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Why the disrespect for Vets with disability?

Hey the majority of money looted out of my paychecks, taken off my family’s table, goes to military, it’s a fair gripe
False. The myth of defense being the #1 budget item is based on discretionary spending only (the part of the budget the Govt chooses to spend). Non discretionary funding (Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, aka Govt Promises) outstrips Defense by a large margin.

Hey the majority of money looted out of my paychecks, taken off my family’s table, goes to military, it’s a fair gripe
No, it goes to DoD where military personnel are outnumbered two to one by civilians and the rest of the budget goes to contractors.

DoD /= Military

And just stop paying taxes if you don't want to pay for it. Fuck, it's not that hard, even crack heads do it all the time.
I don’t begrudge the legit guys, it’s the 50-80% guys that I know who gamed it and faked it. I’ve worked with a few and some of the spouses. The women really like to flap their gums. One of my coworkers is working on 100% disability so his wife won’t have to work. Exactly what he said.
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No, it goes to DoD where military personnel are outnumbered two to one by civilians and the rest of the budget goes to contractors.

DoD /= Military

And just stop paying taxes if you don't want to pay for it. Fuck, it's not that hard, even crack heads do it all the time.

Sadly I make too much money for that to go unnoticed, too ripe of a target for the looters, and would prefer not to get into a shootout when they noticed they weren’t getting their cut.

and be it a PMC or GI Joe, same shit as far as I’m concerned $$ wise.
I posted a graph before, military overall isn’t that dangerous

Also lots of the people that join do so because if beats the prospects (working in the mall or Walmart, or living in moms basement) in their home town.

My tax dollars also pay for both, and I pay more for the mil

Mil is needed, but not the invasion world police BS we have done for most of our whole lives.
Which service were you in and when?
False. The myth of defense being the #1 budget item is based on discretionary spending only (the part of the budget the Govt chooses to spend). Non discretionary funding (Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, aka Govt Promises) outstrips Defense by a large margin.

View attachment 7831213

I’m good eliminating lots of that, I’m also good investing for my own retirement.

I’ve always wanted to defund gov education centers and get gov out of healthcare for the most part

Our mil is still way over bloated and needs to be trimmed to a real defense force and not a politicians looting party.

Yeah, we should just eliminate income tax and trim the government to fit its new budget.
Reminds me of the Carter years: "Nothing is too good for our military," and that'e what we got, nothing.
You mean the Carter that started and Reagan that followed thru pulling the magazines from my bruthas standing guard in Beirut ?
Yea, there's still some witnesses to that clusterfuck.
Surprisingly it is nothing like what you read or see on MSM.
Sadly I make too much money for that to go unnoticed, too ripe of a target for the looters, and would prefer not to get into a shootout when they noticed they weren’t getting their cut.

and be it a PMC or GI Joe, same shit as far as I’m concerned $$ wise.
Shit, you make a lot of money? All the more reason to not pay taxes. Don’t you know, nobody that makes a lot of money pays taxes. Duh…

And all “PMCs” are contractors, but not all contractors are a PMC. And quite frankly, those are next to nil these days. You know Afghanistan is over, right? When I say contractor, I mean material providers. Shipbuilders, aircraft manufacturers, weapons, gear, food, etc.
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Shit, you make a lot of money? All the more reason to not pay taxes. Don’t you know, nobody that makes a lot of money pays taxes. Duh…

And all “PMCs” are contractors, but not all contractors are a PMC. And quite frankly, those are next to nil these days. You know Afghanistan is over, right? When I say contractor, I mean material providers. Shipbuilders, aircraft manufacturers, weapons, gear, food, etc.

Yeah, I’m good on less $500 toilet seats too.

Restart the F22 line and don’t export ANY of our top shelf shit, good.

Spend money on space research and advancements

Spend money on ballistic missile defense

Spend money to fight anti bill of rights shit at home, treat anyone who tries to take someone’s rights as a “terrorist”

Work on putting china back into a new century of shame

But invading 3rd world shitholes and never ending welfare for mil, that crap can go, also we need a better vetting system for mil contracts.

The idea that a state side Air Force plumber get free medical for life, tons of cash for free college, and has active military “doctors” pushing him to scam the system for “disability” is disgusting. Compared to the last good war (WWII) the ex employees of the forces are really fucking entitled even the ones who never were in harms way.

