Woke CIA add

The ad is political woke bs garbage... fodder for a DNC base of freaks and fringe groups to let them know how much the idiots in charge down on PA ave care.

The reality is that these folks have been in the agency all along. Frankly I don’t care if folks are binary penguins who identify as Hari Krishna mushrooms. If they are the best at their jobs, they can go home and do what they want.

Used to be that lifestyle mattered because devients were subject to exposure and blackmail. Now, no one cares. You are more subject to exposure and blackmail if you have an American flag and a Copy of the Constitution in your house.

as long as they are competent as hell, meet highest standards and do the mission better than anyone else. Meh, whatever.

If not, however... If they are incompetent. Or are termites and moles turning our national intelligence and LE organizations into a political hit squad and operating outside the sworn mission to protect Americans. Well, that’s a different story altogether.

Wonder which it will be?

The linked CIA video is just one installment in a running series called “Humans of the CIA,”

'Another “Humans of the CIA” video features a man narrating his Journey™ with the following quote: “Growing up gay in a small Southern town, I was lucky to have a wonderful and accepting family. I always struggled with the idea that I might not be able to discuss my personal life at work. Imagine my surprise when I was taking my oath at CIA, and I noticed a rainbow on then-director Brennan’s lanyard.”

“Inclusion is a core value here,” the man who Grew Up Gay continues. “Officers from the top down work hard to ensure that every single person — whatever their gender, gender identity, race, disability, or sexual orientation — can bring their entire self to work every day.”

Though it’s possible that the CIA marketing department’s zeal to adopt this lingo intensified with the onset of a new Democratic administration, the PR scheme appears to have predated the inauguration of Joe Biden. On January 4, 2021, a video was posted in which another unnamed agent touts his experience as a “chief of corporate strategy and education for diversity and inclusion” as wonderful preparation for a career in the CIA. '
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I had a buddy that worked for the CIA for a little while. This was around 2010-2013 if my memory is correct. He said it was full of libs and "woke" people back then. One can only imagine what it is like now.
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Could you share? I don’t know wtf that shit is. Not sure i want it in my search history
I had to look this shit up. Cisgender just means you identify as the gender you were born. Doesn't mean you're straight.

Intersectionality is a framework for conceptualizing a person, group of people, or social problem as affected by a number of discriminations and disadvantages. It takes into account people's overlapping identities and experiences in order to understand the complexity of prejudices they face.

I should mention once the US collapses and the idiots get their socialism, all of this shit won't matter. They will either to busy trying to figure out were their next meal is coming from or will kill themselves to escape the hell they created. Thus leaving us to pick up the pieces.
Actually no, the incompetence is firmly rooted in the CIA. They have demonstrated for decades, time and time again the inability to provide timely and accurate predictive analysis which resulted in little to no relevant intelligence to decision makers.

Sure the argument can be made that those on the outside have no insight into what the CIA provides and therefore can't accurately assess whether my statement is true. Yes, that's their game and its a good one, until you simply look at the results. Intelligence failure after intelligence failure - piled high upon strategic surprise.

Certainly, we have an epic competence-deficit at nearly every echelon in this Administration and Congress. However, if these aspects of the government were routinely getting sound intelligence and clearly delineated policy opportunities - periodically, wouldn't one set of leadership or another make a good choice eventually?

If the results of our geopolitical policies over the last thirty years, are pointing toward this tranche of policymakers being the sole limiting factor or sole responsible party in this clusterfuck - well then, look more closely.
I can’t fault you for anything you have said, and in-part and from those perspectives, you most likely are correct. And my experience is very peripheral and compartmentalized, only possessing perspective from the contractor side of things for a specific period of time. I will speak from both personal experience and then provide a few examples.

I can not tell you how many times I saw pre-action plans (PAP), squashed by staffer-leadership and/or “the authority,” on floor 7 (think senior administration at CIA), due to what seemed to be mostly, if not completely, a concern stemming from political posture, correctness, and care to keep your bosses, who appointed you, pleased and validated - see the issues here with that kind of system?

Think back to 2001, Tora Bora mountains, Afghanistan. The singular reason OBL was not scrubbed at that time, was due to direct orders from higher-level authority than USSCOM and CIA not to green light the hit. EVERY SINGLE TIME the operation forces, made up of recruited Afghan fighters, an ISA unit and members of SAD/SOG, under authority of CIA proposed a PAP, red light status remained. There wasn’t even at one time, yellow light status was approved (think the work-up to action), for any of the numerous PAP’s proposed.

Historians all agree the lack of action taken by the agency, directly due to this lack of approval from someone above their level of authority we will discuss here in a moment, actionably and successfully allowed OBL the time and ability to escape over the TB mountains into Pakistan. So in this example, how exactly is this any way shape or fashion a failure of CIA - which countless pundits and persons of all backgrounds attribute as “the CIA’s failure to capture or kill OBL, even to this day?” Those orders to disapprove the numerous PAP’s came from above the level of “the authority,” so we’re talking now Pentagon/White House type stuff here…that’s it! Now someone like I and likely you I suspect, will never know WHO, or which GROUP of “who’s,” made those calls, but what we DO KNOW is, where said calls had to have come from.

Now I can go on-and-on-and-on with other examples of the exact same constructs of various operations on both the special operations and political action side of things at CIA, falling disaster to “political correctness” and the ROE - the only rule of engagement there should be is hit your target with as little round count, and colateral as possible…that’s it, anything else is a go! (case-in-point, Red Wings - it pains me to this day to think of how the outcome of that op would have most likely been vastly different, if NSW had the legal authority to waste those Taliban-loyalists on that mountain side that day). And yet do we say that Marcus and his brothers, or NSW was somehow incompetent or stupid for what happened up there - of course not! They were only navigating through the constraints of which they were given at levels above them, and NSW. At the end of the day, the impairment of CIA to most successfully perform, always comes back to it’s inability to dissociate itself with politics and politicians (both from within and outside the agency). When any unit, agency, person, is held to a higher standard than those for whom they oppose, that unit, agency, or person, already starts from much farther place behind the curve. There IS a lot of truth to the fact that the most expeditious way to kill an apex predator, is for you yourself be more violent, ruthless, and outright savage than said predator. You should not only meet their level of violence and action(s) but EXCEED their levels, to stack the odds, so ever in your favor - and that of course is just not (and in my opinion, unfortunately how we as governed-Americans), are allowed to handle business.

Now are there mistakes CIA makes that are solely of their own volition, OF COURSE, CIA is not infallible, as it’s made up of fallible humans, how could it be. Though I can assure you, the majority of men and women, and those who have yet to be decided, lol (perhaps withstanding the one unfortunate women who caused this entire thread in the first place), truly are an elite and extraordinary group of humans performing an extraordinary mission set.

