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Why the disrespect for Vets with disability?


MSgt USAF ret.
Full Member
Apr 8, 2011
Pacific Northwest
I was listening to a couple of leftist cunts whining about a co-worker who is retired military collecting disability. Since this place is probably 70% vets in my particular work area, this whining leftist bullshit caught my attention. I tried to avoid the topic but these two cunts just kept whipping this dead horse until I had a few words. I pointed out that leftist cunts never complain about fuckers collecting Social Security Disability for being junkies or drunks. Leftist cunts never whine about 11,000,000 foreign fucking criminals collecting welfare, free medical, HUD houses, free cell phones, free fucking wifi, free utilities, free food and fucking free college. I mentioned that 98% of all leftist scum on public assistance never did a fucking thing for the country other than rob, steal, rape, murder, deal and traffic drugs and breed uncontrollably AND strangely enough to left wing assholes complain about paying them tens of billions of dollars.

I was blunt as a club, the language was colorful and it was impolite, spoken in an even tone without a hint of anger and plenty of sarcasm and distain. I got the usual "thank you for your service" chide from the leftist cunts and took the time to tell them that those of us who served know you mean, "fuck you" when you say that. And on that note, I thanked them for their service too.

Here is the thing about VA disability. After 27 years of service I had no intention of applying for it. The VA insisted and reminds most vets that when you come back later for an injury they will have lost your fucking medical and service records and therefore will deny your service and decline to treat service connected injuries. The VA insists that the earlier you file a claim the more likely you are to have one verified.

So I found a service organization and started the process 13 years ago when I retired. I had my medical records and copies of everything and off we went. In 90 days the VA replied they had no record of me EVER serving in the military. Remember this was during the Obama years, when the VA was actively fucking over veterans at the request of the left wing piece of shit president and his shitbag staff. So they pissed me off and started a TWELVE year long process of forcing those cunts to treat me with some god damned respect.

When you get a response from the VA, if you disagree with it you have 30 days to file for a review or appeal and provide additional data. This is interesting because the VA has unlimited time to reply to you. I submitted additional copies of my DD214's, copies of letters from the fucking VA thanking me for my god damned service, a picture of myself and General Petraeus in fucking Iraq together and all sorts of supporting shit including copies of pay stubs with combat pay and orders.

A month later I got a reply, "VA cunts expect to have an answer in 379 days". I pressed on with additional VA crap and gently pushed the worthless fucking drunk from the VFW to help me. At some point they conceded I had in fact served in the 1980s and gave me a shit rating of 30% to fuck off and go away. They also informed me they are keeping all the money because I took "Special Separation Benefit" to transfer from the active to the national guard in late 1992 and owed the government that money back. So I might get money from them in 10 years or so, sounds okay to me.

I challenged one of the ratings because according to the ratings schedule with the described symptoms and level of pain, it should have been rated 30% all by itself. After a year, they agreed and sent me a letter stating that while it would normally increase my rating, they are not going to increase my rating because "fuck you" that's why. I challenged that interpretation of federal law in under 30 days and got a letter saying they would reply in 400 days.

Six months later a lady called and read me my rights over the phone, she wanted to talk about this appeal. If I said anything that disproved my claim I would lose instantly on that phone call, I agreed. She kept saying, "they cannot do that, it is illegal" over and over and was at a loss to explain why they did it. She apologized and said she would fix it and asked about the pending dozen or so other issues I had and was appealing one by one. She said, combine them and we will take care of it all at once. I did and they sent me a letter saying, they expected to have a response in 579 days.

On day, six and 1/2 years after the process started I got a large deposit in my checking from the VA for back pay to a random date four years earlier and not the 6.5 years earlier this process started and I said, fuck it and considered this matter closed. Until I did the math, the fucking VA made me pay back the fucking tax I paid on the SSB payment I got when I transferred to the national guard. So I did my research and their regulations clearly state, that they are not supposed to make me repay income tax and specifically tells the VA cunt processing the claim to subtract all taxes from the repayment.

Yet again I filed an appeal and asked for my $6,000 in taxes to be returned to me. TWO years later my taxes showed up in my checking account. Two weeks after that on a Saturday afternoon a cunt from the VA calls and tells me they are "reevaluating my injuries" to lower my ratings. If I refuse to do as they demand, they will zero out my ratings instantly. This is not supposed to happen because I am over 55 years old at the time and they actually have rules about fucking over older vets. Nevertheless this starts and entire new process of fighting to retain my ratings.

I requested an in-person hearing and got VA kangaroo court. I asked my wife to attend, I told her this bullshit will defy description and she needs to see it since she never served in the military and if this story ever comes up most people will simply find the level of disrespect the VA has for veterans unbelievable. I presented 30 pages of new evidence that my conditions are actually worsening from seven different doctors including my original orthopedic surgeon and the "hearing officer" simply tossed them aside and said on video and with a court recorder present. "I do not need to see any evidence, I made my decision before ever coming into the room." I questioned the hearing process and asked about my due process rights, he basically told me to go fuck myself and reduced my ratings.

I filed a massive appeal with every fucking scrap of information to the US Court of Appeals in Washington DC challenging dozens of his assertions, including the hearing officers claims that "and" and "or" mean the same thing. The definition of words like "severe", "permanent", "degenerative" and "incurable" which the hearing officer claimed did not mean what they describe in the fucking dictionary.

TWO more fucking years pass and one day I get a large deposit in my checking and a large letter from The Court of Appeals that reversed everything this cunt did and clearly says, "this is not subject to review or reversal and is permanently restored". So I fucking won once and for all. It only took 10.5 years.

No piece of shit on welfare ever had to do half as much to get free shit from the government. The federal government literally transfers employees to the southern border for temporary duty to sign up illegal immigrants for free shit from the government. All they have to do is break the law and enter our country and they get free medical, free houses, free utilities, free school, free college, free food, free sex changes and free transportation to anywhere they want to go.

No veteran gets anything for "Free", we earn every damned cent of it. We even have to retain our own copies of every fucking record the military should retain and submit our copies to the VA. Without our own copies of records the VA simply denies we exist. The VA has the nasty habit of deciding halfway thru a medical procedure they approved that they are now disapproving the fucking procedure and they will stick you with the fucking bill. This never happens to fuckers on welfare or illegally in the country. VA horror stories are epic and very, very common.

I have know two veterans who killed themselves after the VA refused to pay for authorized and pre-approved medical procedures or surgeries and stuck them with hundreds of thousands of dollars in full retail medical bills from civilian hospitals where the fucking VA sent them in the first place. When the VA fucked them, the VA decided to keep their disability benefits to repay themselves for the costs they incurred. No welfare dreg ever had to do that. So they were left worse than penniless, they had hundreds of thousands in debt and no income in one case.

Imagine breaking your fucking neck after parachuting out of a plane in a thunder storm because Army leadership sucks, being unable to shoot a rifle, hunt, cast a fishing pole or walk down stairs safely. Imagine paying for the surgery to fix it because the VA reneged on the deal after it was done. Imagine the thought of a lifetime of hydrocodone being so awful you fucking eat a gun. Then three weeks after your funeral, the VA sends your dad a letter apologizing for the trouble and they pay the medical bill. I saw it happen to a guy I knew from the LGS, he just broke and could not do it any longer.

No welfare dreg ever gets treated as poorly as many vets endure on a trip to a VA hospital or when trying to work out a claim with this asshole organization. If you ever thought socialized medicine was a great idea, go to a VA hospital and see how little those people care if you live or die. Imagine going to the driver's license place for neck surgery, taking a number, sitting in a dirty waiting room and hoping the doctor who previously lost his license in 12 states can do a surgery on you without passing out because he is drunk. That is a typical day at the VA.

Sorry for the long winded rant, it has been on my mind all day.