I don’t recall any videos of WWII vets demanding free shit, sitting like a panting dog waiting to be thanked for their service, or screaming at some crazy bum for “stolen valor”.
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As I've seen it in my job every day, 10ring'r said a lot. The "greatest generation" was just that. They persevered thru some of the most difficult times in the history of this still fairly young nation. Seeing a period of great changes and greater upheaval, tremendous strides in ideas and technology and even more horrific ways to destroy one another faster and more efficiently. They gave their lives and gave up those lives so that we can bitch and grouse about life, taxes and how bad we have it. Most of us, me included need, at times to STFU and reflect on the gift we're given daily by their service. Whether they ended up counting paper clips in a basement or burning to death in a B-17 over Europe, they were Americans first. When they came home, they got on with their lives as best they could and rebuilt the world in the process and didn't piss and moan about it. Why don't we try a little more to earn those sacrifices without the whine of entitlement? And to those here that love to stir the emotion and vitriol every time you can, be glad there was a veteran that. regardless of the reason, raised his or her right hand, maimed, killed or safely coming home so that you have the right to be part of the problem and not the solution.....shit that's more than I've typed in a year.
As I've seen it in my job every day, 10ring'r said a lot. The "greatest generation" was just that. They persevered thru some of the most difficult times in the history of this still fairly young nation. Seeing a period of great changes and greater upheaval, tremendous strides in ideas and technology and even more horrific ways to destroy one another faster and more efficiently. They gave their lives and gave up those lives so that we can bitch and grouse about life, taxes and how bad we have it. Most of us, me included need, at times to STFU and reflect on the gift we're given daily by their service. Whether they ended up counting paper clips in a basement or burning to death in a B-17 over Europe, they were Americans first. When they came home, they got on with their lives as best they could and rebuilt the world in the process and didn't piss and moan about it. Why don't we try a little more to earn those sacrifices without the whine of entitlement? And to those here that love to stir the emotion and vitriol every time you can, be glad there was a veteran that. regardless of the reason, raised his or her right hand, maimed, killed or safely coming home so that you have the right to be part of the problem and not the solution.....shit that's more than I've typed in a year.

Also the generation who held the same gov responsible when they over stepped.


Decent watching, movie on it
Yeah, I’m good on less $500 toilet seats too.
This statement just underlines your utter ignorance of mil/Fed Gov procurement.

This the kind of misleading shit you read in the NY Times and Washington Post. Good job.

And its clear you never served and have zero idea what sacrifices that "state side Air Force plumber" may have made.

You are just talking out of your ass.

And then you underline your last point (whatever the fuck it is) by posting a movie....a fucking movie?
This statement just underlines your utter ignorance of mil/Fed Gov procurement.

This the kind of misleading shit you read in the NY Times and Washington Post. Good job.

And its clear you never served and have zero idea what sacrifices that "state side Air Force plumber" may have made.

You are just talking out of your ass.

And then you underline your last point (whatever the fuck it is) by posting a movie....a fucking movie?
Well I'm quite aware of the insane costs mil pays for many things from supplying it. I could tell story after story of it with that same type of bloated costs. Literally having to increase ( as in triple or more) already substantial profit margins on basic stuff because "we've been paying so much more for so long, it would cause trouble if we all of the sudden started buying the same thing for so much less "

The toilet seat thing is a favorite to demonstrate this principle and it's absolutely a fact of mil purchasing.

It's a function of too large a beuarocratic government, not a knock on military people, but its absolutely fact.
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Well I'm quite aware of the insane costs mil pays for many things from supplying it. I could tell story after story of it with that same type of bloated costs. Literally having to increase ( as in triple or more) already substantial profit margins on basic stuff because "we've been paying so much more for so long, it would cause trouble if we all of the sudden started buying the same thing for so much less "

The toilet seat thing is a favorite to demonstrate this principle and it's absolutely a fact of mil purchasing.
Yes, the toilet seat and the hammer. Absolutely the price in the contract line item but not what the seat or hammer actually costs.

For example, no matter what it is, it has to be logistically provisioned. Now, I’m old and have been out of it for quite a while, but I did work mil acquisitions when the toilet seat:hammer stuff was being bandied about.