Perhaps I am too bias, and close to all of this myself to have the mental clarity and objectivity of mind to believe anything else. That most everything can and could be distilled back to politicians and political persuasions having caused snafu’s and impediments to those who are trying to do amazingly difficult and challenging work under amazingly difficult and challenging conditions throughout the world. I just can’t get past how much better, for mission success, it would be to be allowed to take a, “just get it done,” approach.

I appreciate having the opportunity to discuss all of this with you, and to hear and learn from your perspective as well. Stay safe out there brotha!


*My statements are mine and mine alone, and in no way represent actual or implied positions of CIA or any other entity other than I.
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While a black, transexual, mentally ill high school drop out might fit every box in the HR loser profile................................it will probably be captured and killed fifteen minutes after it gets of the plane in China to spy for us.

These people are mentally fucking ill. I never in my life felt the need to identify myself by skin color, ethnic heritage, sexual preference and mental illness to all who meet me.

Introductions used to go like this, "Hi, I'm Msgt lonegunman and I'm here to unfuck whatever mess you made. Never thought to add, "I'm a white guy who likes pussy on original equipment females and I have an ill disposition and a bit of a temper.
That mentally ill person is perfect for the "lone gunman" anti push:unsure:. Just saying ;) ;) 😁 😁
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I can’t fault you for anything you have said, and in-part and from those perspectives, you most likely are correct. And my experience is very peripheral and compartmentalized, only possessing perspective from the contractor side of things for a specific period of time. I will speak from both personal experience and then provide one example.

I can not tell you how many times I saw pre-action plans (PAP), squashed by staffer-leadership and/or “the authority,” on floor 7 (think senior administration at CIA), due to what seemed to be mostly, if not completely, a concern stemming from political posture, correctness, and care to keep your bosses, who appointed you, pleased and validated - see the issues here with that kind of system?

Think back to 2001, Tora Bora mountains, Afghanistan. The singular reason OBL was not scrubbed at that time, was due to direct orders from higher-level authority than USSCOM and CIA not to green light the hit. EVERY SINGLE TIME the operation forces, made up of recruited Afghan fighters, an ISA unit and members of SAC/SOG, under authority of CIA proposed a PAP, red light status remained. There wasn’t even at one time, yellow light status was approved (think the work-up to action), for any of the numerous PAP’s proposed.

Historians all agree this lack of approval directly and successfully allowed OBL time and ability to escape over the TB mountains into Pakistan. So in this example, how exactly is this any way shape or fashion a failure of CIA - which countless pundits and persons of all backgrounds attribute as “the CIA’s failure to capture or kill OBL, even to this day?” Those orders to disapprove the numerous PAP’s came from above the level of “the authority,” so we’re talking now Pentagon/White House type stuff here…that’s it! Now someone like I and likely you I suspect, will never know WHO, or which GROUP of “who’s,” made those calls, but what we DO KNOW is, where said calls had to come from.

Now I can go on-and-on-and-on with other examples of the exact same constructs of various operations on both the special operations and political action side of things at CIA, falling disaster to “political correctness” and the ROE - the only rule of engagement there should be is hit your target with as little round count, and colateral as possible…that’s it, anything else is a go! (case-in-point, Red Wings - it pains me to this day to think of how the outcome of that op would have most likely been vastly different, if NSW had the legal authority to waste those Taliban-loyalists on that mountain side that day). And yet do we say that Marcus and his brothers, or NSW was somehow incompetent or stupid for what happened up there - of course not! They were only navigating through the constraints of which they were given at levels above them, and NSW. At the end of the day, the impairment of CIA to most successfully perform always comes back to it’s inability to dissociate itself with politics and politicians (both within and outside the agency. When any unit, agency, person, is held to a higher standard than those for whom they oppose, that unity, agency, or person, already starts from much farther place behind the curve. There IS a lot of truth to the fact that the most expeditious way to kill an apex predator, is for you yourself be more violent, ruthless, and outright savage than said predator. You should not only meet their level of violence and action(s) but EXCEED their levels, to stack the odds, so ever in your favor - and that of course is just not (and in my opinion, unfortunately how we as governed-Americans), are allowed to handle business.

Now are there mistakes CIA makes that are solely of their own volition, OF COURSE, CIA is not infallible, as it’s made up of fallible humans, how could it be. Though I can assure you, the majority of men and women, and those who have yet to be decided, lol (perhaps withstanding the one women that caused this entire thread in the first place), truly are an elite and extraordinary group of humans performing an extraordinary mission set.

Perhaps I am too bias, and close to all of this myself to have the mental clarity and objectivity of mind to believe anything else. That most everything can and could be traced back to politicians and political persuasions having caused snafu’s and impediments to those who are trying to do amazingly difficult and challenging work under amazingly difficult and challenging conditions throughout the world. I just can’t get past how much better, for mission success, it would be to be allowed to take a, “just get it done,” approach.

I appreciate having the opportunity to discuss all of this with you, and to hear and learn from your perspective as well. Stay safe out there brotha!


*My statements are mine and mine alone, and in no way represent actual or implied positions of CIA or any other entity other than I*
Crazy how the CIA was led by a appointed communist (Brennan). Fully understanding that is not the norm and there are good people in the CIA but goes to your point that politics has invaded one of our most powerful agencies.
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Crazy how the CIA was led by a appointed communist (Brennan). Fully understanding that is not the norm and there are good people in the CIA but goes to your point that politics has invaded one of our most powerful agencies.
Yes Sir, and though politicians may not be directly giving orders to the agency, sometimes they do, (think op Neptune Spear), I can GUARANTEE YOU their INFLUENCES are in the forefront of the minds of agency leadership, which of course would trickle all the way down to some nobody like myself, or Marcus and his team, and so on. Directly or indirectly, it’s the political winds and persons whom dictate ultimately, the policies we are charged to adhere to, for worse or worse… . .
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So did CIA folks under diplomatic cover at various US embassies, but mainly the one in Cuba, develop psychogenic illnesses because they were being zapped by Soviet mind rays? Or is this a result of taking individuals who already suffer from emotional and psychological damage like the CIA add protagonist and placing them in postings where they are absolutely convinced that they are completely surrounded by hostiles packing 'soviet mind zappers' and there is only limited time and space for 'reality exclusion zones'. Their delusion and paranoia feed off each other. Then, for the first time they hear crickets unlike anything they ever experienced in their gated, manicured, bug-sprayed northern Virginia suburbs and their already fractured mind shatters the rest of the way.:eek:

Considering CIA is the main conductor of mass media narratives, it becomes clear why outfits like the New York Langley Times, the Washington Bezos Post, the CIA News Network and ...........have been going off the rails with their absurd narratives these last several years with Karen being the anonymous official, presstitutes tend to quote.

