Why History Class Matters... and why Social Media is evil

And a couple of topic tie ins,

If yall ain't figured out the social media use we see against us......
Cant say offensive this or that. If you said it 10-15 or what back, you get purged. That's Stalin's purge b4 the show trials.

Removing statues, changing building names, "for political correctness" and to un-offend.... that's nazi book burning prior to rewriting history....

Same shit....
Sharac asked why the Germans wanted national socialism... they wanted a new world where they were in charge and got all the goodies.... kill all the undesirables.
Purging the U.S. of the past, and of influential people is the same thing, there's a group of people who want "most of us snipershide board member types" gone, so "THEY" can be in charge and get all the "goodie"... get rid of the deplorables.... pass a shitty health care bill that ensures a lot of old people die faster, while fooling ignorant people into thinking they got something really good...

No, the Nazi's are nothing to respect for any reason, nor is the new breed that's going after us....
You always judge book based on one page? If we are talking of general things then one has to
generalize. But regardless of some atrocities or even many thats the nature of civil war and asymetrical warfare - its fucking nasty.

But i see the point and i agree that useof symbols in Nazi context is completely unjustifiable and sick especially if used by elite units.
We made these shirts for our platoon in 1994-1995 timeframe. I don't recall who made the design, or why, but I never even thought about Nazis. The back shows an "Asian" (think Vietnam) with that pyramid hat they wore and an AK47 in crosshairs of a Unertl 10x.

You guys are absolutely right though that Facebook and SM are a plague. They are actively suppressing 1A right now with the Firearms Policy Coalitions new website for the 3d printed gun plans, codeisfreespeech com

The website has been removed by Amazon web services and Facebook is removing all their posts, all posts from anyone who shared it, and Google is even getting in on this.


And now New York is using the tactic of shutting down access to financial exchanges by gun owners to attack the NRA.

Though I do find the expression of Nazi ideology offensive I guess its some idiots right to express it. Shit remeber the ACLU going to the mat to allow uniformed Nazis to march through Skokie Illinois and its population of Holocaust survivors.

Now the ACLU actively works to suppress speech.

I really thought things were going to get better after 2016 but it looks like the acceptance of the will of the electorate is a quaint relic of the past.
And now New York is using the tactic of shutting down access to financial exchanges by gun owners to attack the NRA.

Though I do find the expression of Nazi ideology offensive I guess its some idiots right to express it. Shit remeber the ACLU going to the mat to allow uniformed Nazis to march through Skokie Illinois and its population of Holocaust survivors.

Now the ACLU actively works to suppress speech.

I really thought things were going to get better after 2016 but it looks like the acceptance of the will of the electorate is a quaint relic of the past.

Thats where the Jews fucked up. In stead of trying to stop the march they should have welcomed them..invited more, then rained lead and hell on them from the rooftops. Not one Nazi should have left alive.

Ive said it before and Ill continue to say it, "FUCK A BUNCH OF NAZIS." Send them all to hell and let Beelzebub deal with them.
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Thats where the Jews fucked up. In stead of trying to stop the march they should have welcomed them..invited more, then rained lead and hell on them from the rooftops. Not one Nazi should have left alive.

Ive said it before and Ill continue to say it, "FUCK A BUNCH OF NAZIS." Send them all to hell and let Beelzebub deal with them.

Vlad Teppes did this w/ the nobles of Romania. After all had arrived, he locked them in the courtyard & butchered every last one of them.

It’s a bit off topic, but Vlad wasn’t even mentioned in the History of Western Civilization. I guess it wasn’t PC.
So, after the Mueller Manafort show trial, who's next ?

