our platoon in 1994-1995 timeframe. I don't recall who made the design, or why, but I never even thought about Nazis. The back shows an "Asian" (think Vietnam) with that pyramid hat they wore and an AK47 in crosshairs of a Unertl 10x.

You guys are absolutely right though that Facebook and SM are a plague. They are actively suppressing 1A right now with the Firearms Policy Coalitions new website for the 3d printed gun plans, codeisfreespeech com

The website has been removed by Amazon web services and Facebook is removing all their posts, all posts from anyone who shared it, and Google is even getting in on this.

It was a long time ago. When I was about 8 years old I can vividly remember the ol'man watching 12 O'clock High on the TV. He had been a B-24 crew member over Europe. I thought it would be real cute by standing in front of him, gave him the Nazi salute and a, "HEIL HITLER!". Not cool, man. My ass was blistered. I got some sort of lecture but I was in shock and don't remember the exact words. But I got the picture for the rest of my life.
Yes, the chief or Indian Eagle?


Its a Thunderbird now but it wasnt before.


Swastika comes from Aryan (now iran) sun symbol its being represented by various forms from bolts to squares with dofferent number of rays. In Slavic culture its called Kolovrat (as in spinning wheel for fabric). So dear old Germanic descendants were not that original
in their symbolism.

You ameros know shit about WWII and even SS troops you fought were on “shore” leave from eastern front. We Slavs paid dearly to exterminate the best Germanic fuckers were able
to muster and their SS before 44 were a good bunch and while they did their share of killing after some battles ( i consider this normal) none what so ever were in charge of exterminating people. Most of such killings was done by einsatz truppen which were mostly locals (with some exception of being commanded by shitty germans not fit for real military service - aka psychos and feeblebodied/feebleminded bastards). Also Soviet communists barstards had their NKVD (mostly jews) troops which did dirty work for the state and which had below 0 combat value....
Guess what? Symbols are symbolic. They mean different things to different people at different times. Their significance changes. It isn't constant.
I totally get why some ignorant, teenage Scout Snipers would think the lightning bolt SS was a cool way to be proud of Scout Sniper.

It should have resulted in a cuff on the head, a slap on the wrist, and a lesson learned. Making an international incident out of it is ridiculous.
Yea, there are racists in the military, and a lot of them are black too.
Not this shit again...

See my avatar. I never look down my nose at a Scout Sniper for using the bolts so long as it wasn't because they were a wannabe skin head, was kept on the down low, and they didn't do something stupid like brand themselves with it, but I personally much prefer the tribal version in my avatar which a good friend of mine and brother HOG designed around '00/'01. I damn sure never ratted anyone out for using bolts, but I also damn sure never had a flag of that shit.

All real Nazis can fucking die.

What are real nazis do you even know? Why did Germans turn to national socialism ?

You were in alpine school? I know some come to Slo through nato for mountain training and they suffer a bit during night “aclimatisation phase” in winter ;)
Eurotrash skinheads, that's Nazis. If the shoe fits...

Every so often it's fun to talk about the real Nazis and real Nazi society with the trash skinheads and "neo-nazis".

Because the real Nazis would have most likely sent those skinheads to the concentration camps
(The early local versions of which were originally setup before the war started for the local citizenry that didn't exactly behave as the perfect ideal robots, crimes like not "donating" the correct amount to "voluntary" relief funds.)

It's the same thing that all these modern "Democrats/Liberals" don't understand. Nazis (Patriotic Socialists) just like the Communists (Also labeled as patriots helping their fellow citizens). Ran a very strict ordered society, where you did as you were told, bred as you were told, behaved as you were told, produced as you were told, "donated" as you were told and didn't create waves in society, or you got sent to the concentration camps / gulags.
There was no "freedom" and "individualism" allowed at all. All while keeping the population in check with low level constant terror of being "disappeared".

Yes the Nazis would give you all the meth you wanted... the best meth ever made... but it was so you could slave away at the factory for more endless hours... or march endlessly to your eventual doom... or do the housework non stop all night long to keep up appearances... Fun you say?? Nope Drugs to make you better slaves to the order.
A years-old casualty from Social Media and exacerbated by whining snowflakes... an entire unit of Marine Scout Snipers... in one of the first incidents of SJW's ruining lives over a blog. Yup, old news, but the lesson is real.


But still relevant today.

The lesson is that social media is NOT your friend. Zuckerberg has created a platform that wastes billions of productive people-hours... and has (and is and will) ruin countless lives. The damage that these sites are doing is tangible. And we have not even gotten into how many people are getting imprisoned or 'disappeared' in foreign lands because Social Media is giving the thought police a window into who to arrest, imprison or liquidate. Don't think it's not happening.

Everything these days (and even a decade old) is still up for grabs. It's digital Tattoo's... it never goes away.