The video’s protagonist triumphantly proclaims. “to be diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder aka Karen disorder
"Generalized anxiety disorder" is what people who have a poor working relationship with reality tend to suffer from. The anxiety arises from the divergence of what they believe the world to be, from what they perceive about the world . It is a permanent state of cognitive dissonance. The "woke" believe that the cure for this disorder is to create "safe spaces" where exposure to elements of the real world that trigger cognitive dissonance can be banned and canceled.
Goal of the "woke" is to extend these "safe space" aka 'reality exclusion zones' to every corner of US . Naturally, that goal is only attainable within the fantasy spaces of the "woke" reality exclusion zones themselves, and those zones can only exist due to the pity and forbearance of the rest of the population. Currently the ''reality exclusion zones'' only encompass educational establishments, government agencies, and some non-industrial white-collar workplaces .

Anxiety disorde
…or how about

Anal disorder

big thanks for the laugh🤣
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I can’t fault you for anything you have said, and in-part and from those perspectives, you most likely are correct. And my experience is very peripheral and compartmentalized, only possessing perspective from the contractor side of things for a specific period of time. I will speak from both personal experience and then provide a few examples.

I can not tell you how many times I saw pre-action plans (PAP), squashed by staffer-leadership and/or “the authority,” on floor 7 (think senior administration at CIA), due to what seemed to be mostly, if not completely, a concern stemming from political posture, correctness, and care to keep your bosses, who appointed you, pleased and validated - see the issues here with that kind of system?

Think back to 2001, Tora Bora mountains, Afghanistan. The singular reason OBL was not scrubbed at that time, was due to direct orders from higher-level authority than USSCOM and CIA not to green light the hit. EVERY SINGLE TIME the operation forces, made up of recruited Afghan fighters, an ISA unit and members of SAD/SOG, under authority of CIA proposed a PAP, red light status remained. There wasn’t even at one time, yellow light status was approved (think the work-up to action), for any of the numerous PAP’s proposed.

Historians all agree the lack of action taken by the agency, directly due to this lack of approval from someone above their level of authority we will discuss here in a moment, actionably and successfully allowed OBL the time and ability to escape over the TB mountains into Pakistan. So in this example, how exactly is this any way shape or fashion a failure of CIA - which countless pundits and persons of all backgrounds attribute as “the CIA’s failure to capture or kill OBL, even to this day?” Those orders to disapprove the numerous PAP’s came from above the level of “the authority,” so we’re talking now Pentagon/White House type stuff here…that’s it! Now someone like I and likely you I suspect, will never know WHO, or which GROUP of “who’s,” made those calls, but what we DO KNOW is, where said calls had to have come from.

Now I can go on-and-on-and-on with other examples of the exact same constructs of various operations on both the special operations and political action side of things at CIA, falling disaster to “political correctness” and the ROE - the only rule of engagement there should be is hit your target with as little round count, and colateral as possible…that’s it, anything else is a go! (case-in-point, Red Wings - it pains me to this day to think of how the outcome of that op would have most likely been vastly different, if NSW had the legal authority to waste those Taliban-loyalists on that mountain side that day). And yet do we say that Marcus and his brothers, or NSW was somehow incompetent or stupid for what happened up there - of course not! They were only navigating through the constraints of which they were given at levels above them, and NSW. At the end of the day, the impairment of CIA to most successfully perform, always comes back to it’s inability to dissociate itself with politics and politicians (both from within and outside the agency). When any unit, agency, person, is held to a higher standard than those for whom they oppose, that unity, agency, or person, already starts from much farther place behind the curve. There IS a lot of truth to the fact that the most expeditious way to kill an apex predator, is for you yourself be more violent, ruthless, and outright savage than said predator. You should not only meet their level of violence and action(s) but EXCEED their levels, to stack the odds, so ever in your favor - and that of course is just not (and in my opinion, unfortunately how we as governed-Americans), are allowed to handle business.

Now are there mistakes CIA makes that are solely of their own volition, OF COURSE, CIA is not infallible, as it’s made up of fallible humans, how could it be. Though I can assure you, the majority of men and women, and those who have yet to be decided, lol (perhaps withstanding the one unfortunate women who caused this entire thread in the first place), truly are an elite and extraordinary group of humans performing an extraordinary mission set.

Perhaps I am too bias, and close to all of this myself to have the mental clarity and objectivity of mind to believe anything else. That most everything can and could be distilled back to politicians and political persuasions having caused snafu’s and impediments to those who are trying to do amazingly difficult and challenging work under amazingly difficult and challenging conditions throughout the world. I just can’t get past how much better, for mission success, it would be to be allowed to take a, “just get it done,” approach.

I appreciate having the opportunity to discuss all of this with you, and to hear and learn from your perspective as well. Stay safe out there brotha!


*My statements are mine and mine alone, and in no way represent actual or implied positions of CIA or any other entity other than I.
I appreciate your experience and the perspective you've presented. I don't mean this response to be disrespectful (to you), it is not my intention. At times our paychecks (you and I) may have come from different payrolls, but let's say that we have several objects in common: people, places and things. As you expressed very well - an organization filled with bright and motivated individuals can still be tragically ineffective. Some organizations can not help but fail because they are led by the risk averse, politically-focused and ultimately self serving. These pathetic leaders (in name and position only) at many levels and organizations - which in a whole of government strategy only succeed in utilizing the brave, the committed and the strength of those who pledged their lives in defense of our nation. Ever wonder why the CIA relies on (predominantly former DoD) contractors or seconded active duty JSOC operators? How often did you see the blue badges do the risky, dirty work? It's no wonder they fall short, summed up by their own inflated self-worth, cowardice and/or lack of commitment to anything but themselves. It really should be no surprise to anyone, those on op neptune spear called Geronimo less than 100 miles from where they broke contact with him over ten years before. Thank you for your service to this nation.
I appreciate your experience and the perspective you've presented. I don't mean this response to be disrespectful (to you), it is not my intention. At times our paychecks (you and I) may have come from different payrolls, but let's say that we have several objects in common: people, places and things. As you expressed very well - an organization filled with bright and motivated individuals can still be tragically ineffective. Some organizations can not help but fail because they are led by the risk averse, politically-focused and ultimately self serving. These pathetic leaders (in name and position only) at many levels and organizations - which in a whole of government strategy only succeed in utilizing the brave, the committed and the strength of those who pledged their lives in defense of our nation. Ever wonder why the CIA relies on (predominantly former DoD) contractors or seconded active duty JSOC operators? How often did you see the blue badges do the risky, dirty work? It's no wonder they fall short, summed up by their own inflated self-worth, cowardice and/or lack of commitment to anything but themselves. It really should be no surprise to anyone, those on op neptune spear called Geronimo less than 100 miles from where they broke contact with him over ten years before. Thank you for your service to this nation.
No disrespect taken brotha, and you are most welcome. I really do value and respect your opinion and perspective. It truly has been a pleasure getting to discuss these topics with you, and like I mentioned in the beginning, I have learned from you, so thank you for allowing me the opportunity to do so.