The difference here is it would be the President that would be Stalin and these traitors would have already been arrested, imprisoned, tortured, and either shot or sent to the Gulag Archipelago. What is happening is more like what happened to Lenin. But still without the wholesale slaughter of people like you and I that have a tendency to think too much. Even Lenin knew that terror was the solution. These comparisons to current events in America have its own nasty affair but it doesn't come close to the likes of Hitler and Stalin.
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I dont disagree with most of what you said.
But it's close to the same, just way more subtle and civilized, and acceptable to the majority of the people because its not as obvious. The enemy has learned how to fool a lot of people most of the time.
Tito fought the Germans in what became Yugoslavia. Shurac, is bringing up a perspective of the Nazi that we are not taught in public school or from Hollywood. It is like a completely different fight. In fact it wasn't our fight at all. They did it without our help. I would also refrain from bringing up gypsies.
Gypsies. There I said it . Slavs like to blame Muslim and Albanians for Gypsies . Bullshit . The same shit that gave the world Vlad the Impaler gave Gypsie . Nomadic mountain old world muts . They were some cross between witches and hillbillies .
Serbs had some and blamed the ethnic Albanians . As far as them being Muslim you have to remeber that Eastern Europe has centuries of that culture mixed in . Even the Orthodox Christians have bits of it mixed in . Not unlike if you take Italians , French. , Greman etc and mix them together . The culture will reflect bits of everyone . Saying Gypaies are Muslim is like saying folks from Appalachia are Irish
. Centuries of mix and geographic habitat mold who they are . So Serbs , I mean , Gypsies .
Gypsies are from India and are at least in these parts a minor neusance completely irrelevant. Albanians (siptars), Muslims are not... But to the point of the topic we latest generations enjoy luxury like
never before and we have because
of that luxury ability to judge generations before. Soon enough
though most of us will take on the roles of Uncle Stalin, Polpot, Uncle Adi and also their victims/low lever perps and circle will repeat...
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Gypsies? the fucking dregs of society. Thieves, cheats, and scam artists. Apparently they owned my house before I bought it. About 6 months after I moved in a guy came around looking for one of them. when he saw the nice siding on the house he remarked that now he knew where all his siding had gone. I stll get bills for the fuckers.

The fortune teller from up the hiway is doing 2-5 for scamming old women out of hundred's of thousands of $$$'s.
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In western Europe like France, the Gypsies are aggressive hands on thieves who do their best to physically assault tourists and steal anything they can.

They are not nice people by any stretch of the imagination.
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In western Europe like France, the Gypsies are aggressive hands on thieves who do their best to physically assault tourists and steal anything they can.

They are not nice people by any stretch of the imagination.
What, they're not the lovable street people Disney portrayed? I'm so disappointed...


And I know well how they are to tourists in Europe.
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And now New York is using the tactic of shutting down access to financial exchanges by gun owners to attack the NRA.

Though I do find the expression of Nazi ideology offensive I guess its some idiots right to express it. Shit remeber the ACLU going to the mat to allow uniformed Nazis to march through Skokie Illinois and its population of Holocaust survivors.

Now the ACLU actively works to suppress speech.

I really thought things were going to get better after 2016 but it looks like the acceptance of the will of the electorate is a quaint relic of the past.

The leader of the IL Nazi was Jewish. So was his Jewish aclu lawyer.

Kind of fits here because "knowing your history" would prevent us living it again and this time on grand scale. Its funny how you all scream nazi this and nazi that and yet dress nazi up with a new camo pattern and half of the population goes wild all in. This fucking merry go round without some serious dope in the form of ignorance is really sickening to watch...fuck the fucking red pill.
He is referring to how ignorant we are when we demonize our internal opposition as Nazi because we take the term out of context. Obama is a Nazi. Trump is a Nazi. We sometimes unknowingly embrace certain aspects of Nazism and act out. We look stupid to those that lived under the thumb of the Nazi. We are all a bunch of modern Lt. Aldo Raines wannabes.

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worse than Nazis are Russian commies

I know that's why i used term "new camo pattern" but i guess your intestines are preventing a wider view it might be beneficial to pull your head out of your ass at least once a while - i understand its warm and cosy and familiar in there but just do it just once you might like the change of scenery.
I know that's why i used term "new camo pattern" but i guess your intestines are preventing a wider view it might be beneficial to pull your head out of your ass at least once a while - i understand its warm and cosy and familiar in there but just do it just once you might like the change of scenery.

Bonus style points for taking a simple insult and expanding it to a work of art.
I know that's why i used term "new camo pattern" but i guess your intestines are preventing a wider view it might be beneficial to pull your head out of your ass at least once a while - i understand its warm and cosy and familiar in there but just do it just once you might like the change of scenery.
My view is just fine.


A bit aged, but still holding up despite many outsiders and insiders trying to take it down.

As for you trying to impress upon me how globalism is a bad thing when you're being globalist as you, a European, is telling this American what to think, well, consider me still unimpressed in what someone from Slovenia says. Trust me, I'm 100% "America First", and would sooner laugh and save our defense money than urge us towards assistance when a European country decides to have their next round of ethnic cleansing that they seem to hold at least once a decade.

As for the rest, the nazis and commies can change their clothes all they want, we still see them for who they are, and we don't need anyone else from Europe to tell us how to run shit when they can't even handle their own house. Let us know when your combined GDP reaches ours, until then, we don't give a flying fuck.
Somehow you have an impression that its the world that is calling upon you to act in its name or to “save it”. Frankly i appreciate your point now just simply pull the plug on NATO and UN - you’ve won America first nes pa? Why the fuck Donald hasn’t written an executive order or two and cut fucking umbillical cords....