*** and for clarity's sake, I'm using the British definition of the word "cunt". ***
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I did not go see the VA before I retired, I just completed my physical and that was it. Fast forward 11 years and I decided to use my VA home loan again as I paid off the first one. VA wanted to charge me a 30k dollar “service fee” because I was using my VA loan again and I did not have a service connected disability rating so I am required to pay a fee. What a bunch of BS.
That's a rough story of the government really trying bad to fuck you over.
Vile bureaucrats with steady jobs for life who love nothing better than to screw people over because it makes them feel superior.
All the while hoping you die or go too broke to fight them.

It's rotten that it took you so long to get what you were owed, but it's good to hear that you didn't let those bastards win.
You should be mad at the government that lied and deceived you and not at the two ladies cackling.

A cunt is a cunt, not necessarily a woman. You for instance..................................are a cunt. :ROFLMAO:

Did the government lie to me? Not really. They simply empowered people who are vindictive or sadistic by nature, typically Democrats and placed them in a position to do harm to others for not reason other than spite. And then these people acted as they normally would.

Hitler, Stalin or Mao never had to personally kill or harm a soul, they simply hired Democrats and told them they would be rewarded for the horrible things they do others. The VA does the same thing.
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I was listening to a couple of leftist cunts whining about a co-worker who is retired military collecting disability. Since this place is probably 70% vets in my particular work area, this whining leftist bullshit caught my attention. I tried to avoid the topic but these two cunts just kept whipping this dead horse until I had a few words. I pointed out that leftist cunts never complain about fuckers collecting Social Security Disability for being junkies or drunks. Leftist cunts never whine about 11,000,000 foreign fucking criminals collecting welfare, free medical, HUD houses, free cell phones, free fucking wifi, free utilities, free food and fucking free college. I mentioned that 98% of all leftist scum on public assistance never did a fucking thing for the country other than rob, steal, rape, murder, deal and traffic drugs and breed uncontrollably AND strangely enough to left wing assholes complain about paying them tens of billions of dollars.

I was blunt as a club, the language was colorful and it was impolite, spoken in an even tone without a hint of anger and plenty of sarcasm and distain. I got the usual "thank you for your service" chide from the leftist cunts and took the time to tell them that those of us who served know you mean, "fuck you" when you say that. And on that note, I thanked them for their service too.

Here is the thing about VA disability. After 27 years of service I had no intention of applying for it. The VA insisted and reminds most vets that when you come back later for an injury they will have lost your fucking medical and service records and therefore will deny your service and decline to treat service connected injuries. The VA insists that the earlier you file a claim the more likely you are to have one verified.

So I found a service organization and started the process 13 years ago when I retired. I had my medical records and copies of everything and off we went. In 90 days the VA replied they had no record of me EVER serving in the military. Remember this was during the Obama years, when the VA was actively fucking over veterans at the request of the left wing piece of shit president and his shitbag staff. So they pissed me off and started a TWELVE year long process of forcing those cunts to treat me with some god damned respect.

When you get a response from the VA, if you disagree with it you have 30 days to file for a review or appeal and provide additional data. This is interesting because the VA has unlimited time to reply to you. I submitted additional copies of my DD214's, copies of letters from the fucking VA thanking me for my god damned service, a picture of myself and General Petraeus in fucking Iraq together and all sorts of supporting shit including copies of pay stubs with combat pay and orders.

A month later I got a reply, "VA cunts expect to have an answer in 379 days". I pressed on with additional VA crap and gently pushed the worthless fucking drunk from the VFW to help me. At some point they conceded I had in fact served in the 1980s and gave me a shit rating of 30% to fuck off and go away. They also informed me they are keeping all the money because I took "Special Separation Benefit" to transfer from the active to the national guard in late 1992 and owed the government that money back. So I might get money from them in 10 years or so, sounds okay to me.

I challenged one of the ratings because according to the ratings schedule with the described symptoms and level of pain, it should have been rated 30% all by itself. After a year, they agreed and sent me a letter stating that while it would normally increase my rating, they are not going to increase my rating because "fuck you" that's why. I challenged that interpretation of federal law in under 30 days and got a letter saying they would reply in 400 days.

Six months later a lady called and read me my rights over the phone, she wanted to talk about this appeal. If I said anything that disproved my claim I would lose instantly on that phone call, I agreed. She kept saying, "they cannot do that, it is illegal" over and over and was at a loss to explain why they did it. She apologized and said she would fix it and asked about the pending dozen or so other issues I had and was appealing one by one. She said, combine them and we will take care of it all at once. I did and they sent me a letter saying, they expected to have a response in 579 days.

On day, six and 1/2 years after the process started I got a large deposit in my checking from the VA for back pay to a random date four years earlier and not the 6.5 years earlier this process started and I said, fuck it and considered this matter closed. Until I did the math, the fucking VA made me pay back the fucking tax I paid on the SSB payment I got when I transferred to the national guard. So I did my research and their regulations clearly state, that they are not supposed to make me repay income tax and specifically tells the VA cunt processing the claim to subtract all taxes from the repayment.

Yet again I filed an appeal and asked for my $6,000 in taxes to be returned to me. TWO years later my taxes showed up in my checking account. Two weeks after that on a Saturday afternoon a cunt from the VA calls and tells me they are "reevaluating my injuries" to lower my ratings. If I refuse to do as they demand, they will zero out my ratings instantly. This is not supposed to happen because I am over 55 years old at the time and they actually have rules about fucking over older vets. Nevertheless this starts and entire new process of fighting to retain my ratings.

I requested an in-person hearing and got VA kangaroo court. I asked my wife to attend, I told her this bullshit will defy description and she needs to see it since she never served in the military and if this story ever comes up most people will simply find the level of disrespect the VA has for veterans unbelievable. I presented 30 pages of new evidence that my conditions are actually worsening from seven different doctors including my original orthopedic surgeon and the "hearing officer" simply tossed them aside and said on video and with a court recorder present. "I do not need to see any evidence, I made my decision before ever coming into the room." I questioned the hearing process and asked about my due process rights, he basically told me to go fuck myself and reduced my ratings.

I filed a massive appeal with every fucking scrap of information to the US Court of Appeals in Washington DC challenging dozens of his assertions, including the hearing officers claims that "and" and "or" mean the same thing. The definition of words like "severe", "permanent", "degenerative" and "incurable" which the hearing officer claimed did not mean what they describe in the fucking dictionary.

TWO more fucking years pass and one day I get a large deposit in my checking and a large letter from The Court of Appeals that reversed everything this cunt did and clearly says, "this is not subject to review or reversal and is permanently restored". So I fucking won once and for all. It only took 10.5 years.

No piece of shit on welfare ever had to do half as much to get free shit from the government. The federal government literally transfers employees to the southern border for temporary duty to sign up illegal immigrants for free shit from the government. All they have to do is break the law and enter our country and they get free medical, free houses, free utilities, free school, free college, free food, free sex changes and free transportation to anywhere they want to go.

No veteran gets anything for "Free", we earn every damned cent of it. We even have to retain our own copies of every fucking record the military should retain and submit our copies to the VA. Without our own copies of records the VA simply denies we exist. The VA has the nasty habit of deciding halfway thru a medical procedure they approved that they are now disapproving the fucking procedure and they will stick you with the fucking bill. This never happens to fuckers on welfare or illegally in the country. VA horror stories are epic and very, very common.

I have know two veterans who killed themselves after the VA refused to pay for authorized and pre-approved medical procedures or surgeries and stuck them with hundreds of thousands of dollars in full retail medical bills from civilian hospitals where the fucking VA sent them in the first place. When the VA fucked them, the VA decided to keep their disability benefits to repay themselves for the costs they incurred. No welfare dreg ever had to do that. So they were left worse than penniless, they had hundreds of thousands in debt and no income in one case.

Imagine breaking your fucking neck after parachuting out of a plane in a thunder storm because Army leadership sucks, being unable to shoot a rifle, hunt, cast a fishing pole or walk down stairs safely. Imagine paying for the surgery to fix it because the VA reneged on the deal after it was done. Imagine the thought of a lifetime of hydrocodone being so awful you fucking eat a gun. Then three weeks after your funeral, the VA sends your dad a letter apologizing for the trouble and they pay the medical bill. I saw it happen to a guy I knew from the LGS, he just broke and could not do it any longer.