I’m so very impressed with this entire group, who are clearly well-educated, thoughtful, articulate, and just all around good-to-go dudes. Perhaps it’s because at heart, we are all the same, just a bunch of percision long rifle guys and gals, who love our country and those who serve it in any way. Be it as a military member, private or government contractor, LEO, or even a civilian member, who supports the actions of those other groups.

Stay safe out there, and I hope to see you again within the posts of the internet world of ‘Sniper’s Hide.’

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The linked CIA video is just one installment in a running series called “Humans of the CIA,”

'Another “Humans of the CIA” video features a man narrating his Journey™ with the following quote: “Growing up gay in a small Southern town, I was lucky to have a wonderful and accepting family. I always struggled with the idea that I might not be able to discuss my personal life at work. Imagine my surprise when I was taking my oath at CIA, and I noticed a rainbow on then-director Brennan’s lanyard.”

“Inclusion is a core value here,” the man who Grew Up Gay continues. “Officers from the top down work hard to ensure that every single person — whatever their gender, gender identity, race, disability, or sexual orientation — can bring their entire self to work every day.”

Though it’s possible that the CIA marketing department’s zeal to adopt this lingo intensified with the onset of a new Democratic administration, the PR scheme appears to have predated the inauguration of Joe Biden. On January 4, 2021, a video was posted in which another unnamed agent touts his experience as a “chief of corporate strategy and education for diversity and inclusion” as wonderful preparation for a career in the CIA. '

The prominent appearance of Brennan in those vids just indicates the org is no longer an institution of the Constitutional Republic.

It is a part of the DNC Communist Party.
I had to look this shit up. Cisgender just means you identify as the gender you were born. Doesn't mean you're straight.

Intersectionality is a framework for conceptualizing a person, group of people, or social problem as affected by a number of discriminations and disadvantages. It takes into account people's overlapping identities and experiences in order to understand the complexity of prejudices they face.

I should mention once the US collapses and the idiots get their socialism, all of this shit won't matter. They will either to busy trying to figure out were their next meal is coming from or will kill themselves to escape the hell they created. Thus leaving us to pick up the pieces.

Communists dont put up with this shit.

They dont allow "identities"

You will put on your gray Mao suit and become the interchangeable cog in the Machine.

Eli Whitney for humanity.

The state is all that will matter.

Any pain you feel will be your fault because you did not work hard enough to reach the goals of the state.

Any joy you get will be attributed to the state because it created the apparatus to provide you joy.....its evidence communism works.

This shit is only tolerated in otherwise free countries that the commies intend to destroy by creating division, doubt, anarchy and a path with no compass heading or destination in mind.
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Communists dont put up with this shit.

They dont allow "identities"

You will put on your gray Mao suit and become the interchangeable cog in the Machine.

Eli Whitney for humanity.

The state is all that will matter.

Any pain you feel will be your fault because you did not work hard enough to reach the goals of the state.

Any joy you get will be attributed to the state because it created the apparatus to provide you joy.....its evidence communism works.

This shit is only tolerated in otherwise free countries that the commies intend to destroy by creating division, doubt, anarchy and a path with no compass heading or destination in mind.
Oh, there is a destination in mind:

Sorry, your sentiments contravene reality and current events. Some of the articles seem to have forgotten eight years of Obama Administration wherein honest to God communists, from the bottom to the top, were put in place at all levels of government. These are America haters who cannot take the oath without 100% lying. These are people who are not being figurative when they say they want to "completely transform America". Yet some of you act as if: A. This did not happen. B. There are no long term impacts of hollowing out leadership, and eliminating any real patriots in the ranks.

Honestly, @Chihuahuauno post burns me the fuck up!!! To pretend that these organizations are what they were 20 years ago is to be completely divorced from reality, and to simply ignore everything that has gone on and continues to go on at these "secret" organizations that are now more focused on attacking Americans than anything else. We are literally watching out government become 100% totalitarian and ideologically communist before our eyes, and there is nothing more deadly than denialists who want to pretend it isn't happening; and publicly at that.

When an admitted socialists/communist is elected President of the United States (through nothing short of campaign fraud and lying), and appoints an admitted socialist/communist to be head of the CIA, you think these agencies are the real deal, patriotic, cold-warrior, defenders of our Constitution and America? Fuck you are naïve. This is willful ignorance.

A guy I know quit the FBI about five years ago. He was born of conservative, Indian, immigrant parents who pushed him to excel in school, and he was recruited out of college into the FBI where he rose quickly being a minority hire, and having the seas plowed for him. He worked in the target rich environment of political corruption, and when he quit he said that the FBI and DOJ together were so corrupted by politics and that they had become nothing but an arm of the DNC. People who they had the goods on were untouchable, to anyone outside of their politics became a target even if they were squeaky clean. He has never talked about specifics (and never will), but he said that despite his bright future he had to quit, because as he rose higher he was expected to be part of that machine. One he believes is totally corrupt.

Rotten from the head to the tail. Anyone serving the three letter secret police is consciously making a decision to betray their oath and actively work against the limited, liberal government contemplated in our Founding Documents. You cannot serve political interests and take the oath. Our three letter agencies are full of people for whom professionalism and honor aren't even a consideration. Everything is political, and the group think and near total.

That you honestly believe there are still good people serving is a joke. Anyone left now who has an ounce of honor is just keeping their head down and trying to get to 20 and maybe their last GSxx.

The ship is already over the waterfall. There is no reforming it. Our government HAS ALREADY been turned against us. It's 2021 not 1985. Wake the fuck up.
Sorry, your sentiments contravene reality and current events. Some of the articles seem to have forgotten eight years of Obama Administration wherein honest to God communists, from the bottom to the top, were put in place at all levels of government. These are America haters who cannot take the oath without 100% lying. These are people who are not being figurative when they say they want to "completely transform America". Yet some of you act as if: A. This did not happen. B. There are no long term impacts of hollowing out leadership, and eliminating any real patriots in the ranks.

Honestly, @Chihuahuauno post burns me the fuck up!!! To pretend that these organizations are what they were 20 years ago is to be completely divorced from reality, and to simply ignore everything that has gone on and continues to go on at these "secret" organizations that are now more focused on attacking Americans than anything else. We are literally watching out government become 100% totalitarian and ideologically communist before our eyes, and there is nothing more deadly than denialists who want to pretend it isn't happening; and publicly at that.

When an admitted socialists/communist is elected President of the United States (through nothing short of campaign fraud and lying), and appoints an admitted socialist/communist to be head of the CIA, you think these agencies are the real deal, patriotic, cold-warrior, defenders of our Constitution and America? Fuck you are naïve. This is willful ignorance.