Let me tell you why because its your actual rulers that don’t want that and have other desifn plans in store for the planet...
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Yugoslavs are a different kind of European...

[Dear, Stalin] "Stop sending people to kill me. We've already captured five of them, one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle. (...) If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send one to Moscow, and I won't have to send a second."
— Josip Broz Tito

One of the most loyal people I have ever worked with is from Yugoslavia. She didn't let anybody give me any shit.
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Somehow you have an impression that its the world that is calling upon you to act in its name or to “save it”. Frankly i appreciate your point now just simply pull the plug on NATO and UN - you’ve won America first nes pa? Why the fuck Donald hasn’t written an executive order or two and cut fucking umbillical cords....

Let me tell you why because its your actual rulers that don’t want that and have other desifn plans in store for the planet...
The reason why Pres. Trump doesn't do that is it's not within his scope to unilaterally abandon a congressionally ratified treaty. We have a balance of power in our country and our President can neither join nor leave a treaty on their own. I'm sure the Russia lovers would just LOVE for us to abandon NATO as well as walk away from the UNSC and remove their #1 opponent with veto authority, it ain't happening though and Trump isn't falling for the bait. The last two times we left Europe without adult supervision, they started a world war and completely fucked up the economy of everyone, so they still can't be trusted to be on their own without a baby sitter.

Instead of leaving NATO, he's pushing the alliance to even greater strengths by getting the other lackluster performers to expand their spending obligations to where they should be. Maybe one day Slovenia will get there, as their commitment to even get barely above 1% GDP by 2023 is pitifully disappointing.

As for the UN, they're mostly irrelevant hypocrites and can't even get their other members to pay the bills, hence why Trump has reduced our funding for them as well which is within his authority.
You left without supervision? Nation of 200 years? Your a fucking joke in historical terms, there be people slaughtering each other on this soil for thousands of years and will keep doing so with or without your (unless we use nukes and break the cycle for ever) "supervision". Both times you entered the war on pretext and for your own benefits and purposes (which again i don't mind what i mind is this mindless "you should be grateful attitude" as if your some kind of gift from god - maybe we should ask native Americans about that).

Slovenia will never get there because there is no real commitment to that and no real benefit from NATO as membership was lobbied by certain elements of our society that are now in great minority. I agree with you on Europe and most of us don't want anything to do with it but alas there be forces at work that won't let go easily - what you completely fail to grasp is that this originates in US and that European globalists are just serfs to those in US that run the show (though geographic location for puppeteers is pretty much irrelevant). Just follow the money. U think people in Europe like immigrants? Some sure do a useful idiots a minority but most are against but if you speak out against them in Germany, France or some Benelux countries you will get in a lot of trouble - you'll be probably financially ruined and since most people are spoiled pussies they keep their mouths shut and enjoy benefits of (still) good living standard regardless of big chance their daughter will be gangbanged on her way from the cinema. We on the east luckily don't have such good living standard and everyone runs to Germany or Westward but rest assured East will not tolerate monkey business like West does.

YOu have balance of power? YOu have an illusion, mirage of your old republic and constitution was killed decades ago and when Trump fails and he will fail or he will be killed some of you (those who still don't get it) will finally get it - voting changes nothing, country was hijacked long time ago. So sure scream at China and Russia but to those with knowledge you're nothing but sheep doing masters bidding exactly the same as Antifa/Globalist fucks you so despise.
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Your a fucking joke in historical terms, there be people slaughtering each other on this soil for thousands of years and will keep doing so with or without your (unless we use nukes and break the cycle for ever) "supervision".
We're still waiting for someone to come take it. The one superpower tried and is slipping into oblivion. Maybe Lower Slobbvia will have a better shot.
If they're in the minority now and it's so unpopular, why isn't there a huge movement for Slovenia to leave NATO instead of recently committing to come closer to the requirements? Your fellow countrymen are just loving that umbrella of protection we provide, aren't they? Don't worry, we'll be there.

You're welcome.

And Slovenia is an infant in terms of country life. Shit, it was formed when I was in high school, and I'm not even technically "middle aged" yet.
France is great at hosting invasions.

But so much of Europe is cucked it is sad. I have more faith in Eastern Europe though. They are not as bad as France and Germany as far as letting in the trash. Poland has it right.... they learned a lot since 1938 and on..... America does have the habit of lumping Europe all together, but eastern block former Commie controlled states hate Russia more than we do. Especially Croatia.
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France is great at hosting invasions.