No welfare dreg ever gets treated as poorly as many vets endure on a trip to a VA hospital or when trying to work out a claim with this asshole organization. If you ever thought socialized medicine was a great idea, go to a VA hospital and see how little those people care if you live or die. Imagine going to the driver's license place for neck surgery, taking a number, sitting in a dirty waiting room and hoping the doctor who previously lost his license in 12 states can do a surgery on you without passing out because he is drunk. That is a typical day at the VA.

Sorry for the long winded rant, it has been on my mind all day.

*** and for clarity's sake, I'm using the British definition of the word "cunt". ***


So was this dude actually disabled, or collecting a checked because he was “disabled”

Frankly it’s a thin line from being poo folks working at a government job like walmart and working the welfare system, vs poo folks who went to the mil for better version of welfare.

Both are a shit ROI for mainstreet
I've had to resort to giving the VA lessons.
Oh, they do not like it at all, but it's very educational to them.
I have cancer that has metastasized into my spine so it's pretty tough to walk and at some point not too long from now I know my spine will degrade enough to just crumble and I'll be paralyzed from the waist down.
I make certain to always have someone I trust go with me when I visit the good ol VA.....have to have an attendant yaknow :)
Just make certain the attendant has a nice cell phone set to record video/audio and a nice fat SD card with tons of space in it.
So far I have been filmed 3 times on top of the VA persons desk (never the same VA person twice) screaming their own regulations at them while basically hopping and spinning as well as I'm able to.
Then, since the press leans so far left, they are dying for stories like these with evidence....you know, film of a depraved, terminal, vet, stone cold sticking to his rights and being told they don't apply to him (for some odd reason).
Once my buddy starts fiddling with his cell phone and saying shit like "you wouldn't believe how nice the lighting came out in these shots and the angle is perfect" whichever VA ass I'm dealing with becomes awfully compliant.
Downright polite even.

Yea, I know what you're going thru.
Feel free to use my method or modify it for your own personal usage.

So was this dude actually disabled, or collecting a checked because he was “disabled”

Frankly it’s a thin line from being poo folks working at a government job like walmart and working the welfare system, vs poo folks who went to the mil for better version of welfare.

Both are a shit ROI for mainstreet

What are "poo folks"?

When did Walmart become a government job?

Since when did the military become welfare?

BTW, that last statement about the military being a form of welfare is straight from Obama, the fact you and Obama believe the same thing is not surprising.

A disability rating from the military is not the same as being handicapped, idiots and low information Democrats always think that to be a "disabled vet" you need a wheelchair or a missing limb.

Say that after a four year tour in the Army you ended up partially deaf, with a traumatic brain injury from being concussed by an IED and a broken leg that will ache for the rest of your life because of the metal plates, you are a disabled vet.

Can you walk? yes with constant pain and discomfort. it will hurt to sit, it will ache when it is going to rain, you cannot hunt, hike or run like you could before the injury and it will require medical treatment for the rest of your life.

Should you be required to pay for it yourself? To a Democrat, the answer is yes. According to Turbo turd and Obama, this injury is your own fault because you "volunteered" and the government should be absolved of responsibility.

The brain injury causes headaches for life, migraines and discomfort, makes it hard to concentrate sometimes and according to Obama and Turbo, this is also your own fault, you volunteered. Money spent on you would be better spent on criminals from Central America who came here carrying a 50 pound pack of heroin and dragging a child for a Democrat to rape at a later date.

That is the beauty of Democrats. The high regard they hold a convicted felon in and the pride they feel towards foreign criminals is mildly sickening to decent people.
Not all of them. Just the ones who pull up and park in the handicap spot in their Vette and get out and jog to the doors. Or the able bodied ones who faked their disability, got their rating and regularly do stuff they wouldn't be able to if they actually had a disability. I'm actually more perturbed by the ones who demand a military discount in the checkout line or the on the dinner check.
What are "poo folks"?

When did Walmart become a government job?

Since when did the military become welfare?

BTW, that last statement about the military being a form of welfare is straight from Obama, the fact you and Obama believe the same thing is not surprising.

A disability rating from the military is not the same as being handicapped, idiots and low information Democrats always think that to be a "disabled vet" you need a wheelchair or a missing limb.

Say that after a four year tour in the Army you ended up partially deaf, with a traumatic brain injury from being concussed by an IED and a broken leg that will ache for the rest of your life because of the metal plates, you are a disabled vet.

Can you walk? yes with constant pain and discomfort. it will hurt to sit, it will ache when it is going to rain, you cannot hunt, hike or run like you could before the injury and it will require medical treatment for the rest of your life.

Should you be required to pay for it yourself? To a Democrat, the answer is yes. According to Turbo turd and Obama, this injury is your own fault because you "volunteered" and the government should be absolved of responsibility.

The brain injury causes headaches for life, migraines and discomfort, makes it hard to concentrate sometimes and according to Obama and Turbo, this is also your own fault, you volunteered. Money spent on you would be better spent on criminals from Central America who came here carrying a 50 pound pack of heroin and dragging a child for a Democrat to rape at a later date.

That is the beauty of Democrats. The high regard they hold a convicted felon in and the pride they feel towards foreign criminals is mildly sickening to decent people.

Those were facts for like the last half century.
Those were facts for like the last half century.
So it's ok for a Service Member to honor a contract that is up to and including ;
Dismemberment .
Disfiguration .
Burns .
Fractures .
Cumulative Physical Trauma .
Death .
So honoring that is ok . But if a Vet claims his benefits ( the shit guaranteed in the contract you bet your fuckin life against ) you're just a fuckin poor tryna git welfare ?
I can't process that level of stupid .
I was listening to a couple of leftist cunts whining about a co-worker who is retired military collecting disability. Since this place is probably 70% vets in my particular work area, this whining leftist bullshit caught my attention. I tried to avoid the topic but these two cunts just kept whipping this dead horse until I had a few words. I pointed out that leftist cunts never complain about fuckers collecting Social Security Disability for being junkies or drunks. Leftist cunts never whine about 11,000,000 foreign fucking criminals collecting welfare, free medical, HUD houses, free cell phones, free fucking wifi, free utilities, free food and fucking free college. I mentioned that 98% of all leftist scum on public assistance never did a fucking thing for the country other than rob, steal, rape, murder, deal and traffic drugs and breed uncontrollably AND strangely enough to left wing assholes complain about paying them tens of billions of dollars.

I was blunt as a club, the language was colorful and it was impolite, spoken in an even tone without a hint of anger and plenty of sarcasm and distain. I got the usual "thank you for your service" chide from the leftist cunts and took the time to tell them that those of us who served know you mean, "fuck you" when you say that. And on that note, I thanked them for their service too.

Here is the thing about VA disability. After 27 years of service I had no intention of applying for it. The VA insisted and reminds most vets that when you come back later for an injury they will have lost your fucking medical and service records and therefore will deny your service and decline to treat service connected injuries. The VA insists that the earlier you file a claim the more likely you are to have one verified.

So I found a service organization and started the process 13 years ago when I retired. I had my medical records and copies of everything and off we went. In 90 days the VA replied they had no record of me EVER serving in the military. Remember this was during the Obama years, when the VA was actively fucking over veterans at the request of the left wing piece of shit president and his shitbag staff. So they pissed me off and started a TWELVE year long process of forcing those cunts to treat me with some god damned respect.

When you get a response from the VA, if you disagree with it you have 30 days to file for a review or appeal and provide additional data. This is interesting because the VA has unlimited time to reply to you. I submitted additional copies of my DD214's, copies of letters from the fucking VA thanking me for my god damned service, a picture of myself and General Petraeus in fucking Iraq together and all sorts of supporting shit including copies of pay stubs with combat pay and orders.

