Wolf Precision's Shooting School- July is finished


Wolf Precision, Inc.
Full Member
Jul 17, 2007
July 22, 23 and 24 of 2011 - Class added and open for registration.

Class size is limited to 10. Classes will be held at Gander Mountain in Johnstown, Pa and range time on private ground with Shooting up to 1000 yards. This is a precision shooting class covering many subjects listed on our website. Class room in the morning, lunch is provided and range time in the afternoon.

Law Enforcement Agencies that need any references from other Officers and Police Snipers who have taken the course please call.

For more details visit our site @ www.WolfPrecision.net or call 814-262-7994


Jamie Dodson
Wolf Precision
AI Stocks and Accessories

Re: Wolf Precision Shooting School - July class added!

7 slots left for the July class. Rifles available to run during the class if you do not have one set up yet. See our website for details www.WolfPrecision.net . LEO and Military recieve 10% off.



Jamie Dodson
Wolf Precision
AI Stocks and Accessories
Re: Wolf Precision Shooting School - July class added!

Jamie missed you in PA this past weekend. Thought you were going.
Re: Wolf Precision Shooting School - July class added!

Hi Rob,
I wish I could have but the mouse at Disney was busy draining my checkbook : )
Took the family to Disney on vaction that week but I do plan on trying to be at the next one. Also keeping an eye out for other matches.

Hope all is well,

Re: Wolf Precision Shooting School - July class added!

July class is finished and had a great time with eveyone. The new firing line and shelter really helped with the heat and thanks to the land owner Adam for a little improvised shooting position, this was the first July class we have held and the crops were a little high from one of our firing positions. Congrats to everyone in the class, you guys shot great with the switchy windy conditions. Congatulations Tim who has just returned from Afghanistan for taking the Top Gun hat - good shooting.







Jamie Dodson
Wolf Precision
AI Stocks and Accessories
Re: Wolf Precision Shooting School - July class added!

Thanks for the class, I had a great time. I'm glad my broken semi was able to keep up. Hope to see you again, might have to get one of those fancy bolt guns from you.

Re: Wolf Precision Shooting School - July class added!

Hi Frank and welcome to the Hide. I would love to have you running one of my rifles but to be truthful you shot that M1A like a champ to 1000. I was impressed with both you and the rifle.

You'll really like the Hide, a lot of good info and shooters. If you get a chance you should try to go to a couple matches, they are a blast. Keep in touch and great shooting.

Take care,


Jamie Dodson
Wolf Precision
AI Stocks and Accessories
Re: Wolf Precision Shooting School - July class added!

Thanks for the opportunity to take this class. It was a great experience and learning tool.
Re: Wolf Precision Shooting School - July class added!

Your welcome Tim and thank you for taking the time and effort to attend. I hope you were able to take some things away from the class that you will be able to use.

Enjoy your time with your famiy and friends and great shooting for the hat with your .260

Take care,


Jamie Dodson
Wolf Precision
AI Stocks and Accessories
Re: Wolf Precision Shooting School - July class added!

wish I could have made this one Jamie! looks like a blast shootin off the hay wagons. hopefully I can make the next one. see you at Reade
Re: Wolf Precision Shooting School - July class added!

08Cayenne, yes it was quite a drive - and my wife is happy to have me back!

I'd love to do it again, probably next year or so.

Regarding the sticker - I've a couple of larger ones (same picture, but not glued to the cardboard - you'd have to do that yourself
). If you want one - PM me. <span style="font-style: italic">And take a look at these at the 8th Air Force museum. Somewhat different but also nice.</span>