A logistician, whose salary is loaded w the high overhead costs of any manf, had to generate a plethora of data and documentation to put the item in the logistics system. That is loaded on the $12 actual cost of the hammer.

Then there are a lot of contacted services, such as Prog Management, that depending on how they wrote the CLINs has to be distributed and loadedover the price of the hardware items. The smarter way is to make these functions and services separately priced but that too has complications and issues.

Neither the toilet seat nor the hammer really cost what you would read in WaPo, but it makes good headlines. But these kind of things really were an artifact of the contractually required financial accounting.

This statement just underlines your utter ignorance of mil/Fed Gov procurement.

This the kind of misleading shit you read in the NY Times and Washington Post. Good job.

And its clear you never served and have zero idea what sacrifices that "state side Air Force plumber" may have made.

You are just talking out of your ass.

And then you underline your last point (whatever the fuck it is) by posting a movie....a fucking movie?

No shit I never “served” I had much better options thanks to having a good mother and father figure in my life.

And you’re actually saying the gov doesn’t wildly overpay for all the BS they buy? Really? Realllllllyyyyyyy?
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Yes, the toilet seat and the hammer. Absolutely the price in the contract line item but not what the seat or hammer actually costs.

For example, no matter what it is, it has to be logistically provisioned. Now, I’m old and have been out of it for quite a while, but I did work mil acquisitions when the toilet seat:hammer stuff was being bandied about.

A logistician, whose salary is loaded w the high overhead costs of any manf, had to generate a plethora of data and documentation to put the item in the logistics system. That is loaded on the $12 actual cost of the hammer.

Then there are a lot of contacted services, such as Prog Management, that depending on how they wrote the CLINs has to be distributed and loadedover the price of the hardware items. The smarter way is to make these functions and services separately priced but that too has complications and issues.

Neither the toilet seat nor the hammer really cost what you would read in WaPo, but it makes good headlines. But these kind of things really were an artifact of the contractually required financial accounting.

Yeah, I know that it's how they projected the total replacement cost of a few items to get put into the place those items are needed that generated those infamous figures, but the procurement process , methods, and way they oversee it is absolute garbage and causes this insane bloated costs. Again, that is a result of a government that is easily 10 times the size it should be.

The private sector has purchasing agents that get paid based on the money they save to combat this phenomenon.

Just like the billions or whatever Obama care website costs that didn't even work... our government is too big and we pay a huge cost for that in more ways than financial.
Yeah, I know that it's how they projected the total replacement cost of a few items to get put into the place those items are needed that generated those infamous figures, but the procurement process , methods, and way they oversee it is absolute garbage and causes this insane bloated costs. Again, that is a result of a government that is easily 10 times the size it should be.

The private sector has purchasing agents that get paid based on the money they save to combat this phenomenon.

Just like the billions or whatever Obama care website costs that didn't even work... our government is too big and we pay a huge cost for that in more ways than financial.
Oh, having worked on a number of major Fed procurements, I agree utterly and got out of gov contracting as soon as could. It was maddening. I worked on a $1B procurement for the FAA. I was book boss for the statement of work and data submittals (CDRLs). It took those motherfuckers four fucking years to issue a contract because no matter the issue, they had to revisit and revise every fucking decision at least a dozen times. I kept every version of every paragraph I wrote in the SOW as those assholes would keep changing back and forth and I’d just swap back in the section that they had just changed or deleted. I can’t even describe properly the insanity and incompetence of the FAA HQ.

I would sit in the 15th meeting on the same fucking topic to again go over the same facts with the same people. I’d look around at the 10-15 people sitting at the table and know….oh, he works for Mitre or Nobles at $400/hour billable time. Oh, they work for SAIC and cost even more. Etc.

I don’t have the words for the absolute hatred I felt for that job. I stuck w it thru contract award ( friend owned the company I worked for and I couldn’t just dump on him) and ran back to commercial telecom as fast as I could.

@TurboTrout - oh, so you think, in your utter ignorance, that people only go into the mil as an alternative to being on the dole??

You really are an asshole. Me, I went in the USAF as an officer on flight duty at a time when shitheads like you were spitting at service men/women. But you think it’s just to feed of the public trough or because they are poor. You are an ignoramus.

