Winchester Awarded NGSW Ammunition Manufacturing Facility Design Contract

Milf Dots

Full Member
Oct 21, 2019
"Olin Winchester LLC, the largest manufacturer of small caliber ammunition for the U.S. military, today announced that the U.S. Army has awarded the company a $15 million cost-plus contract for the design of the Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) ammunition manufacturing facility.

Work will be performed at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (LCAAP) in Independence, Missouri, the United States’ only government-owned, contractor-operated small caliber ammunition production facility.

“Winchester is honored to have been awarded this NGSW ammunition manufacturing facility design project at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant,” said Brett Flaugher, President of Winchester. “The ultimate design will incorporate best practices, key learnings, and stakeholder input to create a state-of-the-art production facility which delivers the U.S. Army an optimal manufacturing solution for NGSW ammunition. The NGSW ammunition produced at Lake City’s new facility will equip the American Warfighter for success on the battlefield for generations to come, helping to ensure the nation’s security and defense.”

Lake City recently announced a recruitment campaign aimed at hiring its Next Generation workforce."

“These skilled individuals will form the crucial first generation of the Winchester NGSW ammunition production team at Lake City,” said Mr. Flaugher. “This team’s focus will be to ensure every round of 6.8mm ammunition produced at Lake City is Warfighter ready.”
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Reactions: bfoosh006 might think our Gov't would have learned that having a single large manufacturing plant is also a potential single point of failure...

....smaller, decentralized plants could benefit more states/locations/communities in regards to enhanced logistics, distribution, transportation and contingency planning.

...the recent supply chain, infant formula, chip, auto and various other "shortages" should be wakeup calls to businesses and more so the federal government....
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