Rifle Scopes Why we spend so much on scopes

I doubt very much if any of the cheaper scopes are worth a fart, Not like back in the 80s/90 when companies like Tasco use to work hard to climb the ladder in the brand wars, Nower days cheap means crap from the get go.

I doubt very much if any of the cheaper scopes are worth a fart, Not like back in the 80s/90 when companies like Tasco use to work hard to climb the ladder in the brand wars, Nower days cheap means crap from the get go.

I'm not sure I agree. I just think you didn't have much to compare them to. I still have a few old scopes, looking through them will show you how far we have came. Even my cheap ass centerpoint that came on my airgun is liking looking through an s&b compared to some of the decent scopes in the day.
I'm not sure I agree. I just think you didn't have much to compare them to. I still have a few old scopes, looking through them will show you how far we have came. Even my cheap ass centerpoint that came on my airgun is liking looking through an s&b compared to some of the decent scopes in the day.
Some of the old stuff was quite good for the era, yes compared to what the standards are now the old ones are crap, Nower days I think the Mk 4s are the bare minimum and a good place to start.

Well i think the question should be what is it that high-end scopes offer that cheaper alternatives don’t ?
Well for a start cheap scope have plastic internals in the Turrets which is not a good thing and being fully multi coated lenses are brighter clearer and waterproof/fog proof etc, One piece Tube construction and the list goes on.

Well i think the question should be what is it that high-end scopes offer that cheaper alternatives don’t ?

a lot of it is in the glass quality......not all glass is created equal.

take a look through a SFWA 10X (which i personally love)....and then take a look through a $3000 S&B........theres no comparison.

my buddy has a series of high end scopes....i recently took a peak through one of his NightForces.....it is literally like comparing a 4K resolution TV to an old cathode ray tube TV
So are we reaching the peak of scope technology? When you look at the premium options the glass is so good, mechanicals are so good, where else is there to to? (Outside of going all digital which is different tech). Sure we may get better materials to save weight. Most surely we will get better manufacturering (hopefully to reduce cost). See better glass come into a cheaper price point (natural progression of things). So where do you all see the peak for the mechanical rifle scope? Can the glass get much better?
So are we reaching the peak of scope technology? When you look at the premium options the glass is so good, mechanicals are so good, where else is there to to? (Outside of going all digital which is different tech). Sure we may get better materials to save weight. Most surely we will get better manufacturering (hopefully to reduce cost). See better glass come into a cheaper price point (natural progression of things). So where do you all see the peak for the mechanical rifle scope? Can the glass get much better?

I believe technology can only get better there was a time when HD use to be the super cool now there is SuperHD and 4k technology there is still room for improvement in scope Glass no doubt but at a point there can be no advancement and who needs a scope when there will be GPS guided Bullet
Another thing to Note, Is that with the named brands even their baseline products are better than the lesser companies best,
I would agree with that except for the fact I just bought a Leupold 2.5x8x36 VX3i. It is not near the quality of the Veri x3's I own, to say it looked like it was made in China would be an insult to china. No it's not a fake as it's at Leupold right now getting a tree ret installed. If I would have handled one before I bought one it would never be one anything I own, but as stupid as I was I ASSUMED it would be quality. The joke is on me. I would have paid the price of this one for a used Veri x3 had I did my homework. That's what you get for trusting in those who you held in high regard once. Never again, if I can't do a touchy feel'y before hand it will be a no go.
I would agree with that except for the fact I just bought a Leupold 2.5x8x36 VX3i. It is not near the quality of the Veri x3's I own, to say it looked like it was made in China would be an insult to china. No it's not a fake as it's at Leupold right now getting a tree ret installed. If I would have handled one before I bought one it would never be one anything I own, but as stupid as I was I ASSUMED it would be quality. The joke is on me. I would have paid the price of this one for a used Veri x3 had I did my homework. That's what you get for trusting in those who you held in high regard once. Never again, if I can't do a touchy feel'y before hand it will be a no go.

That's weird, I have a set of Leupold Coyote coloured 10x50 Mk 4 binos that are made in China and a set of the Leupold Tactical 10x42 BX-2's which are made in Japan both with the Ret in them and yet the Mk 4's made in China seem just that bit crisper and have better colour and light retention, I would never get rid of the Mk 4's, but I can read the 1mm tall writing on a soup box at 5.9yds with both pairs and car licence plates at 525 yards, Point being is as long as this stuff is made to Leupolds Specs then nothing else matters, I try to buy American made as much as possible even though I am not American, I have a lot of respect for Leupold as a company along with Bushnell's Elite series,

My scope hobby is way worse than my gun hobby. I spent 2k on a gun last year. Just since January I’ve had easy 8k worth of scopes I’ve bought, sold and traded.
My scope hobby is way worse than my gun hobby. I spent 2k on a gun last year. Just since January I’ve had easy 8k worth of scopes I’ve bought, sold and traded.
If you ever get the urge to stop buying them we have a counciling Dept that can get you back out there with wallet in hand, Lol.