I’m pretty sure I don’t really want to have anything further to do with you.

Enjoy the peace and safety brought to you by others who makes sacrifices and risk their lives so cunts like you can diss them on a fucking Internet forum.

Good night and good by.
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Yeah, I’m good on less $500 toilet seats too.

Restart the F22 line and don’t export ANY of our top shelf shit, good.

Spend money on space research and advancements

Spend money on ballistic missile defense

Spend money to fight anti bill of rights shit at home, treat anyone who tries to take someone’s rights as a “terrorist”

Work on putting china back into a new century of shame

But invading 3rd world shitholes and never ending welfare for mil, that crap can go, also we need a better vetting system for mil contracts.

The idea that a state side Air Force plumber get free medical for life, tons of cash for free college, and has active military “doctors” pushing him to scam the system for “disability” is disgusting. Compared to the last good war (WWII) the ex employees of the forces are really fucking entitled even the ones who never were in harms way.

I don’t recall any videos of WWII vets demanding free shit, sitting like a panting dog waiting to be thanked for their service, or screaming at some crazy bum for “stolen valor”.
I’m right there with you on the overpayment of an all volunteer military. Nixon fucked that all up by ending the draft, what in the fuck was he thinking?!?!? We need to go back to an indentured service model where everyone has to perform servitude in the military for half poverty level payment, and this time get rid of those bullshit escapes like college and medical disqualification. Everyone is capable in their own way of paying their fair share, without discrimination against them, and the privileged kids aren’t any better than the rest.

Maybe then we can get rid of these poors who think they deserve pay despite being given a trade and never leaving CONUS. They can go to Target and get a job there instead if they want $15/hr.

But F22s? How many MIGs have they shot down and how many has the F4 splashed? Stick with the real winner we can field ten to one for the cost, and let the tax payers keep their money.
Oh, having worked on a number of major Fed procurements, I agree utterly and got out of gov contracting as soon as could. It was maddening. I worked on Data Comm procurement for the FAA. I was book boss for the statement of work and data submittals (CDRLs). It took those motherfuckers four fucking years to issue a contract because no matter the issue, they had to revisit and revise every fucking decision at least a dozen times. I kept every version of every paragraph I wrote in the SOW as those assholes would keep changing back and forth and I’d just swap back in the section that they had just changed or deleted. I can’t even describe properly the insanity and incompetence of the FAA HQ.

I would sit in the 15th meeting on the same fucking topic to again go over the same facts with the same people. I’d look around at the 10-15 people sitting at the table and know….oh, he works for Mitre or Nobles at $400/hour billable time. Oh, they work for SAIC and cost even more. Etc.

I don’t have the words for the absolute hatred I felt for that job. I stuck w it thru contract award ( friend owned the company I worked for and I couldn’t just dump on him) and ran back to commercial telecom as fast as I could.

@TurboTrout - oh, so you think, in your utter ignorance, that people only go into the mil as an alternative to being on the dole??

You really are an asshole. Me, I went in the USAF as an officer on flight duty at a time when shitheads like you were spitting at service men/women. But you think it’s just to feed of the public trough or because they are poor. You are an ignoramus.

I’m pretty sure I don’t really want to have anything further to do with you.

Enjoy the peace and safety brought to you by others who makes sacrifices and risk their lives so cunts like you can diss them on a fucking Internet forum.

Good night and good by.

Spitting on service men? You need to watch less Vietnam movies dude lol
I’m right there with you on the overpayment of an all volunteer military. Nixon fucked that all up by ending the draft, what in the fuck was he thinking?!?!? We need to go back to an indentured service model where everyone has to perform servitude in the military for half poverty level payment, and this time get rid of those bullshit escapes like college and medical disqualification. Everyone is capable in their own way of paying their fair share, without discrimination against them, and the privileged kids aren’t any better than the rest.

Maybe then we can get rid of these poors who think they deserve pay despite being given a trade and never leaving CONUS. They can go to Target and get a job there instead if they want $15/hr.

But F22s? How many MIGs have they shot down and how many has the F4 splashed? Stick with the real winner we can field ten to one for the cost, and let the tax payers keep their money.

F22 out preforms everything based on what I have read
Hey the majority of money looted out of my paychecks, taken off my family’s table, goes to military, it’s a fair gripe

You really do walk around screaming how much you love sucking Joe Biden's cock all day don't you?

