Winchester 52B range report


Full Member
Dec 3, 2009
I took my trusty Winchester 52B to the range last week and tried some Lapua Midas+ ammo in it. It seemed to like it.

52D on top, 52B on the bottom



50 yds, Midas+

What's the rail on your 52D? I'm assuming the EGW rail is on the 52B? No issues with a wobbly zero?
Beautiful rifles and that's great accuracy
Thanks, camo.

The 52D sports a Ken Viani rail. Very secure.



The 52B, as you noted, has an EGW rail and does not seem to suffer from a wondering zero. The one I'm using is the aluminum model. I've thought about getting the steel version.
I have the steel EGW on my 52D.
Took third place at our 100 yd League with Weaver T36 mounted.
Seems quite solid.
The EGW rail has no interference when I switch to Redfield Olympics.
Just took second place at our 100yd Iron Sight League.
Missed first by 5 points.
I use Eley 10X and at 100 yds it’s wind that is the biggest variable.
Why second and not third?
Because the guy that took second in the scoped League, did not complete all days of the Iron sight League!