Rifle Scopes Why pay the big money when.......

Re: Why pay the big money when.......

Sorry to offend your delicate sensibilities. I always thought Lee put it well in FMJ (now available on bluray) (you know that jap dvd format) but I won't quote his full statement here lest you call the PC police.
Rent the DVD and learn what really being unbiased means.

second best quote:
""How can you kill women and children?" "Easy, you just don't lead 'em so much!...Ha, ha, ha,...Ain't war hell?!"
Re: Why pay the big money when.......

For what it is worth I shoot a Supersniper 20X on both my 6mmBR and my .308 out to 1000 yds and it works fine. I twist and turn knobs for wind and elevation as I move to different ranges and seems ok. I shoot all known distance so maybe different from you. Hard to beat for money and resale is good when you finally decide like I did on what I really want and I save the money.
Re: Why pay the big money when.......

If your only shooting out to 200 why even use a scope
Go cave man and use the Irons.
Re: Why pay the big money when.......

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Harold Dale</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Naw.got this mounted on a T/C Encore .375 H and H. I ajso have a barrel in 6.5 X .284 too. Its when I bring up the scope to the eye ,its diffcult to get a sight picture right away.I 've got to move my head back and forth to obtain a good sight picture. And it is diffcult to maitain. </div></div>

Bro, you really need to mount that thing better (proper eye relief and height for you and your stock). If you got to move around to find your sight picture, how can you ever hope to get a good NPA? The eye relief on a 16X SS isn't bad at all. My Leupy 16XMK4 is pickier than my 16X SS was.