A guy I know quit the FBI about five years ago. He was born of conservative, Indian, immigrant parents who pushed him to excel in school, and he was recruited out of college into the FBI where he rose quickly being a minority hire, and having the seas plowed for him. He worked in the target rich environment of political corruption, and when he quit he said that the FBI and DOJ together were so corrupted by politics and that they had become nothing but an arm of the DNC. People who they had the goods on were untouchable, to anyone outside of their politics became a target even if they were squeaky clean. He has never talked about specifics (and never will), but he said that despite his bright future he had to quit, because as he rose higher he was expected to be part of that machine. One he believes is totally corrupt.

Rotten from the head to the tail. Anyone serving the three letter secret police is consciously making a decision to betray their oath and actively work against the limited, liberal government contemplated in our Founding Documents. You cannot serve political interests and take the oath. Our three letter agencies are full of people for whom professionalism and honor aren't even a consideration. Everything is political, and the group think and near total.

That you honestly believe there are still good people serving is a joke. Anyone left now who has an ounce of honor is just keeping their head down and trying to get to 20 and maybe their last GSxx.

The ship is already over the waterfall. There is no reforming it. Our government HAS ALREADY been turned against us. It's 2021 not 1985. Wake the fuck up.
I respect your right to free speech, and can see truth in the general thesis you discuss, however I am saddened by your need to lower yourself to the level you have, by using vulgarity and personally attacking me within a public forum; I take great offense to your mischaracterizations of myself and my service within. For someone who most likely never served within CIA, to be so sure of yourself, and to denegarte someone who did, and the great people that came before, and after, some nobody like I, there really isn’t anything I can say, to someone so clearly poisoned by confabulatory ideas orthogonal, to actual truth and reality.

Please try to be better next time, or I feel most would simply prefer you keep your hate to yourself…I know I would.

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Sorry, your sentiments contravene reality and current events. Some of the articles seem to have forgotten eight years of Obama Administration wherein honest to God communists, from the bottom to the top, were put in place at all levels of government. These are America haters who cannot take the oath without 100% lying. These are people who are not being figurative when they say they want to "completely transform America". Yet some of you act as if: A. This did not happen. B. There are no long term impacts of hollowing out leadership, and eliminating any real patriots in the ranks.

Honestly, @Chihuahuauno post burns me the fuck up!!! To pretend that these organizations are what they were 20 years ago is to be completely divorced from reality, and to simply ignore everything that has gone on and continues to go on at these "secret" organizations that are now more focused on attacking Americans than anything else. We are literally watching out government become 100% totalitarian and ideologically communist before our eyes, and there is nothing more deadly than denialists who want to pretend it isn't happening; and publicly at that.

When an admitted socialists/communist is elected President of the United States (through nothing short of campaign fraud and lying), and appoints an admitted socialist/communist to be head of the CIA, you think these agencies are the real deal, patriotic, cold-warrior, defenders of our Constitution and America? Fuck you are naïve. This is willful ignorance.

A guy I know quit the FBI about five years ago. He was born of conservative, Indian, immigrant parents who pushed him to excel in school, and he was recruited out of college into the FBI where he rose quickly being a minority hire, and having the seas plowed for him. He worked in the target rich environment of political corruption, and when he quit he said that the FBI and DOJ together were so corrupted by politics and that they had become nothing but an arm of the DNC. People who they had the goods on were untouchable, to anyone outside of their politics became a target even if they were squeaky clean. He has never talked about specifics (and never will), but he said that despite his bright future he had to quit, because as he rose higher he was expected to be part of that machine. One he believes is totally corrupt.

Rotten from the head to the tail. Anyone serving the three letter secret police is consciously making a decision to betray their oath and actively work against the limited, liberal government contemplated in our Founding Documents. You cannot serve political interests and take the oath. Our three letter agencies are full of people for whom professionalism and honor aren't even a consideration. Everything is political, and the group think and near total.

That you honestly believe there are still good people serving is a joke. Anyone left now who has an ounce of honor is just keeping their head down and trying to get to 20 and maybe their last GSxx.

The ship is already over the waterfall. There is no reforming it. Our government HAS ALREADY been turned against us. It's 2021 not 1985. Wake the fuck up.

Hate to say it but events seem to support your post.
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Hate to say it but events seem to support your post.
Just remember friend, events are like statistics, they can be perceived and viewed from many various points of perspective. Selecting certain ideas and “cherry picking” others to fit a particular narrative, as some have just done within this thread, with no actual experience within the bodies they are outwardly criticizing, can be a misleading venture.

Just remember friend, events are like statistics, they can be perceived and viewed from many various points of perspective. Selecting certain ideas and “cherry picking” others to fit a particular narrative, as some have just done within this thread, with no actual experience within the bodies they are outwardly criticizing, can be a misleading venture.


I look at a variety of sources.

We see information and reports that appear damning yet nothing gets done.

Brennans "hatred" and anger has been on display, throw in the FBI emails, Horowitz' report........

Despite this information being passed through a filter friendly to the Pre Trump Presidency its still damning and indicates a very sick politicization of agencies that are required to be apolitical.

Sure its naive to believe politics is not part of each individuals perspective but the events since "Fast and Furious", Lois Lerner, FISA abuse just really indicate a government that works for itself at the peril of the People.

Now CIA is supposed to involve itself OCONUS only...if they are advising the administration regards the news coming out regards Iran talks I begin to wonder "Whos side are they on?"

Likely there are 75 million plus that feel the same way.

If this is a "misconception" to that many than CIA needs a PR program.

I want to believe your version......the facts keep getting in the way.
I look at a variety of sources.

We see information and reports that appear damning yet nothing gets done.

Brennans "hatred" and anger has been on display, throw in the FBI emails, Horowitz' report........

Despite this information being passed through a filter friendly to the Pre Trump Presidency its still damning and indicates a very sick politicization of agencies that are required to be apolitical.

Sure its naive to believe politics is not part of each individuals perspective but the events since "Fast and Furious", Lois Lerner, FISA abuse just really indicate a government that works for itself at the peril of the People.

Now CIA is supposed to involve itself OCONUS only...if they are advising the administration regards the news coming out regards Iran talks I begin to wonder "Whos side are they on?"

Likely there are 75 million plus that feel the same way.

If this is a "misconception" to that many than CIA needs a PR program.

I want to believe your version......the facts keep getting in the way.
I can’t argue with your sentiments Gunny. I think what makes this all so confusing and difficult to parse, is I am looking at this from the lens of the paramilitary perspective. There is of course an administration perspective, a staffer perspective, and I’m sure we could further define and break down sub-categories of the entire agency’s perspective.

Being such a small peg amongst a TON of large and numerous holes, I can’t begin to fully understand all of the complexities there must be. I just know and believe with all of my heart, soul, and being, in my small little piece of it all, in that world, we were squared away, and good to go! ALWAYS having the best interest of the American people and it’s allies in mind, whenever conducting operations to support, uphold and defend the constitution of the United States of America.