A month later I got a reply, "VA cunts expect to have an answer in 379 days". I pressed on with additional VA crap and gently pushed the worthless fucking drunk from the VFW to help me. At some point they conceded I had in fact served in the 1980s and gave me a shit rating of 30% to fuck off and go away. They also informed me they are keeping all the money because I took "Special Separation Benefit" to transfer from the active to the national guard in late 1992 and owed the government that money back. So I might get money from them in 10 years or so, sounds okay to me.

I challenged one of the ratings because according to the ratings schedule with the described symptoms and level of pain, it should have been rated 30% all by itself. After a year, they agreed and sent me a letter stating that while it would normally increase my rating, they are not going to increase my rating because "fuck you" that's why. I challenged that interpretation of federal law in under 30 days and got a letter saying they would reply in 400 days.

Six months later a lady called and read me my rights over the phone, she wanted to talk about this appeal. If I said anything that disproved my claim I would lose instantly on that phone call, I agreed. She kept saying, "they cannot do that, it is illegal" over and over and was at a loss to explain why they did it. She apologized and said she would fix it and asked about the pending dozen or so other issues I had and was appealing one by one. She said, combine them and we will take care of it all at once. I did and they sent me a letter saying, they expected to have a response in 579 days.

On day, six and 1/2 years after the process started I got a large deposit in my checking from the VA for back pay to a random date four years earlier and not the 6.5 years earlier this process started and I said, fuck it and considered this matter closed. Until I did the math, the fucking VA made me pay back the fucking tax I paid on the SSB payment I got when I transferred to the national guard. So I did my research and their regulations clearly state, that they are not supposed to make me repay income tax and specifically tells the VA cunt processing the claim to subtract all taxes from the repayment.

Yet again I filed an appeal and asked for my $6,000 in taxes to be returned to me. TWO years later my taxes showed up in my checking account. Two weeks after that on a Saturday afternoon a cunt from the VA calls and tells me they are "reevaluating my injuries" to lower my ratings. If I refuse to do as they demand, they will zero out my ratings instantly. This is not supposed to happen because I am over 55 years old at the time and they actually have rules about fucking over older vets. Nevertheless this starts and entire new process of fighting to retain my ratings.

I requested an in-person hearing and got VA kangaroo court. I asked my wife to attend, I told her this bullshit will defy description and she needs to see it since she never served in the military and if this story ever comes up most people will simply find the level of disrespect the VA has for veterans unbelievable. I presented 30 pages of new evidence that my conditions are actually worsening from seven different doctors including my original orthopedic surgeon and the "hearing officer" simply tossed them aside and said on video and with a court recorder present. "I do not need to see any evidence, I made my decision before ever coming into the room." I questioned the hearing process and asked about my due process rights, he basically told me to go fuck myself and reduced my ratings.

I filed a massive appeal with every fucking scrap of information to the US Court of Appeals in Washington DC challenging dozens of his assertions, including the hearing officers claims that "and" and "or" mean the same thing. The definition of words like "severe", "permanent", "degenerative" and "incurable" which the hearing officer claimed did not mean what they describe in the fucking dictionary.

TWO more fucking years pass and one day I get a large deposit in my checking and a large letter from The Court of Appeals that reversed everything this cunt did and clearly says, "this is not subject to review or reversal and is permanently restored". So I fucking won once and for all. It only took 10.5 years.

No piece of shit on welfare ever had to do half as much to get free shit from the government. The federal government literally transfers employees to the southern border for temporary duty to sign up illegal immigrants for free shit from the government. All they have to do is break the law and enter our country and they get free medical, free houses, free utilities, free school, free college, free food, free sex changes and free transportation to anywhere they want to go.

No veteran gets anything for "Free", we earn every damned cent of it. We even have to retain our own copies of every fucking record the military should retain and submit our copies to the VA. Without our own copies of records the VA simply denies we exist. The VA has the nasty habit of deciding halfway thru a medical procedure they approved that they are now disapproving the fucking procedure and they will stick you with the fucking bill. This never happens to fuckers on welfare or illegally in the country. VA horror stories are epic and very, very common.

I have know two veterans who killed themselves after the VA refused to pay for authorized and pre-approved medical procedures or surgeries and stuck them with hundreds of thousands of dollars in full retail medical bills from civilian hospitals where the fucking VA sent them in the first place. When the VA fucked them, the VA decided to keep their disability benefits to repay themselves for the costs they incurred. No welfare dreg ever had to do that. So they were left worse than penniless, they had hundreds of thousands in debt and no income in one case.

Imagine breaking your fucking neck after parachuting out of a plane in a thunder storm because Army leadership sucks, being unable to shoot a rifle, hunt, cast a fishing pole or walk down stairs safely. Imagine paying for the surgery to fix it because the VA reneged on the deal after it was done. Imagine the thought of a lifetime of hydrocodone being so awful you fucking eat a gun. Then three weeks after your funeral, the VA sends your dad a letter apologizing for the trouble and they pay the medical bill. I saw it happen to a guy I knew from the LGS, he just broke and could not do it any longer.

No welfare dreg ever gets treated as poorly as many vets endure on a trip to a VA hospital or when trying to work out a claim with this asshole organization. If you ever thought socialized medicine was a great idea, go to a VA hospital and see how little those people care if you live or die. Imagine going to the driver's license place for neck surgery, taking a number, sitting in a dirty waiting room and hoping the doctor who previously lost his license in 12 states can do a surgery on you without passing out because he is drunk. That is a typical day at the VA.

Sorry for the long winded rant, it has been on my mind all day.

*** and for clarity's sake, I'm using the British definition of the word "cunt". ***
I read this whole thing, every fucking word and I am pissed.

Our government is made up of a bunch of miserable cunts and I'm using every definition of the word.
So it's ok for a Service Member to honor a contract that is up to and including ;
Dismemberment .
Disfiguration .
Burns .
Fractures .
Cumulative Physical Trauma .
Death .
So honoring that is ok . But if a Vet claims his benefits ( the shit guaranteed in the contract you bet your fuckin life against ) you're just a fuckin poor tryna git welfare ?
I can't process that level of stupid .

I posted a graph before, military overall isn’t that dangerous

Also lots of the people that join do so because if beats the prospects (working in the mall or Walmart, or living in moms basement) in their home town.

My tax dollars also pay for both, and I pay more for the mil

Mil is needed, but not the invasion world police BS we have done for most of our whole lives.
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I posted a graph before, military overall isn’t that dangerous

Also lots of the people that join do so because if beats the prospects (working in the mall or Walmart, or living in moms basement) in their home town.

My tax dollars also pay for both, and I pay more for the mil

Mil is needed, but not the invasion world police BS we have done for most of our whole lives.
Were you born an insufferable twat or did you have to work at it?

Because either you can't help it or that's what you want to be.

You give yourself way too much credit.

But that's what twats do.

At least you are a consistent, I'll give you that, for what that is worth.

And you just offer insults and no valid counter argument, but that’s what simple minds do.

Hey shouldn’t you change your profile photo to a Ukraine flag?
I've no problem with people getting whatever benefits they can finagle from our government.

I posted a graph before, military overall isn’t that dangerous

That's true but they are still entitled to benefits regardless of whether they were in a warehouse or some ass end of afghanistan camp.

And yeah people join because they live in a shitty area with piddly job prospects but why not? I mean they get VA healthcare for life which is huge, they get housing, they get retirement if they stick it out long enough.

Meanwhile in the private sector you bust your ass for 10 years and the company gives you a bag of M&Ms and a pen with your boss's name on it.
Why, are you looking for a child to molest? That's a more dangerous occupation, so you can feel superior and tell us all about how others are not worthy of your tax dollars.