The really incredible thing is that people can show you actual proof you are wrong and a complete fucking idiot and you are unwilling and incapable of adjusting your beliefs. You have a form of retardation.
To Doc and the guys who have lived this shit show first hand, YES I help my brothers and sisters thru the process. I go the extra mile, when I was involved in hiring I hired vets. Generally speaking they are a better class of people the majority of the time, better work ethics, easier to train and get along with than the average leftist cocksucker.

So Turbo honestly believes the military is far less dangerous than slinging dope in Detroit or Chicago and in most cases that is true. Detroit killed more people than Iraq the year I was in Iraq. The thing people like him do not understand is what the guys in Iraq were doing when they died has far greater importance to the nation than the dope dealers. I'm sure those four dead Marines in Norway wished they had been in a nice safe place like Detroit. The job can kill you as easily as the enemy in most cases in the military.

Turbo hates this country, he has that right. Turbo would never stoop so low as to serve his country, again he has that right. He is entitled to think that Wal-Mart is a branch of government, sure it sounds retarded, but again he has that right. Until his political party takes over the country and destroys the Constitution and our nation's borders he has a lot of rights the other people will defend for him. Those rights will all disappear if his dream government comes to power.

Every person who ever signed up to serve did it for more than the money or the benefits. Leftists like Turbo think service is a form of welfare. It actually is someone trading the most valuable years of their life and offering that life to the government for a meager reward. In return, you get training, a chance for college or trade school, travel to the earth's shitholes and a promise of benefits like an underwriter for your home loan and medical treatment if you are hurt.

Yes, the military is the only way out of small town dead end jobs or the ghetto for some people. Unlike welfare and any social program ever created by leftist cocksuckers like Turbo, the military has lifted millions of men and women of all races and religions from poverty to prosperity within their own lifetimes. Various cunts and fuckwads have no idea how well the military does at moving people upward in society. It gives people everything they need, from basic hygiene, how to dress, to speak clearly, to read and write physical fitness and education.

The majority of engineers on the space program in the 1950's and 60's were educated under the GI Bill. The "greatest generation" was literally lifted from poverty to middle class and home ownership and all they had to do was offer their life to the government. 405,000 of them died and 670,000 were injured.

Can you name another welfare program that kills or injures 8-10% of the people who sign up?

Well, you'll always have those that will injure themselves to avoid service...and that last part ain't ever changing.
Not an out, we still need cyber warriors and hash slingers, both of which can be done from a wheelchair. They would be handi-capable and not discriminated against from their required servitude that turdtrots wants to have of his bare bones paying social welfare military force.
I don’t begrudge the legit guys, it’s the 50-80% guys that I know who gamed it and faked it. I’ve worked with a few and some of the spouses. The women really like to flap their gums. One of my coworkers is working on 100% disability so his wife won’t have to work. Exactly what he said.
Funny thing is the VA gave my wife the chance to be my "caretaker". They would have paid her 40k a year to do so. I said fuck that noise and now do things when she is around in the morning versus when she isn't around. Most of us truly disabled vets dont want a handout. It's like you said. It's the guys at that percentage rate who gamed the system the whole time they were in.

As a medic I got to see it all first hand. The guys who would ride back to back to back profiles so they didn't have to do shit. The same ones who during the work week couldn't barely move, but then on the weekend they would be playing ball and going to the club and shit.

I was only ever on a boonie hat profile(due to my being a ginger) while I was in until my surgery and then seizures.

I always put my personal health off to the back burner to make sure my guys were taken care of first. I joined as a medic to be able to take care of others.

I’m good eliminating lots of that, I’m also good investing for my own retirement.

I’ve always wanted to defund gov education centers and get gov out of healthcare for the most part

Our mil is still way over bloated and needs to be trimmed to a real defense force and not a politicians looting party.

Yeah, we should just eliminate income tax and trim the government to fit its new budget.
Well tell them to get rid of all the DOD CIV they have working there doing the duplicate jobs they have MOS's for. That would be a huge start.

In my last clinic I worked at we had more civilians there then we had medics. We always had medics who needed the experience, but because of all the civilians working there, I couldn't ever get my actual medics scheduled in to work there.