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Sorry, your sentiments contravene reality and current events. Some of the articles seem to have forgotten eight years of Obama Administration wherein honest to God communists, from the bottom to the top, were put in place at all levels of government. These are America haters who cannot take the oath without 100% lying. These are people who are not being figurative when they say they want to "completely transform America". Yet some of you act as if: A. This did not happen. B. There are no long term impacts of hollowing out leadership, and eliminating any real patriots in the ranks.

Honestly, @Chihuahuauno post burns me the fuck up!!! To pretend that these organizations are what they were 20 years ago is to be completely divorced from reality, and to simply ignore everything that has gone on and continues to go on at these "secret" organizations that are now more focused on attacking Americans than anything else. We are literally watching out government become 100% totalitarian and ideologically communist before our eyes, and there is nothing more deadly than denialists who want to pretend it isn't happening; and publicly at that.

When an admitted socialists/communist is elected President of the United States (through nothing short of campaign fraud and lying), and appoints an admitted socialist/communist to be head of the CIA, you think these agencies are the real deal, patriotic, cold-warrior, defenders of our Constitution and America? Fuck you are naïve. This is willful ignorance.

A guy I know quit the FBI about five years ago. He was born of conservative, Indian, immigrant parents who pushed him to excel in school, and he was recruited out of college into the FBI where he rose quickly being a minority hire, and having the seas plowed for him. He worked in the target rich environment of political corruption, and when he quit he said that the FBI and DOJ together were so corrupted by politics and that they had become nothing but an arm of the DNC. People who they had the goods on were untouchable, to anyone outside of their politics became a target even if they were squeaky clean. He has never talked about specifics (and never will), but he said that despite his bright future he had to quit, because as he rose higher he was expected to be part of that machine. One he believes is totally corrupt.

Rotten from the head to the tail. Anyone serving the three letter secret police is consciously making a decision to betray their oath and actively work against the limited, liberal government contemplated in our Founding Documents. You cannot serve political interests and take the oath. Our three letter agencies are full of people for whom professionalism and honor aren't even a consideration. Everything is political, and the group think and near total.

That you honestly believe there are still good people serving is a joke. Anyone left now who has an ounce of honor is just keeping their head down and trying to get to 20 and maybe their last GSxx.

The ship is already over the waterfall. There is no reforming it. Our government HAS ALREADY been turned against us. It's 2021 not 1985. Wake the fuck up.
After just being educated by a moderator on what is allowed within this site, I only have two words for you Sir…

I was once a true believer and put my money where my mouth was. I have lost faith in the government almost completely, but never in the ideas and ideals on which it was founded. I've stayed true to my oath while the Federal Government as become utterly corrupted beyond repair. I hope that you are able to keep your faith, but for me it no longer jibes with reality.
I can’t argue with your sentiments Gunny. I think what makes this all so confusing and difficult to parse, is I am looking at this from the lens of the paramilitary perspective. There is of course an administration perspective, a staffer perspective, and I’m sure we could further define and break down sub-categories of the entire agency’s perspective.

Being such a small peg amongst a TON of large and numerous holes, I can’t begin to fully understand all of the complexities there must be. I just know and believe with all of my heart, soul, and being, in my small little piece of it all, in that world, we were squared away, and good to go! ALWAYS having the best interest of the American people and it’s allies in mind, whenever conducting operations to support, uphold and defend the constitution of the United States of America.


At the paramilitary level I would not expect much to do there with policy.

"Theirs is not to reason why......."

The sucky part at that level though is the Patriots will be hung out to dry. (no ryhme intended)

Need I look any further than Sept 11, 2012?

PS I am not a Gunny, unsure how those ranks are applied. Probably means I spend too much time on the net.
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As proof things are fucked up......

Anyone else besides me feel uncomfortable in these conversations lately? Like maybe Im not free to enjoy 1A?
At the paramilitary level I would not expect much to do there with policy.

"Theirs is not to reason why......."

The sucky part at that level though is the Patriots will be hung out to dry. (no ryhme intended)

Need I look any further than Sept 11, 2012?

PS I am not a Gunny, unsure how those ranks are applied. Probably means I spend too much time on the net.
Amen🙏🏼 brotha, Amen…and that I have seen, far too often, even with myself, and my own injuries sustained. On a personal note, it took me just over 1 1/2 years, to get the definitive care I required, following an on-the-job injury (read in: being shot twice). I JUST had surgery yesterday, and am finally recovering. Though why did it take just over 1 1/2 years for me to start the road of recover and healing?! Though all of that fails in comparison to those who give the ultimate, as your referenced, in 2012.

And thanks for the education on the identification-system within the site. And I’ll still call you “Gunny,” if you don’t mind, lol.

All my best,
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Communists dont put up with this shit.

They dont allow "identities"

You will put on your gray Mao suit and become the interchangeable cog in the Machine.

Eli Whitney for humanity.

The state is all that will matter.

Any pain you feel will be your fault because you did not work hard enough to reach the goals of the state.

Any joy you get will be attributed to the state because it created the apparatus to provide you joy.....its evidence communism works.

This shit is only tolerated in otherwise free countries that the commies intend to destroy by creating division, doubt, anarchy and a path with no compass heading or destination in mind.
All I want to know is how many vouchers will we get for hammer and sickle vodka
As with anything involved in a government bureaucracy,

"Always assume incompetence before looking for conspiracy." ~ Niccolo Machiavelli

The guys/gals on the ground do the best with what they have been given, this was evidenced in Iraq, Afghanistan by our military. I am betting the same applies to many other agencies, and as politics has turned being in any agency as a conservative with the witch hunts and demonization of conservativism and Constitutionalists it is getting tougher.

Just my .02
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Yes, the government is corrupt. It is led by the corrupt, makes laws, policy decisions to benefit the corrupt both in government and business. That said there are over a million government civilians in the apparatus at DoD alone. It is absurd to think that every government employee, civilian contractor or service member is corrupt.

By all means express your opinion, we all do want to hear it. I think most of us think things are off the rails in many aspects of our government. Please be aware if you have strong opinions that sweep large sections that indict rank and file workers of the government, it is prudent to have personal experience in large sections of the government.

I do shake my head however, when I read arguments that start with -"I know a guy at the FBI..."

Sometimes I wish could bring myself to share some personal experiences that I've had in my 45 years of service. It was never encouraged and often it can be self aggrandizing. For this discussion, some context though - it might be instructional to those without that level of insight. Let me consider this a little.
There are lots of good people in bad organizations and totalitarian governments. The ones that spoke German come to mind in the age of woketardness, Antifa, and “Anti-racism”. I believe we are fast approaching that “Time for choosing” that Reagan talked about.

I served with plenty of great guys who I am close to to this day. None of us would have ever turned ou guns on the American people, or become tools for one political party, period. You don’t have a lock on service, informed opinions, or morality.