You’re a interesting critter, I say you’re acting like a child, when I mention child apparently the first thing that came to your mind was of a sexual nature 🤮

I also never said I was superior to anyone, odd you defaulted to that position

So my simple comment conjured sexual desires and my supremacy in your mind? I’m no shrink, but I think freudian psychology would have a field day with you.
I come on the site to get great info, read the stories, and rants of my Brothers and others who come and even on rare occasion to respond . This is one...To the OP, Brother, like you I had no plans to ever file a claim. I had been severely injured in the Army and thought my injuries were the cost of serving the country I love so much. But my father, who was inured twice and briefly MIA in Vietnam running a recon team called the "Dusty Seven" out of Quang Tri got in my grill one day. "Son if you don't do it now you'll hate yourself when you're my age and won't be able to prove it happened." So I started the process. After being told that my injuries from a jumpmaster hooking me up wrong and a 100mph impact that buried me into the mud up to my crotch weren't service connected, my ego got involved. Appeals and all the requisite back and forth of a multi-level review took me to Tampa a couple years later only to find out that a bureaucrat had illegally protected his decisions and at least he got fired and after the OIG got involved they overturned 2/3 of his decisions....Fast forward 35 years and as a VA employee I got severely injured saving an elderly vets life and had to move into another job that puts me in the enrollment/eligibility area of the VA. I purposely spend a lot of time talking with EVERY vet that walks into my office with the door closed once they mention claims. Most don't know claims are completely separate from healthcare and how to get started. I tell them how the system was a shit show until really recently. I explain how to get documentation and where to get great free information to assist you with the new claims process. Is it better now? Yep, perfect? don't even get me started. Some parts of the country are slam dunks and others are claims deserts from what I've seen. I do see some, a lot more than I care to admit come in the door with ratings in their hands of 50-100% and I had more time in the latrine than they did in service. Last year alone I had four that were in less than 45 days and every one was 100% P&T. . . But to your original point, I do what I do to try and help every vet I can. I hate the question "what did they give you?" When I stand up every day, it's like I stand on ice picks and have a cane for my trouble, so they didn't give me shit...Not for a pat on the back, but because you EARNED it!! The VA is getting better at hiring veterans, but is still not good. Every vet hired at the VA helps all of us because our attitude and work ethic and understanding is better. So far I've helped several hundred vets, but that's a drop in the bucket and I ask every one when they get their rating to help others. I hope you take your experience and help others to navigate thru the minefield. . .I value you my Brother and all you and others have sacrificed and continue to do so on a daily basis... Rant on! and yea, they come in all colors sexes and ages
What are "poo folks"?

When did Walmart become a government job?

Since when did the military become welfare?

BTW, that last statement about the military being a form of welfare is straight from Obama, the fact you and Obama believe the same thing is not surprising.

A disability rating from the military is not the same as being handicapped, idiots and low information Democrats always think that to be a "disabled vet" you need a wheelchair or a missing limb.

Say that after a four year tour in the Army you ended up partially deaf, with a traumatic brain injury from being concussed by an IED and a broken leg that will ache for the rest of your life because of the metal plates, you are a disabled vet.

Can you walk? yes with constant pain and discomfort. it will hurt to sit, it will ache when it is going to rain, you cannot hunt, hike or run like you could before the injury and it will require medical treatment for the rest of your life.

Should you be required to pay for it yourself? To a Democrat, the answer is yes. According to Turbo turd and Obama, this injury is your own fault because you "volunteered" and the government should be absolved of responsibility.

The brain injury causes headaches for life, migraines and discomfort, makes it hard to concentrate sometimes and according to Obama and Turbo, this is also your own fault, you volunteered. Money spent on you would be better spent on criminals from Central America who came here carrying a 50 pound pack of heroin and dragging a child for a Democrat to rape at a later date.

That is the beauty of Democrats. The high regard they hold a convicted felon in and the pride they feel towards foreign criminals is mildly sickening to decent people.

Oh and per Walmart, covid proved it was gov, they have marked police as guards, the same police would arrest you and the shop owner if you tried to go to the mom and pop store down the street, but you’re “free” to shop at Walmart? Walmart is just another part of the corporate branch of government, along side with google, Facebook, and most major airlines.
I was listening to a couple of leftist cunts whining about a co-worker who is retired military collecting disability. Since this place is probably 70% vets in my particular work area, this whining leftist bullshit caught my attention. I tried to avoid the topic but these two cunts just kept whipping this dead horse until I had a few words. I pointed out that leftist cunts never complain about fuckers collecting Social Security Disability for being junkies or drunks. Leftist cunts never whine about 11,000,000 foreign fucking criminals collecting welfare, free medical, HUD houses, free cell phones, free fucking wifi, free utilities, free food and fucking free college. I mentioned that 98% of all leftist scum on public assistance never did a fucking thing for the country other than rob, steal, rape, murder, deal and traffic drugs and breed uncontrollably AND strangely enough to left wing assholes complain about paying them tens of billions of dollars.

I was blunt as a club, the language was colorful and it was impolite, spoken in an even tone without a hint of anger and plenty of sarcasm and distain. I got the usual "thank you for your service" chide from the leftist cunts and took the time to tell them that those of us who served know you mean, "fuck you" when you say that. And on that note, I thanked them for their service too.

Here is the thing about VA disability. After 27 years of service I had no intention of applying for it. The VA insisted and reminds most vets that when you come back later for an injury they will have lost your fucking medical and service records and therefore will deny your service and decline to treat service connected injuries. The VA insists that the earlier you file a claim the more likely you are to have one verified.

So I found a service organization and started the process 13 years ago when I retired. I had my medical records and copies of everything and off we went. In 90 days the VA replied they had no record of me EVER serving in the military. Remember this was during the Obama years, when the VA was actively fucking over veterans at the request of the left wing piece of shit president and his shitbag staff. So they pissed me off and started a TWELVE year long process of forcing those cunts to treat me with some god damned respect.

When you get a response from the VA, if you disagree with it you have 30 days to file for a review or appeal and provide additional data. This is interesting because the VA has unlimited time to reply to you. I submitted additional copies of my DD214's, copies of letters from the fucking VA thanking me for my god damned service, a picture of myself and General Petraeus in fucking Iraq together and all sorts of supporting shit including copies of pay stubs with combat pay and orders.

A month later I got a reply, "VA cunts expect to have an answer in 379 days". I pressed on with additional VA crap and gently pushed the worthless fucking drunk from the VFW to help me. At some point they conceded I had in fact served in the 1980s and gave me a shit rating of 30% to fuck off and go away. They also informed me they are keeping all the money because I took "Special Separation Benefit" to transfer from the active to the national guard in late 1992 and owed the government that money back. So I might get money from them in 10 years or so, sounds okay to me.

I challenged one of the ratings because according to the ratings schedule with the described symptoms and level of pain, it should have been rated 30% all by itself. After a year, they agreed and sent me a letter stating that while it would normally increase my rating, they are not going to increase my rating because "fuck you" that's why. I challenged that interpretation of federal law in under 30 days and got a letter saying they would reply in 400 days.

Six months later a lady called and read me my rights over the phone, she wanted to talk about this appeal. If I said anything that disproved my claim I would lose instantly on that phone call, I agreed. She kept saying, "they cannot do that, it is illegal" over and over and was at a loss to explain why they did it. She apologized and said she would fix it and asked about the pending dozen or so other issues I had and was appealing one by one. She said, combine them and we will take care of it all at once. I did and they sent me a letter saying, they expected to have a response in 579 days.

On day, six and 1/2 years after the process started I got a large deposit in my checking from the VA for back pay to a random date four years earlier and not the 6.5 years earlier this process started and I said, fuck it and considered this matter closed. Until I did the math, the fucking VA made me pay back the fucking tax I paid on the SSB payment I got when I transferred to the national guard. So I did my research and their regulations clearly state, that they are not supposed to make me repay income tax and specifically tells the VA cunt processing the claim to subtract all taxes from the repayment.

Yet again I filed an appeal and asked for my $6,000 in taxes to be returned to me. TWO years later my taxes showed up in my checking account. Two weeks after that on a Saturday afternoon a cunt from the VA calls and tells me they are "reevaluating my injuries" to lower my ratings. If I refuse to do as they demand, they will zero out my ratings instantly. This is not supposed to happen because I am over 55 years old at the time and they actually have rules about fucking over older vets. Nevertheless this starts and entire new process of fighting to retain my ratings.