We got ya Back,

John.:D:D (y)
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That's weird, I have a set of Leupold Coyote coloured 10x50 Mk 4 binos that are made in China and a set of the Leupold Tactical 10x42 BX-2's which are made in Japan both with the Ret in them and yet the Mk 4's made in China seem just that bit crisper and have better colour and light retention, I would never get rid of the Mk 4's, but I can read the 1mm tall writing on a soup box at 5.9yds with both pairs and car licence plates at 525 yards, Point being is as long as this stuff is made to Leupolds Specs then nothing else matters, I try to buy American made as much as possible even though I am not American, I have a lot of respect for Leupold as a company along with Bushnell's Elite series,

I use to be a Leupold fan no more. I've had 2 4.5x14x50 Mk 4's go back 3 times each an on the third time I shed them. I have a 20X mk 4 that is with them now for the 3rd time an when it gets back it will be sold as well. I've never had issue with any Leupold 10X an down but, above 10X I've never had one that worked properly. I am not the only one who has had these same issues with them, knob the up enough or knob the parallax enough an the rack slop stacks up quick. I hate Leupold has went the cheap route, but the bulk of their shooters never knob at all or very seldom. The only advance they have made is in the choice or rets. Had the tree ret been available in a 8x or less the VX3i I just bought would not have been. I started on Redfields then Leatherwoods, then Leupolds then US optics. The tacticool world has left leupold in the dust. All that said, I'd never part with the leupolds I have mounted today, but I'll never buy another.
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I use to be a Leupold fan no more. I've had 2 4.5x14x50 Mk 4's go back 3 times each an on the third time I shed them. I have a 20X mk 4 that is with them now for the 3rd time an when it gets back it will be sold as well. I've never had issue with any Leupold 10X an down but, above 10X I've never had one that worked properly. I am not the only one who has had these same issues with them, knob the up enough or knob the parallax enough an the rack slop stacks up quick. I hate Leupold has went the cheap route, but the bulk of their shooters never knob at all or very seldom. The only advance they have made is in the choice or rets. Had the tree ret been available in a 8x or less the VX3i I just bought would not have been. I started on Redfields then Leatherwoods, then Leupolds then US optics. The tacticool world has left leupold in the dust. All that said, I'd never part with the leupolds I have mounted today, but I'll never buy another.
Well I have their GR HD Spotter Kit and it is really good plus the Mk 4 bino's and the Tactical BX-2's, I don't like the BX 2's because you can't focus the Ret and they have pull up eye cups not twist up cups,, My LTO died but I need to get it replaced but I have not had a chance to sort that yet,

I know you like the VX3's but they are their lower priced scopes but what I find strange is why the Mk 4's have let you down yet the put them on the Barrett's and a few other heavy hitters, so maybe that's something they need to look in to.

For a long time I thought it was, the load, me, the gun, or my lack or reading mother nature until I installed a US optics on the same gun's. All the doubts went away after the second group at long. Then when knob'ing w/the USO's everything was where it should have been. One of the reasons I quite knob'ing the Leupolds an just used the rets. When they came out with the moa trees that negated the knobs for me. However a gun that shoots holes al of a sudden goes to a 3 moa stick, then I install a 10x or 8x an it's right back to holes again is dishearting. The 20X is back for that, the first time they installed a erector assy (300rds under it, braked 300wm) it lasted about 250 rds back to the same thing, they said they found nothing wrong. Installed it it shot 1 group of 5 into a hole the next group was back to 3 minutes. I installed the 8x it was back to holes. I will not have something I can't 1/2 way trust an nothing over 10x todate from them has passed the test. However to me 10X will do most everything I need to 1500yds except target ID. Which is why the 22x USO is still on one 300wm. :)
If leupold would go back to what works instead of trying to be tacticool they would be better off I think. I'm a firm believer of lite is right an leupolds old offering of the Veri x3 with a tree ret change was a good start for those who don't what to be a pack mule to the fight. Trunk to bench/mat it can weigh 50lbs but hump weight is a real thing no matter ones age. LOL
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I have been bustin a gut to get the 4-14 Mk 4 FFP, but from what you say makes me wonder if that is a good idea, I also like the Dark Earth Bushnell that came out a couple of years back.

If you just get a good ret, an don't knob it might be OK, but I just don't trust them (over10X) anymore. I'd hate to know I had to take a hostage shot past 100yds with any of the ones I've owned over 10X. Well if the hostage was a librtrad I might want a Leupold LOL :)
If you just get a good ret, an don't knob it might be OK, but I just don't trust them (over10X) anymore. I'd hate to know I had to take a hostage shot past 100yds with any of the ones I've owned over 10X. Well if the hostage was a librtrad I might want a Leupold LOL :)
Lol, I think a High power one will be ok for me because I'm not racist (Lib or Dem) I hate everyone LOl, :D:D:D:D(y)

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