I painted with a broad brush, and it’s easy to refute specifics, but none of these crimes continue and non-criminals get attacked without a machinery in place, and without people willing to ignore injustice, betray their oaths, and blindly follow orders.

If you know how these agencies function so intimately how can you only blame it on the leadership?

Maybe you are still certain who the “good guys” are. I am not. Where do you draw the line? Once you accept some injustice and some corruption, where does it stop?
Rhetorical question. It doesn’t. It hasn’t, and it gets worse everyday.

Appearently no one stands up and says stop. Appearently there’s no such thing as an unlawful order even when the head of the FBI directly lies to The President. Maybe some perspective is just as important as your GS rating
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I respect your right to free speech, and can see truth in the general thesis you discuss, however I am saddened by your need to lower yourself to the level you have, by using vulgarity and personally attacking me within a public forum; I take great offense to your mischaracterizations of myself and my service within.

After just being educated by a moderator on what is allowed within this site, I only have two words for you Sir…

Well.. .that coin flipped pretty quick.
There are lots of good people in bad organizations and totalitarian governments. The ones that spoke German come to mind in the age of woketardness, Antifa, and “Anti-racism”. I believe we are fast approaching that “Time for choosing” that Reagan talked about.

I served with plenty of great guys who I am close to to this day. None of us would have ever turned ou guns on the American people, or become tools for one political party, period. You don’t have a lock on service, informed opinions, or morality.

I painted with a broad brush, and it’s easy to refute specifics, but none of these crimes continue and non-criminals get attacked without a machinery in place, and without people willing to ignore injustice, betray their oaths, and blindly follow orders.

If you know how these agencies function so intimately how can you only blame it on the leadership?

Maybe you are still certain who the “good guys” are. I am not. Where do you draw the line? Once you accept some injustice and some corruption, where does it stop?
Rhetorical question. It doesn’t. It hasn’t, and it gets worse everyday.

Appearently no one stands up and says stop. Appearently there’s no such thing as an unlawful order even when the head of the FBI directly lies to The President. Maybe some perspective is just as important as your GS rating
I'm not defending wokeness or gender fluidity. Neither am I supporting virtue signaling of any sort, my colleagues weren't individuals - we were teammates. My point which was completely overlooked was that we didn't have these woke issues because we didn't bring our opinions to work. Anyone who did, usually found themselves in a wall to wall counseling session behind the barracks.

BTW, a Presidential appointee lying to the President is far from a novel occurrence in our history from Washington himself to Trump and hasn't yet spelled the doom of our nation. I'm not condoning this behavior, I'm simply stating that it in and of itself is usually not grounds for scraping the republic. It is completely disingenuous to infer that anyone in the US Military is or planning to turn their weapons on US Citizens. Rumors of "soldiers overheard" or "responding to surveys" are simply that - rumors.

If you served for any time in the military or other aspect of the government you've likely served under various Presidents, some you may personally agree with and some you maybe vehemently disagree with. The job (I paraphrase) is follow the directives and orders of the President and those civilians appointed (National Command Authority) in order to support and defend the Constitution. Yes, orders must be legal, lawfully given. However, you must comply with orders whether or not you are ideologically predisposed to agree with them. Not talking about the unlawful use of the military against the US citizenry.

Lastly, I am no fan of the CIA. I made the statement earlier in this thread that I believe the Agency was the source of perpetually bad intelligence. Personally I believe they should be disbanded. There are reasons for this - some I expressed, some I did not. I also worked very extensively with the FBI, I've also had my issues with them - mostly as a result of careerists in leadership. I felt were risk adverse. However, they do exist to make prosecutions, which are much more complicated endeavors than the usual military or intelligence operation.
Sorry, your sentiments contravene reality and current events. Some of the articles seem to have forgotten eight years of Obama Administration wherein honest to God communists, from the bottom to the top, were put in place at all levels of government. These are America haters who cannot take the oath without 100% lying. These are people who are not being figurative when they say they want to "completely transform America". Yet some of you act as if: A. This did not happen. B. There are no long term impacts of hollowing out leadership, and eliminating any real patriots in the ranks.

Honestly, @Chihuahuauno post burns me the fuck up!!! To pretend that these organizations are what they were 20 years ago is to be completely divorced from reality, and to simply ignore everything that has gone on and continues to go on at these "secret" organizations that are now more focused on attacking Americans than anything else. We are literally watching out government become 100% totalitarian and ideologically communist before our eyes, and there is nothing more deadly than denialists who want to pretend it isn't happening; and publicly at that.

When an admitted socialists/communist is elected President of the United States (through nothing short of campaign fraud and lying), and appoints an admitted socialist/communist to be head of the CIA, you think these agencies are the real deal, patriotic, cold-warrior, defenders of our Constitution and America? Fuck you are naïve. This is willful ignorance.

A guy I know quit the FBI about five years ago. He was born of conservative, Indian, immigrant parents who pushed him to excel in school, and he was recruited out of college into the FBI where he rose quickly being a minority hire, and having the seas plowed for him. He worked in the target rich environment of political corruption, and when he quit he said that the FBI and DOJ together were so corrupted by politics and that they had become nothing but an arm of the DNC. People who they had the goods on were untouchable, to anyone outside of their politics became a target even if they were squeaky clean. He has never talked about specifics (and never will), but he said that despite his bright future he had to quit, because as he rose higher he was expected to be part of that machine. One he believes is totally corrupt.

Rotten from the head to the tail. Anyone serving the three letter secret police is consciously making a decision to betray their oath and actively work against the limited, liberal government contemplated in our Founding Documents. You cannot serve political interests and take the oath. Our three letter agencies are full of people for whom professionalism and honor aren't even a consideration. Everything is political, and the group think and near total.

That you honestly believe there are still good people serving is a joke. Anyone left now who has an ounce of honor is just keeping their head down and trying to get to 20 and maybe their last GSxx.

The ship is already over the waterfall. There is no reforming it. Our government HAS ALREADY been turned against us. It's 2021 not 1985. Wake the fuck up.
I agree with everything you said. The whole damn system is rotten. For the guys that keep bringing up that there are good guys inside this rotten corrupt anti-American system we have, I don’t know what else to tell you other than if these people want to actually serve their country for the better they should find something else to do. Anything is better than empowering the state.

Many guys like myself see two opposing forces. The govt and all its people and everyone else. I believe this is where we are and the contrast will only be more defined as time goes by.
I agree with everything you said. The whole damn system is rotten. For the guys that keep bringing up that there are good guys inside this rotten corrupt anti-American system we have, I don’t know what else to tell you other than if these people want to actually serve their country for the better they should find something else to do. Anything is better than empowering the state.

Many guys like myself see two opposing forces. The govt and all its people and everyone else. I believe this is where we are and the contrast will only be more defined as time goes by.
The government is comprised of the people. While the government and its policies are a problem, the people that vote for crappy politicians, policies are a bigger problem. I see a lot of our problem resulting from a 2 party (gotta maintain the status quo) system.