I requested an in-person hearing and got VA kangaroo court. I asked my wife to attend, I told her this bullshit will defy description and she needs to see it since she never served in the military and if this story ever comes up most people will simply find the level of disrespect the VA has for veterans unbelievable. I presented 30 pages of new evidence that my conditions are actually worsening from seven different doctors including my original orthopedic surgeon and the "hearing officer" simply tossed them aside and said on video and with a court recorder present. "I do not need to see any evidence, I made my decision before ever coming into the room." I questioned the hearing process and asked about my due process rights, he basically told me to go fuck myself and reduced my ratings.

I filed a massive appeal with every fucking scrap of information to the US Court of Appeals in Washington DC challenging dozens of his assertions, including the hearing officers claims that "and" and "or" mean the same thing. The definition of words like "severe", "permanent", "degenerative" and "incurable" which the hearing officer claimed did not mean what they describe in the fucking dictionary.

TWO more fucking years pass and one day I get a large deposit in my checking and a large letter from The Court of Appeals that reversed everything this cunt did and clearly says, "this is not subject to review or reversal and is permanently restored". So I fucking won once and for all. It only took 10.5 years.

No piece of shit on welfare ever had to do half as much to get free shit from the government. The federal government literally transfers employees to the southern border for temporary duty to sign up illegal immigrants for free shit from the government. All they have to do is break the law and enter our country and they get free medical, free houses, free utilities, free school, free college, free food, free sex changes and free transportation to anywhere they want to go.

No veteran gets anything for "Free", we earn every damned cent of it. We even have to retain our own copies of every fucking record the military should retain and submit our copies to the VA. Without our own copies of records the VA simply denies we exist. The VA has the nasty habit of deciding halfway thru a medical procedure they approved that they are now disapproving the fucking procedure and they will stick you with the fucking bill. This never happens to fuckers on welfare or illegally in the country. VA horror stories are epic and very, very common.

I have know two veterans who killed themselves after the VA refused to pay for authorized and pre-approved medical procedures or surgeries and stuck them with hundreds of thousands of dollars in full retail medical bills from civilian hospitals where the fucking VA sent them in the first place. When the VA fucked them, the VA decided to keep their disability benefits to repay themselves for the costs they incurred. No welfare dreg ever had to do that. So they were left worse than penniless, they had hundreds of thousands in debt and no income in one case.

Imagine breaking your fucking neck after parachuting out of a plane in a thunder storm because Army leadership sucks, being unable to shoot a rifle, hunt, cast a fishing pole or walk down stairs safely. Imagine paying for the surgery to fix it because the VA reneged on the deal after it was done. Imagine the thought of a lifetime of hydrocodone being so awful you fucking eat a gun. Then three weeks after your funeral, the VA sends your dad a letter apologizing for the trouble and they pay the medical bill. I saw it happen to a guy I knew from the LGS, he just broke and could not do it any longer.

No welfare dreg ever gets treated as poorly as many vets endure on a trip to a VA hospital or when trying to work out a claim with this asshole organization. If you ever thought socialized medicine was a great idea, go to a VA hospital and see how little those people care if you live or die. Imagine going to the driver's license place for neck surgery, taking a number, sitting in a dirty waiting room and hoping the doctor who previously lost his license in 12 states can do a surgery on you without passing out because he is drunk. That is a typical day at the VA.

Sorry for the long winded rant, it has been on my mind all day.

*** and for clarity's sake, I'm using the British definition of the word "cunt". ***
I just went through all this for the past 18 months. I was medically retired from the army due to my seizures that started shortly after a major spinal surgery. I did receive 100% total and permanent.

They are sending me to school and I work 2-3 days a week at an urgent care as a paramedic.

I still have seizures at random times and disrupts my life from where it used to be.

I felt guilty being disabled due to other vets who have lost limbs and worse.

I never wanted a handout from anyone, but am finally realizing that it was my 3 deployments and 15 years of service that got me to this point.

A lot of vets aren't aware of what's out there and I volunteer for some Vet services to help others get what the deserve.

22 Suicides a day.

IIRC correctly VA is verbotten here, so I will just leave with this though: If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it.

What I have to say about how we treat veterans (And I'm not always perfect myself):
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I was listening to a couple of leftist cunts whining about a co-worker who is retired military collecting disability. Since this place is probably 70% vets in my particular work area, this whining leftist bullshit caught my attention. I tried to avoid the topic but these two cunts just kept whipping this dead horse until I had a few words. I pointed out that leftist cunts never complain about fuckers collecting Social Security Disability for being junkies or drunks. Leftist cunts never whine about 11,000,000 foreign fucking criminals collecting welfare, free medical, HUD houses, free cell phones, free fucking wifi, free utilities, free food and fucking free college. I mentioned that 98% of all leftist scum on public assistance never did a fucking thing for the country other than rob, steal, rape, murder, deal and traffic drugs and breed uncontrollably AND strangely enough to left wing assholes complain about paying them tens of billions of dollars.

I was blunt as a club, the language was colorful and it was impolite, spoken in an even tone without a hint of anger and plenty of sarcasm and distain. I got the usual "thank you for your service" chide from the leftist cunts and took the time to tell them that those of us who served know you mean, "fuck you" when you say that. And on that note, I thanked them for their service too.

Here is the thing about VA disability. After 27 years of service I had no intention of applying for it. The VA insisted and reminds most vets that when you come back later for an injury they will have lost your fucking medical and service records and therefore will deny your service and decline to treat service connected injuries. The VA insists that the earlier you file a claim the more likely you are to have one verified.

So I found a service organization and started the process 13 years ago when I retired. I had my medical records and copies of everything and off we went. In 90 days the VA replied they had no record of me EVER serving in the military. Remember this was during the Obama years, when the VA was actively fucking over veterans at the request of the left wing piece of shit president and his shitbag staff. So they pissed me off and started a TWELVE year long process of forcing those cunts to treat me with some god damned respect.

When you get a response from the VA, if you disagree with it you have 30 days to file for a review or appeal and provide additional data. This is interesting because the VA has unlimited time to reply to you. I submitted additional copies of my DD214's, copies of letters from the fucking VA thanking me for my god damned service, a picture of myself and General Petraeus in fucking Iraq together and all sorts of supporting shit including copies of pay stubs with combat pay and orders.

A month later I got a reply, "VA cunts expect to have an answer in 379 days". I pressed on with additional VA crap and gently pushed the worthless fucking drunk from the VFW to help me. At some point they conceded I had in fact served in the 1980s and gave me a shit rating of 30% to fuck off and go away. They also informed me they are keeping all the money because I took "Special Separation Benefit" to transfer from the active to the national guard in late 1992 and owed the government that money back. So I might get money from them in 10 years or so, sounds okay to me.

I challenged one of the ratings because according to the ratings schedule with the described symptoms and level of pain, it should have been rated 30% all by itself. After a year, they agreed and sent me a letter stating that while it would normally increase my rating, they are not going to increase my rating because "fuck you" that's why. I challenged that interpretation of federal law in under 30 days and got a letter saying they would reply in 400 days.

Six months later a lady called and read me my rights over the phone, she wanted to talk about this appeal. If I said anything that disproved my claim I would lose instantly on that phone call, I agreed. She kept saying, "they cannot do that, it is illegal" over and over and was at a loss to explain why they did it. She apologized and said she would fix it and asked about the pending dozen or so other issues I had and was appealing one by one. She said, combine them and we will take care of it all at once. I did and they sent me a letter saying, they expected to have a response in 579 days.

On day, six and 1/2 years after the process started I got a large deposit in my checking from the VA for back pay to a random date four years earlier and not the 6.5 years earlier this process started and I said, fuck it and considered this matter closed. Until I did the math, the fucking VA made me pay back the fucking tax I paid on the SSB payment I got when I transferred to the national guard. So I did my research and their regulations clearly state, that they are not supposed to make me repay income tax and specifically tells the VA cunt processing the claim to subtract all taxes from the repayment.