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Some people are just full of hate, and spill it on everyone they come across. That is likely the case here. Though, there is a "disabled vet" on every street corner giving those that actually served a bad rep...
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You really do walk around screaming how much you love sucking Joe Biden's cock all day don't you?

The really incredible thing is that people can show you actual proof you are wrong and a complete fucking idiot and you are unwilling and incapable of adjusting your beliefs. You have a form of retardation.

Joe biden is a statist, where on earth did you get the idea Im for even more government.

And you didn’t disprove anything, the chart reaffirmed all the money that’s flushed on that shit.
This thread is bait.
I am 74 years old, was in Vietnam, in Infantry, 3 Purple Hearts, one for an AK round thru my left thigh, and a few months later an RPD round in my right lower leg, neither hit bone, and multiple frag wounds from 82 motars and Chicom grenades, and the last one for TBI from a satchel charge in close proximity to my head during a sapper attack.
I came home, many others didn't.
I worked 30 years as a mechanic and weldor at the same place and got a retirement from there, then worked 10 more years in the Oil Patch and I damn sure have my aches and pains but I work through them.
I was a Draftee, I damn sure did not want to be in the Army as I had a really good job going when my "Greetings from The President" letter came along.
With that, Turboturd, do you think you could have done what I did and do you have a hardon for me because I also draw a nice pension from VA.
Do you think I might have earned it?
People like you make me want to PUKE.
All of the above is easily verifiable with the records I have on hand.
I'll put this here:
I don't hire vets because they are vets.

I hire vets because I find them in general to be hard working, talented, disciplined and add value to my group. It may be one of the most valuable job skills building program there is. Certainly beat the hell outta that BS I had to go for "job building' to get my unemployment after being laid off.

Oh yeah, and they protect us too.
This thread is bait.
I am 74 years old, was in Vietnam, in Infantry, 3 Purple Hearts, one for an AK round thru my left thigh, and a few months later an RPD round in my right lower leg, neither hit bone, and multiple frag wounds from 82 motars and Chicom grenades, and the last one for TBI from a satchel charge in close proximity to my head during a sapper attack.
I came home, many others didn't.
I worked 30 years as a mechanic and weldor at the same place and got a retirement from there, then worked 10 more years in the Oil Patch and I damn sure have my aches and pains but I work through them.
I was a Draftee, I damn sure did not want to be in the Army as I had a really good job going when my "Greetings from The President" letter came along.
With that, Turboturd, do you think you could have done what I did and do you have a hardon for me because I also draw a nice pension from VA.
Do you think I might have earned it?
People like you make me want to PUKE.
All of the above is easily verifiable with the records I have on hand.

Could I have done it? Well in your situation I wouldn’t have had a choice, and being in good shape with a analytical mind, I’m sure I’d have made the most out of that shit sandwich as I could have.

I think you earned it, as you were forced under the threat of violence to fight a politicians war, but I also don’t think what you did over there made a damn bit of improvement for the freedoms of Americans

I also believe exactly what I wrote and I think the whole military systems is as abused, if not more abused, as the welfare system, and it’s the same mindset who signs up for BS disabilities to collect VA (tax payers income) as is the person who does the same on the civilian side and milks covid bucks, disability, kids for cash, etc.
Could I have done it? Well in your situation I wouldn’t have had a choice, and being in good shape with a analytical mind, I’m sure I’d have made the most out of that shit sandwich as I could have.

I think you earned it, as you were forced under the threat of violence to fight a politicians war, but I also don’t think what you did over there made a damn bit of improvement for the freedoms of Americans

I also believe exactly what I wrote and I think the whole military systems is as abused, if not more abused, as the welfare system, and it’s the same mindset who signs up for BS disabilities to collect VA (tax payers income) as is the person who does the same on the civilian side and milks covid bucks, disability, kids for cash, etc.
What qualifies as BS disability? Just curious
@wade27 big It took a while, but not long to really wonder, what the fuck we doin here? We all took our Oath, and went to BCT Basic Combat Training, AIT of many MOS.
We had no choice. We were there. What you going to do? Walk Home?
I was 19&20 and saw more weird shit in the Army that a neibob, hick from the sticks, from East Bumfuck Colorado ever even knew it existed and what was going on out there.
My E-1 induction pay was about $81-$83 maybe $91 per month and we had to pay Red Cross and other shit about 50 cents-$2.
I was E-5 when I ETS at $336.27 base pay.
I was RICH.
Some of the best and worst days of my life.
Could I have done it? Well in your situation I wouldn’t have had a choice, and being in good shape with a analytical mind, I’m sure I’d have made the most out of that shit sandwich as I could have.