Not all the governmental systems are corrupt/rotten and especially not so at particular levels. To say they all are is disingenuous imo.
I would say this isn't all black and white, there is grey like with everything else and there are a lot of people who hold that Oath of Office very dearly. Just saying
The government is comprised of the people. While the government and its policies are a problem, the people that vote for crappy politicians, policies are a bigger problem. I see a lot of our problem resulting from a 2 party (gotta maintain the status quo) system.

Not all the governmental systems are corrupt/rotten and especially not so at particular levels. To say they all are is disingenuous imo.
I would say this isn't all black and white, there is grey like with everything else and there are a lot of people who hold that Oath of Office very dearly. Just saying
I understand your point. Here is the closest analogy I can think of to express my thoughts. I’m not a military man but many are. There are what most people would consider good people on both sides of a war along with what would be consider bad. When in battle does a soldier attempt to distinguish between the two?

Many Americans view their govt as dangerous to life and liberty and rightfully so. 2020 alone proved that this govt absolutely is dangerous and evil. This covid scam and police over reach changed my whole perspective regarding govt and the police. To many people the “war” is fast approaching and everyone will have to pick a side in one way or another. Only one side will be wearing a uniform. It won’t be my side.
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I understand your point. Here is the closest analogy I can think of to express my thoughts. I’m not a military man but many are. There are what most people would consider good people on both sides of a war along with what would be consider bad. When in battle does a soldier attempt to distinguish between the two?

Many Americans view their govt as dangerous to life and liberty and rightfully so. 2020 alone proved that this govt absolutely is dangerous and evil. This covid scam and police over reach changed my whole perspective regarding govt and the police. To many people the “war” is fast approaching and everyone will have to pick a side in one way or another. Only one side will be wearing a uniform. It won’t be my side.
Yes, a soldier does. I can't say all do but in my experiences all my guys did. I can't tell you how many times I stopped guys with AK's and questioned them. Most of the time it was some hired security guys or a neighborhood watch, we checked ID's and made sure they put on a uniform. Could I have shot them and gotten away with it? Probably. Would it have been the right thing to do? No.

We don't always get it right. But, we try to do the right thing and the best we can with what we are given.

I think the common denominator is that nobody wants to be the "bad guy"! Everybody wants to be the hero. Where the challenge is, is who is good and who is bad when you have a strong propaganda machine and that goes both ways. How do you beat the propaganda machine?

America was built to question and oppose big government. It is only the right thing and fully supports freedom.
But, people these days seem to need uncle sugar and look what we have. It is as though people are afraid to live their lives and need someone to tell them what to do and how to think? Dependa's is the term the military uses but fits for the gov and leaches imo https://seasonedspouse.com/might-get-called-dependa/
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Yes, a soldier does. I can't say all do but in my experiences all my guys did. I can't tell you how many times I stopped guys with AK's and questioned them. Most of the time it was some hired security guys or a neighborhood watch, we checked ID's and made sure they put on a uniform. Could I have shot them and gotten away with it? Probably. Would it have been the right thing to do? No.

We don't always get it right. But, we try to do the right thing and the best we can with what we are given.

I think the common denominator is that nobody wants to be the "bad guy"! Everybody wants to be the hero. Where the challenge is, is who is good and who is bad when you have a strong propaganda machine and that goes both ways. How do you beat the propaganda machine?

America was built to question and oppose big government. It is only the right thing and fully supports freedom.
But, people these days seem to need uncle sugar and look what we have. It is as though people are afraid to live their lives and need someone to tell them what to do and how to think? Dependa's is the term the military uses but fits for the gov and leaches imo https://seasonedspouse.com/might-get-called-dependa/
I was referring to the opposing soldiers in my example and not the non combatants. Some if not most may be good people. Doesn’t matter.

I think we are in more agreement than disagreement. Any difference would just be our perspective on how far from the point of no return this country is. I will check out your link.
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Did I read correctly (English is not my first 3 languages, lol) that you were shot 2 years ago while on ParaMil side of the CIA house?

If you are able to include the part you read

Did I read correctly (English is not my first 3 languages, lol) that you were shot 2 years ago while on ParaMil side of the CIA house?

Hi there ‘Theis,’ so I hope all is well with you and yours.

Where exactly did you read whatever led you to believe I was, “shot 2 years ago while on ParaMil side of the CIA house?” Understanding what exactly you are referring to, would allow for me to better answer your question, under any constraints I may still be required to adhere to.

I only bring this up, because I was shot, twice actually, though I don’t ever remember disclosing that, or furthermore, exactly when that occurred (which was longer than 2-years ago), especially on such a public forum like this.


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If you are able to include the part you read

Hi there ‘Theis,’ so I hope all is well with you and yours.

Where exactly did you read whatever led you to believe I was, “shot 2 years ago while on ParaMil side of the CIA house?” Understanding what exactly you are referring to, would allow for me to better answer your question, under any constraints I may still be required to adhere to.

I only bring this up, because I was shot, twice actually, though I don’t ever remember disclosing that, or furthermore, exactly when that occurred (which was longer than 2-years ago), especially on such a public forum like this.


Go to your post #77
Where exactly did you read whatever led you to believe I was, “shot 2 years ago while on ParaMil side of the CIA house?” Understanding what exactly you are referring to, would allow for me to better answer your question, under any constraints I may still be required to adhere to.

I only bring this up, because I was shot, twice actually, though I don’t ever remember disclosing that, or furthermore, exactly when that occurred (which was longer than 2-years ago), especially on such a public forum like this.



I take great offense to your mischaracterizations of myself and my service within. For someone who most likely never served within CIA, to be so sure of yourself, and to denegarte someone who did, and the great people that came before, and after, some nobody like I,

I think what makes this all so confusing and difficult to parse, is I am looking at this from the lens of the paramilitary perspective. There is of course an administration perspective, a staffer perspective, and I’m sure we could further define and break down sub-categories of the entire agency’s perspective.

Being such a small peg amongst a TON of large and numerous holes, I can’t begin to fully understand all of the complexities there must be. I just know and believe with all of my heart, soul, and being, in my small little piece of it all, in that world, we were squared away, and good to go!

On a personal note, it took me just over 1 1/2 years, to get the definitive care I required, following an on-the-job injury (read in: being shot twice). I JUST had surgery yesterday, and am finally recovering.


I read your various posts and added 1+1 to come up with the logical 2.

Your latest post contradicts your other posts.

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Speaking of woke ads, one of my other forums is talking about the sad state of defence recruitment ads.

Here is a US army ad that I'm sure a lot of you have seen:

And here is the latest Australian defence recruiting video 🤮

It's no wonder that recruitment numbers are down while they create woke ads instead of pushing for more quality recruits with the China rising issue in the near future.