Yet again I filed an appeal and asked for my $6,000 in taxes to be returned to me. TWO years later my taxes showed up in my checking account. Two weeks after that on a Saturday afternoon a cunt from the VA calls and tells me they are "reevaluating my injuries" to lower my ratings. If I refuse to do as they demand, they will zero out my ratings instantly. This is not supposed to happen because I am over 55 years old at the time and they actually have rules about fucking over older vets. Nevertheless this starts and entire new process of fighting to retain my ratings.

I requested an in-person hearing and got VA kangaroo court. I asked my wife to attend, I told her this bullshit will defy description and she needs to see it since she never served in the military and if this story ever comes up most people will simply find the level of disrespect the VA has for veterans unbelievable. I presented 30 pages of new evidence that my conditions are actually worsening from seven different doctors including my original orthopedic surgeon and the "hearing officer" simply tossed them aside and said on video and with a court recorder present. "I do not need to see any evidence, I made my decision before ever coming into the room." I questioned the hearing process and asked about my due process rights, he basically told me to go fuck myself and reduced my ratings.

I filed a massive appeal with every fucking scrap of information to the US Court of Appeals in Washington DC challenging dozens of his assertions, including the hearing officers claims that "and" and "or" mean the same thing. The definition of words like "severe", "permanent", "degenerative" and "incurable" which the hearing officer claimed did not mean what they describe in the fucking dictionary.

TWO more fucking years pass and one day I get a large deposit in my checking and a large letter from The Court of Appeals that reversed everything this cunt did and clearly says, "this is not subject to review or reversal and is permanently restored". So I fucking won once and for all. It only took 10.5 years.

No piece of shit on welfare ever had to do half as much to get free shit from the government. The federal government literally transfers employees to the southern border for temporary duty to sign up illegal immigrants for free shit from the government. All they have to do is break the law and enter our country and they get free medical, free houses, free utilities, free school, free college, free food, free sex changes and free transportation to anywhere they want to go.

No veteran gets anything for "Free", we earn every damned cent of it. We even have to retain our own copies of every fucking record the military should retain and submit our copies to the VA. Without our own copies of records the VA simply denies we exist. The VA has the nasty habit of deciding halfway thru a medical procedure they approved that they are now disapproving the fucking procedure and they will stick you with the fucking bill. This never happens to fuckers on welfare or illegally in the country. VA horror stories are epic and very, very common.

I have know two veterans who killed themselves after the VA refused to pay for authorized and pre-approved medical procedures or surgeries and stuck them with hundreds of thousands of dollars in full retail medical bills from civilian hospitals where the fucking VA sent them in the first place. When the VA fucked them, the VA decided to keep their disability benefits to repay themselves for the costs they incurred. No welfare dreg ever had to do that. So they were left worse than penniless, they had hundreds of thousands in debt and no income in one case.

Imagine breaking your fucking neck after parachuting out of a plane in a thunder storm because Army leadership sucks, being unable to shoot a rifle, hunt, cast a fishing pole or walk down stairs safely. Imagine paying for the surgery to fix it because the VA reneged on the deal after it was done. Imagine the thought of a lifetime of hydrocodone being so awful you fucking eat a gun. Then three weeks after your funeral, the VA sends your dad a letter apologizing for the trouble and they pay the medical bill. I saw it happen to a guy I knew from the LGS, he just broke and could not do it any longer.

No welfare dreg ever gets treated as poorly as many vets endure on a trip to a VA hospital or when trying to work out a claim with this asshole organization. If you ever thought socialized medicine was a great idea, go to a VA hospital and see how little those people care if you live or die. Imagine going to the driver's license place for neck surgery, taking a number, sitting in a dirty waiting room and hoping the doctor who previously lost his license in 12 states can do a surgery on you without passing out because he is drunk. That is a typical day at the VA.

Sorry for the long winded rant, it has been on my mind all day.

*** and for clarity's sake, I'm using the British definition of the word "cunt". ***

Reminds me of the Carter years: "Nothing is too good for our military," and that'e what we got, nothing.
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Oh and per Walmart, covid proved it was gov, they have marked police as guards, the same police would arrest you and the shop owner if you tried to go to the mom and pop store down the street, but you’re “free” to shop at Walmart? Walmart is just another part of the corporate branch of government, along side with google, Facebook, and most major airlines.
You are confused as to what's going on.

That had less to do with Walmart (Home Depot, Lowes, Target and any other big box store) being part of the .gov and MUCH more to do with further killing the American middle class. To drive ever more people into the arms of welfare to depend on the .gov for their daily needs, in Slavery 2.0.

Middle class are the owners of those mom&pop stores, while many that work at Walmart are already on some form of welfare.

Google, facebook, twitter, etc are part of the propaganda arm of the left.
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You are confused as to what's going on.

That had less to do with Walmart (Home Depot, Lowes, Target and any other big box store) being part of the .gov and MUCH more to do with further killing the American middle class. To drive ever more people into the arms of welfare to depend on the .gov for their daily needs, in Slavery 2.0.

Middle class are the owners of those mom&pop stores, while many that work at Walmart are already on some form of welfare.

Google, facebook, twitter, etc are part of the propaganda arm of the left.

The left and right are just arms of the same disgusting creature
If you are an illegal trespassing alien from the southern border they will intercept you and give you preferential concierge to get the "benefits you deserve". I spent part of my residency in the early 90's doing VA work. I would not wish that bunch of no caring barely working shits on anybody. We had staff that would cancel patients already there that had been on the schedule months for no reason but taking one of their 30 days paid. On top of that they saw only about 4-6 patients a day.......I see that by 0930 every day. I sure like everything there are quality caregivers in the VA.....I just didn't see any in my clinic. The ones that did good work were still typical .gov lazy robots.
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I wrote off the VA when they told me they lost my medical records and that my hearing loss wasn’t service connected. Also, I know guys personally that cheated the system and get great ratings for absolutely nothing. It’s all a sham. Government fucks up everything.
Just out of curiosity are there any stats on the suicide rate of WWII vets?
They didn't commit suicide, they drank. Sat next to/known a few, at the local "watering hole(s)", most did not, would not, talk about their experiences. As a vet myself, always wanted their input on some of the things I experienced. Sometimes, all I got was...Buy that man a beer! Mac
I wrote off the VA when they told me they lost my medical records and that my hearing loss wasn’t service connected. Also, I know guys personally that cheated the system and get great ratings for absolutely nothing. It’s all a sham. Government fucks up everything.
What gets me is they say my hearing loss isn't service connected, but somehow my tinnitius is.....🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

They didn't commit suicide, they drank. Sat next to/known a few, at the local "watering hole(s)", most did not, would not, talk about their experiences. As a vet myself, always wanted their input on some of the things I experienced. Sometimes, all I got was...Buy that man a beer! Mac

Now what do you figure made the difference between how they conducted themselves back home vs todays more sensitive and entitled ex military ?
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They didn't commit suicide, they drank. Sat next to/known a few, at the local "watering hole(s)", most did not, would not, talk about their experiences. As a vet myself, always wanted their input on some of the things I experienced. Sometimes, all I got was...Buy that man a beer! Mac

My grampa and all his brothers went off to WW2, several of them committed suicide afterward. Grampa only told happy/funny stories he never told any real fucked up stories beyond this one about killing japanese pow's.
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Now what do you figure made the difference between how they conducted themselves back home vs todays more sensitive and entitled ex military ?
I'm probably talking out my a#s here, but, here goes. I'm a "Boomer", so, take that for what it's worth. The men of that generation didn't have the V.A., like the vets do now, so, I think the V.A. of today, relies too heavily on psychotropic medications. Whereas with the WWII generation, they didn't have that, or, not as much as, and they vented/dealt with things differently. Like drinking, domestic violence, etc.. Hard to say, or, put a definite answer to it.
Or, maybe men of the "Quiet" generation, just were tougher, meaner, than generations of today. My pops was a Korean Vet, and he was as#hole enough.
Just an opinion, so, don't beat me up. Mac
ETA: People of that Gen. didn't talk a whole lot about growing up. I never learned much about my grandparents/aunts/uncles, until I was damn near 17 y.o.. People of that time just didn't carry on about certain things. They kept it bottled-up and dealt with.
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I was listening to a couple of leftist cunts whining about a co-worker who is retired military collecting disability. Since this place is probably 70% vets in my particular work area, this whining leftist bullshit caught my attention. I tried to avoid the topic but these two cunts just kept whipping this dead horse until I had a few words. I pointed out that leftist cunts never complain about fuckers collecting Social Security Disability for being junkies or drunks. Leftist cunts never whine about 11,000,000 foreign fucking criminals collecting welfare, free medical, HUD houses, free cell phones, free fucking wifi, free utilities, free food and fucking free college. I mentioned that 98% of all leftist scum on public assistance never did a fucking thing for the country other than rob, steal, rape, murder, deal and traffic drugs and breed uncontrollably AND strangely enough to left wing assholes complain about paying them tens of billions of dollars.