I think you earned it, as you were forced under the threat of violence to fight a politicians war, but I also don’t think what you did over there made a damn bit of improvement for the freedoms of Americans

I also believe exactly what I wrote and I think the whole military systems is as abused, if not more abused, as the welfare system, and it’s the same mindset who signs up for BS disabilities to collect VA (tax payers income) as is the person who does the same on the civilian side and milks covid bucks, disability, kids for cash, etc.

That’s a heck of a story and you have been through a lot for sure. Do you believe you made America better while fighting for politicians interests in Vietnam? I say this not to belittle your experiences but to ask a serious question because American soldiers against their will were sent to die for nothing other than the survival of themselves and their brothers fighting beside them under the same circumstances. I don’t think I would have answered that call myself although I would have to be put in that position to know for sure.
How about a little perspective? It’s always so easy to castigate a person for what we now know (60 years later). The Information Age has made most smart people now aware of the depth of authoritarian control that has been applied over the years by taking advantage of the nature of man to want to trust and believe in a higher power. It manifests the same on so-called atheists, who have just chosen some non human-like thing in which to entrust their faith.
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That's how a diagnoses works... someone tells you that you have something. 🤷‍♂️

He is correct that some do fraudulently receive benefits. About 10-12 years ago a married couple were both receiving benefits neither had earned. The wife had never served, but managed to pass herself off as a retired Colonel, USMC. Seems it's pretty easy to get over on civilians.
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He is correct that some do fraudulently receive benefits. About 10-12 years ago a married couple were both receiving benefits neither had earned. The wife had never served, but managed to pass herself off as a retired Colonel, USMC. Seems it's pretty easy to get over on civilians.
Yea. That shit pisses me off. I've seen people bragging online how they got "their 100% disability" as if they were entitled to it. I've been fighting for 15 years to have my service stuff connected. It finally happened though after I filed a FOIA on myself for my medical records.
That’s a heck of a story and you have been through a lot for sure. Do you believe you made America better while fighting for politicians interests in Vietnam? I say this not to belittle your experiences but to ask a serious question because American soldiers against their will were sent to die for nothing other than the survival of themselves and their brothers fighting beside them under the same circumstances. I don’t think I would have answered that call myself although I would have to be put in that position to know for sure.

A self confessed piece of shit. Why don't you admit you would be a piece of shit like Joe Biden and get five deferrals.

It gets even dumber when you start telling people they should be debating the politics of military service. Every stupid thing you disagree with that the military has done is because you elected some asshole politician to office. The mystery is why you keep voting for the same politicians and then you blame the military/servicemember for doing as these idiots demand.

No one has to guess where guys like you and the Turbo turd would be when the chips are down.

You both bitch about the pay and benefits people earn serving in the military and then you both admit you would refuse to serve if drafted. So, share with us, your stupid ideas on how to defend a nation? To you expect poor, underprivileged, non-whites to do all the heavy lifting for you at farm worker prices? Then wander off into the darkness ill, injured or with health issues caused by their service and find ways to take care of it themselves?

Is the budget expensive, sure it is. Try this one sometime. Go to Ford, ask for a car that goes 250 mph, is bullet proof, submersible and can operate in -30 to 140 degrees. Tell them you only need 1500 of them and then start bitching when they cost $1,000,000 each instead of $35,000 bucks like your six cylinder Mustang. Oh yeah, you need all of them in 24 months.

Now, before 1968 the government had an arsenal that made that kind of car, but stupid cunts like you bitched that the government was not supposed to be in the car making business and you bristled at the DoD employing people for that sole purpose. So the government sold the arsenal and stopped making the cars, now you have to rely on the free market to get them built.