Cheers, Sirhr

P.S. I understand that they wanted a cool, goth-looking Runic Scout Sniper logo... It probably looked like something from the Dokken albums or Death Metal bands they grew up with. But can anyone really think that some hardcore Tier One Marines did not have enough military history knowledge (in a group that big) to know that what they were doing might have some consequences? Perhaps not. The current millenial generation thinks WW2 was fought against the Russians and with the Germans as our allies... Really.
2010 was probably around what I would call the inflection point of social media infiltrating and ruining lives. 8 years ago, it was a questionable decision to post that. Today, it’s a catastrophic decision. Really sucks how these PC fucks are getting their way and destroying lives because of speech. And it’s just dandy how the fucking marines “take this very seriously” and start a full scale “investigation”. What’s to investigate? Simple explanation, and just tell these leftist cunts to shut the fuck up. I mean, they are the fucking marines for god’s sake
Its a fucking sun symbol whether in left or in right whether with 4 or with 7 8 or 12 "rays"... Completely irrelevant...

SS used by scout snipers might be distasteful but only to broader public because nazis DO NOT and SHOULD NOT have monopoly over symbols. Yeah SS units used runes but so what, fucking reds used sickle and a hammer shall we ban all hammers now???

What should NEVER be denied or belittled is FIGHTING spirit whether be it in Jews fighting for their homeland, nazis fighting for their 1000year reich, americans for their freedom from English throne or even Taliban for their faith. THose who show zeal, resolve and faith should not be mocked, killed yes but with respect. Those who are mediocre or sub par should be the ones we should make mockery of or ridicule...

Its better to live like a match b burn bright and die out soon then smolder like a tinder being neither warm neither cold....
A years-old casualty from Social Media and exacerbated by whining snowflakes... an entire unit of Marine Scout Snipers... in one of the first incidents of SJW's ruining lives over a blog. Yup, old news, but the lesson is real.


But still relevant today.

The lesson is that social media is NOT your friend. Zuckerberg has created a platform that wastes billions of productive people-hours... and has (and is and will) ruin countless lives. The damage that these sites are doing is tangible. And we have not even gotten into how many people are getting imprisoned or 'disappeared' in foreign lands because Social Media is giving the thought police a window into who to arrest, imprison or liquidate. Don't think it's not happening.

Everything these days (and even a decade old) is still up for grabs. It's digital Tattoo's... it never goes away.

Cheers, Sirhr

P.S. I understand that they wanted a cool, goth-looking Runic Scout Sniper logo... It probably looked like something from the Dokken albums or Death Metal bands they grew up with. But can anyone really think that some hardcore Tier One Marines did not have enough military history knowledge (in a group that big) to know that what they were doing might have some consequences? Perhaps not. The current millenial generation thinks WW2 was fought against the Russians and with the Germans as our allies... Really.

Fuck all things Nazi. Forever. My friend Captain Michael S. Diogo, whose funeral I attended today at Arlington, fought air combat against that garbage. RIP, Mike.

But Sirh, you do err.

Social media is no more evil than a 1911. its just a thing. Its how its used that determines its status.
I find it amusing that I a mortal enemy of nazis find posts such as this distasteful... Wierd to say the least but i kind of get it as you never were give true motives and education into this. SS wasnt murdering cult not even close you singled them out because they’ve
caused severe casualties to your “brave invasion of Europe which saved world from nazism”->aka
we need to get our shit to western shores od old Europe before reds get to Gibraltar. So spare me the “ we saved europe twice mantra” as it was completely different animal (not one i disagree with as if Soviets really took over Old Europe we’d be severerly fucked). SS at it start was kind of a Templar order a protector of stare ideology of course in 41/42 they’ve lost most of its orginal men and criteria plummeted (they even had muslims and blacks in their ranks- its well documented) but still they were serious fighting force.
Truth is never completely onesides and noone has always absolute right and even if there were neonazis (which i seriously doubt) behind marine units using symbols
so what you have countless of anti white racial
bigots manning big guns (Hollywood, MSM, etc) and noone gives a rats ass about it. Perhaps its just an old fear of white fucking power taking their heritage back again from scum that has infested western world and tries to poison eastern too...
So, is the next thing to start a ban on Buddhists?

(of course I jest, but the problem is,,,, the vast majority of idiots will find indignation in a box of Q-Tips)

A catholic church in Cambridge MA built circa 1910's had Swastika symbols in the frieze above the door.

Removed early 2000s because it offended the libs in Cambridge even though it predated the Nazis
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A catholic church in Cambridge MA built circa 1910's had Swastika symbols in the frieze above the door.

Removed early 2000s because it offended the libs in Cambridge even though it predated the Nazis

I suppose not un like the SJW's wanting to remove the statue of Bobby E. Lee in Charlottesville.

Seems stupid, in some respects but some evil...Nazism and slavery, are so foul its understandable.
A catholic church in Cambridge MA built circa 1910's had Swastika symbols in the frieze above the door.

Removed early 2000s because it offended the libs in Cambridge even though it predated the Nazis
Yeah, the funny thing is that I am certain none of the offendees are even Jewish, cripples nor gypsies

Irony is that a lot of these ultra radicals are quite anti Semitic. Perfect example was that dead slag Helen Thomas
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It is my belief that those symbols that were in the church long before nazi's reared their ugly head.... should be RE-INSTALLED. It is not up to some idiotic blithering fool to even think themselves important enough to be 'offended'. It is up to that fool, to EDUCATE THEMSELVES.

