Why shouldn't I buy a Lee Classic Turret Press?


Feb 27, 2011

I'm thinking about taking the plunge into reloading, since I just got my first center fire rifle, a .308. I've been doing a lot of research and I keep coming back to the Lee Classic Turret Press (the 4 hole cast iron indexed turret version). I've read a lot of good things about this press. The only major drawbacks that I have come across are a couple of plastic pieces that are key to the operation of the press. However, I'm guessing a $5 to $10 preemptive purchase of a few spares will provide me with a lifetime (or more) supply of replacements for the weakest components of the press.

In addition to the .308, I will also probably be reloading for my 40 S&W. Accuracy for the rifle will be my primary concern. It will be a bonus to be able to crank out a few hundred rounds of pistol ammo per session as well.

I know that I can certainly spend more on a press. However, I am wondering if I really "need to".

Can anyone tell me if there is a reason I should avoid this press? And, if so, what would you recommend, and why?

Thanks in advance for you help.
Re: Why shouldn't I buy a Lee Classic Turret Press?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: wilecoyote</div><div class="ubbcode-body">wiggling upper plate </div></div>

that's never been a problem for me, even though it does wiggle, I've never had any cocentricity or runout issues, at least no more than other presses with the same dies, and I also have no problem getting an accurate seating depth.

I love my turret and use it to load many different cartridges, all it takes is a quick switch off turrets and I'm gtg. I highly recommend the classic turret, you won't regret it.
Re: Why shouldn't I buy a Lee Classic Turret Press?

I would look around and try to find a used dillon on ebay or

craiglist. If you decide you are not in to reloading you will be

able to sell it and get most if not all your money back. Not so

much with a Lee

My friend had a lee progressive and after he used my dillon one

time he sold the Lee (for 1/2 what he paid) and got a dillon.
Re: Why shouldn't I buy a Lee Classic Turret Press?

A Lee turret press was my first press. I've since upgraded to a Dillon Square Deal for loading handgun ammunition and a single stage for loading rifle after using the Lee turret press for a couple of years. I had absolutely NO problems loading up ammunition that would shoot <0.5 MOA.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with the Lee turret press. In fact, it would be a good recommendation for a beginning reloader who wants to load both handgun and rifle ammunition that doesn't want to drop a bunch of cash in getting started. If you're intent is to load only rifle ammunition, it doesn't really afford any advantages over a single stage in my opinion. But, it significantly speeds up the loading process for handgun ammunition.

I will say that if you start to load a good bit of ammo, that you'll probably end up graduating to a full progressive press. The good thing about the Lee turret is that you aren't out much money after you upgrade. Its a good value if you ask me.
Re: Why shouldn't I buy a Lee Classic Turret Press?

The Lee Classic Turret is one of the best press designs out there. I use it for both pistol and rifle.

I load 40 S&W and like to use the Lee Powder Through Expander die with the Lee funnel (snug fit in the PTE) and Lee Dipper Cups for charging on the press through the funnel. I'm not a big fan of auto dispensing powder chargers and prefer to charge by hand. The auto index feature is great for pistol rounds and I don't feel I'm missing anything by not having a progressive.

I load 45-70, 7mm RM, 25-06, 223 and 221 Fireball on it as well. The auto index rod is pulled for rifle rounds, no big deal to advance the turret by hand. It has a nice detent assembly that locks it in place. I actually own two of the LCT presses. One is mounted to the primary bench. The other is mounted on a portable assembly I take to the range. I just lift and replace turrets between the presses.

Learn to use it properly and the plastic flange will last darn near forever.

As to the comments about "wiggling upper plate" - the Lee design has the turret surrounded by the capture flange. When the turret is moved slightly in the up direction it fully engages and is fully supported by the flange. Not so on turret presses with a center mount turret. The slight lateral movement in the Lee turret also allows the case to be self aligning with the die and vice versa. My ammo has very low runout.

If you can't tell I'm a big fan of this press. I also have a Lee Classic Cast single stage on the bench too. Between those two presses you can do everything that needs to be done on a reloading bench with excellent quality equipment.

You will not be disappointed with the LCT or LCC.
Re: Why shouldn't I buy a Lee Classic Turret Press?

If presicion is your goal I might think of picking up a used rock chucker, or Hornady press. But, still get the classic turret for handgun.

I have the classic turret that I load my 45acp and .223 blasters with 55gr FMJ. The press works good for what I ask of it.

I did a side by side comparison with my presicion 223 loads. I loaded 10 rounds on my Lee and compared then to the rounds off my Co/Ax, my groups were larger with the loads off the Lee.

I'm debating what my next press will be. I need to speed up my process for the 45. Seeing the Lee works good with my .223, I don't know if I want to keep the Lee for my rifle and get a Dillon square deal B for my handgun. Or sell the Lee and get a 550 or 650.
Re: Why shouldn't I buy a Lee Classic Turret Press?

A Lee classic turret press is what I use. Mine is so classic it still has the 3 head turrets on it... (Although I bought the 4 turret head "upgrade" I just have not felt the need to put it on.) I have only reloaded .223 and .308 and found it works well for me. Maybe if I start reloading .40 and 9mm I will put the 4 head and auto index stuff on it. I have the RCBS chargemaster and prime cases by hand in front of the TV. While a charge is metering you can press the bullet, measure OAL, drop it in a box and be ready just as the metering gets done. I get a good rhythm going and it seems to go quickly.

I am loading .5 MOA ammo with it so I don't know what the complaints are... Keep an eye on craigslist (Google search Craig’s list nationally, not just your city). Stuff comes up all the time... Only problem is some people on Craig’s list don't want to ship... Found a used Kestrel for a great price in Seattle and the guy wouldn't ship it even when I said I would pay shipping and all paypal fees...
Re: Why shouldn't I buy a Lee Classic Turret Press?

I have a lot of Lee products and am satisfied with them all. As others have said you might look for a used RCBS Rock Chucker if you plan to someday go for extreme accuracy since the dseign of an O-frame press alleviates flex that can cause inconsistancies. However, if you just want to crank out some faster loads then the turret presses are hard to beat for the money. Have fun reloading! (Bet you'll have them both in a couple of years!)
Re: Why shouldn't I buy a Lee Classic Turret Press?

Hi All,

Thanks for all of your input. It has really help me make a decision. Since no one has responded with any major design and/or quality flaws. It looks like my first reloading press will be a Lee Classic Turret.

It seems like this is a good press to "start out with". While I don't know if this will be the one and only press that I ever own (I'm guessing that it won't be), it sounds like it will be one that will serve me well for several years; especially while I am still "low on the learning curve"; and could be one that I could keep for a lifetime.

Thanks again for all of your input.
Re: Why shouldn't I buy a Lee Classic Turret Press?

I had a lee, tried a dillon. I now own 3 dillons and the only lee i have is a single stage I use for measuring lead hardness. If you want a progessive to do rifle and pistol go with a dillon 550. dillon loaded 223 vs anal single stage loading opened my groups 1/4 of an inch at 200 yards, same loads, same brass. a friend used my dillon to compare with his lee and got 1/2" smaller groups with just that change. and they stand behind their products. If want all you can get out of the rifle get a quality single stage and a square deal b for pistol. I hope this helps and saves you some of the headaches I went though when I started out.