France did nearly conquer the better part of continental Europe for awhile there.
Quite a few countries still have part of French law entwined in their justice systems (shudder) much like we have the superior English based law that our justice system is based on.
If they're in the minority now and it's so unpopular, why isn't there a huge movement for Slovenia to leave NATO instead of recently committing to come closer to the requirements? Your fellow countrymen are just loving that umbrella of protection we provide, aren't they? Don't worry, we'll be there.

You're welcome.

And Slovenia is an infant in terms of country life. Shit, it was formed when I was in high school, and I'm not even technically "middle aged" yet.

In its present form as a result of nationlists. They have been working on since WWI and the borders in that area have changed many times and will again someday. A lot of Cold War surplus weapons found their way there and exported to the states. I have a nice Bulgarian Makarov made in the 1980s that has never been shot from there. Probably seized by the UN while being imported for the war, lol.

As Americans, we complain bitterly about countries in Europe that lost whole generations because of war and epidemics. Our turn will come sooner or later. In reality, the worst parts of the world wars occurred outside our influence. Most of the bodies can be found in parts we did not participate. In comparison on losses our participation was basically mopping up in comparison to our allies losses during WWI. The damn flu epidemic killed more American soldiers than the enemy. Our follow up foreign diplomacy led to WWII and even then we waited until well after it started. The St. Michael destroying evil wasn't exclusive American.
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We're still waiting for someone to come take it.

No you're not as it has already been taken but some of you (either intentionally or due to lack of education) just don't see it. Not to mention the hordes of new "Americans to be" which are daily joining your ranks... So spare me the "high horse attitude" because, if you make it to 300 (without gulags and department of truth) it will be a miracle.

Here is where you completely fail to grasp Europe and why EU as super state will never survive more than a paper and some toothless EU directives. Europe is much about ethnicity and less about state (at least OLD Europe never mind the young brainwashed fucks who think Cocain and dope is food supplement) and in some cases even national state cannot force some groups of people to accept "prescribed norms" (for example Corsica there you won't see variety of colour and yet just a ferry ride away there be subsaharan Africa (to the north not south for those challenged ones...)).

Those that push globalist agenda have their roots in US and have successfully exported those ideas to Europe (i'm speaking of 70ies) and now we have international cabal that tries to run the show through politican class and through various so called NGOs drafting up policies and performing mass propaganda in order to keep the idiot level high enough so these changes go through softly. These systems need external enemy and just about anyone will do - not to mention internal -> for us once enjoying fruits of socialist heaven and one party politics know this by heart all the mantras you know repeat just actors were different. But hey who gives a fuck its just an European typing fuck him we be Americans we CAN....cool by me just spare us the nukes when you go spinning down the drain...
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Social media is useful in a lot of ways. Not all is evil. The important thing to remember is to not post stupid shit. Keep it simple. And dont post every aspect of your life online.
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Social media is useful in a lot of ways. Not all is evil. The important thing to remember is to not post stupid shit. Keep it simple. And dont post every aspect of your life online.

Social media is useful if you are playing puppet master, ruler, enforcer, propagandist, or otherwise controlling, profiting or enslaving your fellow humans.... Why do you think it exists in the first place?
Here is an unabridged list of everything I concern myself with about what Europeans think.


This sums it up.
I for one wish the Europeans would go towards freedom.
Any allies we could have against big gov/socialism/communism would be a good thing.
We are headed towards bad times world wide.
Social media is useful if you are playing puppet master, ruler, enforcer, propagandist, or otherwise controlling, profiting or enslaving your fellow humans.... Why do you think it exists in the first place?

Us human beings are very social by nature. It's not in our blood to be total recluses. Sure we may like to only associate ourselves with others who share our same interests and lifestyle, but we do not like being totally alone. Hell, why do you think total recluses end up going nuts and talking to themselves? Because that's just how social we are and have the desire to talk to others even if it's ourselves when there's no one around. Early forms of social media can date as far back as tribes sending smoke signals to other tribes. Modern day social media really hasn't changed much other than it's convienience and speed of getting our message across. Like with anything else, it can be used or abused. The biggest problem there is with modern social media is the selective censorship. Say for instance if I call someone a faggot on FaceBook, not only would I get banned, but all the SJWs would come out of the woodwork to try and track me down and destroy my life and FaceBook would not have a problem with what SJWs do.

So in the end, I don't blame social media in general. I blame our genes and how we desire social interaction. It's in our blood. It's a shame that in lots of cases it involves our blood being spilled.