I was blunt as a club, the language was colorful and it was impolite, spoken in an even tone without a hint of anger and plenty of sarcasm and distain. I got the usual "thank you for your service" chide from the leftist cunts and took the time to tell them that those of us who served know you mean, "fuck you" when you say that. And on that note, I thanked them for their service too.

Here is the thing about VA disability. After 27 years of service I had no intention of applying for it. The VA insisted and reminds most vets that when you come back later for an injury they will have lost your fucking medical and service records and therefore will deny your service and decline to treat service connected injuries. The VA insists that the earlier you file a claim the more likely you are to have one verified.

So I found a service organization and started the process 13 years ago when I retired. I had my medical records and copies of everything and off we went. In 90 days the VA replied they had no record of me EVER serving in the military. Remember this was during the Obama years, when the VA was actively fucking over veterans at the request of the left wing piece of shit president and his shitbag staff. So they pissed me off and started a TWELVE year long process of forcing those cunts to treat me with some god damned respect.

When you get a response from the VA, if you disagree with it you have 30 days to file for a review or appeal and provide additional data. This is interesting because the VA has unlimited time to reply to you. I submitted additional copies of my DD214's, copies of letters from the fucking VA thanking me for my god damned service, a picture of myself and General Petraeus in fucking Iraq together and all sorts of supporting shit including copies of pay stubs with combat pay and orders.

A month later I got a reply, "VA cunts expect to have an answer in 379 days". I pressed on with additional VA crap and gently pushed the worthless fucking drunk from the VFW to help me. At some point they conceded I had in fact served in the 1980s and gave me a shit rating of 30% to fuck off and go away. They also informed me they are keeping all the money because I took "Special Separation Benefit" to transfer from the active to the national guard in late 1992 and owed the government that money back. So I might get money from them in 10 years or so, sounds okay to me.

I challenged one of the ratings because according to the ratings schedule with the described symptoms and level of pain, it should have been rated 30% all by itself. After a year, they agreed and sent me a letter stating that while it would normally increase my rating, they are not going to increase my rating because "fuck you" that's why. I challenged that interpretation of federal law in under 30 days and got a letter saying they would reply in 400 days.

Six months later a lady called and read me my rights over the phone, she wanted to talk about this appeal. If I said anything that disproved my claim I would lose instantly on that phone call, I agreed. She kept saying, "they cannot do that, it is illegal" over and over and was at a loss to explain why they did it. She apologized and said she would fix it and asked about the pending dozen or so other issues I had and was appealing one by one. She said, combine them and we will take care of it all at once. I did and they sent me a letter saying, they expected to have a response in 579 days.

On day, six and 1/2 years after the process started I got a large deposit in my checking from the VA for back pay to a random date four years earlier and not the 6.5 years earlier this process started and I said, fuck it and considered this matter closed. Until I did the math, the fucking VA made me pay back the fucking tax I paid on the SSB payment I got when I transferred to the national guard. So I did my research and their regulations clearly state, that they are not supposed to make me repay income tax and specifically tells the VA cunt processing the claim to subtract all taxes from the repayment.

Yet again I filed an appeal and asked for my $6,000 in taxes to be returned to me. TWO years later my taxes showed up in my checking account. Two weeks after that on a Saturday afternoon a cunt from the VA calls and tells me they are "reevaluating my injuries" to lower my ratings. If I refuse to do as they demand, they will zero out my ratings instantly. This is not supposed to happen because I am over 55 years old at the time and they actually have rules about fucking over older vets. Nevertheless this starts and entire new process of fighting to retain my ratings.

I requested an in-person hearing and got VA kangaroo court. I asked my wife to attend, I told her this bullshit will defy description and she needs to see it since she never served in the military and if this story ever comes up most people will simply find the level of disrespect the VA has for veterans unbelievable. I presented 30 pages of new evidence that my conditions are actually worsening from seven different doctors including my original orthopedic surgeon and the "hearing officer" simply tossed them aside and said on video and with a court recorder present. "I do not need to see any evidence, I made my decision before ever coming into the room." I questioned the hearing process and asked about my due process rights, he basically told me to go fuck myself and reduced my ratings.

I filed a massive appeal with every fucking scrap of information to the US Court of Appeals in Washington DC challenging dozens of his assertions, including the hearing officers claims that "and" and "or" mean the same thing. The definition of words like "severe", "permanent", "degenerative" and "incurable" which the hearing officer claimed did not mean what they describe in the fucking dictionary.

TWO more fucking years pass and one day I get a large deposit in my checking and a large letter from The Court of Appeals that reversed everything this cunt did and clearly says, "this is not subject to review or reversal and is permanently restored". So I fucking won once and for all. It only took 10.5 years.

No piece of shit on welfare ever had to do half as much to get free shit from the government. The federal government literally transfers employees to the southern border for temporary duty to sign up illegal immigrants for free shit from the government. All they have to do is break the law and enter our country and they get free medical, free houses, free utilities, free school, free college, free food, free sex changes and free transportation to anywhere they want to go.

No veteran gets anything for "Free", we earn every damned cent of it. We even have to retain our own copies of every fucking record the military should retain and submit our copies to the VA. Without our own copies of records the VA simply denies we exist. The VA has the nasty habit of deciding halfway thru a medical procedure they approved that they are now disapproving the fucking procedure and they will stick you with the fucking bill. This never happens to fuckers on welfare or illegally in the country. VA horror stories are epic and very, very common.

I have know two veterans who killed themselves after the VA refused to pay for authorized and pre-approved medical procedures or surgeries and stuck them with hundreds of thousands of dollars in full retail medical bills from civilian hospitals where the fucking VA sent them in the first place. When the VA fucked them, the VA decided to keep their disability benefits to repay themselves for the costs they incurred. No welfare dreg ever had to do that. So they were left worse than penniless, they had hundreds of thousands in debt and no income in one case.

Imagine breaking your fucking neck after parachuting out of a plane in a thunder storm because Army leadership sucks, being unable to shoot a rifle, hunt, cast a fishing pole or walk down stairs safely. Imagine paying for the surgery to fix it because the VA reneged on the deal after it was done. Imagine the thought of a lifetime of hydrocodone being so awful you fucking eat a gun. Then three weeks after your funeral, the VA sends your dad a letter apologizing for the trouble and they pay the medical bill. I saw it happen to a guy I knew from the LGS, he just broke and could not do it any longer.

No welfare dreg ever gets treated as poorly as many vets endure on a trip to a VA hospital or when trying to work out a claim with this asshole organization. If you ever thought socialized medicine was a great idea, go to a VA hospital and see how little those people care if you live or die. Imagine going to the driver's license place for neck surgery, taking a number, sitting in a dirty waiting room and hoping the doctor who previously lost his license in 12 states can do a surgery on you without passing out because he is drunk. That is a typical day at the VA.

Sorry for the long winded rant, it has been on my mind all day.

*** and for clarity's sake, I'm using the British definition of the word "cunt". ***
I wish this was new or surprising. It's not. The US treats its Vets far worse than Germany or France.