The basis of your fucktard belief system is based off of your stupid, uneducated and misinformed ideas on how the world works. The age of sitting alone in your country and ignoring the geopolitical situations in the world ended the day people learned to navigate a boat across an ocean. 90% of the shit you own was imported from somewhere else, 1/2 the guns on the US market are imported from elsewhere, same goes for the ammo you shoot. Your piece of shit Japanese car was imported, the oil that made your synthetic North Face faggot coat was imported. The computer you peck on and the cell phone you talk into are imported. The computer chips currently crippling every American car maker, imported from our enemies. The days of not having a relationship with other countries are long gone.

I'm waiting for you to explain how not enforcing the law, reduces crime. That is another of my favorite fucktard leftist theories.
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I have no idea what you are talking about. You went out there didn’t you. I wasn’t talking down on the man. I respect what he went through.

No I would not answer the draft to fight a foreign war that has nothing to do with America. I would also kill as many as I could if they were to try and draft my son or daughter. The topic that was being spoken about was Vietnam. Do you think there was a good reason to draft Americans to die in that war? What benefit was there for this country or it’s people? What about all the other wars since? They had nothing to do with protecting this country or its peoples liberty. Like I said before, a soldier hasn’t fought for America since the Civil War. I stand by that statement. Have they protected our borders. Nope, we have an active invasion. Has the military protected liberty at home? Nope, got marxists in the whitehouse. They have fought and died to enrich a few all the while being lied to by their own government such as “fighting the spread of communism”, “weopons of mass destruction” and “fight them over there so they don’t get us over hear”. It was all bullshit. That doesn’t mean I don’t sympathize with those that realized all this after the fact or sympathize those wise enough not to enlist but got sent over seas at gunpoint against their will.

Just because I don’t believe in the propaganda that you do or I don’t thank a soldier that didn’t do shit for me doesn’t mean I’m a piece of shit. I just understand reality and that seems to piss you off. I would never be part of this government and collect a tax payer stolen paycheck to make a living doing any job. I despise government and those that choose it.

One more thing, voting doesn’t matter no matter how much you foolishly believe in the system.

You have no idea what I am talking about. Okay.

You said you are a gutless cunt would would not serve his nation.

Now you said, you are a gutless cunt would would refuse to serve his nation and you would take up arms against your nation if they tried to draft your gutless children.

Do I think there is a good reason to draft Americans? Yes Would I still think that if they die in a foreign war? Yes.

Barbary pirates, ever heard of them? Preying on American citizens and shipping across the world. Americans needed a functional government to combat them. Should we have left them to die because they left the country? Again your fucktard level worldview is on display.

What benefit is the draft for this country or it's people? It provides for a strong national defense and instills a sense of national pride and unity. Everyone would be drafted equally regardless of race, financial and social status if I had my way. No waivers for the wealthy and gutless. A draft would be a good thing, we could all sleep soundly knowing 87 genders of Tide Pod eating retards are there to protect us from evil.

When as a nation we decided that the civilian government had authority over the national defense we ceded the power to decide what wars we fight and where we fight them to the elected assholes in government. The leftist assholes you vote for have picked the wars since 1900. Democrats or Progressives got us into WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Somehow you are under the impression that your opinion matters to congressmen and generals and that you would have the opportunity to debate the wars we fight ad nauseum before deciding if you are going to participate. What fucking planet do you live on????o_O

Everything you have said is basically a cowards way of excusing themselves from serving their country. You are too gutless to be drafted, you hate the military and think they are overpaid, but they do not pay enough for you to serve, got it. You do not believe in communism, okay. It does not matter what you believe they are trying to destroy America all the same.

You think America's military should be on our borders, since 1878 that has been against the law. You think soldiers have not "done shit for you". When the fuck did it become a servicemembers job to serve you personally?

You despise the government, good for you. Pack your shit and move along. You despise people who work for the government? That is interesting and bizarre at the same time. You want public schools, public roads, you seem to like zoning laws and you want a way to prove your property is in fact yours. All fucking function of the government.

I'm curious to see what your fucktard, no government world would look like? No laws, no ordnances, murder and rape are acceptable because there are no fucking laws, no roads or bridges unless you build them and employ a private army to keep them safe for you and if there were airplanes they fly aimlessly around the sky, free to do as they please. It sounds stupid, uneducated and ill informed, a kingdom of fucktards.

Yes, I'm going with you are a piece of shit.