This is the world we live in, and this is the history of what happened. Learn it, like it, or prevent it from happening again.

Simply because, you can't go back and 'un-history' something that already happened.

And, as for those other "european" members here, that seem to be thinkiing that the nazi's should be admired, revered, or even followed (I'm not sure which bandwagon he's on) I will say that I've had enough family members "over there" fighting that filth, and that they were almost eradicated. I'm just sorry that they (nazi's, not germans) weren't ALL eradicated.

And I think it's high-time we started actually playing Cowboys and Taliban for keeps,, right quick.
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Tito fought the Germans in what became Yugoslavia. Shurac, is bringing up a perspective of the Nazi that we are not taught in public school or from Hollywood. It is like a completely different fight. In fact it wasn't our fight at all. They did it without our help. I would also refrain from bringing up gypsies.
Tito fought the Germans in what became Yugoslavia. Shurac, is bringing up a perspective of the Nazi that we are not taught in public school or from Hollywood. It is like a completely different fight. In fact it wasn't our fight at all. They did it without our help. I would also refrain from bringing up gypsies.

They were not without help...

They did it with 'limited' help from the Allies. But help it was. Though the help was pretty much limited to... OSS officers, arms drops, etc.

But the Yugo Partisans were a bunch of seriously badassed warriors. The Yugoslavs ran one hell of an effective war against the Nazi occupiers. But they were not alone. The OSS and the British SOE were both there. Both helping. And both providing support. I'd have to check... but I think there were even some SAS sent in late war.

Would the Yugo Partisans been successful without Allied support. IMHO... hell yes. Were they more effective with the Arsenal of Democracy helping them out... Hell yes!


What should NEVER be denied or belittled is FIGHTING spirit whether be even Taliban for their faith. THose who show zeal, resolve and faith should not be mocked, killed yes but with respect

I am aware that one of the two mentioned USMC units had the following introduction to the Taliban when they (USMC) went active.

In the transition period, new guys were integrated with old guys on patrol and other duties.
One day they patrol and mingle with the population and try to build rapport. New guys got their feelings hurt because nobody wanted to talk to them. Might have tried a little harder because they "believed", and got a little chat time in with one man and his children.

Next couple of days, man comes up pushing a wheelbarrow. Hes upset. Call for terp.
While waiting for terp, misguided child (mc) sees what's in the wheelbarrow. It's a skinned animal, looks like a medium small puppy, kinda.
MC thinks the man is bringing them food, thought they made a friend talking.
Then the animal moves. MC looks closer. The animal opens its eyes, and makes a noise, MC sees the mouth.
MC hurls.....

Skinned animal was one of the children from a couple of days earlier, of the man they talked to. Taliban warning to the people children included, not to talk to the Marines. Man wanted the Marines to try to save the child.....

And that's not all I'm aware of happened...

The Taliban fighting for their faith skinning children alive deserve NO respect.
The SS who almost murdered my dad at Bastogne deserve NO respect.

I dont agree with the quoted thought except for killing the fuck out of every one of them, and I'm ok with pissing on their dead bodies too. And I have absolutely zero repentance for those thoughts....

And i dont give a fuck who it offends.
I am aware that one of the two mentioned USMC units had the following introduction to the Taliban when they (USMC) went active.

In the transition period, new guys were integrated with old guys on patrol and other duties.
One day they patrol and mingle with the population and try to build rapport. New guys got their feelings hurt because nobody wanted to talk to them. Might have tried a little harder because they "believed", and got a little chat time in with one man and his children.

Next couple of days, man comes up pushing a wheelbarrow. Hes upset. Call for terp.
While waiting for terp, misguided child (mc) sees what's in the wheelbarrow. It's a skinned animal, looks like a medium small puppy, kinda.
MC thinks the man is bringing them food, thought they made a friend talking.
Then the animal moves. MC looks closer. The animal opens its eyes, and makes a noise, MC sees the mouth.
MC hurls.....

Skinned animal was one of the children from a couple of days earlier, of the man they talked to. Taliban warning to the people children included, not to talk to the Marines. Man wanted the Marines to try to save the child.....

And that's not all I'm aware of happened...

The Taliban fighting for their faith skinning children alive deserve NO respect.
The SS who almost murdered my dad at Bastogne deserve NO respect.

I dont agree with the quoted thought except for killing the fuck out of every one of them, and I'm ok with pissing on their dead bodies too. And I have absolutely zero repentance for those thoughts....

And i dont give a fuck who it offends.

The interesting thing is that None of the media in our country even the "conservative" will report that kind of stuff and even the government and the army refuse to come out and say the kind of people we are up against.

Yet apparently everybody is happy to jump all over things when some civilian accidentally gets shot while helping plant an IED.
And the Army is busy trying to run good soldiers out on a rail for smacking some child rapist and kidnapper upside the head..

Almost like everybody is trying their best to make us look bad and cover up all the horrors of the Muslim fanatics....